Esempio n. 1
int ReadSR( void)
    // Check the Serial EEPROM status register
    int i;  
    CSEE = 0;               // select the Serial EEPROM
    WriteSPI2( SEE_RDSR);   // send a READ STATUS COMMAND
    i = WriteSPI2( 0);      // send/receive
    CSEE = 1;               // deselect to terminate command
    return i;
} //ReadSR
Esempio n. 2
void ByteWriteSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char Data )
	DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
	WriteSPI2 ( Add );               // write address byte to EEPROM
	WriteSPI2 ( Data );                 // Write Byte to device
  	DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect device and initiate Write
	SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;		// Transmit started, SPIxTXB is empty

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Esempio n. 3
void WriteEnable( void)
    // send a Write Enable command
    CSEE = 0;               // select the Serial EEPROM
    WriteSPI2( SEE_WEN);    // write enable command
    CSEE = 1;               // deselect to complete the command
Esempio n. 4
void iWriteSEE( long address, int data)
{ // write a 16-bit value starting at an even address

    // wait until any work in progress is completed
    while ( ReadSR() & 0x1);    // check the WIP flag
    // Set the Write Enable Latch
    // perform a 16-bit write sequence (2 byte page write)
    CSEE = 0;                   // select the Serial EEPROM
    WriteSPI2( SEE_WRITE);      // write command
    WriteSPI2( address>>8);     // address MSB first
    WriteSPI2( address & 0xfe); // address LSB (word aligned)
    WriteSPI2( data >>8);       // send msb
    WriteSPI2( data & 0xff);    // send lsb
    CSEE = 1;
Esempio n. 5
int iReadSEE( long address)
{ // read a 16-bit value starting at an even address

    int lsb, msb;

    // wait until any work in progress is completed
    while ( ReadSR() & 0x1);    // check the WIP flag
    // perform a 16-bit read sequence (two byte sequential read)
    CSEE = 0;                   // select the Serial EEPROM
    WriteSPI2( SEE_READ);       // read command
    WriteSPI2( address>>8);     // address MSB first
    WriteSPI2( address & 0xfe); // address LSB (word aligned)
    msb = WriteSPI2( 0);        // send dummy, read msb
    lsb = WriteSPI2( 0);        // send dummy, read lsb
    CSEE = 1;
    return ( (msb<<8)+ lsb);    
Esempio n. 6
void ByteReadSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char *rdptr, unsigned char length )
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2( Add );                // WRITE word address to EEPROM
  getsSPI2( rdptr, length );           // read in multiple bytes
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect Device

  __delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Esempio n. 7
void BurstWriteSPI2(unsigned char Address, unsigned char data0, unsigned char data1, 
                                                   unsigned char data2, unsigned char data3, 
                                                   unsigned char data4, unsigned char data5, 
                                                   unsigned char data6, unsigned char data7)
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2 ( Address );               // write address byte to EEPROM
  WriteSPI2 ( data0 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data1 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data2 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data3 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data4 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data5 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data6 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data7 );                 // Write Byte to device
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                         // Deselect device and initiate Write
  SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)

Esempio n. 8
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _T1Interrupt(void)
    unsigned int *chptr;           // For sending a float value
    unsigned int command;          // For sending commands to Axis Converter
    double gyroXrate, gyroYrate;
    char nRFstatus;
    unsigned char rfCommands[32];            // Commands received from remote
    unsigned char nRFregisters[10];
    int iii;
    long long xSpeedFilterSum = 0;
    long long ySpeedFilterSum = 0;
    // Toggle LED
    _LATA4 = 1;
    /** Read sensors ******************************************************/
    __delay32(1000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny...
    accXangle = ((atan2(accel[0], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[0];
    accYangle = ((atan2(accel[1], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[1];
    gyroXrate = ((double)gyro[0]-(double)GyroOffset[0])/131;
    gyroYrate = -(((double)gyro[1]-(double)GyroOffset[1])/131);

    /** Feedback Loop *****************************************************/
    compAngleX = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleX+(gyroYrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accXangle); // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter
    compAngleY = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleY+(gyroXrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accYangle);
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        iCompAngleY += compAngleY;
        iCompAngleX += compAngleX;
        iCompAngleY = 0.0;
        iCompAngleX = 0.0;
    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroXrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeed = -((compAngleX-sGAIN)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroYrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = xSpeed;
    ySpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = ySpeed;
    for(iii = 0; iii<=SpeedFilterLength;iii++)
        xSpeedFilterSum += xSpeedFilter[iii];
        ySpeedFilterSum += ySpeedFilter[iii];
    xSpeed = (long long)xSpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
    ySpeed = (long long)ySpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
//    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    xSpeed = -((compAngleX)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    if (xSpeed<0)
//        xSpeed = -(xSpeed*xSpeed);
//    else
//        xSpeed = xSpeed*xSpeed;
//    if (ySpeed<0)
//        ySpeed = -(ySpeed*ySpeed);
//    else
//        ySpeed = ySpeed*ySpeed;
    compAngleXlast = compAngleX;
    compAngleYlast = compAngleY;
//    xSpeed = gyroXrate *1000;
//    ySpeed = gyroYrate *1000;

    /** Build command string **********************************************/
    command = 0b1000000000000000;
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        command = command | 0b0100000000000000;
    /* Send data to Axis Controller ***************************************/
    chptr = (unsigned char *) &angle;  // For sending a float value
    CS_Axis = 0;
    /* Command: MSB
     * 15: 0 = NO Speed Values
     * 14: 1 = Enable Stepper Driver
     * 13:
    WriteSPI2(command);                 // Command: MSB
    WriteSPI2(xSpeed);                  // Send x-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(ySpeed);                  // Send y-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(*chptr++);                // Sending first part of float value
    WriteSPI2(*chptr);                // Sending second part of float value
    CS_Axis = 1;

