void CHttpFileSend::GetContentType(wstring filePath, string& contentType) { wstring ext = L""; GetFileExt(filePath, ext); wstring textPath; GetModuleFolderPath(textPath); textPath += L"\\ContentTypeText.txt"; CParseContentTypeText contentTypeUtil; contentTypeUtil.ParseText(textPath.c_str()); wstring typeW = L""; contentTypeUtil.GetMimeType(ext, typeW); WtoA(typeW, contentType); }
static void initRelations() { // clear state itemStateTable.clear(); // reset checkbox state string datName; int nChecked = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nNumPatches; i++) { nChecked = _TreeView_GetCheckState(hIpsList, hPatchHandlesIndex[i]); datName = WtoA(szDataNames[i]); lowerString(datName); itemStateTable.insert(make_pair(datName, nChecked)); } }
/** * Open a file. * @param filename Filename. * @param mode File mode. * @return File pointer, or NULL on error. */ FILE *W32U_fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode) { wchar_t *filenameW, *modeW; FILE *fRet; int errno_ret = 0; // Convert the arguments from UTF-8 to UTF-16. UtoW_filename(filename); UtoW(mode); if (!filenameW || !modeW) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } fRet = NULL; if (W32U_IsUnicode()) { // Unicode version. fRet = _wfopen(filenameW, modeW); errno_ret = errno; } else { #ifdef ENABLE_ANSI_WINDOWS // ANSI version. // Convert the arguments from UTF-16 to ANSI. char *filenameA, *modeA; WtoA_filename(filename); WtoA(mode); if (!filenameA || !modeA) { errno_ret = EINVAL; goto fail; } // Open the file. fRet = fopen(filenameA, modeA); #else /* !ENABLE_ANSI_WINDOWS */ // ANSI is not supported in this build. // TODO: Fail earlier to avoid an alloc()? fRet = NULL; errno_ret = ENOSYS; goto fail; /* MSVC complains if a label is unreferenced. (C4102) */ #endif /* ENABLE_ANSI_WINDOWS */ } fail: errno = errno_ret; return fRet; }
static HRESULT RuntimeHost_AddDomain(RuntimeHost *This, MonoDomain **result) { struct DomainEntry *entry; char *mscorlib_path; HRESULT res=S_OK; EnterCriticalSection(&This->lock); entry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*entry)); if (!entry) { res = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } mscorlib_path = WtoA(This->version->mscorlib_path); if (!mscorlib_path) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, entry); res = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } entry->domain = This->mono->mono_jit_init(mscorlib_path); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mscorlib_path); if (!entry->domain) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, entry); res = E_FAIL; goto end; } This->mono->is_started = TRUE; list_add_tail(&This->domains, &entry->entry); *result = entry->domain; end: LeaveCriticalSection(&This->lock); return res; }
char *U8toA(const char *src, BOOL noStatic) { static char *_buf = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *&buf = noStatic ? tmp : _buf; if (buf) { delete [] buf; buf = NULL; } WCHAR *wsrc = U8toW(src, TRUE); if (wsrc) { buf = WtoA(wsrc, TRUE); } delete [] wsrc; return buf; }
void CTunerBankCtrl::SaveProgramInfo(LPCWSTR recPath, const EPGDB_EVENT_INFO& info, bool append) const { wstring iniCommonPath; GetCommonIniPath(iniCommonPath); wstring infoFolder = GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SET", L"RecInfoFolder", L"", iniCommonPath.c_str()); ChkFolderPath(infoFolder); wstring savePath; if( infoFolder.empty() ){ savePath = recPath; }else{ GetFileName(recPath, savePath); savePath = infoFolder + L"\\" + savePath; } savePath += L".program.txt"; wstring serviceName; for( size_t i = 0; i < this->chList.size(); i++ ){ if( this->chList[i].originalNetworkID == info.original_network_id && this->chList[i].transportStreamID == info.transport_stream_id && this->chList[i].serviceID == info.service_id ){ serviceName = this->chList[i].serviceName; break; } } wstring outTextW; _ConvertEpgInfoText2(&info, outTextW, serviceName); string outText; WtoA(outTextW, outText); HANDLE hFile = _CreateDirectoryAndFile(savePath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, append ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ if( append ){ SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); outText = "\r\n-----------------------\r\n" + outText; } DWORD dwWrite; WriteFile(hFile, outText.c_str(), (DWORD)outText.size(), &dwWrite, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } }
int CHttpRecFileSend::SendRecFileList(nocase::map<string, string>* headerList, SOCKET clientSock, HANDLE stopEvent) { int ret = 200; string sendHtml = ""; string buff=""; nocase::map<string, string> httpResHeader; sendHtml = HTML_TEXT_TOP; sendHtml+="録画ファイル一覧<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\n"; if( this->recInfoList.size() == 0 ){ sendHtml+="ファイルが存在しません<BR>\r\n"; }else{ map<DWORD, REC_FILE_INFO>::iterator itr; for(itr = this->recInfoList.begin(); itr != this->recInfoList.end(); itr++ ){ string item=""; wstring fileName = L""; string fileNameA = ""; GetFileName(itr->second.recFilePath, fileName); WtoA(fileName, fileNameA); Format(item, "<a href=\".%s/%d\">%s</a><BR>\r\n", rootUri.c_str(), itr->second.id, fileNameA.c_str()); sendHtml+=item; } } sendHtml += HTML_TEXT_END; Format(buff, "%I64d", sendHtml.size()); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=Shift_JIS;")); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(200, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)sendHtml.c_str(), (DWORD)sendHtml.size(), clientSock, stopEvent); return ret; }
BOOL NetPlaceConvertV(void *src, void *dst) { IShellLink *shellLink; // VC4 には IShellLink ANSI 版しか定義がないための暫定処置 IPersistFile *persistFile; // (実際は NT系では IShellLinkW を呼び出し) WCHAR wSrcBuf[MAX_PATH], wDstBuf[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *wSrc = IS_WINNT_V ? (WCHAR *)src : wSrcBuf; WCHAR *wDst = IS_WINNT_V ? wDstBuf : (WCHAR *)dst; BOOL ret = FALSE; DWORD attr, attr_mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (SHGetPathFromIDListV == NULL) // NT4.0 系は無視 return FALSE; if ((attr = GetFileAttributesV(src)) == 0xffffffff || (attr & attr_mask) != attr_mask) return FALSE; // ディレクトリかつronly でないものは関係ない if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkV, (void **)&shellLink))) { if (SUCCEEDED(shellLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **)&persistFile))) { if (!IS_WINNT_V) AtoW((char *)src, wSrc, MAX_PATH); if (SUCCEEDED(persistFile->Load(wSrc, STGM_READ))) { if (SUCCEEDED(shellLink->GetPath((char *)wDst, MAX_PATH, 0, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY))) { if (!IS_WINNT_V) WtoA(wDst, (char *)wDstBuf, MAX_PATH); MakePathV(dst, wDstBuf, EMPTY_STR_V); ret = TRUE; } } persistFile->Release(); } shellLink->Release(); } return ret; }
void DoReport(LPCTSTR lpstrCmdLine, BOOL *pIsHandled) { WSADATA wsaData = {0}; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); //LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"Bugreport启动命令行: " << lpstrCmdLine; REPORT_CONTEXT report; std::wstring strProductName; const TCHAR * p = _tcsstr(lpstrCmdLine, _T("pid=")); if (p) { *pIsHandled = TRUE; DWORD client_process_id = _tcstoul(p + _tcslen(_T("pid=")), 0, 0); p = _tcsstr(lpstrCmdLine, _T("context=")); if (p) { void *addr = (void*)_tcstoul(p + _tcslen(_T("context=")), 0, 0); //YYBrowser Begin //by ZC. 2013-10-30 11:26. // hClientProcess客户进程,即是启动YGCrashReport的进程,不一定是崩溃的目标进程。 HANDLE client_process_handle = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, client_process_id); // 崩溃目标进程。 HANDLE target_process_handle = NULL; //YYBrowser End if (!client_process_handle) LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"打开进程句柄失败"; //解释REPORT_PARAMS CRASH_LAUNCH_PARAMS crash_launch_params = {0}; DWORD cbRead = 0; if (addr && ::ReadProcessMemory(client_process_handle, addr, &crash_launch_params, sizeof(crash_launch_params), &cbRead)) { LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"读取REPORT_PARAMS成功"; std::set<std::wstring> setSuspectModule; std::set<std::wstring> setModule; std::wstring strPathNoExt = GenerateNewFilePath(crash_launch_params.dwPID); report.strZipFilePath = strPathNoExt + _T(".zip"); report.strOSVer = GetOSVer(); AtoW(crash_launch_params.szProductName, -1, strProductName); report.dwReportId = crash_launch_params.dwReportId; report.strUserId = crash_launch_params.szUserId; report.strProductId = crash_launch_params.szProductId; report.strProductVer = crash_launch_params.szProductVer; report.strProductVerDetail = crash_launch_params.szProductVerDetail; //AtoW(crash_launch_params.szRestartExePath, -1, report.wstrRestartExePath); report.strDynaReleaseVer = crash_launch_params.szDynaReleaseVer; WriteBugInfo(report.dwReportId); report.dwCount24Hour = GetBugCount(report.dwReportId); //parse 自定义文件路径 if (crash_launch_params.nFileCount > 0) { char *pPaths = new char[MAX_PATH * crash_launch_params.nFileCount]; if (::ReadProcessMemory(client_process_handle, crash_launch_params.lpszCustomFilePaths, pPaths, MAX_PATH * crash_launch_params.nFileCount, &cbRead)) { for (UINT k = 0; k < cbRead / MAX_PATH; k++) { std::wstring wstrPath; AtoW(pPaths + k * MAX_PATH, -1, wstrPath); report.vecOtherFilePath.push_back(wstrPath); } } delete [] pPaths; pPaths = NULL; } //生成log std::string strLog; char szTemp[1024] = {0}; //Date time_t curTime = 0; time(&curTime); strftime(szTemp, _countof(szTemp)-1, "%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S\r\n", localtime(&curTime)); strLog += szTemp; strLog += "\r\n"; //异常信息 strLog += "Exception:\r\n"; const char *pModName = strrchr(crash_launch_params.szExcepModPath, '\\'); if (pModName) pModName++; else pModName = crash_launch_params.szExcepModPath; report.strExcepModuleName = pModName; _snprintf_s(szTemp, _countof(szTemp), _TRUNCATE, "Module=%s\r\n", pModName); strLog += szTemp; //YYBrowser Begin //打开目标进程。by ZC. 2013-10-30 11:30. target_process_handle = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, crash_launch_params.dwPID); //YYBrowser End //YYBrowser Begin //从目标进程中读出结构异常。by ZC. 2013-10-30 11:28. if (crash_launch_params.pExceptionInfo) { EXCEPTION_RECORD excep = {0}; CONTEXT ct = {0}; EXCEPTION_POINTERS ptr = {0}; if (::ReadProcessMemory(target_process_handle, crash_launch_params.pExceptionInfo, &ptr, sizeof(ptr), &cbRead) && ::ReadProcessMemory(target_process_handle, ptr.ExceptionRecord, &excep, sizeof(excep), &cbRead) && ::ReadProcessMemory(target_process_handle, ptr.ContextRecord, &ct, sizeof(ct), &cbRead)) { report.dwExcepAddr = (DWORD)excep.ExceptionAddress; report.dwExcepCode = excep.ExceptionCode; report.strExcepDiscription = GetExceptionDescription(excep.ExceptionCode); _snprintf_s(szTemp, _countof(szTemp), _TRUNCATE, "ExceptionCode=0x%08x, %s\r\n", excep.ExceptionCode, GetExceptionDescription(excep.ExceptionCode)); strLog += szTemp; _snprintf_s(szTemp, _countof(szTemp), _TRUNCATE, "eip=0x%08x, ebp=0x%08x, esp=0x%08x, eax=0x%08x, ebx=0x%08x, ecx=0x%08x, edx=0x%08x, esi=0x%08x, edi=0x%08x\r\n", ct.Eip, ct.Ebp, ct.Esp, ct.Eax, ct.Ebx, ct.Ecx, ct.Edx, ct.Esi, ct.Edi); strLog += szTemp; } strLog += "\r\n"; } //YYBrowser End strLog += "Summary:\r\n"; strLog += GetSummary(client_process_handle); strLog += "UserId(YY)=" + report.strUserId + "\r\n"; strLog += "ProductVer=" + report.strProductVer + "\r\n"; strLog += "DynaReleaseVer=" + report.strDynaReleaseVer + "\r\n"; strLog += "ProductVerDetail=" + report.strProductVerDetail + "\r\n"; _snprintf_s(szTemp, _countof(szTemp), _TRUNCATE, "ReportId=%u\r\n", report.dwReportId); strLog += szTemp; strLog += "\r\n"; std::string strLoginHistoryLog; std::string strLoginHistory = ReadLoginHistory(strLoginHistoryLog); //用户自定义信息 strLog += "CustomProperty:\r\n"; char *pCustomProperty = new char[crash_launch_params.cchCustomProperty + 1]; if (::ReadProcessMemory(client_process_handle, crash_launch_params.lpszCustomProperty, pCustomProperty, crash_launch_params.cchCustomProperty, &cbRead)) { pCustomProperty[cbRead/sizeof(char)] = 0; report.strCustomProperty = pCustomProperty; } strLog += report.strCustomProperty; if(strLoginHistory.size()>0) { if(report.strCustomProperty.size()>0) { report.strCustomProperty+="&"; } report.strCustomProperty+=strLoginHistory; } if(strLoginHistoryLog.size()>0) { strLog += "\r\n"; strLog += strLoginHistoryLog; } strLog += "\r\n"; //CallStack strLog += "Call Stack:\r\n"; char *pCallStack = new char[crash_launch_params.cchCallStack + 1]; cbRead = 0; if (::ReadProcessMemory(client_process_handle, crash_launch_params.lpszCallStack, pCallStack, crash_launch_params.cchCallStack, &cbRead)) { pCallStack[cbRead/sizeof(char)] = 0; strLog += pCallStack; } strLog += "\r\n"; //收集进程列表&检测运行环境 std::string strProcListA; std::wstring strProcListW; report.dwRunEnvironment = CheckRunEnvironment(strProcListW); WtoA(strProcListW.c_str(), -1, strProcListA); strLog += "Process List:\r\n"; strLog += strProcListA; strLog += "\r\n"; //收集版本的语言种类,不写入日志 report.strProductLang = GetLanguageName(); //模块列表 strLog += "Module List:\r\n"; strLog += GetModuleList(target_process_handle,&setModule,&setSuspectModule); strLog += "\r\n"; //程序Log strLog += "Log:\r\n"; TCHAR szExePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModuleFileNameEx(target_process_handle, NULL, szExePath, _countof(szExePath)); TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(szExePath, _T('.')); if (p) *p = 0; TCHAR* pExeName = _tcsrchr(szExePath, _T('\\')); if (pExeName) pExeName++; else pExeName = szExePath; const DWORD dwMaxLogSize = 1024 * 200; // char *pContent = new char [dwMaxLogSize]; // GetLastLog(pExeName, reportParams.dwPID, 0, pContent, dwMaxLogSize); // strLog += pContent; // delete [] pContent; // pContent = NULL; strLog += "\r\n\r\n"; /************************************************************************/ /*功能:在日志文件中添加安装目录下所有dll和rcc文件的md5*/ /***************************只有yy.exe崩溃时,才会计算相关文件的md5*/ if (StrCmpIA(crash_launch_params.szProductId, "YY") == 0) { strLog += "[List *.dll and *.rcc files MD5:] \r\n\r\n"; TCHAR szCurrentProcesspath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if ( GetModuleFileName(NULL,szCurrentProcesspath,_countof(szCurrentProcesspath)) > 0) { TCHAR* p_findDir = _tcsrchr(szCurrentProcesspath,_T('\\')); std::wstring rawCurrentProcessPath = szCurrentProcesspath; std::wstring strCurrentProcesspath = rawCurrentProcessPath.substr(0, p_findDir - szCurrentProcesspath); strLog += dwCalculateMD5(strCurrentProcesspath.c_str()); } else { strLog += "Get the files'MD5 failed!"; } } else { strLog += "Hint:\r\nThe crash was caused by the other products except the YY!"; } /************************************************************************/ TCHAR szLogPath[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; _sntprintf_s(szLogPath, _countof(szLogPath), _TRUNCATE, _T("%s.txt"), strPathNoExt.c_str()); report.strLogPath = szLogPath; LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"写入log文件: " << szLogPath; HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(szLogPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, NULL, NULL); DWORD dwWriten = 0; ::WriteFile(hFile, strLog.c_str(), strLog.size(), &dwWriten, NULL); ::CloseHandle(hFile); //生成dump TCHAR szDumpPath[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; _sntprintf_s(szDumpPath, _countof(szDumpPath), _TRUNCATE, _T("%s.dmp"), strPathNoExt.c_str()); LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"生成dump文件: " << szDumpPath; int nDumpType = (MiniDumpNormal|MiniDumpWithHandleData|MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory|MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules|MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData); if (!CreateDump(szDumpPath, crash_launch_params.dwPID, crash_launch_params.dwTID, crash_launch_params.pExceptionInfo, nDumpType, MyMiniDumpCallBack, &crash_launch_params)) { crash_launch_params.curCustomDataIdx = 0; CreateDump(szDumpPath, crash_launch_params.dwPID, crash_launch_params.dwTID, crash_launch_params.pExceptionInfo, MiniDumpNormal, MyMiniDumpCallBack, &crash_launch_params); } report.strDumpPath = szDumpPath; //生成fulldump CRegKey key; LONG lResult = key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\duowan\\bugreport"), KEY_READ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { TCHAR szFullDump[1024] = {0}; DWORD dwSize = _countof(szFullDump); lResult = key.QueryValue(szFullDump, _T("fulldump"), &dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { szFullDump[dwSize] = 0; if (_tcsicmp(szFullDump, _T("yes")) == 0) { nDumpType = (MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpWithFullMemory | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory | MiniDumpWithHandleData | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData); TCHAR szFullDumpPath[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; ::GetTempPath(_countof(szFullDumpPath), szFullDumpPath); _tcsncat_s(szFullDumpPath, _countof(szFullDumpPath), _T("duowan\\fulldump.dmp"), _TRUNCATE); LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"生成fulldump文件: " << szFullDumpPath; CreateDump(szFullDumpPath, crash_launch_params.dwPID, crash_launch_params.dwTID, crash_launch_params.pExceptionInfo, nDumpType, MyMiniDumpCallBack, &crash_launch_params); } } } ::SetEvent(crash_launch_params.evDumpComplete); if (crash_launch_params.bShowReportUI) { LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"开始弹出崩溃界面"; std::string strRecv; bool bShowModifyStatus = false; //if(GetBugModifyStatus(&report,strRecv)) //{ // const char* p = strstr(strRecv.c_str(),"return=true"); // if(p) // { // bShowModifyStatus = true; // } //} CMessageLoop theLoop; _Module.AddMessageLoop(&theLoop); CDlgReport dlgMain(strProductName.c_str(), &report, crash_launch_params.dwPID, &setModule, &setSuspectModule, bShowModifyStatus, strRecv.c_str()); dlgMain.Create(NULL); dlgMain.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); theLoop.Run(); _Module.RemoveMessageLoop(); } else { SendReport(&report, &setModule, &setSuspectModule); } } else { LogFinal(LOG::KBugReport) << L"读取崩溃进程REPORT_PARAMS失败"; } ::CloseHandle(target_process_handle); ::CloseHandle(client_process_handle); } } }
HRESULT MAPIContact::GetContactImage(wstring &wstrImagePath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pSrcStream; { Zimbra::Util::ScopedRowSet pAttachRows; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMAPITable> pAttachTable; SizedSPropTagArray(3, attachProps) = { 3, { PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_ATTACH_SIZE, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME } }; hr = m_pMessage->GetAttachmentTable(MAPI_UNICODE, pAttachTable.getptr()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray) & attachProps, 0))) return hr; ULONG ulRowCount = 0; if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->GetRowCount(0, &ulRowCount))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->QueryRows(ulRowCount, 0, pAttachRows.getptr()))) return hr; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pAttachRows->cRows; i++) { // if property couldn't be found or returns error, skip it if ((pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].ulPropTag == PT_ERROR) || (pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.err == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) continue; // Discard the attachmetnt if its not contact picture if (_tcscmp(pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.LPSZ, _T( "ContactPicture.jpg"))) continue; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IAttach> pAttach; if (FAILED(hr = m_pMessage->OpenAttach( pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[0].Value.l, NULL, 0, pAttach.getptr()))) continue; if (FAILED(hr = pAttach->OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, &IID_IStream, STGM_READ, 0, (LPUNKNOWN FAR *)pSrcStream.getptr()))) return hr; break; } } } } if (hr != S_OK) return hr; // copy image to file wstring wstrTempAppDirPath; char *lpszDirName = NULL; char *lpszUniqueName = NULL; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pDestStream; if (!Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetAppTemporaryDirectory(wstrTempAppDirPath)) return MAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED; WtoA((LPWSTR)wstrTempAppDirPath.c_str(), lpszDirName); string strFQFileName = lpszDirName; WtoA((LPWSTR)Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetUniqueName().c_str(), lpszUniqueName); strFQFileName += "\\ZmContact_"; strFQFileName += lpszUniqueName; strFQFileName += ".jpg"; SafeDelete(lpszDirName); SafeDelete(lpszUniqueName); // Open stream on file if (FAILED(hr = OpenStreamOnFile(MAPIAllocateBuffer, MAPIFreeBuffer, STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, (LPTSTR)strFQFileName.c_str(), NULL, pDestStream.getptr()))) return hr; ULARGE_INTEGER liAll = { 0 }; liAll.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)-1; if (FAILED(hr = pSrcStream->CopyTo(pDestStream.get(), liAll, NULL, NULL))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = pDestStream->Commit(0))) { return hr; ; } // mime file path LPWSTR lpwstrFQFileName = NULL; AtoW((LPSTR)strFQFileName.c_str(), lpwstrFQFileName); wstrImagePath = lpwstrFQFileName; SafeDelete(lpwstrFQFileName); return hr; }
HRESULT MAPIRfc2445::ExtractAttachments() { // may need to break this up so we can call for exceptions, cancel exceptions LPCWSTR errMsg; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pIStream; UINT mimeLen = 0; HRESULT hr = ConvertIt( m_pMessage, pIStream.getptr(), mimeLen ); if (FAILED(hr)) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Mime conversion of message with attachments failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); dlogw(errMsg); return hr; } mimepp::Message mimeMsg; Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<CHAR> pszMimeMsg; // go to the beginning of the stream LARGE_INTEGER li = { 0 }; hr = pIStream->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Stream seek failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); dlogw(errMsg); return hr; } // +1 for NULL terminator Zimbra::Mapi::Memory::AllocateBuffer(mimeLen + 1, (LPVOID *)pszMimeMsg.getptr()); if (!pszMimeMsg.get()) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(S_OK, L"Mime msg Memory alloc failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); dlogw(errMsg); return hr; } ULONG ulNumRead = 0; hr = pIStream->Read((LPVOID)(pszMimeMsg.get()), mimeLen, &ulNumRead); if (FAILED(hr)) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Mime msg read failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); dlogw(errMsg); return hr; } if (ulNumRead != mimeLen) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Mime msg read error", __FILE__, __LINE__); dlogw(errMsg); return hr; } // terminating string pszMimeMsg.get()[mimeLen] = '\0'; mimeMsg.setString(pszMimeMsg.get()); mimeMsg.parse(); // let's see if this message is a multipart alternative before we continue mimepp::Headers &theHeaders = mimeMsg.headers(); LPSTR pszContentType; GetContentType(theHeaders, &pszContentType); if(strncmp(pszContentType, "multipart/mixed", strlen("multipart/mixed")) != 0) { // not what we are looking for delete[] pszContentType; return S_OK; } const mimepp::Body& theBody = mimeMsg.body(); int numParts = theBody.numBodyParts(); // FBS bug 73682 -- 5/23/12 int numHiddenAttachments = GetNumHiddenAttachments(); int totalAttachments = numParts - 1; if (totalAttachments == numHiddenAttachments) { return S_OK; } // let's look for a multipart mixed and grab the attachments int ctr = numHiddenAttachments; for(int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) { // now look for attachments const mimepp::BodyPart& thePart = theBody.bodyPartAt(i); mimepp::DispositionType& disposition = thePart.headers().contentDisposition(); if(disposition.asEnum() == mimepp::DispositionType::ATTACHMENT) { const mimepp::String& theFilename = disposition.filename(); LPSTR pszAttachContentType; LPSTR pszCD; LPSTR lpszRealName = new char[256]; GetContentType(thePart.headers(), &pszAttachContentType); // FBS bug 73682 -- Exceptions are at the beginning. Don't make attachments for those if (ctr > 0) { if (0 == strcmpi(pszAttachContentType, "message/rfc822")) { ctr--; continue; } } // if((LPSTR)theFilename.length()>0) { GenerateContentDisposition(&pszCD, (LPSTR)theFilename.c_str()); strcpy(lpszRealName, (LPSTR)theFilename.c_str()); } else { char cfilename[64]; sprintf(cfilename,"attachment-%d",i); GenerateContentDisposition(&pszCD, cfilename); strcpy(lpszRealName, cfilename); } // now deal with the encoding LPSTR pContent = NULL; const mimepp::String &theContent = thePart.body().getString(); mimepp::String outputString; UINT size = 0; mimepp::TransferEncodingType& transferEncoding = thePart.headers().contentTransferEncoding(); if(transferEncoding.asEnum() == mimepp::TransferEncodingType::BASE64) { // let's decode the buffer mimepp::Base64Decoder decoder; outputString = decoder.decode(theContent); pContent = (LPSTR)outputString.c_str(); size = (UINT)outputString.size(); } else if(transferEncoding.asEnum() == mimepp::TransferEncodingType::QUOTED_PRINTABLE) { mimepp::QuotedPrintableDecoder decoder; outputString = decoder.decode(theContent); pContent = (LPSTR)outputString.c_str(); size = (UINT)outputString.size(); } else { pContent = (LPSTR)theContent.c_str(); size = (UINT)theContent.size(); } // Save stream to temp file in temp dir. We'll delete in ZimbraAPI // LPCWSTR errMsg; HRESULT hr = S_OK; wstring wstrTempAppDirPath; LPSTR lpszFQFileName = new char[256]; LPSTR lpszDirName = NULL; LPSTR lpszUniqueName = NULL; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pStream; if (!Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetAppTemporaryDirectory(wstrTempAppDirPath)) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(S_OK, L"GetAppTemporaryDirectory Failed", __FILE__, __LINE__); dloge("MAPIRfc2445 -- exception"); dloge(errMsg); return E_FAIL; } WtoA((LPWSTR)wstrTempAppDirPath.c_str(), lpszDirName); WtoA((LPWSTR)Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetUniqueName().c_str(), lpszUniqueName); strcpy(lpszFQFileName, lpszDirName); strcat(lpszFQFileName, "\\"); strcat(lpszFQFileName, lpszUniqueName); SafeDelete(lpszDirName); SafeDelete(lpszUniqueName); // Open stream on file if (FAILED(hr = OpenStreamOnFile(MAPIAllocateBuffer, MAPIFreeBuffer, STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, (LPTSTR)lpszFQFileName, NULL, pStream.getptr()))) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Error: OpenStreamOnFile Failed.", __FILE__, __LINE__); dloge("MAPIRfc2445 -- exception"); dloge(errMsg); return hr; } ULONG nBytesToWrite = size; ULONG nBytesWritten = 0; LPBYTE pCur = (LPBYTE)pContent; while (!FAILED(hr) && nBytesToWrite > 0) { hr = pStream->Write(pCur, nBytesToWrite, &nBytesWritten); pCur += nBytesWritten; nBytesToWrite -= nBytesWritten; } if (FAILED(hr = pStream->Commit(0))) { errMsg = FormatExceptionInfo(hr, L"Error: Stream Write Failed.", __FILE__, __LINE__); dloge("MAPIRfc2445 -- exception"); dloge(errMsg); } /////////// // delete all this in MAPIAccessWrap AttachmentInfo* pAttachmentInfo = new AttachmentInfo(); pAttachmentInfo->pszTempFile = lpszFQFileName; pAttachmentInfo->pszRealName = lpszRealName; pAttachmentInfo->pszContentDisposition = pszCD; pAttachmentInfo->pszContentType = pszAttachContentType; m_vAttachments.push_back(pAttachmentInfo); } } delete[] pszContentType; return S_OK; }
