// Purpose: 
// Output : 
void CNPC_RollerDozer::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask )
	switch( pTask->iTask )
		if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWaitFinished )
			m_hDebris = NULL;
			m_flTimeDebrisSearch = gpGlobals->curtime;
		else if( m_hDebris != NULL )
			float yaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( m_hDebris->GetLocalOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin() );
			Vector vecRight, vecForward;

			AngleVectors( QAngle( 0, yaw, 0 ), &vecForward, &vecRight, NULL );

			//Stop pushing if I'm going to push this object sideways or back towards the center of the cleanup area.
			Vector vecCleanupDir = m_hDebris->GetLocalOrigin() - m_vecCleanupPoint;
			VectorNormalize( vecCleanupDir );
			if( DotProduct( vecForward, vecCleanupDir ) < -0.5 )
				// HACKHACK !!!HACKHACK - right now forcing an unstick. Do this better (sjb)

				// Clear the debris, suspend the search for debris, trick base class into unsticking me.
				m_hDebris = NULL;
				m_flTimeDebrisSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 4;
				m_iFail = 10;
				TaskFail("Pushing Wrong Way");

			m_RollerController.m_vecAngular = WorldToLocalRotation( SetupMatrixAngles(GetLocalAngles()), vecRight, ROLLERDOZER_FORWARD_SPEED * 2 );
			TaskFail("No debris!!");


		BaseClass::RunTask( pTask );
Esempio n. 2
IMotionEvent::simresult_e CGravControllerPoint::Simulate( IPhysicsMotionController *pController, IPhysicsObject *pObject, float deltaTime, Vector &linear, AngularImpulse &angular )
	Vector vel;
	AngularImpulse angVel;

	float fracRemainingSimTime = 1.0;
	if ( m_timeToArrive > 0 )
		fracRemainingSimTime *= deltaTime / m_timeToArrive;
		if ( fracRemainingSimTime > 1 )
			fracRemainingSimTime = 1;
	m_timeToArrive -= deltaTime;
	if ( m_timeToArrive < 0 )
		m_timeToArrive = 0;

	float invDeltaTime = (1.0f / deltaTime);
	Vector world;
	pObject->LocalToWorld( &world, m_localPosition );
	m_worldPosition = world;
	pObject->GetVelocity( &vel, &angVel );
	//pObject->GetVelocityAtPoint( world, &vel );
	float damping = 1.0;
	world += vel * deltaTime * damping;
	Vector delta = (m_targetPosition - world) * fracRemainingSimTime * invDeltaTime;
	Vector alignDir;
	linear = vec3_origin;
	angular = vec3_origin;

	if ( m_align )
		QAngle angles;
		Vector origin;
		Vector axis;
		AngularImpulse torque;

		pObject->GetShadowPosition( &origin, &angles );
		// align local normal to target normal
		VMatrix tmp = SetupMatrixOrgAngles( origin, angles );
		Vector worldNormal = tmp.VMul3x3( m_localAlignNormal );
		axis = CrossProduct( worldNormal, m_targetAlignNormal );
		float trig = VectorNormalize(axis);
		float alignRotation = RAD2DEG(asin(trig));
		axis *= alignRotation;
		if ( alignRotation < 10 )
			float dot = DotProduct( worldNormal, m_targetAlignNormal );
			// probably 180 degrees off
			if ( dot < 0 )
				if ( worldNormal.x < 0.5 )
				alignRotation = 10;
		// Solve for the rotation around the target normal (at the local align pos) that will 
		// move the grabbed spot to the destination.
		Vector worldRotCenter = tmp.VMul4x3( m_localAlignPosition );
		Vector rotSrc = world - worldRotCenter;
		Vector rotDest = m_targetPosition - worldRotCenter;

		// Get a basis in the plane perpendicular to m_targetAlignNormal
		Vector srcN = rotSrc;
		VectorNormalize( srcN );
		Vector tangent = CrossProduct( srcN, m_targetAlignNormal );
		float len = VectorNormalize( tangent );

		// needs at least ~5 degrees, or forget rotation (0.08 ~= sin(5))
		if ( len > 0.08 )
			Vector binormal = CrossProduct( m_targetAlignNormal, tangent );

			// Now project the src & dest positions into that plane
			Vector planeSrc( DotProduct( rotSrc, tangent ), DotProduct( rotSrc, binormal ), 0 );
			Vector planeDest( DotProduct( rotDest, tangent ), DotProduct( rotDest, binormal ), 0 );

			float rotRadius = VectorNormalize( planeSrc );
			float destRadius = VectorNormalize( planeDest );
			if ( rotRadius > 0.1 )
				if ( destRadius < rotRadius )
					destRadius = rotRadius;
				//float ratio = rotRadius / destRadius;
				float angleSrc = atan2( planeSrc.y, planeSrc.x );
				float angleDest = atan2( planeDest.y, planeDest.x );
				float angleDiff = angleDest - angleSrc;
				angleDiff = RAD2DEG(angleDiff);
				axis += m_targetAlignNormal * angleDiff;
				//world = m_targetPosition;// + rotDest * (1-ratio);
//				NDebugOverlay::Line( worldRotCenter, worldRotCenter-m_targetAlignNormal*50, 255, 0, 0, false, 0.1 );
//				NDebugOverlay::Line( worldRotCenter, worldRotCenter+tangent*50, 0, 255, 0, false, 0.1 );
//				NDebugOverlay::Line( worldRotCenter, worldRotCenter+binormal*50, 0, 0, 255, false, 0.1 );

