int test_outputfunc() { LOG *g = NULL ; g = CreateLogHandle() ; if( g == NULL ) { printf( "创建日志句柄失败errno[%d]\n" , errno ); return -1; } else { printf( "创建日志句柄成功\n" ); } SetLogOutput( g , LOG_OUTPUT_CALLBACK , "" , & MyOpenLogFirst , NULL , & MyWriteLog , NULL , NULL , & MyCloseLogFinally ); SetLogLevel( g , LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); SetLogStyles( g , LOG_STYLES_LOG , LOG_NO_STYLEFUNC ); WriteDebugLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" ); WriteInfoLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" ); WriteWarnLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" ); WriteErrorLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" ); WriteFatalLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" ); DestroyLogHandle( g ); printf( "销毁日志句柄\n" ); return 0; }
/** * Loads a vertex or fragment shader. * Loads either a vertex or fragment shader and tries to compile it. * \param ShaderDesc - name of the file containing the shader * \param Type - either GL_VERTEX_SHADER or GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER * \param src - defines the source of the shader. Can be either GLSLPROGRAM_DISK or GLSLPROGRAM_STRING. * \return a handle to the compiled shader if successful, 0 otherwise * \warning uses glGetError() * \author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jens Schneider</a> * \date Mar.2005 * \see GLSLPROGRAM_SOURCE */ GLuint GLSLProgram::LoadShader(const char *ShaderDesc, GLenum Type, GLSLPROGRAM_SOURCE src) { // assert right type assert(Type==GL_VERTEX_SHADER || Type==GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); CheckGLError(); unsigned long lFileSize; char *pcShader; FILE *fptr; // Load and compile vertex shader switch(src) { case GLSLPROGRAM_DISK: fptr=fopen(ShaderDesc,"rb"); if (!fptr) { T_ERROR("File %s not found!",ShaderDesc); return 0; } if (fseek(fptr,0,SEEK_END)) { fclose(fptr); T_ERROR("Error reading file %s.",ShaderDesc); return 0; } lFileSize=ftell(fptr)/sizeof(char); fseek(fptr,0,SEEK_SET); pcShader=new char[lFileSize+1]; pcShader[lFileSize]='\0'; if (lFileSize!=fread(pcShader,sizeof(char),lFileSize,fptr)) { fclose(fptr); delete[] pcShader; T_ERROR("Error reading file %s.",ShaderDesc); return 0; } fclose(fptr); break; case GLSLPROGRAM_STRING: pcShader=(char*)ShaderDesc; lFileSize=long(strlen(pcShader)); break; default: T_ERROR("Unknown source"); return 0; break; } GLuint hShader = 0; bool bError=false; if (m_bGLUseARB) { hShader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(Type); glShaderSourceARB(hShader,1,(const GLchar**)&pcShader,NULL); // upload null-terminated shader glCompileShaderARB(hShader); // Check for errors if (CheckGLError("LoadProgram()")) { glDeleteObjectARB(hShader); bError =true; } } else { hShader = glCreateShader(Type); glShaderSource(hShader,1,(const char**)&pcShader,NULL); // upload null-terminated shader glCompileShader(hShader); // Check for compile status GLint iCompiled; glGetShaderiv(hShader,GL_COMPILE_STATUS,&iCompiled); // Check for errors if (WriteInfoLog(ShaderDesc, hShader,false)) { glDeleteShader(hShader); bError=true; } if (CheckGLError("LoadProgram()") || iCompiled!=GLint(GL_TRUE)) { glDeleteShader(hShader); bError=true; } } if (pcShader!=ShaderDesc) delete[] pcShader; if (bError) return 0; return hShader; }
/** * Loads vertex and fragment shader from disk/memory. * Loads any combination of vertex and fragment shader from disk or from a memory position. * Generates error/information messages to stdout during loading. * If nor successful the handle of the shader will be set to 0. * \param VSFile - name of the file containing the vertex shader * \param FSFile - name of the file containing the fragment shader * \param src - selects the source of vertex and fragment shader. Can be either GLSLPROGRAM_DISK or GLSLPROGRAM_STRING * \return void * \warning Uses glGetError() * \author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jens Schneider</a> * \date Aug.2004 * \see GLSLPROGRAM_SOURCE */ void GLSLProgram::Load(const char *VSFile, const char *FSFile, GLSLPROGRAM_SOURCE src) { CheckGLError(); // load GLuint hVS=0; GLuint hFS=0; bool bVSSuccess=true; // fixed function pipeline is always working if (VSFile!