HRESULT create_monodata(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppObj ) { static const WCHAR wszCodebase[] = {'C','o','d','e','B','a','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR wszClass[] = {'C','l','a','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR wszFileSlash[] = {'f','i','l','e',':','/','/','/',0}; static const WCHAR wszCLSIDSlash[] = {'C','L','S','I','D','\\',0}; static const WCHAR wszInprocServer32[] = {'\\','I','n','p','r','o','c','S','e','r','v','e','r','3','2',0}; WCHAR path[CHARS_IN_GUID + ARRAYSIZE(wszCLSIDSlash) + ARRAYSIZE(wszInprocServer32) - 1]; MonoDomain *domain; MonoAssembly *assembly; ICLRRuntimeInfo *info; RuntimeHost *host; HRESULT hr; HKEY key; LONG res; int offset = 0; WCHAR codebase[MAX_PATH + 8]; WCHAR classname[350]; WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBufLen = 350; lstrcpyW(path, wszCLSIDSlash); StringFromGUID2(riid, path + lstrlenW(wszCLSIDSlash), CHARS_IN_GUID); lstrcatW(path, wszInprocServer32); TRACE("Registry key: %s\n", debugstr_w(path)); res = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, path, 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; res = RegGetValueW( key, NULL, wszClass, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, classname, &dwBufLen); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("Class value cannot be found.\n"); hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; goto cleanup; } TRACE("classname (%s)\n", debugstr_w(classname)); dwBufLen = MAX_PATH + 8; res = RegGetValueW( key, NULL, wszCodebase, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, codebase, &dwBufLen); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("CodeBase value cannot be found.\n"); hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; goto cleanup; } /* Strip file:/// */ if(strncmpW(codebase, wszFileSlash, strlenW(wszFileSlash)) == 0) offset = strlenW(wszFileSlash); strcpyW(filename, codebase + offset); TRACE("codebase (%s)\n", debugstr_w(filename)); *ppObj = NULL; hr = get_runtime_info(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, &info); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeHost(info, &host); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(host, &domain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { MonoImage *image; MonoClass *klass; MonoObject *result; IUnknown *unk = NULL; char *filenameA, *ns; char *classA; hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; host->mono->mono_thread_attach(domain); filenameA = WtoA(filename); assembly = host->mono->mono_domain_assembly_open(domain, filenameA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, filenameA); if (!assembly) { ERR("Cannot open assembly %s\n", filenameA); goto cleanup; } image = host->mono->mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); if (!image) { ERR("Couldn't get assembly image\n"); goto cleanup; } classA = WtoA(classname); ns = strrchr(classA, '.'); *ns = '\0'; klass = host->mono->mono_class_from_name(image, classA, ns+1); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, classA); if (!klass) { ERR("Couldn't get class from image\n"); goto cleanup; } /* * Use the default constructor for the .NET class. */ result = host->mono->mono_object_new(domain, klass); host->mono->mono_runtime_object_init(result); hr = RuntimeHost_GetIUnknownForObject(host, result, &unk); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(unk, &IID_IUnknown, ppObj); IUnknown_Release(unk); } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; cleanup: if(info) ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(info); RegCloseKey(key); return hr; }
BOOL CParseChText4::SaveChText(LPCWSTR filePath) { wstring loadFilePath = L""; if( filePath == NULL ){ loadFilePath = this->filePath; }else{ loadFilePath = filePath; } if( loadFilePath.size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } /* std::wregex re(L".+\\(.+)\(.+\)\.ChSet4\.txt$"); std::wstring text(str); std::wsmatch m; if( std::regex_search(text, m, re) ) this->mpStartTimeShifting = m[1]; */ HANDLE hFile = _CreateFile2( loadFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ return FALSE; } multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4> sortList; multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4>::iterator itr; for( itr = this->chList.begin(); itr != this->chList.end(); itr++ ){ LONGLONG Key = ((LONGLONG)itr->second.space)<<32 | ((LONGLONG)itr->second.ch)<<16 | (LONGLONG)itr->second.serviceID; sortList.insert(pair<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4>(Key, itr->second)); } for( itr = sortList.begin(); itr != sortList.end(); itr++ ){ string chName=""; WtoA(itr->second.chName, chName); string serviceName=""; WtoA(itr->second.serviceName, serviceName); string networkName=""; WtoA(itr->second.networkName, networkName); string strBuff; Format(strBuff, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\r\n", chName.c_str(), serviceName.c_str(), networkName.c_str(), itr->second.space, itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID, itr->second.serviceType, itr->second.partialFlag, itr->second.useViewFlag, itr->second.remoconID ); DWORD dwWrite = 0; WriteFile(hFile, strBuff.c_str(), (DWORD)strBuff.length(), &dwWrite, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; }
BOOL CSyoboiCalUtil::SendReserve(const vector<RESERVE_DATA>* reserveList, const vector<TUNER_RESERVE_INFO>* tunerList) { if( reserveList == NULL || tunerList == NULL ){ return FALSE; } if( reserveList->size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } wstring iniAppPath = L""; GetModuleIniPath(iniAppPath); if( GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"use", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()) == 0 ){ return FALSE; } _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:SendReserve"); wstring textPath; GetModuleFolderPath(textPath); textPath += L"\\SyoboiCh.txt"; CParseServiceChgText srvChg; srvChg.ParseText(textPath.c_str()); wstring proxyServerName; wstring proxyUserName; wstring proxyPassword; if( GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"useProxy", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()) != 0 ){ proxyServerName = GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyServer", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); proxyUserName = GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyID", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); proxyPassword = GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyPWD", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); } wstring id=GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"userID", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); wstring pass=GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"PWD", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); int slot = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"slot", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()); wstring devcolors=GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"devcolors", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); wstring epgurl=GetPrivateProfileToString(L"SYOBOI", L"epgurl", L"", iniAppPath.c_str()); if( id.size() == 0 ){ _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:NoUserID"); return FALSE; } //Authorization wstring auth = L""; auth = id; auth += L":"; auth += pass; string authA; WtoA(auth, authA); DWORD destSize = 0; Base64Enc(authA.c_str(), (DWORD)authA.size(), NULL, &destSize); vector<WCHAR> base64(destSize + 1, L'\0'); Base64Enc(authA.c_str(), (DWORD)authA.size(), &base64.front(), &destSize); //無駄なCRLFが混じることがあるため std::replace(base64.begin(), base64.end(), L'\r', L'\0'); std::replace(base64.begin(), base64.end(), L'\n', L'\0'); wstring authHead = L""; Format(authHead, L"Authorization: Basic %s\r\nContent-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", &base64.front()); //data wstring dataParam; wstring param; map<DWORD, wstring> tunerMap; for( size_t i=0; i<tunerList->size(); i++ ){ for( size_t j=0; j<(*tunerList)[i].reserveList.size(); j++ ){ tunerMap.insert(pair<DWORD, wstring>((*tunerList)[i].reserveList[j], (*tunerList)[i].tunerName)); } } map<DWORD, wstring>::iterator itrTuner; DWORD dataCount = 0; for(size_t i=0; i<reserveList->size(); i++ ){ if( dataCount>=200 ){ break; } const RESERVE_DATA* info = &(*reserveList)[i]; if( info->recSetting.recMode == RECMODE_NO || info->recSetting.recMode == RECMODE_VIEW ){ continue; } wstring device=L""; itrTuner = tunerMap.find(info->reserveID); if( itrTuner != tunerMap.end() ){ device = itrTuner->second; } wstring stationName = info->stationName; srvChg.ChgText(stationName); __int64 startTime = GetTimeStamp(info->startTime); Format(param, L"%I64d\t%I64d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\t0\t%d\n", startTime, startTime+info->durationSecond, device.c_str(), info->title.c_str(), stationName.c_str(), info->reserveID ); dataParam+=param; } if(dataParam.size() == 0 ){ _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:NoReserve"); return FALSE; } string utf8; UrlEncodeUTF8(dataParam.c_str(), (DWORD)dataParam.size(), utf8); string data; Format(data, "slot=%d&data=%s",slot, utf8.c_str()); if( devcolors.size() > 0){ utf8 = ""; UrlEncodeUTF8(devcolors.c_str(), (DWORD)devcolors.size(), utf8); data += "&devcolors="; data += utf8; } if( epgurl.size() > 0){ utf8 = ""; UrlEncodeUTF8(epgurl.c_str(), (DWORD)epgurl.size(), utf8); data += "&epgurl="; data += utf8; } vector<char> dataBuff(data.begin(), data.end()); //URLの分解 URL_COMPONENTS stURL = {}; stURL.dwStructSize = sizeof(stURL); stURL.dwSchemeLength = (DWORD)-1; stURL.dwHostNameLength = (DWORD)-1; stURL.dwUrlPathLength = (DWORD)-1; stURL.dwExtraInfoLength = (DWORD)-1; if( WinHttpCrackUrl(SYOBOI_UP_URL, 0, 0, &stURL) == FALSE || stURL.dwHostNameLength == 0 ){ return FALSE; } wstring host(stURL.lpszHostName, stURL.dwHostNameLength); wstring sendUrl(stURL.lpszUrlPath, stURL.dwUrlPathLength + stURL.dwExtraInfoLength); HINTERNET session; if( proxyServerName.empty() ){ session = WinHttpOpen(L"EpgTimerSrv", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS, 0); }else{ session = WinHttpOpen(L"EpgTimerSrv", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY, proxyServerName.c_str(), WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS, 0); } if( session == NULL ){ return FALSE; } LPCWSTR result = L"1"; HINTERNET connect = NULL; HINTERNET request = NULL; if( WinHttpSetTimeouts(session, 15000, 15000, 15000, 15000) == FALSE ){ result = L"0 SetTimeouts"; goto EXIT; } //コネクションオープン connect = WinHttpConnect(session, host.c_str(), stURL.nPort, 0); if( connect == NULL ){ result = L"0 Connect"; goto EXIT; } //リクエストオープン request = WinHttpOpenRequest(connect, L"POST", sendUrl.c_str(), NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, stURL.nPort == INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT ? WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE : 0); if( request == NULL ){ result = L"0 OpenRequest"; goto EXIT; } if( proxyServerName.empty() == false ){ //ProxyのIDかパスワードがあったらセット if( proxyUserName.empty() == false || proxyPassword.empty() == false ){ if( WinHttpSetCredentials(request, WINHTTP_AUTH_TARGET_PROXY, WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_BASIC, proxyUserName.c_str(), proxyPassword.c_str(), NULL) == FALSE ){ result = L"0 SetCredentials"; goto EXIT; } } } if( WinHttpSendRequest(request, authHead.c_str(), (DWORD)-1, &dataBuff.front(), (DWORD)dataBuff.size(), (DWORD)dataBuff.size(), 