Esempio n. 1
* CTextRun::Split *
*	Description:  
*		Splits up a TextRun so that this text run now ends at lFirstEnd
*       and the second text run begins at lSecondBegin.
*       "This" will now be a shorter range (it will end sooner),
*       and *ppTextRun will point to the new text run 
*       (space will be allocated here for *ppTextRun) 
*       to be inserted in the list.
* 	Return:
*		S_OK 
*       Return value of ITextDocument::Range()
HRESULT CTextRun::Split( long *plFirstEnd, long *plSecondBegin, 
                        ITextDocument *cpTextDoc,
                        CTextRun **ppTextRun )
    if ( !plFirstEnd || !plSecondBegin || !cpTextDoc || !ppTextRun )
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    _ASSERTE( m_cpTextRange );
    if ( !m_cpTextRange )
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // These values won't be changing, since this run has no associated
    // RecoResult. 
    // We can chop this block right at these positions.
    long lFirstEnd = *plFirstEnd;
    long lSecondBegin = *plSecondBegin;

    if ( !WithinRange( lFirstEnd ) || (lFirstEnd > lSecondBegin) )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if ( (GetStart() == lSecondBegin) || (GetEnd() == lFirstEnd) || (lSecondBegin > GetEnd()) )
        // Don't need to do anything, since we are asking for both of the 
        // cuts to be made on already-existing TextRun boundaries
        *ppTextRun = NULL;
        return S_OK;

    *ppTextRun = new CTextRun();
    if ( !(*ppTextRun) )
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    // The latter range will start at lSecondBegin and end where "this" ended
    long lEnd = GetEnd();
    CComPtr<ITextRange> pLatterRange;
    HRESULT hr = cpTextDoc->Range( lSecondBegin, lEnd, &pLatterRange );
    if ( FAILED( hr ) )
        return hr;
    (*ppTextRun)->SetTextRange( pLatterRange );

    // Adjust the end of "this"'s range; it will end at lFirstEnd
    m_cpTextRange->SetEnd( lFirstEnd );

    return S_OK;

} /* CTextRun::Split */
Esempio n. 2
* CTextRun::HowManySpacesAfter *
*	Description:  
*       Returns the number of spaces that would need to precede text
*       if text were to be inserted at position lPos.
*       This number is in the out param puiSpaces.
*       For a text run this value will always be zero, since 
*       typed text has no "display attributes"
*   Return:
*       S_OK
*       E_POINTER
*       E_INVALIDARG if lPos is out of range
HRESULT CTextRun::HowManySpacesAfter( const long lPos, UINT *puiSpaces )
    if ( !puiSpaces )
        return E_POINTER;
    if ( !WithinRange( lPos ) )
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    *puiSpaces = 0;

    return S_OK;
}   /* CTextRun::HowManySpacesAfter */
Esempio n. 3
* CTextRun::IsConsumeLeadingSpaces *
*	Description:  
*       Sets *pfConsumeLeadingSpaces to true iff leading spaces before
*       lPos would need to be consumed.
*       For a text run this value will always be false, since 
*       typed text has no "display attributes"
*   Return:
*       S_OK
*       E_POINTER
*       E_INVALIDARG if lPos is out of range
HRESULT CTextRun::IsConsumeLeadingSpaces( const long lPos, 
                                     bool *pfConsumeLeadingSpaces )
    if ( !pfConsumeLeadingSpaces )
        return E_POINTER;
    if ( !WithinRange( lPos ) )
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    *pfConsumeLeadingSpaces = false;

    return S_OK;
}   /* CTextRun::IsConsumeLeadingSpaces */
Esempio n. 4
void psShadowManager::UpdateShadows()
    if (!shadowsEnabled)

    const csPDelArray<GEMClientObject>& entities = psengine->GetCelClient()->GetEntities();
    size_t len = entities.GetSize();
    for (size_t a=0; a<len; ++a)
        if (!WithinRange(entities[a]))
        else if(entities[a]->HasShadow())
Esempio n. 5
void psShadowManager::CreateShadow(GEMClientObject * object)
    if (!shadowsEnabled)

    if (!object)

    // don't create one if the object already has a shadow
    if (object->GetShadow())

    csRef<iMeshWrapper> mesh = object->GetMesh();
    if (!mesh || !mesh->GetMeshObject())

    if (!WithinRange(object))

    // calculate a suitable size for this shadow
    const csBox3& boundBox = object->GetBBox();
    float scale = (boundBox.Max(0) + boundBox.Max(2)) * 0.75f;
    if (scale < 0.35f)
        scale = 0.35f;

    psEffectManager* effectMgr = psengine->GetEffectManager();

    // Create the effect
    unsigned int id = effectMgr->RenderEffect("shadow", csVector3(0,0,0), mesh);
    psEffect* effect = effectMgr->FindEffect(id);
    if (!effect)

    effect->SetScaling(scale, 1.0f);
Esempio n. 6
* CTextRun::Speak() *
*	Description:  
*       Uses *plStart and *plEnd to find the nearest start and 
*       endpoints for speaking (to the nearest word).
*       Returns these values in plStart and plEnd.
*		Speaks the text associated with this CTextRun from *plStart 
*       to *plEnd.  
*       If *plStart is not within the range, then 
*       start at the beginning.  If lEnd is not within range, then
*       end at the end.  
* 	Return:
*       S_OK
*       E_POINTER
*		Return value of CTextRun::Speak()
HRESULT CTextRun::Speak( ISpVoice &rVoice, 
                               long *plStart,
                               long *plEnd )
    if ( !plStart || !plEnd )
        return E_POINTER;
    _ASSERTE( m_cpTextRange );
    if ( !m_cpTextRange )
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Save the old range
    long lOldStart = GetStart();
    long lOldEnd = GetEnd();

    // Out of range start or end means we start speaking from the start
    // or end (resp.) of the text range.
    if ( WithinRange( *plStart ) )
        // The start needs to be moved
        SetStart( *plStart );
        *plStart = GetStart();

    if ( WithinRange( *plEnd ) )
        // The end needs to be moved
        SetEnd( *plEnd );
        *plEnd = GetEnd();

    // Expand to include whole words
    m_cpTextRange->Expand( tomWord, NULL );

    // Get the new start and end so that we can pass them back
    m_cpTextRange->GetStart( plStart );
    m_cpTextRange->GetEnd( plEnd );

    // We should never speak past the end of this run, even if expanding to include
    // whole words caused extra text to be included 
    // (e.g. if you typed "This is a sentence" and dictated some text that 
    // consumed leading spaces right afterwards)
    *plStart = __max( *plStart, lOldStart );
    *plEnd = __min( *plEnd, lOldEnd );
    SetStart( *plStart );
    SetEnd( *plEnd );

    // Pass to the CTextRun::Speak() that speaks an entire run
    HRESULT hr = Speak( rVoice );

    // Restore the old range limits
    SetStart( lOldStart );
    SetEnd( lOldEnd );

    return hr;
}   /* CTextRun::Speak */