Esempio n. 1
		const void *pBuffer:待发送的缓冲区
		unsigned int &nBytes:缓冲区的长度
		int timeout: 超时的毫秒数(1秒=1000毫秒)
		int flags:标志
		unsigned int &nBytes:返回已发送的字节数
int CBaseSocket::SendN(unsigned int &nwrite, const void *pBuffer, unsigned int nBytes,int timeout /*= -1*/, int flags /*= 0*/)
    if(m_iSocket < 0)
        return -1;
    nwrite = 0;
    if(timeout < 0)
        return WriteN(nwrite, pBuffer, nBytes);

    struct timeval start;
    struct timezone tz;
    gettimeofday(&start, &tz);
    unsigned int left = nBytes;
    int n = 0;
    char *ptr = (char *)pBuffer;
        n = WaitWrite(timeout);
        if(n < 0)	//error
            return n;
        n = send(m_iSocket, ptr, left, flags);
        if( n < 0)
            if(errno == EINTR)
            return n;
        if(n == 0)
            return 0;
        left -= n;
        ptr += n;
        nwrite += n;
        if(left <= 0)

        timeout -= DiffMillSec(start);
        if(timeout <= 0)	//timeout
            return -2;
    return nwrite;
Esempio n. 2
bool CRemoteControl::SendPacket(CIrssMessage& message)
  int iSize = 0;
  char* bytes = message.ToBytes(iSize);
  char buffer[4];
  uint32_t len = htonl(iSize);
  memcpy(&buffer[0], &len, 4);
  bool bResult = WriteN(&buffer[0], 4);
  if (bResult)
    bResult = WriteN(bytes, iSize);
  delete[] bytes;
  if (!bResult)
    return false;
  return true;
Esempio n. 3
int main(){
        void WriteX(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteMX1(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteR(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteRO(ofstream&);
	void WriteP(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteA(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteL(unsigned,ofstream&);
	void WriteN(ofstream&);
	void WriteB(unsigned,ofstream&);
	unsigned dimension;
	string file;
	ofstream sfile;
	cout<<"This file is used to write the connections of the nodes in the .mx file"<<endl;
	cout<<"Give one of the dimensions of the MX1 matrix"<<endl;
	cout<<"Cool thanks"<<endl;
	cout<<"Please give a file name "<<endl;
	file = file + ".mx";,ios::app);
		cerr<<"this file '"<<file<<"' does not exist in the form of .mx"<<endl;
		return false;
		cout<<"file "<<file<<" is k"<<endl;
		cout<<"On to the processing!!!"<<endl;
		//sfile<<"END CONNECTIONS"<<endl;
		sfile<<"END CONNECTIONS"<<endl;
	cout<<"File closed. TERMINATING....."<<endl;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/* Handle client request */
void * HandleRequest(void *args) {
  char str[BUFSIZE];
  TSocket cliSock;

  /* Extract socket file descriptor from argument */
  cliSock = ((struct TArgs *) args) -> cliSock;
  free(args);  /* deallocate memory for argument */

  for(;;) {
    /* Receive the request */
    if (ReadLine(cliSock, str, BUFSIZE-1) < 0) { 
      ExitWithError("ReadLine() failed"); 
    } else {
    /* Send the response */
    if (WriteN(cliSock, str, strlen(str)) <= 0)  
      { ExitWithError("WriteN() failed"); }  
int write_list_log_buff(char *data_file_name, int row_num, char *errcode, char *error_line) {
    int  ret = 1 ;
    char filename[250];
    char line[500];
    int  linelen = 0;
    int  ltmpfd;

    memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line));
    sprintf(line, "%s,%d,%s,%s\n", data_file_name, row_num, errcode, error_line);
    linelen = strlen(line);
    //printf("llb. linelen:[%d],lnum:[%d], fbuffersize:[%d]\n", linelen, llb.lnum, FBUFFSIZE);
    if ((linelen + llb.lnum) < LLOGBUFFSIZE) {
        strcpy(llb.lbuf + llb.lnum, line);
        llb.lnum += linelen;
        linelen = 0;
    } else {
        if (llb.fd <= 0) {
            //printf("llb. open file again.[%s]\n",llb.ltmpfname);
            llb.fd = open(llb.ltmpfname,  O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);