0) == FALSE ){ result = L"0 SendRequest"; goto EXIT; } if( WinHttpReceiveResponse(request, NULL) == FALSE ){ result = L"0 ReceiveResponse"; goto EXIT; } //HTTPのステータスコード確認 DWORD statusCode; DWORD statusCodeSize = sizeof(statusCode); if( WinHttpQueryHeaders(request, WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | WINHTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, WINHTTP_HEADER_NAME_BY_INDEX, &statusCode, &statusCodeSize, WINHTTP_NO_HEADER_INDEX) == FALSE ){ statusCode = 0; } if( statusCode != 200 && statusCode != 201 ){ result = L"0 StatusNotOK"; goto EXIT; } EXIT: if( request != NULL ){ WinHttpCloseHandle(request); } if( connect != NULL ){ WinHttpCloseHandle(connect); } if( session != NULL ){ WinHttpCloseHandle(session); } _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:SendRequest res:%s", result); if( result[0] != L'1' ){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int CHttpPublicFileSend::HttpRequest(string method, string uri, nocase::map<string, string>* headerList, SOCKET clientSock, HANDLE stopEvent) { int ret = 200; string buff = ""; string path = ""; string rootA = ""; wstring filePath = L""; wstring wbuff = L""; map<string, wstring>::iterator itrVPath; nocase::map<string, string>::iterator itrHead; nocase::map<string, string> httpResHeader; __int64 fileSize = 0; string contentType = ""; __int64 offset = 0; __int64 endPos = 0; map<__int64, __int64> rangeList; if( this->folderPath.size() == 0 || this->rootUri.size() == 0){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } if( CompareNoCase(method, "GET") != 0 ){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } WtoA(this->rootUri, rootA); UrlDecode(uri.c_str(), (DWORD)uri.size(), buff); //仮想パスから検索 for(itrVPath = this->virtualPathList.begin(); itrVPath != this->virtualPathList.end(); itrVPath++){ string key; Format(key, "%s/%s/", rootA.c_str(), itrVPath->first.c_str()); if( buff.find(key) == 0 ){ Separate(buff, key, buff, path); Replace(path, "/", "\\"); UTF8toW(path, wbuff); filePath = itrVPath->second; ChkFolderPath(filePath); filePath += L"\\"; filePath += wbuff; break; } } if(filePath.size() == 0 ){ //通常のルート Separate(buff, rootA, buff, path); Replace(path, "/", "\\"); UTF8toW(path, wbuff); filePath = this->folderPath; ChkFolderPath(filePath); filePath += L"\\"; filePath += wbuff; } if( PathFileExists(filePath.c_str()) == FALSE ){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } httpSend.GetContentType(filePath, contentType); fileSize = httpSend.GetContentLength(filePath); endPos = fileSize; itrHead = headerList->find("Range"); if( itrHead == headerList->end() ){ //Rangeなし Format(buff, "%I64d", fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(200, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, offset, endPos, clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ if( httpSend.ParseRangeHeader(fileSize, itrHead->second, &rangeList) == FALSE ){ //Range指定が何かおかしい Format(buff, "%I64d", fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(200, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, offset, endPos, clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")); if( rangeList.size() > 1 ){ //複数の場所指定 Format(buff, "multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s", MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", buff)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(206, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); map<__int64, __int64>::iterator itr; string boundary = ""; for( itr = rangeList.begin(); itr != rangeList.end(); itr++ ){ boundary = "--"; boundary += MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY; boundary += "\r\n"; Format(buff, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", contentType); boundary += buff; Format(buff, "Content-Range: bytes %I64d-%I64d/%I64d\r\n", itr->first, itr->second, fileSize); boundary += buff; boundary += "\r\n"; if( httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent) != NO_ERR ){ goto End; } if( httpSend.SendFile(filePath, itr->first, itr->second+1, clientSock, stopEvent) != NO_ERR ){ goto End; } boundary = "\r\n"; httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent); } boundary = "--"; boundary += MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY; boundary += "--\r\n"; httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ //一カ所のみ map<__int64, __int64>::iterator itr; itr = rangeList.begin(); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); Format(buff, "bytes %I64d-%I64d/%I64d", itr->first, itr->second, fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Range", buff)); Format(buff, "%I64d", itr->second-itr->first+1); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(206, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, itr->first, itr->second+1, clientSock, stopEvent); } } } return ret; Err_End: httpSend.SendResponseHeader(ret, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); End: return ret; }
void *toV(const WCHAR *src, BOOL noStatic) { if (!IS_WINNT_V) { return WtoA(src, noStatic); } return noStatic ? wcsdupNew(src) : (void *)src; }
static void CDECL ReallyFixupVTable(struct dll_fixup *fixup) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; ICLRRuntimeInfo *info=NULL; RuntimeHost *host; char *filenameA; MonoImage *image=NULL; MonoAssembly *assembly=NULL; MonoImageOpenStatus status=0; MonoDomain *domain; if (fixup->done) return; /* It's possible we'll have two threads doing this at once. This is * considered preferable to the potential deadlock if we use a mutex. */ GetModuleFileNameW(fixup->dll, filename, MAX_PATH); TRACE("%p,%p,%s\n", fixup, fixup->dll, debugstr_w(filename)); filenameA = WtoA(filename); if (!filenameA) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = get_runtime_info(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, &info); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeHost(info, &host); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(host, &domain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { mono_thread_attach(domain); assembly = mono_assembly_open(filenameA, &status); } if (assembly) { int i; /* Mono needs an image that belongs to an assembly. */ image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); if (fixup->fixup->type & COR_VTABLE_32BIT) { DWORD *vtable = fixup->vtable; DWORD *tokens = fixup->tokens; for (i=0; i<fixup->fixup->count; i++) { TRACE("%x\n", tokens[i]); vtable[i] = PtrToUint(mono_marshal_get_vtfixup_ftnptr( image, tokens[i], fixup->fixup->type)); } } fixup->done = TRUE; } if (info != NULL) ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(info); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, filenameA); if (!fixup->done) { ERR("unable to fixup vtable, hr=%x, status=%d\n", hr, status); /* If we returned now, we'd get an infinite loop. */ assert(0); } }
HRESULT create_monodata(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppObj ) { static const WCHAR wszAssembly[] = {'A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0}; static const WCHAR wszCodebase[] = {'C','o','d','e','B','a','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR wszClass[] = {'C','l','a','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR wszFileSlash[] = {'f','i','l','e',':','/','/','/',0}; static const WCHAR wszCLSIDSlash[] = {'C','L','S','I','D','\\',0}; static const WCHAR wszInprocServer32[] = {'\\','I','n','p','r','o','c','S','e','r','v','e','r','3','2',0}; static const WCHAR wszDLL[] = {'.','d','l','l',0}; WCHAR path[CHARS_IN_GUID + ARRAYSIZE(wszCLSIDSlash) + ARRAYSIZE(wszInprocServer32) - 1]; MonoDomain *domain; MonoAssembly *assembly; ICLRRuntimeInfo *info = NULL; RuntimeHost *host; HRESULT hr; HKEY key, subkey; LONG res; int offset = 0; DWORD numKeys, keyLength; WCHAR codebase[MAX_PATH + 8]; WCHAR classname[350], subkeyName[256]; WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBufLen = 350; lstrcpyW(path, wszCLSIDSlash); StringFromGUID2(riid, path + lstrlenW(wszCLSIDSlash), CHARS_IN_GUID); lstrcatW(path, wszInprocServer32); TRACE("Registry key: %s\n", debugstr_w(path)); res = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, path, 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; res = RegGetValueW( key, NULL, wszClass, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, classname, &dwBufLen); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("Class value cannot be found.\n"); hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; goto cleanup; } TRACE("classname (%s)\n", debugstr_w(classname)); dwBufLen = MAX_PATH + 8; res = RegGetValueW( key, NULL, wszCodebase, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, codebase, &dwBufLen); if(res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Strip file:/// */ if(strncmpW(codebase, wszFileSlash, strlenW(wszFileSlash)) == 0) offset = strlenW(wszFileSlash); strcpyW(filename, codebase + offset); } else { WCHAR assemblyname[MAX_PATH + 8]; hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; WARN("CodeBase value cannot be found, trying Assembly.\n"); /* get the last subkey of InprocServer32 */ res = RegQueryInfoKeyW(key, 0, 0, 0, &numKeys, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS || numKeys == 0) goto cleanup; numKeys--; keyLength = sizeof(subkeyName) / sizeof(WCHAR); res = RegEnumKeyExW(key, numKeys, subkeyName, &keyLength, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; res = RegOpenKeyExW(key, subkeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; dwBufLen = MAX_PATH + 8; res = RegGetValueW(subkey, NULL, wszAssembly, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, assemblyname, &dwBufLen); RegCloseKey(subkey); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; hr = get_file_from_strongname(assemblyname, filename, MAX_PATH); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* * The registry doesn't have a CodeBase entry and it's not in the GAC. * * Use the Assembly Key to retrieve the filename. * Assembly : REG_SZ : AssemblyName, Version=X.X.X.X, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null */ WCHAR *ns; WARN("Attempt to load from the application directory.\n"); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH); ns = strrchrW(filename, '\\'); *(ns+1) = '\0'; ns = strchrW(assemblyname, ','); *(ns) = '\0'; strcatW(filename, assemblyname); *(ns) = '.'; strcatW(filename, wszDLL); } } TRACE("filename (%s)\n", debugstr_w(filename)); *ppObj = NULL; hr = get_runtime_info(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, &info); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeHost(info, &host); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(host, &domain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { MonoImage *image; MonoClass *klass; MonoObject *result; IUnknown *unk = NULL; char *filenameA, *ns; char *classA; hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; mono_thread_attach(domain); filenameA = WtoA(filename); assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(domain, filenameA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, filenameA); if (!assembly) { ERR("Cannot open assembly %s\n", filenameA); goto cleanup; } image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); if (!image) { ERR("Couldn't get assembly image\n"); goto cleanup; } classA = WtoA(classname); ns = strrchr(classA, '.'); *ns = '\0'; klass = mono_class_from_name(image, classA, ns+1); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, classA); if (!klass) { ERR("Couldn't get class from image\n"); goto cleanup; } /* * Use the default constructor for the .NET class. */ result = mono_object_new(domain, klass); mono_runtime_object_init(result); hr = RuntimeHost_GetIUnknownForObject(host, result, &unk); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(unk, &IID_IUnknown, ppObj); IUnknown_Release(unk); } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; } else hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; cleanup: if(info) ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(info); RegCloseKey(key); return hr; }