    /** Prepare telemetry *************************************************/
    /**** Telemetry string format for command=0x42 ************************/
    /** command, axh, axl, ayh, ayl, azh, azl, th, tl,             9byte **/
    /** gxh, gxl, gyh, gyl, gzh, gzl, cxh, cxl, cyh, cyl, czh, czl,12byte**/
    /** motorStatus                                                 1byte**/
    /**   --Total 22byte                                                 **/

    serString[16] = xSpeed & 0xFF; // Temporary sending additional telemetry
    serString[15] = xSpeed >> 8;
    serString[18] = ySpeed & 0xFF;
    serString[17] = ySpeed >> 8;
//        serString[18] = iax & 0xFF;
//        serString[17] = iax >> 8;
//        serString[20] = igy & 0xFF;
//        serString[19] = igy >> 8;

    serString[21] = enableSteppers;

    if (SpeedFilterCounter> SpeedFilterLength)
        SpeedFilterCounter = 0;
    /** Receive RF commands if any ********************************************/
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);
    nRFstatus = LDBytePollnRF();
    for(iii=0; iii<10;iii++) // For debug
        nRFregisters[iii] = readnRFbyte(iii);
    if (nRFstatus & 0b01000000)  // Data Ready RX FIFO
    //    _LATB4 = 1;
////        Delay10TCYx(100);
        LDByteReadSPI(0x61, rfCommands, 21);    // Read RX FIFO
        LDByteWriteSPI(0x27 , 0b01000000);        // Clear RX FIFO interrupt bit
        //ByteWriteSPI(0xE2 , 0xFF); //Flush RX FIFO
        if(rfCommands[0] == 0x82)
                enableSteppers = 0;
                buttonState = 0;
                //_LATB4 = 0;
            } else {
                enableSteppers = 1;
                buttonState = 2;
                //_LATB4 = 1;
        } else if (rfCommands[0] == 0x83)
            _LATB4 = 1;
            // Set the received values to variables
            for(iii=1;iii<19;iii += 3){
                    setValueCode[rfCommands[iii]] = (rfCommands[iii+1]<<8) + rfCommands[iii+2];
            pGAIN = setValueCode[1];
            dGAIN = setValueCode[2];
            compFilterGyro = (float)setValueCode[4]/(float)1000;
            compFilterAccel = 1.0 - compFilterGyro;
            iGAIN = (float)setValueCode[3]/100.0;
            //angle = (setValueCode[6]-180)* PI /180.0;
            //SpeedFilterLength = setValueCode[5];
            LDByteWriteI2C(0x00D0, 0x1A, setValueCode[5]); // 0.0 ms and disable FSYNC
            sGAIN = (float)(setValueCode[6]-1000)/100.0;

//        //LATDbits.LATD3 = 0;
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);   //
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x26, 0b00000010);   // Set RC_CH to reset retransmit counter
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE2);            // Flush RX buffer (not during ACK)
    /** Send telemetry ********************************************************/
//    _LATB15 = 0;                        // Set CE low to stop receiving data
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001010);  // Set to send mode
//    __delay32(100);
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00010000);   // clear MAX_RT (max retries)
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE1);            // Flush TX buffer (tx buffer contains last failed transmission)
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
    sendnRFstring( serString, 22);
    /** Set nRF to recive mode ************************************************/
//    __delay32(1000);
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001011); // Set to receive mode
//    _LATB15 = 1;     // Set CE high to start receiving data
    /* Done with interrupt ****************************************************/
    _LATA4 = 0;
    _T1IF = 0;  // Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag

Esempio n. 9
	void DRV_SPI_TxRx(void)

	Transmits and receives SPI bytes

	Transmits and receives N bytes of SPI data.


	pTxBuf - pointer to SPI tx data
	txLen   - number of bytes to Tx
	pRxBuf - pointer to where SPI rx data will be stored
	rxLen   - number of SPI rx bytes caller wants copied to p_rxBuf

	Will clock out the larger of txLen or rxLen, and pad if necessary.
void DRV_SPI_TxRx(SpiChannel chn,
			   uint8_t   *pTxBuf, 
               uint16_t  txLen, 
               uint8_t   *pRxBuf,
               uint16_t  rxLen)
	uint16_t byteCount;
	uint16_t i;
	uint8_t  rxTrash;

    /* total number of byte to clock is whichever is larger, txLen or rxLen */
    byteCount = (txLen >= rxLen)?txLen:rxLen;
    for (i = 0; i < byteCount; ++i)
        /* if still have bytes to transmit from tx buffer */
        if ((txLen > 0) && (pTxBuf != 0))
			#if defined (__C32__)
            	SpiChnWriteC(chn, *pTxBuf++);
			#elif defined (__C30__)
					case 1:
					case 2:
        /* else done writing bytes out from tx buffer */
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            SpiChnWriteC(chn, 0); /* clock out a "don't care" byte */
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
					case 2:

        /* wait until tx/rx byte to completely clock out */
        /* if still have bytes to read into rx buffer */
        if ((rxLen > 0) && (pRxBuf != 0))
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            *pRxBuf++ = SpiChnReadC(chn);
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
						*pRxBuf++ = ReadSPI1();
					case 2:
						*pRxBuf++ = ReadSPI2();

        /* else done reading bytes into rx buffer */ 
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            rxTrash = SpiChnReadC(chn); /* read and throw away byte */
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
						rxTrash = ReadSPI1();
					case 2:
						rxTrash = ReadSPI2();

    }  /* end for loop */  