        if (llb.fd > 0) {
            //printf("llb. write to tmp file.[%d]\n",llb.fd);
            WriteN(llb.fd, llb.lbuf, llb.lnum);
        } else {
            perror("Can't open result file for list log file\n");

        memset(llb.lbuf, '\0', LLOGBUFFSIZE);
        llb.lnum = 0;
        strcpy(llb.lbuf, line);
        llb.lnum += linelen;
        linelen = 0;

    return ret;
int  write_list_log_file() {
    int ret = 0;
    int ltmpfd;
    int lfd;
    int num;

    char buff[300];


    if (llb.lnum > 0) {
        if (llb.fd <= 0) {
            //printf("llb. open file again.[%s]\n",llb.ltmpfname);
            llb.fd = open(llb.ltmpfname,  O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);

        if (llb.fd > 0) {
            WriteN(llb.fd, llb.lbuf, llb.lnum);

            memset(llb.lbuf, '\0', LLOGBUFFSIZE);
            llb.lnum = 0;

            llb.fd = NULL;
        } else {
            perror("Can't open result file for list log file\n");


        memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
        sprintf(buff, "mv %s %s", llb.ltmpfname, llb.lfname);
        printf("llb...buff = [%s]\n", buff);

    return ret;
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  TSocket sock;
  char *servIP;                /* server IP */
  unsigned short servPort;     /* server port */
  char str[100];
  int n;

  if (argc != 3) {
    ExitWithError("Usage: client <remote server IP> <remote server Port>");    

  servIP = argv[1];
  servPort = atoi(argv[2]);

  /* Create a connection */
  sock = ConnectToServer(servIP, servPort);

  for(;;) {
   /* Write msg */
   n = strlen(str);
   str[n] = '\n';
   if (WriteN(sock, str, ++n) <= 0)
     { ExitWithError("WriteN() failed"); }
   if (strncmp(str, "quit", 4) == 0) break;

   /* Receive the response */
   if (ReadLine(sock, str, 99) < 0)
    { ExitWithError("ReadLine() failed");
   } else printf("%s",str);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 8
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const HQuaternion& datum)
    return WriteN(4, (const float*)datum);
Esempio n. 9
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const Float2& datum)
    return WriteN(2, (const float*)datum);
Esempio n. 10
void FinishWriteFile(OStream *file, const Animation::WriteOptions& options, vector<string>& warnings, void *state)
    PrivateData *pd = reinterpret_cast<PrivateData *>(state);

    if(pd == NULL)
        throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(kNullPointerErr);

    POV_LONG stsz_size = 20 + (pd->imagesizes.size() * 4);
    POV_LONG stsc_size = 28;
    POV_LONG stts_size = 32;
    POV_LONG stsd_size = 102;
    POV_LONG stbl_size = 8 + stsd_size + stts_size + stsc_size + stsz_size;
    POV_LONG vmhd_size = 20;
    POV_LONG minf_size = 8 + vmhd_size + stbl_size;
    POV_LONG hdlr_size = 32;
    POV_LONG mdhd_size = 32;
    POV_LONG mdia_size = 8 + mdhd_size + hdlr_size + minf_size;
    POV_LONG tkhd_size = 112;
    POV_LONG trak_size = 8 + tkhd_size + mdia_size;
    POV_LONG mvhd_size = 108;
    POV_LONG moov_size = 8 + mvhd_size + trak_size;

    int duration = pd->frameduration * pd->imagesizes.size();

    // write movie atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'moov', moov_size);

    // write movie header atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'mvhd', mvhd_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // creation time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // modification time
    WriteInt4(file, pd->timescale); // time scale
    WriteInt4(file, duration); // duration
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 16); // preferred playback rate
    WriteInt2(file, 1 << 8); // preferred sound volume
    WriteN(file, 10, 0); // ten reserved bytes
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 16); // matrix a
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix b
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix u
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix c
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 16); // matrix d
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix v
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix tx
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix ty
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 30); // matrix w
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // preview time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // preview duration
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // poster time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // selection time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // selection duration
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // current time
    WriteInt4(file, 2); // next track id (this code uses track 1)

    // write track atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'trak', trak_size);