static HRESULT WINAPI CLRRuntimeHost_ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain(ICLRRuntimeHost* iface, LPCWSTR pwzAssemblyPath, LPCWSTR pwzTypeName, LPCWSTR pwzMethodName, LPCWSTR pwzArgument, DWORD *pReturnValue) { RuntimeHost *This = impl_from_ICLRRuntimeHost( iface ); HRESULT hr; MonoDomain *domain; MonoAssembly *assembly; MonoImage *image; MonoClass *klass; MonoMethod *method; MonoObject *result; MonoString *str; void *args[2]; char *filenameA = NULL, *classA = NULL, *methodA = NULL; char *argsA = NULL, *ns; TRACE("(%p,%s,%s,%s,%s)\n", iface, debugstr_w(pwzAssemblyPath), debugstr_w(pwzTypeName), debugstr_w(pwzMethodName), debugstr_w(pwzArgument)); hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(This, &domain); if(hr != S_OK) { ERR("Couldn't get Default Domain\n"); return hr; } hr = E_FAIL; mono_thread_attach(domain); filenameA = WtoA(pwzAssemblyPath); assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(domain, filenameA); if (!assembly) { ERR("Cannot open assembly %s\n", filenameA); goto cleanup; } image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); if (!image) { ERR("Couldn't get assembly image\n"); goto cleanup; } classA = WtoA(pwzTypeName); ns = strrchr(classA, '.'); *ns = '\0'; klass = mono_class_from_name(image, classA, ns+1); if (!klass) { ERR("Couldn't get class from image\n"); goto cleanup; } methodA = WtoA(pwzMethodName); method = mono_class_get_method_from_name(klass, methodA, 1); if (!method) { ERR("Couldn't get method from class\n"); goto cleanup; } /* The .NET function we are calling has the following declaration * public static int functionName(String param) */ argsA = WtoA(pwzArgument); str = mono_string_new(domain, argsA); args[0] = str; args[1] = NULL; result = mono_runtime_invoke(method, NULL, args, NULL); if (!result) ERR("Couldn't get result pointer\n"); else { *pReturnValue = *(DWORD*)mono_object_unbox(result); hr = S_OK; } cleanup: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, filenameA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, classA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, argsA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, methodA); return hr; }
__int32 WINAPI _CorExeMain(void) { int exit_code; int argc; char **argv; MonoDomain *domain=NULL; MonoImage *image; MonoImageOpenStatus status; MonoAssembly *assembly=NULL; WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; char *filenameA; ICLRRuntimeInfo *info; RuntimeHost *host; HRESULT hr; int i; get_utf8_args(&argc, &argv); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH); TRACE("%s", debugstr_w(filename)); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) TRACE(" %s", debugstr_a(argv[i])); TRACE("\n"); filenameA = WtoA(filename); if (!filenameA) return -1; FixupVTable(GetModuleHandleW(NULL)); hr = get_runtime_info(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, &info); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeHost(info, &host); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(host, &domain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { image = mono_image_open_from_module_handle(GetModuleHandleW(NULL), filenameA, 1, &status); if (image) assembly = mono_assembly_load_from(image, filenameA, &status); if (assembly) { mono_trace_set_assembly(assembly); exit_code = mono_jit_exec(domain, assembly, argc, argv); } else { ERR("couldn't load %s, status=%d\n", debugstr_w(filename), status); exit_code = -1; } RuntimeHost_DeleteDomain(host, domain); } else exit_code = -1; ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(info); } else exit_code = -1; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, argv); if (domain) { mono_thread_manage(); mono_jit_cleanup(domain); } return exit_code; }
int CHttpRecFileSend::HttpRequest(string method, string uri, nocase::map<string, string>* headerList, SOCKET clientSock, HANDLE stopEvent) { int ret = 200; string buff = ""; string path = ""; string rootA = ""; wstring filePath = L""; nocase::map<string, string> httpResHeader; nocase::map<string, string>::iterator itrHead; __int64 fileSize = 0; string contentType = ""; __int64 offset = 0; __int64 endPos = 0; map<__int64, __int64> rangeList; DWORD id = 0; map<DWORD, REC_FILE_INFO>::iterator itrInfo; if( this->rootUri.size() == 0){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } if( CompareNoCase(method, "GET") != 0 ){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } WtoA(this->rootUri, rootA); UrlDecode(uri.c_str(), (DWORD)uri.size(), buff); //通常のルート Separate(buff, rootA, buff, path); if(path.size() == 0 || path.compare("list.html") == 0){ //ファイル一覧のHTMLを返す ret = SendRecFileList(headerList, clientSock, stopEvent); goto End; } id = atoi(path.c_str()); itrInfo = this->recInfoList.find(id); if( itrInfo == this->recInfoList.end()){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } filePath = itrInfo->second.recFilePath; if( PathFileExists(filePath.c_str()) == FALSE ){ ret = 404; goto Err_End; } httpSend.GetContentType(filePath, contentType); fileSize = httpSend.GetContentLength(filePath); endPos = fileSize; itrHead = headerList->find("Range"); if( itrHead == headerList->end() ){ //Rangeなし Format(buff, "%I64d", fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(200, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, offset, endPos, clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ if( httpSend.ParseRangeHeader(fileSize, itrHead->second, &rangeList) == FALSE ){ //Range指定が何かおかしい Format(buff, "%I64d", fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(200, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, offset, endPos, clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")); if( rangeList.size() > 1 ){ //複数の場所指定 Format(buff, "multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s", MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", buff)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(206, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); map<__int64, __int64>::iterator itr; string boundary = ""; for( itr = rangeList.begin(); itr != rangeList.end(); itr++ ){ boundary = "--"; boundary += MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY; boundary += "\r\n"; Format(buff, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", contentType); boundary += buff; Format(buff, "Content-Range: bytes %I64d-%I64d/%I64d\r\n", itr->first, itr->second, fileSize); boundary += buff; boundary += "\r\n"; if( httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent) != NO_ERR ){ goto End; } if( httpSend.SendFile(filePath, itr->first, itr->second+1, clientSock, stopEvent) != NO_ERR ){ goto End; } boundary = "\r\n"; httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent); } boundary = "--"; boundary += MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY; boundary += "--\r\n"; httpSend.SendData((BYTE*)boundary.c_str(), (DWORD)boundary.size(), clientSock, stopEvent); }else{ //一カ所のみ map<__int64, __int64>::iterator itr; itr = rangeList.begin(); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Type", contentType)); Format(buff, "bytes %I64d-%I64d/%I64d", itr->first, itr->second, fileSize); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Range", buff)); Format(buff, "%I64d", itr->second-itr->first+1); httpResHeader.insert(pair<string, string>("Content-Length", buff)); httpSend.SendResponseHeader(206, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); httpSend.SendFile(filePath, itr->first, itr->second+1, clientSock, stopEvent); } } } return ret; Err_End: httpSend.SendResponseHeader(ret, &httpResHeader, clientSock, stopEvent); End: return ret; }
HRESULT MAPIContact::GetContactImage(wstring &wstrImagePath,wstring &wstrContentType,wstring &wstrContentDisposition) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR strExtension=".jpg"; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pSrcStream; { Zimbra::Util::ScopedRowSet pAttachRows; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMAPITable> pAttachTable; SizedSPropTagArray(4, attachProps) = { 4, { PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_ATTACH_SIZE, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME,PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION } }; hr = m_pMessage->GetAttachmentTable(MAPI_UNICODE, pAttachTable.getptr()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray) & attachProps, 0))) return hr; ULONG ulRowCount = 0; if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->GetRowCount(0, &ulRowCount))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = pAttachTable->QueryRows(ulRowCount, 0, pAttachRows.getptr()))) return hr; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pAttachRows->cRows; i++) { // if property couldn't be found or returns error, skip it if ((pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].ulPropTag == PT_ERROR) || (pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.err == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) continue; // Discard the attachmetnt if its not contact picture if (_tcscmp(pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.LPSZ, _T( "ContactPicture.jpg"))) continue; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IAttach> pAttach; if (FAILED(hr = m_pMessage->OpenAttach( pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[0].Value.l, NULL, 0, pAttach.getptr()))) continue; if (FAILED(hr = pAttach->OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, &IID_IStream, STGM_READ, 0, (LPUNKNOWN FAR *)pSrcStream.getptr()))) return hr; // LPSPropValue pProps = NULL; // ULONG cProps = 0; // hr = pAttach->GetProps((LPSPropTagArray) & attachProps, 0, &cProps, &pProps); if(pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[3].ulPropTag == PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A) //if (pProps[PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION].ulPropTag == PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A) { // add a custom header for content location to support rfc2557 LPSTR pContentType = NULL; strExtension = pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[3].Value.lpszA; Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetContentTypeFromExtension(pAttachRows->aRow[i].lpProps[3].Value.lpszA, pContentType); LPWSTR lpwstrContentType = NULL; AtoW((LPSTR)pContentType, lpwstrContentType); wstrContentType = lpwstrContentType; } break; } } } } if (hr != S_OK) return hr; // copy image to file wstring wstrTempAppDirPath; char *lpszDirName = NULL; char *lpszUniqueName = NULL; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IStream> pDestStream; if (!Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetAppTemporaryDirectory(wstrTempAppDirPath)) return MAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED; WtoA((LPWSTR)wstrTempAppDirPath.c_str(), lpszDirName); string strFQFileName = lpszDirName; WtoA((LPWSTR)Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetUniqueName().c_str(), lpszUniqueName); strFQFileName += "\\ZmContact_"; strFQFileName += lpszUniqueName; //strFQFileName += ".jpg"; strFQFileName += strExtension; SafeDelete(lpszDirName); SafeDelete(lpszUniqueName); // Open stream on file if (FAILED(hr = OpenStreamOnFile(MAPIAllocateBuffer, MAPIFreeBuffer, STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, (LPTSTR)strFQFileName.c_str(), NULL, pDestStream.getptr()))) return hr; ULARGE_INTEGER liAll = { 0 }; liAll.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)-1; if (FAILED(hr = pSrcStream->CopyTo(pDestStream.get(), liAll, NULL, NULL))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = pDestStream->Commit(0))) { return hr; ; } // mime file path LPWSTR lpwstrFQFileName = NULL; AtoW((LPSTR)strFQFileName.c_str(), lpwstrFQFileName); wstrImagePath = lpwstrFQFileName; LPSTR ppszCD; mimepp::String theCD; theCD.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); theCD.append(strFQFileName.c_str()); theCD.append("\"; filename=\""); theCD.append(strFQFileName.c_str()); theCD.append("\""); const char *pFinal = theCD.c_str(); Zimbra::Util::CopyString(ppszCD, (LPSTR)pFinal); LPWSTR lpwstrContentDisp = NULL; AtoW((LPSTR)theCD.c_str(), lpwstrContentDisp); wstrContentDisposition = lpwstrContentDisp; /* LPSTR pContentType = NULL; Zimbra::MAPI::Util::GetContentTypeFromExtension(".jpg", pContentType); LPWSTR lpwstrContentType = NULL; AtoW((LPSTR)pContentType, lpwstrContentType); wstrContentType = lpwstrContentType;*/ SafeDelete(lpwstrFQFileName); return hr; }
bool CExtInstaller::ForceFix() { std::string machine_id; if (false == GetMachineId(machine_id, 43)) { return false; } if( false == GetChromeVersion(m_chromeVersion)) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix GetChromeVersion failed,maybe not installed chrome\n")); return false; } int majorVersion = GetChromeMajorVersion(m_chromeVersion); if (majorVersion < CHROME_SUPPORT_CRX_MINVER ) { return false; } if(majorVersion >CHROME_SUPPORT_LAST_VER) { return false; } //if(majorVersion < CHROME_SUPPORT_SEC_MINVER) if( false == RegisterNativeApp()) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix RegisterNativeApp failed\n")); return false; } GenerateNativeAppConfig(); if( true == IsChromeRun()) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix IsChromeRun chrome is running\n")); return false; } if(true == IsExtEnable(majorVersion)) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix IsExtEnable extension is enable,needn't fix\n")); return true; } if(majorVersion < CHROME_SUPPORT_SLIENT_VER) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix need user install manul\n")); return true; } if(majorVersion >= CHROME_SUPPORT_SEC_MINVER/*CHROME_SUPPORT_SLIENT_VER*/) { if( false == GetChromeResPathByReg(m_chromeResPath, m_chromeVersion)) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix GetChromeResPathByReg failed,maybe not installed chrome\n")); return false; } std::string machine_id; if(false == GetMachineId(machine_id,majorVersion)) { return false; } std::string pre_hash_seed_bin; if ( CHROME_EXT_PARSERES_FAILED == GetHMACSeed(pre_hash_seed_bin, m_chromeResPath,majorVersion)) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix parsePAKRes failed\n")); return false; } m_extConfigHMAC = GenerateExtConfigHMAC(machine_id, GenerateMessagePath(), WtoA(std::wstring(CHROME_SAMPLE_EXT_OL_CONFIG_W)), pre_hash_seed_bin); } else { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix needn't find resouce file\n")); } if( false == InstallCRX()) { SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::ForceFix InstallCRX failed\n")); return false; } extInstallerAdapter* extInstallerAdapter_ = GetExtInstallerAdapter(m_chromeVersion ,majorVersion ,m_extConfigHMAC ,GetChromePreferencePath(false) ,GetChromePreferencePath() ,GetChromeStateFilePath()); extInstallerAdapter_->extForceFix(); return false;