		torque = WorldToLocalRotation( tmp, axis, 1 );
		torque *= fracRemainingSimTime * invDeltaTime;
		torque -= angVel * 1.0;	 // damping
		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			if ( torque[i] > 0 )
				if ( torque[i] > m_maxAngularAcceleration[i] )
					torque[i] = m_maxAngularAcceleration[i];
				if ( torque[i] < -m_maxAngularAcceleration[i] )
					torque[i] = -m_maxAngularAcceleration[i];
		torque *= invDeltaTime;
		angular += torque;
		// Calculate an acceleration that pulls the object toward the constraint
		// When you're out of alignment, don't pull very hard
		float factor = fabsf(alignRotation);
		if ( factor < 5 )
			factor = clamp( factor, 0, 5 ) * (1/5);
			alignDir = m_targetAlignPosition - worldRotCenter;
			// Limit movement to the part along m_targetAlignNormal if worldRotCenter is on the backside of 
			// of the target plane (one inch epsilon)!
			float planeForward = DotProduct( alignDir, m_targetAlignNormal );
			if ( planeForward > 1 )
				alignDir = m_targetAlignNormal * planeForward;
			Vector accel = alignDir * invDeltaTime * fracRemainingSimTime * (1-factor) * 0.20 * invDeltaTime;
			float mag = accel.Length();
			if ( mag > m_maxAcceleration )
				accel *= (m_maxAcceleration/mag);
			linear += accel;
		linear -= vel*damping*invDeltaTime;
		// UNDONE: Factor in the change in worldRotCenter due to applied torque!
		// clamp future velocity to max speed
		Vector nextVel = delta + vel;
		float nextSpeed = nextVel.Length();
		if ( nextSpeed > m_maxVel )
			nextVel *= (m_maxVel / nextSpeed);
			delta = nextVel - vel;

		delta *= invDeltaTime;

		float linearAccel = delta.Length();
		if ( linearAccel > m_maxAcceleration )
			delta *= m_maxAcceleration / linearAccel;

		Vector accel;
		AngularImpulse angAccel;
		pObject->CalculateForceOffset( delta, world, &accel, &angAccel );
		linear += accel;
		angular += angAccel;
void CNPC_Roller::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask )
	switch( pTask->iTask )
			float yaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( m_vecUnstickDirection );

			Vector vecRight;
			AngleVectors( QAngle( 0, yaw, 0 ), NULL, &vecRight, NULL );
			m_RollerController.m_vecAngular = WorldToLocalRotation( SetupMatrixAngles(GetLocalAngles()), vecRight, m_flForwardSpeed );
		if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWaitFinished )

			Vector vecVelocity;

			VPhysicsGetObject()->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, NULL );

			if( VPhysicsGetObject()->IsAsleep() )


		// Start turning early
		if( (GetLocalOrigin() - GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos() ).Length() <= 64 )
			if( GetNavigator()->CurWaypointIsGoal() )
				// Hit the brakes a bit.
				float yaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos() - GetLocalOrigin() );
				Vector vecRight;
				AngleVectors( QAngle( 0, yaw, 0 ), NULL, &vecRight, NULL );

				m_RollerController.m_vecAngular += WorldToLocalRotation( SetupMatrixAngles(GetLocalAngles()), vecRight, -m_flForwardSpeed * 5 );



			float yaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos() - GetLocalOrigin() );

			Vector vecRight;
			Vector vecToPath; // points at the path
			AngleVectors( QAngle( 0, yaw, 0 ), &vecToPath, &vecRight, NULL );

			// figure out if the roller is turning. If so, cut the throttle a little.
			float flDot;
			Vector vecVelocity;
			VPhysicsGetObject()->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, NULL );

			VectorNormalize( vecVelocity );

			vecVelocity.z = 0;

			flDot = DotProduct( vecVelocity, vecToPath );

			m_RollerController.m_vecAngular = vec3_origin;

			if( flDot > 0.25 && flDot < 0.7 )
				// Feed a little torque backwards into the axis perpendicular to the velocity.
				// This will help get rid of momentum that would otherwise make us overshoot our goal.
				Vector vecCompensate;

				vecCompensate.x = vecVelocity.y;
				vecCompensate.y = -vecVelocity.x;
				vecCompensate.z = 0;

				m_RollerController.m_vecAngular = WorldToLocalRotation( SetupMatrixAngles(GetLocalAngles()), vecCompensate, m_flForwardSpeed * -0.75 );

			m_RollerController.m_vecAngular += WorldToLocalRotation( SetupMatrixAngles(GetLocalAngles()), vecRight, m_flForwardSpeed );

		if( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flWaitFinished )
			if( m_iCodeProgress == ROLLER_CODE_DIGITS )
				m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->curtime + ROLLER_TONE_TIME;
				CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
				EmitSound( filter, entindex(), CHAN_BODY, pCodeSounds[ m_iAccessCode[ m_iCodeProgress ] ], 1.0, ATTN_NORM );

		BaseClass::RunTask( pTask );