* Runs a limited self-test on the driver/device. This test does a read/write
* test of the Interrupt Registers There is no loopback capabilities for the
* device such that this test does not send or receive data.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if no errors are found
*		- XST_FAILURE if errors are found
* @note		None.
int XIic_SelfTest(XIic *InstancePtr)
	int Status = XST_SUCCESS;
	int GlobalIntrStatus;
	u32 IntrEnableStatus;

	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	 * Store the Global Interrupt Register and the Interrupt Enable Register
	 * contents.
	GlobalIntrStatus = XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(InstancePtr->BaseAddress);
	IntrEnableStatus = XIic_ReadIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress);

	 * Reset the device so it's in a known state and the default state of
	 * the interrupt registers can be tested.

	if (XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(InstancePtr->BaseAddress)!= 0) {
		Status = XST_FAILURE;

	if (XIic_ReadIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress)!= 0) {
		Status = XST_FAILURE;

	 * Test Read/Write to the Interrupt Enable register.
	XIic_WriteIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_TX_RX_INTERRUPTS);
	if (XIic_ReadIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress)!= XIIC_TX_RX_INTERRUPTS) {
		Status = XST_FAILURE;

	 * Reset device to remove the affects of the previous test.

	 * Restore the Global Interrupt Register and the Interrupt Enable
	 * Register contents.
	if (GlobalIntrStatus == TRUE) {
	XIic_WriteIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, IntrEnableStatus);

	return Status;
Esempio n. 2
* The IIC bus busy signals when a master has control of the bus. Until the bus
* is released, i.e. not busy, other devices must wait to use it.
* When this interrupt occurs, it signals that the previous master has released
* the bus for another user.
* This interrupt is only enabled when the master Tx is waiting for the bus.
* This interrupt causes the following tasks:
* - Disable Bus not busy interrupt
* - Enable bus Ack
*	 Should the slave receive have disabled acknowledgement, enable to allow
*	 acknowledgment of the sending of our address to again be addresed as
*	 slave
* - Flush Rx FIFO
*	 Should the slave receive have disabled acknowledgement, a few bytes may
*	 be in FIFO if Rx full did not occur because of not enough byte in FIFO
*	 to have caused an interrupt.
* - Send status to user via status callback with the value:
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
static void BusNotBusyHandler(XIic *InstancePtr)
	u32 Status;
	u32 CntlReg;

	 * Should the slave receive have disabled acknowledgement,
	 * enable to allow acknowledgment of the sending of our address to
	 * again be addresed as slave.
	CntlReg = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET);
	XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET,
		 (CntlReg & ~XIIC_CR_NO_ACK_MASK));

	 * Flush Tx FIFO by toggling TxFIFOResetBit. FIFO runs normally at 0
	 * Do this incase needed to Tx FIFO with more than expected if what
	 * was set to Tx was less than what the Master expected - read more
	 * from this slave so FIFO had junk in it.

	 * Flush Rx FIFO should slave Rx had a problem, sent No ack but
	 * still received a few bytes. Should the slave receive have disabled
	 * acknowledgement, clear Rx FIFO.

	 * Send Application messaging status via callbacks. Disable either Tx or
	 * Receive interrupt. Which callback depends on messaging direction.
	Status = XIic_ReadIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress);
	if (InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr == NULL) {
		 * Slave was sending data (master was reading), disable
		 * all the transmit interrupts.
				(Status & ~XIIC_TX_INTERRUPTS));
	else {
		 * Slave was receiving data (master was writing) disable receive
		 * interrupts.
				(Status & ~XIIC_INTR_RX_FULL_MASK));

	 * Send Status in StatusHandler callback.
Esempio n. 3
* This function is the interrupt handler for the XIic driver. This function
* should be connected to the interrupt system.
* Only one interrupt source is handled for each interrupt allowing
* higher priority system interrupts quicker response time.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.
* @return	None.
* @internal
* The XIIC_INTR_ARB_LOST_MASK and XIIC_INTR_TX_ERROR_MASK interrupts must have
* higher priority than the other device interrupts so that the IIC device does
* not get into a potentially confused state. The remaining interrupts may be
* rearranged with no harm.
void XIic_InterruptHandler(void *InstancePtr)
	u32 Status;
	u32 IntrStatus;
	u32 IntrPending;
	u32 IntrEnable;
	XIic *IicPtr = NULL;
	u32 Clear = 0;

	 * Verify that each of the inputs are valid.
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

	 * Convert the non-typed pointer to an IIC instance pointer
	IicPtr = (XIic *) InstancePtr;