BOOL CBatManager::CreateBatFile(BAT_WORK_INFO* info, wstring batSrcFilePath, wstring& batFilePath ) { if( info == NULL ){ return FALSE; } GetModuleFolderPath(batFilePath); batFilePath+=L"\\EpgTimer_Bon_RecEnd.bat"; //バッチの作成 HANDLE hRead = CreateFileW( batSrcFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hRead == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ return FALSE; } HANDLE hWrite = _CreateFile2( batFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hWrite == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ CloseHandle(hRead); return FALSE; } DWORD dwRead=0; DWORD dwL = GetFileSize(hRead, NULL); char* pBuff = new char[dwL+1]; ZeroMemory(pBuff, dwL+1); ReadFile(hRead, pBuff, dwL, &dwRead, NULL ); CloseHandle(hRead); string strRead = ""; strRead = pBuff; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pBuff); string strRecFilePath=""; string strFolderPath=""; string strFileName=""; string strTitle=""; string strSDYYYY=""; string strSDYY=""; string strSDMM=""; string strSDM=""; string strSDDD=""; string strSDD=""; string strSDW=""; string strSTHH=""; string strSTH=""; string strSTMM=""; string strSTM=""; string strSTSS=""; string strSTS=""; string strEDYYYY=""; string strEDYY=""; string strEDMM=""; string strEDM=""; string strEDDD=""; string strEDD=""; string strEDW=""; string strETHH=""; string strETH=""; string strETMM=""; string strETM=""; string strETSS=""; string strETS=""; string strONID10=""; string strTSID10=""; string strSID10=""; string strEID10=""; string strONID16=""; string strTSID16=""; string strSID16=""; string strEID16=""; string strServiceName=""; string strSDYYYY28=""; string strSDYY28=""; string strSDMM28=""; string strSDM28=""; string strSDDD28=""; string strSDD28=""; string strSDW28=""; string strSTHH28=""; string strSTH28=""; string strEDYYYY28=""; string strEDYY28=""; string strEDMM28=""; string strEDM28=""; string strEDDD28=""; string strEDD28=""; string strEDW28=""; string strETHH28=""; string strETH28=""; string strDUH=""; string strDUHH=""; string strDUM=""; string strDUMM=""; string strDUS=""; string strDUSS=""; string strTitle2=""; string strDrops=""; string strScrambles=""; string strResult=""; string strTitleF=""; string strTitle2F=""; string strAddKey=""; WtoA(info->recFileInfo.recFilePath, strRecFilePath); WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; WCHAR szDir[_MAX_DIR]; WCHAR szFname[_MAX_FNAME]; WCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT]; WCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH] = L""; _tsplitpath_s( info->recFileInfo.recFilePath.c_str(), szDrive, _MAX_DRIVE, szDir, _MAX_DIR, szFname, _MAX_FNAME, szExt, _MAX_EXT ); _tmakepath_s( szPath, _MAX_PATH, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL ); wstring strFolder; strFolder = szPath; ChkFolderPath(strFolder); WtoA(szFname, strFileName); WtoA(strFolder, strFolderPath); WtoA(info->recFileInfo.title, strTitle); Format(strSDYYYY, "%04d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wYear); Format(strSDYY, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wYear%100); Format(strSDMM, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wMonth); Format(strSDM, "%d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wMonth); Format(strSDDD, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wDay); Format(strSDD, "%d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wDay); GetDayOfWeekString2(info->recFileInfo.startTime, strSDW); Format(strSTHH, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wHour); Format(strSTH, "%d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wHour); Format(strSTMM, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wMinute); Format(strSTM, "%d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wMinute); Format(strSTSS, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wSecond); Format(strSTS, "%d", info->recFileInfo.startTime.wSecond); SYSTEMTIME t28TimeS; if( 0 <= info->recFileInfo.startTime.wHour && info->recFileInfo.startTime.wHour < 4 ){ GetSumTime(info->recFileInfo.startTime, -24*60*60, &t28TimeS); GetDayOfWeekString2(t28TimeS, strSDW28); t28TimeS.wHour+=24; }else{ t28TimeS = info->recFileInfo.startTime; GetDayOfWeekString2(t28TimeS, strSDW28); } Format(strSDYYYY28, "%04d", t28TimeS.wYear); Format(strSDYY28, "%02d", t28TimeS.wYear%100); Format(strSDMM28, "%02d", t28TimeS.wMonth); Format(strSDM28, "%d", t28TimeS.wMonth); Format(strSDDD28, "%02d", t28TimeS.wDay); Format(strSDD28, "%d", t28TimeS.wDay); Format(strSTHH28, "%02d", t28TimeS.wHour); Format(strSTH28, "%d", t28TimeS.wHour); SYSTEMTIME tEnd; GetI64Time(info->recFileInfo.startTime, info->recFileInfo.durationSecond, NULL, NULL, &tEnd); Format(strEDYYYY, "%04d", tEnd.wYear); Format(strEDYY, "%02d", tEnd.wYear%100); Format(strEDMM, "%02d", tEnd.wMonth); Format(strEDM, "%d", tEnd.wMonth); Format(strEDDD, "%02d", tEnd.wDay); Format(strEDD, "%d", tEnd.wDay); GetDayOfWeekString2(tEnd, strEDW); Format(strETHH, "%02d", tEnd.wHour); Format(strETH, "%d", tEnd.wHour); Format(strETMM, "%02d", tEnd.wMinute); Format(strETM, "%d", tEnd.wMinute); Format(strETSS, "%02d", tEnd.wSecond); Format(strETS, "%d", tEnd.wSecond); SYSTEMTIME t28TimeE; if( 0 <= tEnd.wHour && tEnd.wHour < 4 ){ GetSumTime(tEnd, -24*60*60, &t28TimeE); GetDayOfWeekString2(t28TimeE, strEDW28); t28TimeE.wHour+=24; }else{ t28TimeE = tEnd; GetDayOfWeekString2(tEnd, strEDW28); } Format(strEDYYYY28, "%04d", t28TimeE.wYear); Format(strEDYY28, "%02d", t28TimeE.wYear%100); Format(strEDMM28, "%02d", t28TimeE.wMonth); Format(strEDM28, "%d", t28TimeE.wMonth); Format(strEDDD28, "%02d", t28TimeE.wDay); Format(strEDD28, "%d", t28TimeE.wDay); Format(strETHH28, "%02d", t28TimeE.wHour); Format(strETH28, "%d", t28TimeE.wHour); Format(strONID10, "%d", info->recFileInfo.originalNetworkID); Format(strTSID10, "%d", info->recFileInfo.transportStreamID); Format(strSID10, "%d", info->recFileInfo.serviceID); Format(strEID10, "%d", info->recFileInfo.eventID); Format(strONID16, "%04X", info->recFileInfo.originalNetworkID); Format(strTSID16, "%04X", info->recFileInfo.transportStreamID); Format(strSID16, "%04X", info->recFileInfo.serviceID); Format(strEID16, "%04X", info->recFileInfo.eventID); WtoA(info->recFileInfo.serviceName, strServiceName); Format(strDUHH, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.durationSecond/(60*60)); Format(strDUH, "%d", info->recFileInfo.durationSecond/(60*60)); Format(strDUMM, "%02d", (info->recFileInfo.durationSecond%(60*60))/60); Format(strDUM, "%d", (info->recFileInfo.durationSecond%(60*60))/60); Format(strDUSS, "%02d", info->recFileInfo.durationSecond%60); Format(strDUS, "%d", info->recFileInfo.durationSecond%60); wstring strTemp = info->recFileInfo.title; while( (strTemp.find(L"[") != string::npos) && (strTemp.find(L"]") != string::npos) ){ wstring strSep1=L""; wstring strSep2=L""; Separate(strTemp, L"[", strSep1, strTemp); Separate(strTemp, L"]", strSep2, strTemp); strSep1 += strTemp; strTemp = strSep1; } WtoA(strTemp, strTitle2); Format(strDrops, "%I64d", info->recFileInfo.drops); Format(strScrambles, "%I64d", info->recFileInfo.scrambles); WtoA(info->recFileInfo.comment, strResult); CheckFileName(strTitleF); CheckFileName(strTemp); WtoA(strTemp, strTitle2F); strTemp = info->recFileInfo.title; CheckFileName(strTemp); WtoA(strTemp, strTitleF); if( info->reserveInfo.comment.find(L"EPG自動予約(") != string::npos ){ WtoA(info->reserveInfo.comment, strAddKey); Replace(strAddKey, "EPG自動予約(", ""); strAddKey.erase(strAddKey.length()-1, 1); } Replace(strRead, "$FilePath$", strRecFilePath); Replace(strRead, "$FolderPath$", strFolderPath); Replace(strRead, "$FileName$", strFileName); Replace(strRead, "$Title$", strTitle); Replace(strRead, "$SDYYYY$", strSDYYYY); Replace(strRead, "$SDYY$", strSDYY); Replace(strRead, "$SDMM$", strSDMM); Replace(strRead, "$SDM$", strSDM); Replace(strRead, "$SDDD$", strSDDD); Replace(strRead, "$SDD$", strSDD); Replace(strRead, "$SDW$", strSDW); Replace(strRead, "$STHH$", strSTHH); Replace(strRead, "$STH$", strSTH); Replace(strRead, "$STMM$", strSTMM); Replace(strRead, "$STM$", strSTM); Replace(strRead, "$STSS$", strSTSS); Replace(strRead, "$STS$", strSTS); Replace(strRead, "$EDYYYY$", strEDYYYY); Replace(strRead, "$EDYY$", strEDYY); Replace(strRead, "$EDMM$", strEDMM); Replace(strRead, "$EDM$", strEDM); Replace(strRead, "$EDDD$", strEDDD); Replace(strRead, "$EDD$", strEDD); Replace(strRead, "$EDW$", strEDW); Replace(strRead, "$ETHH$", strETHH); Replace(strRead, "$ETH$", strETH); Replace(strRead, "$ETMM$", strETMM); Replace(strRead, "$ETM$", strETM); Replace(strRead, "$ETSS$", strETSS); Replace(strRead, "$ETS$", strETS); Replace(strRead, "$ONID10$", strONID10); Replace(strRead, "$TSID10$", strTSID10); Replace(strRead, "$SID10$", strSID10); Replace(strRead, "$EID10$", strEID10); Replace(strRead, "$ONID16$", strONID16); Replace(strRead, "$TSID16$", strTSID16); Replace(strRead, "$SID16$", strSID16); Replace(strRead, "$EID16$", strEID16); Replace(strRead, "$ServiceName$", strServiceName); Replace(strRead, "$SDYYYY28$", strSDYYYY28); Replace(strRead, "$SDYY28$", strSDYY28); Replace(strRead, "$SDMM28$", strSDMM28); Replace(strRead, "$SDM28$", strSDM28); Replace(strRead, "$SDDD28$", strSDDD28); Replace(strRead, "$SDD28$", strSDD28); Replace(strRead, "$SDW28$", strSDW28); Replace(strRead, "$STHH28$", strSTHH28); Replace(strRead, "$STH28$", strSTH28); Replace(strRead, "$EDYYYY28$", strEDYYYY28); Replace(strRead, "$EDYY28$", strEDYY28); Replace(strRead, "$EDMM28$", strEDMM28); Replace(strRead, "$EDM28$", strEDM28); Replace(strRead, "$EDDD28$", strEDDD28); Replace(strRead, "$EDD28$", strEDD28); Replace(strRead, "$EDW28$", strEDW28); Replace(strRead, "$ETHH28$", strETHH28); Replace(strRead, "$ETH28$", strETH28); Replace(strRead, "$DUHH$", strDUHH); Replace(strRead, "$DUH$", strDUH); Replace(strRead, "$DUMM$", strDUMM); Replace(strRead, "$DUM$", strDUM); Replace(strRead, "$DUSS$", strDUSS); Replace(strRead, "$DUS$", strDUS); Replace(strRead, "$Title2$", strTitle2); Replace(strRead, "$Drops$", strDrops); Replace(strRead, "$Scrambles$", strScrambles); Replace(strRead, "$Result$", strResult); Replace(strRead, "$TitleF$", strTitleF); Replace(strRead, "$Title2F$", strTitle2F); Replace(strRead, "$AddKey$", strAddKey); DWORD dwWrite=0; WriteFile(hWrite, strRead.c_str(), (DWORD)strRead.length(), &dwWrite, NULL ); CloseHandle(hWrite); return TRUE; }