=NULL) { hVS=LoadShader(VSFile,GL_VERTEX_SHADER,src); if(hVS != 0) { m_sVS = std::string(VSFile); // record program source } else { bVSSuccess=false; if (src==GLSLPROGRAM_DISK) { T_ERROR("ERROR IN: %s", VSFile); } else { T_ERROR("---------- ERROR -----------"); int iPos=0; int iLine=1; char chLine[32]; char *chVerbose=new char[strlen(VSFile)+1]; memcpy(chVerbose,VSFile,strlen(VSFile)+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i<strlen(VSFile); i++) { if (chVerbose[i]=='\n') { chVerbose[i]='\0'; sprintf(chLine,"(%.4i) ",iLine++); T_ERROR("Load %s %s", chLine, &chVerbose[iPos]); iPos=i+1; } } delete[] chVerbose; } } } bool bFSSuccess=true; // fixed function pipeline is always working if (FSFile!=NULL) { hFS=LoadShader(FSFile,GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,src); if(hVS != 0) { m_sFS = std::string(FSFile); // record program source } else { bFSSuccess=false; if (src==GLSLPROGRAM_DISK) { T_ERROR( "Error in fragment shader: %s", FSFile); } else { T_ERROR("---------- ERROR -----------"); int iPos=0; int iLine=1; char chLine[32]; char *chVerbose=new char[strlen(FSFile)+1]; memcpy(chVerbose,FSFile,strlen(FSFile)+1); for (unsigned int i=0; i<strlen(FSFile); i++) { if (chVerbose[i]=='\n') { chVerbose[i]='\0'; sprintf(chLine,"(%.4i) ",iLine++); T_ERROR( "Load %s %s",chLine, &chVerbose[iPos]); iPos=i+1; } } delete[] chVerbose; } } } if (m_bGLUseARB) { // attach to shader program m_hProgram=glCreateProgramObjectARB(); if (hVS) glAttachObjectARB(m_hProgram,hVS); if (hFS) glAttachObjectARB(m_hProgram,hFS); // link the program together if (bVSSuccess && bFSSuccess) { glLinkProgramARB(m_hProgram); // check for errors GLint iLinked; glGetObjectParameterivARB(m_hProgram,GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB,&iLinked); WriteError(m_hProgram); // delete temporary objects if (hVS) glDeleteObjectARB(hVS); if (hFS) glDeleteObjectARB(hFS); if (CheckGLError("Load()") || !iLinked) { glDeleteObjectARB(m_hProgram); m_bInitialized=false; return; } else { m_bInitialized=true; } } else { if (hVS) glDeleteObjectARB(hVS); if (hFS) glDeleteObjectARB(hFS); glDeleteObjectARB(m_hProgram); m_hProgram=0; m_bInitialized=false; if (!bVSSuccess && !bFSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in vertex and fragment shaders"); else if (!bVSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in vertex shader"); else if (!bFSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in fragment shader"); } } else { // attach to program object m_hProgram=glCreateProgram(); if (hVS) glAttachShader(m_hProgram,hVS); if (hFS) glAttachShader(m_hProgram,hFS); // link the program together if (bVSSuccess && bFSSuccess) { glLinkProgram(m_hProgram); // check for errors GLint iLinked; glGetProgramiv(m_hProgram,GL_LINK_STATUS,&iLinked); std::string fileDesc = std::string("VS: ") + std::string(VSFile) + std::string(", FS:") + std::string(FSFile); WriteInfoLog(fileDesc.c_str(), m_hProgram, true); // flag shaders such that they can be deleted when they get detached if (hVS) glDeleteShader(hVS); if (hFS) glDeleteShader(hFS); if (CheckGLError("Load()") || iLinked!=GLint(GL_TRUE)) { glDeleteProgram(m_hProgram); m_hProgram=0; m_bInitialized=false; return; } else { m_bInitialized=true; } } else { if (hVS) glDeleteShader(hVS); if (hFS) glDeleteShader(hFS); glDeleteProgram(m_hProgram); m_hProgram=0; m_bInitialized=false; if (!bVSSuccess && !bFSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in vertex and fragment shaders"); else if (!bVSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in vertex shader"); else if (!bFSSuccess) T_ERROR("Error in fragment shader"); } } }