	 * Get the interrupt Status.
	IntrPending = XIic_ReadIisr(IicPtr->BaseAddress);
	IntrEnable = XIic_ReadIier(IicPtr->BaseAddress);
	IntrStatus = IntrPending & IntrEnable;

	 * Do not processes a devices interrupts if the device has no
	 * interrupts pending or the global interrupts have been disabled.
	if ((IntrStatus == 0) ||
		(XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(IicPtr->BaseAddress) == FALSE)) {

	 * Update interrupt stats and get the contents of the status register.
	Status = XIic_ReadReg(IicPtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET);

	 * Service requesting interrupt.
	if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_ARB_LOST_MASK) {
		/* Bus Arbritration Lost */


	} else if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_TX_ERROR_MASK) {
		/* Transmit errors (no acknowledge) received */

	} else if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_NAAS_MASK) {
		/* Not Addressed As Slave */

	} else if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_RX_FULL_MASK) {
		/* Receive register/FIFO is full */


		if (Status & XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK) {
		} else {

	} else if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_AAS_MASK) {
		/* Addressed As Slave */

	} else if (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_BNB_MASK) {
		/* IIC bus has transitioned to not busy */

		/* Check if send callback needs to run */
		if (IicPtr->BNBOnly == TRUE) {
			IicPtr->BNBOnly = FALSE;
		} else {
			IicPtr->SendHandler(IicPtr->SendCallBackRef, 0);


		/* The bus is not busy, disable BusNotBusy interrupt */
		XIic_DisableIntr(IicPtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_INTR_BNB_MASK);

	} else if ((IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK) ||
		 (IntrStatus & XIIC_INTR_TX_HALF_MASK)) {
		/* Transmit register/FIFO is empty or � empty */

		if (Status & XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK) {
		} else {

		IntrStatus = XIic_ReadIisr(IicPtr->BaseAddress);
		Clear = IntrStatus & (XIIC_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK |

	 * Clear Interrupts.
	XIic_WriteIisr(IicPtr->BaseAddress, Clear);
* This function is called when the IIC device receives Not Addressed As Slave
* (NAAS) interrupt which indicates that the master has released the bus implying
* a data transfer is complete.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
static void NotAddrAsSlaveHandler(XIic *InstancePtr)
    u32 Status;
    u32 CntlReg;
    u8 BytesToRead;
    u8 LoopCnt;

     * Disable NAAS so that the condition will not continue to interrupt
     * and enable the addressed as slave interrupt to know when a master
     * selects a slave on the bus.
    XIic_DisableIntr(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_INTR_NAAS_MASK);
    XIic_ClearEnableIntr(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_INTR_AAS_MASK);

     * Flush Tx FIFO by toggling TxFIFOResetBit. FIFO runs normally at 0
     * Do this incase needed to Tx FIFO with more than expected if what
     * was set to Tx was less than what the Master expected - read more
     * from this slave so FIFO had junk in it.

     * NAAS interrupt was asserted but received data in recieve FIFO is
     * less than Rc_FIFO_PIRQ to assert an receive full interrupt,in this
     * condition as data recieved is valid we have to read data before FIFO
     * flush.
    Status = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET);

    if (!(Status & XIIC_SR_RX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK))
        BytesToRead = (XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress,
                                    XIIC_RFO_REG_OFFSET)) + 1;
        if (InstancePtr->RecvByteCount > BytesToRead) {

            for (LoopCnt = 0; LoopCnt < BytesToRead; LoopCnt++) {

    InstancePtr->RecvByteCount = 0;
     * Flush Rx FIFO should slave Rx had a problem, sent No ack but
     * still received a few bytes. Should the slave receive have disabled
     * acknowledgement, clear Rx FIFO.

     * Set FIFO occupancy depth = 1 so that the first byte will throttle
     * next recieve msg.
    XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_RFD_REG_OFFSET, 0);

     * Should the slave receive have disabled acknowledgement,
     * enable to allow acknowledgment for receipt of our address to
     * again be used as a slave.
    CntlReg = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET);
    XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET,
                  (CntlReg & ~XIIC_CR_NO_ACK_MASK));

     * Which callback depends on messaging direction, the buffer pointer NOT
     * being used indicates the direction of data transfer.
    Status = XIic_ReadIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress);
    if (InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr == NULL) {
         * Slave was sending data so disable all transmit interrupts and
         * call the callback handler to indicate the transfer is
         * complete.
                       (Status & ~XIIC_TX_INTERRUPTS));
    else {
         * Slave was receiving data so disable receive full interrupt
         * and call the callback handler to notify the transfer is
         * complete.
                       (Status & ~XIIC_INTR_RX_FULL_MASK));