HRESULT ExchangeAdmin::CreateProfile(wstring strProfileName, wstring strMailboxName, wstring strPassword) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strServer; Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strMBName; Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfName; Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfPwd; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMsgServiceAdmin> pSvcAdmin; Zimbra::Util::ScopedInterface<IMAPITable> pMsgSvcTable; Zimbra::Util::ScopedRowSet pSvcRows; SPropValue rgval[2] = { 0 }; SPropValue sProps = { 0 }; SRestriction sres; WCHAR errDescrption[256] = {}; // Columns to get from HrQueryAllRows. enum { iSvcName, iSvcUID, cptaSvc }; SizedSPropTagArray(cptaSvc, sptCols) = { cptaSvc, PR_SERVICE_NAME, PR_SERVICE_UID }; WtoA((LPWSTR)strProfileName.c_str(), strProfName.getref()); WtoA((LPWSTR)strPassword.c_str(), strProfPwd.getref()); // create new profile if (FAILED(hr = m_pProfAdmin->CreateProfile((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(), (LPTSTR)strProfPwd.get(), NULL, 0))) { throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, L"CreateProfile(): CreateProfile Failed.", ERR_CREATE_EXCHPROFILE, __LINE__, __FILE__); } // Get an IMsgServiceAdmin interface off of the IProfAdmin interface. if (FAILED(hr = m_pProfAdmin->AdminServices((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(), (LPTSTR)strProfPwd.get(), NULL, 0, pSvcAdmin.getptr()))) { wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): AdminServices Failed."); goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT; } // Create the new message service for Exchange. if (FAILED(hr = pSvcAdmin->CreateMsgService((LPTSTR)"MSEMS", (LPTSTR)"MSEMS", NULL, NULL))) { wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): CreateMsgService Failed."); goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT; } // Need to obtain the entry id for the new service. This can be done by getting the message service table // and getting the entry that corresponds to the new service. if (FAILED(hr = pSvcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, pMsgSvcTable.getptr()))) { wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): GetMsgServiceTable Failed."); goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT; } sres.rt = RES_CONTENT; sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING; sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME; sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &sProps; sProps.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME; sProps.Value.lpszA = "MSEMS"; // Query the table to obtain the entry for the newly created message service. if (FAILED(hr = HrQueryAllRows(pMsgSvcTable.get(), (LPSPropTagArray) & sptCols, NULL, NULL, 0, pSvcRows.getptr()))) { wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): HrQueryAllRows Failed."); goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT; } // Set up a SPropValue array for the properties that you have to configure. if (pSvcRows->cRows > 0) { // First, the exchange server name. ZeroMemory(&rgval[0], sizeof (SPropValue)); rgval[0].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER; WtoA((LPWSTR)m_strServer.c_str(), strServer.getref()); rgval[0].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)strServer.get(); // Next, the user's AD name. ZeroMemory(&rgval[1], sizeof (SPropValue)); rgval[1].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME; WtoA((LPWSTR)strMailboxName.c_str(), strMBName.getref()); rgval[1].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)strMBName.get(); // Configure the message service by using the previous properties. // int trials = 10; int trials = 2; int itrTrials = 0; hr = 0x81002746; // WSAECONNRESET while ((hr == 0x81002746) && (itrTrials < trials)) { hr = pSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService( (LPMAPIUID)pSvcRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID].Value.bin.lpb, NULL, 0, 2, rgval); //if (hr == 0x81002746) // Sleep(30000); //Sleep(10000); itrTrials++; } if (FAILED(hr)) { /* = * pSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService((LPMAPIUID)pSvcRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID]. * Value.bin.lpb,NULL, 0, 2, rgval)))*/ wcscpy(errDescrption, L"CreateProfile(): ConfigureMsgService Failed."); goto CRT_PROFILE_EXIT; } } CRT_PROFILE_EXIT: if (hr != S_OK) { DeleteProfile(strProfileName); throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, errDescrption, ERR_CREATE_EXCHPROFILE, __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { //Create supporting OL profile entries else crash may happen! if(!Zimbra::MAPI::Util::SetOLProfileRegistryEntries(strProfileName.c_str())) { throw ExchangeAdminException(hr, L"ExchangeAdmin::CreateProfile()::SetOLProfileRegistryEntries Failed.", ERR_CREATE_EXCHPROFILE, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* Zimbra::Util::ScopedBuffer<char> strProfName; WtoA((LPWSTR)strProfileName.c_str(), strProfName.getref()); hr=m_pProfAdmin->SetDefaultProfile((LPTSTR)strProfName.get(),NULL); */ } return hr; }
BOOL CParseChText5::SaveChText(LPCWSTR filePath) { wstring loadFilePath = L""; if( filePath == NULL ){ loadFilePath = this->filePath; }else{ loadFilePath = filePath; } if( loadFilePath.size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } if( this->chList.size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } HANDLE hFile = _CreateFile2( loadFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ return FALSE; } multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA5> sortList; map<LONGLONG, CH_DATA5>::iterator itrCh; for( itrCh = this->chList.begin(); itrCh != this->chList.end(); itrCh++ ){ int network; if( 0x7880 <= itrCh->second.originalNetworkID && itrCh->second.originalNetworkID <= 0x7FE8 ){ if( itrCh->second.partialFlag == 0 ){ network = 0; //地デジ }else{ network = 1; //ワンセグ } }else if( itrCh->second.originalNetworkID == 0x04 ){ network = 2; //BS }else if( itrCh->second.originalNetworkID == 0x06 || itrCh->second.originalNetworkID == 0x07 ){ network = 3; //CS }else{ network = 4; //その他 } LONGLONG Key = ((LONGLONG)network)<<16 | (LONGLONG)itrCh->second.serviceID; sortList.insert(pair<LONGLONG, CH_DATA5>(Key, itrCh->second)); } multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA5>::iterator itr; for( itr = sortList.begin(); itr != sortList.end(); itr++ ){ string serviceName=""; WtoA(itr->second.serviceName, serviceName); string networkName=""; WtoA(itr->second.networkName, networkName); string strBuff; Format(strBuff, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\r\n", serviceName.c_str(), networkName.c_str(), itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID, itr->second.serviceType, itr->second.partialFlag, itr->second.epgCapFlag, itr->second.searchFlag ); DWORD dwWrite = 0; WriteFile(hFile, strBuff.c_str(), (DWORD)strBuff.length(), &dwWrite, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; }
BOOL CSyoboiCalUtil::SendReserve(vector<RESERVE_DATA>* reserveList, vector<TUNER_RESERVE_INFO>* tunerList) { if( reserveList == NULL || tunerList == NULL ){ return FALSE; } if( reserveList->size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } wstring iniAppPath = L""; GetModuleIniPath(iniAppPath); if( GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"use", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()) == 0 ){ return FALSE; } _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:SendReserve"); wstring textPath; GetModuleFolderPath(textPath); textPath += L"\\SyoboiCh.txt"; CParseServiceChgText srvChg; srvChg.ParseText(textPath.c_str()); SAFE_DELETE(this->proxyInfo); WCHAR buff[512] = L""; int length = 0; BOOL useProxy = (BOOL)GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"useProxy", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()); if( useProxy == TRUE ){ this->proxyInfo = new USE_PROXY_INFO; GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyServer", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); this->proxyInfo->serverName = new WCHAR[wcslen(buff)+1]; wcscpy_s(this->proxyInfo->serverName, wcslen(buff)+1, buff); ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyID", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); length = (int)wcslen(buff); if( length > 0 ){ this->proxyInfo->userName = new WCHAR[length+1]; wcscpy_s(this->proxyInfo->userName, length+1, buff); }else{ this->proxyInfo->userName = NULL; } ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"ProxyPWD", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); length = (int)wcslen(buff); if( length > 0 ){ this->proxyInfo->password = new WCHAR[length+1]; wcscpy_s(this->proxyInfo->password, length+1, buff); }else{ this->proxyInfo->password = NULL; } } ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"userID", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); this->id=buff; ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"PWD", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); this->pass=buff; int slot = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SYOBOI", L"slot", 0, iniAppPath.c_str()); ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"devcolors", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); wstring devcolors=buff; ZeroMemory(buff, (sizeof(WCHAR)*512)); GetPrivateProfileString(L"SYOBOI", L"epgurl", L"", buff, 512, iniAppPath.c_str()); wstring epgurl=buff; if( this->id.size() == 0 ){ _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:NoUserID"); return FALSE; } //Authorization wstring auth = L""; auth = this->id; auth += L":"; auth += this->pass; string authA; WtoA(auth, authA); DWORD destSize = 0; Base64Enc(authA.c_str(), (DWORD)authA.size(), NULL, &destSize); WCHAR* base64 = new WCHAR[destSize]; ZeroMemory(base64, destSize*sizeof(WCHAR)); Base64Enc(authA.c_str(), (DWORD)authA.size(), base64, &destSize); wstring authHead = L""; Format(authHead, L"Authorization: Basic %s\r\nContent-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", base64); //data wstring dataParam; wstring param; map<DWORD, wstring> tunerMap; for( size_t i=0; i<tunerList->size(); i++ ){ for( size_t j=0; j<(*tunerList)[i].reserveList.size(); j++ ){ tunerMap.insert(pair<DWORD, wstring>((*tunerList)[i].reserveList[j], (*tunerList)[i].tunerName)); } } map<DWORD, wstring>::iterator itrTuner; DWORD dataCount = 0; for(size_t i=0; i<reserveList->size(); i++ ){ if( dataCount>=200 ){ break; } RESERVE_DATA* info = &(*reserveList)[i]; if( info->recSetting.recMode == RECMODE_NO || info->recSetting.recMode == RECMODE_VIEW ){ continue; } wstring device=L""; itrTuner = tunerMap.find(info->reserveID); if( itrTuner != tunerMap.end() ){ device = itrTuner->second; } wstring stationName = info->stationName; srvChg.ChgText(stationName); __int64 startTime = GetTimeStamp(info->startTime); Format(param, L"%I64d\t%I64d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\t0\t%d\n", startTime, startTime+info->durationSecond, device.c_str(), info->title.c_str(), stationName.c_str(), info->reserveID ); dataParam+=param; } if(dataParam.size() == 0 ){ _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:NoReserve"); return FALSE; } string utf8; UrlEncodeUTF8(dataParam.c_str(), (DWORD)dataParam.size(), utf8); string data; Format(data, "slot=%d&data=%s",slot, utf8.c_str()); if( devcolors.size() > 0){ utf8 = ""; UrlEncodeUTF8(devcolors.c_str(), (DWORD)devcolors.size(), utf8); data += "&devcolors="; data += utf8; } if( epgurl.size() > 0){ utf8 = ""; UrlEncodeUTF8(epgurl.c_str(), (DWORD)epgurl.size(), utf8); data += "&epgurl="; data += utf8; } UPLOAD_DATA_LIST upList; upList.listCount = 1; upList.list = new UPLOAD_DATA[1]; upList.list->filePathFlag = 0; upList.list->buffSize = (DWORD)data.size(); upList.list->buff = new BYTE[data.size()+1]; ZeroMemory(upList.list->buff, data.size()+1); memcpy(upList.list->buff, data.c_str(), data.size()); wstring url; Format(url,L"%s",SYOBOI_UP_URL); CWinHTTPUtil http; DWORD result = NO_ERR; result = http.OpenSession(L"EpgTimerSrv", FALSE, useProxy, this->proxyInfo); if( result != NO_ERR ){ return FALSE; } result = http.SendRequest(url.c_str(), NW_VERB_POST, authHead.c_str(), NULL, &upList); DWORD dlSize = 0; http.GetDLBuff(NULL, &dlSize); if( dlSize > 0 ){ BYTE* dlBuff = new BYTE[dlSize+1]; ZeroMemory(dlBuff, dlSize+1); http.GetDLBuff(dlBuff, &dlSize); string response = (char*)dlBuff; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(dlBuff); } http.CloseRequest(); _OutputDebugString(L"★SyoboiCalUtil:SendRequest res:%d", result); if( result != NO_ERR ){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static HRESULT RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(RuntimeHost *This, const WCHAR *config_path, MonoDomain **result) { WCHAR config_dir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR base_dir[MAX_PATH]; char *base_dirA, *config_pathA, *slash; HRESULT res=S_OK; EnterCriticalSection(&This->lock); if (This->default_domain) goto end; res = RuntimeHost_AddDefaultDomain(This, &This->default_domain); if (!config_path) { DWORD len = ARRAY_SIZE(config_dir); static const WCHAR machine_configW[] = {'\\','C','O','N','F','I','G','\\','m','a','c','h','i','n','e','.','c','o','n','f','i','g',0}; res = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeDirectory(&This->version->ICLRRuntimeInfo_iface, config_dir, &len); if (FAILED(res)) goto end; lstrcatW(config_dir, machine_configW); config_path = config_dir; } config_pathA = WtoA(config_path); if (!config_pathA) { res = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, base_dir, ARRAY_SIZE(base_dir)); base_dirA = WtoA(base_dir); if (!base_dirA) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, config_pathA); res = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } slash = strrchr(base_dirA, '\\'); if (slash) *(slash + 1) = 0; TRACE("setting base_dir: %s, config_path: %s\n", base_dirA, config_pathA); mono_domain_set_config(This->default_domain, base_dirA, config_pathA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, config_pathA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, base_dirA); end: *result = This->default_domain; LeaveCriticalSection(&This->lock); return res; }
