long GSkipDevice::WriteSensorDDSMemory(
	unsigned char *pBuf, 
	unsigned long ddsAddr, 
	unsigned long nBytesToWrite,
	long nTimeoutMs /* = 1000 */, 
	bool *pExitFlag /* = NULL */)
	return WriteNonVolatileMemory(false, pBuf, ddsAddr, nBytesToWrite, nTimeoutMs, pExitFlag);
int GUSBDirectTempDevice::WriteSensorDDSMemory(
	unsigned char *pBuf, 
	unsigned int ddsAddr, 
	unsigned int nBytesToWrite,
	int nTimeoutMs /* = 1000 */, 
	bool *pExitFlag /* = NULL */)
	return WriteNonVolatileMemory(true, pBuf, ddsAddr, nBytesToWrite, nTimeoutMs, pExitFlag);
long GSkipDevice::WriteSkipFlashRecord(
	const GSkipFlashMemoryRecord &flashRec, //[i] The numeric fields in this record are stored on Skip
										//in big endian format. This routine converts the numbers from the
										//endian format that is native to the current CPU into big endian
										//before writing them to Skip.
	long nTimeoutMs)
	//Convert numeric fields in flashRec to big endian format.
	GSkipFlashMemoryRecord bigEndianFlashRec = flashRec;

	unsigned char * pLSB;
	unsigned char * pLMidB;
	unsigned char * pMMidB;
	unsigned char * pMSB;
	pMSB = (unsigned char *) &bigEndianFlashRec.vinOffset;
	pLSB = pMSB + 1;
	GUtils::OSConvertShortToBytes(flashRec.vinOffset, pLSB, pMSB);

	pMSB = (unsigned char *) &bigEndianFlashRec.vinLowOffset;
	pLSB = pMSB + 1;
	GUtils::OSConvertShortToBytes(flashRec.vinLowOffset, pLSB, pMSB);

	pMSB = (unsigned char *) &bigEndianFlashRec.vinSlope;
	pMMidB = pMSB + 1;
	pLMidB = pMMidB + 1;
	pLSB = pLMidB + 1;
	GUtils::OSConvertFloatToBytes(flashRec.vinSlope, pLSB, pLMidB, pMMidB, pMSB);

	pMSB = (unsigned char *) &bigEndianFlashRec.vinLowSlope;
	pMMidB = pMSB + 1;
	pLMidB = pMMidB + 1;
	pLSB = pLMidB + 1;
	GUtils::OSConvertFloatToBytes(flashRec.vinLowSlope, pLSB, pLMidB, pMMidB, pMSB);

	long nResult = WriteNonVolatileMemory(true, &bigEndianFlashRec, 0, sizeof(bigEndianFlashRec), nTimeoutMs);

	return nResult;