    // write track header atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'tkhd', tkhd_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // creation time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // modification time
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // track id
    WriteN(file, 4, 0); // four reserved bytes
    WriteInt4(file, duration); // duration
    WriteN(file, 8, 0); // eight reserved bytes
    WriteInt2(file, 1); // layer
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // alternate group
    WriteInt2(file, 1 << 8); // sound volume
    WriteN(file, 2, 0); // two reserved bytes
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 16); // matrix a
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix b
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix u
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix c
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 16); // matrix d
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix v
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix tx
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // matrix ty
    WriteInt4(file, 1 << 30); // matrix w
    WriteInt4(file, pd->width << 16); // track width
    WriteInt4(file, pd->height << 16); // track height

    // write media atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'mdia', mdia_size);

    // write header media atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'mdhd', mdhd_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // creation time
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // modification time
    WriteInt4(file, pd->timescale); // time scale
    WriteInt4(file, duration); // duration
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // language
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // quality

    // write handler atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'hdlr', hdlr_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteType(file, pd->componenttype); // component type
    WriteType(file, 'vide'); // component subtype (this media is video)
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // reserved
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // reserved
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // reserved

    // write media information atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'minf', minf_size);

    // write video media information header atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'vmhd', vmhd_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // graphics mode
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // opcolor red
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // opcolor green
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // opcolor blue

    // write sample table atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'stbl', stbl_size);

    // write sample description atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'stsd', stsd_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // number of entries (this code only needs one entry)
    WriteInt4(file, 86); // description size
    WriteType(file, pd->componenttype); // data format
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // reserved
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // reserved
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // data reference index
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // version
    WriteInt2(file, 0); // revision level
    WriteType(file, 'appl'); // vendor
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // temporal quality
    WriteInt4(file, 512); // spacial quality
    WriteInt2(file, pd->width); // width
    WriteInt2(file, pd->height); // height
    WriteInt4(file, 72 << 16); // horizontal resolution
    WriteInt4(file, 72 << 16); // vertical resolution
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // data size (required to be zero according to Apple documentation)
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // frame count
    WriteN(file, 1, 4); // name (32-byte Pascal string, so first byte is length!)
    WriteType(file, pd->componenttype); // name (continued, uses codec type for simplicity)
    WriteN(file, 27, 0); // name (continued, unused)
    WriteInt2(file, options.bpcc * (3 + (pd->alphachannel ? 1 : 0))); // depth
    WriteInt2(file, -1); // color table id

    // write time-to-sample atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'stts', stts_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // number of entries (this code only needs one entry)
    WriteInt4(file, pd->imagesizes.size()); // sample count
    WriteInt4(file, pd->frameduration); // sample duration

    // write sample-to-chunk atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'stsc', stsc_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // number of entries (this code only needs one entry)
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // first chunk
    WriteInt4(file, pd->imagesizes.size()); // samples per chunk
    WriteInt4(file, 1); // sample description id

    // write sample size atom

    WriteAtomHeader(file, 'stsz', stsz_size);

    WriteInt4(file, 0); // version and flags
    WriteInt4(file, 0); // sample size (all samples have different sizes, so this needs to be zero)
    WriteInt4(file, pd->imagesizes.size()); // number of entries

    for(vector<int>::const_iterator i = pd->imagesizes.begin(); i != pd->imagesizes.end(); i++)
        WriteInt4(file, *i); // sample size entry

    delete pd;
Esempio n. 11
bool OutStream::WriteAggregateN (int numElements, const Float2* data)
    return WriteN(2*numElements, (const float*)data);
Esempio n. 12
bool OutStream::WriteAggregateN (int numElements, const Vector3f* data)
    return WriteN(3*numElements, (const float*)data);
Esempio n. 13
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const Vector3f& datum)
    return WriteN(3, (const float*)datum);
Esempio n. 14
bool OutStream::WriteAggregateN (int numElements, const HQuaternion* data)
    return WriteN(4*numElements, (const float*)data);
Esempio n. 15
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const AVector& datum)
    return WriteN(4, (const float*)datum);
Esempio n. 16
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const HPlane& datum)
    return WriteN(4, (const float*)datum);
Esempio n. 17
bool OutStream::WriteAggregateN (int numElements, const HMatrix* data)
    return WriteN(16*numElements, (const float*)data);
Esempio n. 18
bool OutStream::WriteAggregate (const HMatrix& datum)
    return WriteN(16, (const float*)datum);