/* Create an instance of a type given its name, by calling its constructor with * no arguments. Note that result MUST be in the stack, or the garbage * collector may free it prematurely. */ HRESULT RuntimeHost_CreateManagedInstance(RuntimeHost *This, LPCWSTR name, MonoDomain *domain, MonoObject **result) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; char *nameA=NULL; MonoType *type; MonoClass *klass; MonoObject *obj; if (!domain) hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(This, &domain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nameA = WtoA(name); if (!nameA) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { mono_thread_attach(domain); type = mono_reflection_type_from_name(nameA, NULL); if (!type) { ERR("Cannot find type %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); hr = E_FAIL; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { klass = mono_class_from_mono_type(type); if (!klass) { ERR("Cannot convert type %s to a class\n", debugstr_w(name)); hr = E_FAIL; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { obj = mono_object_new(domain, klass); if (!obj) { ERR("Cannot allocate object of type %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); hr = E_FAIL; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* FIXME: Detect exceptions from the constructor? */ mono_runtime_object_init(obj); *result = obj; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, nameA); return hr; }
BOOL CParseChText4::SaveChText(LPCWSTR filePath) { wstring loadFilePath = L""; wstring loadTunerName = L""; if( filePath == NULL ){ loadFilePath = this->filePath; loadTunerName = this->tunerName; }else{ loadFilePath = filePath; wregex re(L".+\\\\(.+)\\(.+\\)\\.ChSet4\\.txt$"); wstring text(filePath); wsmatch m; if( regex_search(text, m, re) ){ loadTunerName = m[1]; loadTunerName += L".dll"; } } if( loadFilePath.size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } if( loadTunerName.size() == 0 ){ return FALSE; } multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4> sortList; multimap<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4>::iterator itr; for( itr = this->chList.begin(); itr != this->chList.end(); itr++ ){ LONGLONG Key = ((LONGLONG)itr->second.space)<<32 | ((LONGLONG)itr->second.ch)<<16 | (LONGLONG)itr->second.serviceID; sortList.insert(pair<LONGLONG, CH_DATA4>(Key, itr->second)); } // ファイル出力 HANDLE hFile = _CreateFile2( loadFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ return FALSE; } for( itr = sortList.begin(); itr != sortList.end(); itr++ ){ string chName=""; WtoA(itr->second.chName, chName); string serviceName=""; WtoA(itr->second.serviceName, serviceName); string networkName=""; WtoA(itr->second.networkName, networkName); string strBuff; Format(strBuff, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\r\n", chName.c_str(), serviceName.c_str(), networkName.c_str(), itr->second.space, itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID, itr->second.serviceType, itr->second.partialFlag, itr->second.useViewFlag, itr->second.remoconID ); DWORD dwWrite = 0; WriteFile(hFile, strBuff.c_str(), (DWORD)strBuff.length(), &dwWrite, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); wstring appIniPath = L""; GetModuleIniPath(appIniPath); wstring ipString; DWORD ip; DWORD port; ip = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"SET_UDP", L"IP0", 2130706433, appIniPath.c_str()); Format(ipString, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", (ip&0xFF000000)>>24, (ip&0x00FF0000)>>16, (ip&0x0000FF00)>>8, (ip&0x000000FF) ); port = GetPrivateProfileInt( L"SET_UDP", L"Port0", 3456, appIniPath.c_str() ); // MediaPortal TV Serverのデータベースへ登録 if (this->dbCtrl.Connect(&this->mysql, MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWD, MYSQL_DB) != 0) { return FALSE; } this->results = NULL; CString sql = L""; wstring wsql = L""; int chkNum = 0; this->dbCtrl.Begin(&this->mysql); map<CString, int> lockTable; lockTable[L"channelgroup"] = 2; lockTable[L"tuningdetail"] = 2; lockTable[L"groupmap" ] = 2; lockTable[L"channel" ] = 2; lockTable[L"channelmap" ] = 2; if (this->dbCtrl.LockTable(&this->mysql, lockTable) != 0) goto ESC; // channelgroupの登録が何個あるか調べる sql = L"SELECT idGroup FROM channelgroup WHERE idGroup < 2;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); chkNum = this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results); this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); int maxNum; sql = L"SELECT MAX(idGroup) FROM channelgroup;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); this->record = this->dbCtrl.FetchRow(&this->results); maxNum = atoi(this->record[0]); this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); switch(chkNum){ case 0: // 登録が0個ならidGroupの0(地上波・BS)と1(CS)を登録する // idGroupに0はオートナンバーのためINSERTの段階では登録できないのでINSERTしてから変更する sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channelgroup VALUES(%d,'地上波・BS',0);"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql.Format(_T("UPDATE channelgroup SET idGroup = 0 WHERE idGroup = %d;"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql = L"INSERT INTO channelgroup VALUES(1,'CS',1);"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; break; case 1: // 登録が1個ならidGroupの1を末番に変更して、idGroupの0(地上波・BS)と1(CS)を登録する // 1個ということはMediaPortal_Bonより前にMediaPortal TV Serverのチャンネル設定で初期値が入った。 sql.Format(_T("UPDATE channelgroup SET idGroup = %d WHERE idGroup = 1;"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql.Format(_T("UPDATE groupmap SET idGroup = %d WHERE idGroup = 1;"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql = L"SELECT MAX(idGroup) FROM channelgroup;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); this->record = this->dbCtrl.FetchRow(&this->results); maxNum = atoi(this->record[0]); this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channelgroup VALUES(%d,'地上波・BS',0);"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql.Format(_T("UPDATE channelgroup SET idGroup = 0 WHERE idGroup = %d;"), maxNum + 1); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; sql = L"INSERT INTO channelgroup VALUES(1,'CS',1);"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; break; } // 同じチューナーの既存の登録に対してチューナー名を変更する。 sql.Format(_T("UPDATE tuningdetail SET provider = '@_%s' WHERE provider = '%s';"), loadTunerName.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str()); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; //sql.Format(_T("iterator = '%d' '%d';"), sortList.begin(), sortList.end()); //AfxMessageBox(sql, NULL, MB_OK); int tmpCh; // 登録用チャンネル for( itr = sortList.begin(); itr != sortList.end(); itr++ ){ if(itr->second.useViewFlag){ wsql = L""; wsql += L"SELECT idChannel FROM tuningdetail WHERE "; wsql += L"provider = '@_%s' AND "; wsql += L"channelNumber = %d AND "; wsql += L"networkId = %d AND "; wsql += L"transportId = %d AND "; wsql += L"serviceId = %d;"; sql.Format(wsql.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str(), itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); //AfxMessageBox(loadTunerName.c_str(), NULL, MB_OK); if(this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ // 既存のチャンネルは退避する this->record = this->dbCtrl.FetchRow(&this->results); tmpCh = atoi(this->record[0]); this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); wsql = L""; wsql += L"UPDATE tuningdetail SET provider = '%s' WHERE "; wsql += L"provider = '@_%s' AND "; wsql += L"channelNumber = %d AND "; wsql += L"networkId = %d AND "; wsql += L"transportId = %d AND "; wsql += L"serviceId = %d;"; sql.Format(wsql.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str(), itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; // 既存のチャンネル登録があってもgroupmap.idGroupが適切な値(0:地上波・BS, 1:CS)になっているかを調べる。 sql.Format(_T("SELECT idMap FROM groupmap WHERE idChannel = %d AND idGroup = %d;"), tmpCh, itr->second.space); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); sql = L"SELECT SortOrder FROM groupmap;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); maxNum = this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results); // groupmap.idGroupに適切な値(0:地上波・BS, 1:CS)の登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO groupmap VALUES(0, %d, %d, %d);"), itr->second.space, tmpCh, maxNum); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネル概要があるか sql.Format(_T("SELECT displayName FROM channel WHERE idChannel = %d;"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ // チャンネルの登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channel VALUES(%d,0,1,0,'2000-01-01 00:00:00',0,'2000-01-01 00:00:00',%d,1,'','%s',0,%d);"), tmpCh, (tmpCh + itr->second.space * 1000), itr->second.serviceName.c_str(), itr->second.ch ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネルマップがあるか sql.Format(_T("SELECT idChannelMap FROM channelmap WHERE idChannel = %d AND idCard = 1;"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ // チャンネルマップの登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channelmap VALUES(0,%d,1,0);"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); } else { // チャンネルを新規登録 this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // BONドライバーが違っても同じチャンネルがあるかどうか wsql = L""; wsql += L"SELECT idChannel FROM tuningdetail WHERE "; wsql += L"provider <> '@_%s' AND "; wsql += L"channelNumber = %d AND "; wsql += L"networkId = %d AND "; wsql += L"transportId = %d AND "; wsql += L"serviceId = %d;"; sql.Format(wsql.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str(), itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); // 同じチャンネルがある場合はそのチャンネルを使う // ない場合はチャンネル概要の次番号を得る。 if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ sql = L"SELECT MAX(idChannel) FROM channel;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); } this->record = this->dbCtrl.FetchRow(&this->results); //if(CA2T(this->record[0], CP_UTF8) == L"") maxNum = 0; if(this->record[0] == 0x00000000) maxNum = 0; else maxNum = atoi(this->record[0]); tmpCh = maxNum + 1; this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネル概要があるか sql.Format(_T("SELECT displayName FROM channel WHERE idChannel = %d;"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ // チャンネルの登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channel VALUES(%d,0,1,0,'2000-01-01 00:00:00',0,'2000-01-01 00:00:00',%d,1,'','%s',0,%d);"), tmpCh, (tmpCh + itr->second.space * 1000), itr->second.serviceName.c_str(), itr->second.ch ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネル詳細の次番号を得る。 int maxTuNum; sql = L"SELECT MAX(idTuning) FROM tuningdetail;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); this->record = this->dbCtrl.FetchRow(&this->results); if(this->record[0] == 0x00000000) maxTuNum = 0; else maxTuNum = atoi(this->record[0]); this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネル詳細登録 sql.Format(L"INSERT INTO tuningdetail VALUES(%d,%d,'%s','%s',7,%d,0,31,0,1,%d,%d,%d,496,0,0,0,0,1,0,8,-1,-1,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,'udp://%s:%d',0,0,0);", maxTuNum + 1, tmpCh, itr->second.serviceName.c_str(), loadTunerName.c_str(), itr->second.ch, itr->second.originalNetworkID, itr->second.transportStreamID, itr->second.serviceID, ipString.c_str(), port ); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; //AfxMessageBox(sql, NULL, MB_OK); // グループがあるか sql.Format(_T("SELECT idChannel FROM groupmap WHERE idGroup = %d AND idChannel = %d;"), itr->second.space, tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); sql = L"SELECT SortOrder FROM groupmap;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); maxNum = this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results); // グループの登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO groupmap VALUES(0, %d, %d, %d);"), itr->second.space, tmpCh, maxNum); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); // チャンネルマップがあるか sql.Format(_T("SELECT idChannelMap FROM channelmap WHERE idChannel = %d AND idCard = 2;"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.StoreResult(&this->mysql, &this->results); if(!this->dbCtrl.NumRows(&this->results)){ // チャンネルマップの登録を行う。 sql.Format(_T("INSERT INTO channelmap VALUES(0,%d,2,0);"), tmpCh); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; } this->dbCtrl.FreeResult(&this->results); } } } // 残ったチャンネルを削除する sql.Format(_T("DELETE FROM tuningdetail WHERE provider = '@_%s';"), loadTunerName.c_str()); if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; // ついでにチューナーのないチャンネルを削除する sql = L"DELETE channel FROM channel LEFT JOIN tuningdetail ON channel.idChannel = tuningdetail.idChannel WHERE tuningdetail.idChannel IS NULL;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; // ついでにチャンネルのないグループを削除する。 sql = L"DELETE groupmap FROM groupmap LEFT JOIN channel ON groupmap.idChannel = channel.idChannel WHERE channel.idChannel IS NULL;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; // ついでにチャンネルのないチャンネルマップも削除する sql = L"DELETE channelmap FROM channelmap LEFT JOIN channel ON channelmap.idChannel = channel.idChannel WHERE channel.idChannel IS NULL;"; if (this->dbCtrl.Query(&this->mysql, sql) != 0) goto ESC; this->dbCtrl.Commit(&this->mysql); this->dbCtrl.UnlockTable(&this->mysql); this->dbCtrl.Close(&this->mysql); return TRUE; ESC: wstring err = L""; Format(err, L"ERROR SQL:%s", sql); AfxMessageBox(err.c_str(), NULL, MB_OK); this->dbCtrl.Rollback(&this->mysql); this->dbCtrl.UnlockTable(&this->mysql); this->dbCtrl.Close(&this->mysql); return FALSE; }