Esempio n. 1
 * calculate the difference of two SFT-vectors
SFTVector *
subtractSFTVectors ( const SFTVector *sftvect1, const SFTVector *sftvect2 )
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (sftvect1 != NULL) && (sftvect2 != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( sftvect1->length == sftvect2->length, XLAL_EINVAL );

  UINT4 numSFTs = sftvect1->length;
  UINT4 numBins = sftvect1->data[0].data->length;

  SFTVector *vect;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (vect = XLALCreateSFTVector ( numSFTs, numBins )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  for ( UINT4 alpha = 0; alpha < numSFTs; alpha ++ )
      for ( UINT4 j=0; j < numBins; j++ )
	  vect->data[alpha].data->data[j] = sftvect1->data[alpha].data->data[j] - sftvect2->data[alpha].data->data[j];
    } /* for alpha < numSFTs */

  return vect;

} /* subtractSFTVectors() */
Esempio n. 2
/// Make SFTs from given REAL8TimeSeries at given timestamps, potentially applying a time-domain window on each timestretch first
SFTVector *
XLALMakeSFTsFromREAL8TimeSeries ( const REAL8TimeSeries *timeseries,	//!< input time-series
                                  const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps, 	//!< timestamps to produce SFTs for (can be NULL), if given must all lies within timeseries' time-span
                                  const char *windowType,		//!< optional time-domain window function to apply before FFTing
                                  REAL8 windowBeta			//!< window parameter, if any
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( timeseries != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'timeseries'\n");
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( timestamps != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'timestamps'\n");

  REAL8 dt = timeseries->deltaT;	// timeseries timestep */
  REAL8 Tsft = timestamps->deltaT;
  REAL8 df = 1.0 / Tsft;		// SFT frequency spacing

  // make sure that number of timesamples/SFT is an integer (up to possible rounding error 'eps')
  REAL8 timestepsSFT0 = Tsft / dt;
  UINT4 timestepsSFT  = lround ( timestepsSFT0 );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( fabs ( timestepsSFT0 - timestepsSFT ) / timestepsSFT0 < eps, XLAL_ETOL,
                    "Inconsistent sampling-step (dt=%g) and Tsft=%g: must be integer multiple Tsft/dt = %g >= %g\n",
                    dt, Tsft, timestepsSFT0, eps );

  // prepare window function if requested
  REAL8Window *window = NULL;
  if ( windowType != NULL ) {
    XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (window = XLALCreateNamedREAL8Window ( windowType, windowBeta, timestepsSFT )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ---------- Prepare FFT ----------
  REAL8Vector *timeStretchCopy;	// input array of length N
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (timeStretchCopy = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( timestepsSFT )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL4Vector(%d) failed.\n", timestepsSFT );
  UINT4 numSFTBins = timestepsSFT / 2 + 1;	// number of positive frequency-bins + 'DC' to be stored in SFT
  fftw_complex *fftOut;	// output array of length N/2 + 1
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (fftOut = fftw_malloc ( numSFTBins * sizeof(fftOut[0]) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "fftw_malloc(%d*sizeof(complex)) failed\n", numSFTBins );
  fftw_plan fftplan;	// FFTW plan
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (fftplan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d ( timestepsSFT, timeStretchCopy->data, fftOut, FFTW_ESTIMATE)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );	// FIXME: or try FFTW_MEASURE

  LIGOTimeGPS tStart = timeseries->epoch;

  // get last possible start-time for an SFT
  REAL8 duration =  round ( timeseries->data->length * dt ); // rounded to seconds
  LIGOTimeGPS tLast = tStart;
  XLALGPSAdd( &tLast, duration - Tsft );

  // check that all timestamps lie within [tStart, tLast]
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < timestamps->length; i ++ )
      char buf1[256], buf2[256];
      XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALGPSDiff ( &tStart, &(timestamps->data[i]) ) <= 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Timestamp i=%d: %s before start-time %s\n",
                        i, XLALGPSToStr ( buf1, &(timestamps->data[i]) ), XLALGPSToStr ( buf2, &tStart ) );
      XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALGPSDiff ( &tLast,   &(timestamps->data[i]) ) >=0, XLAL_EDOM, "Timestamp i=%d: %s after last start-time %s\n",
                        i, XLALGPSToStr ( buf1, &(timestamps->data[i]) ), XLALGPSToStr ( buf2, &tLast ) );

  UINT4 numSFTs = timestamps->length;

  // prepare output SFT-vector
  SFTVector *sftvect;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (sftvect = XLALCreateSFTVector ( numSFTs, numSFTBins )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC,
                    "XLALCreateSFTVector(numSFTs=%d, numBins=%d) failed.\n", numSFTs, numSFTBins );

  // main loop: apply FFT to the requested time-stretches and store in output SFTs
  for ( UINT4 iSFT = 0; iSFT < numSFTs; iSFT++ )
      SFTtype *thisSFT = &(sftvect->data[iSFT]);	// point to current SFT-slot to store output in

      // find the start-bin for this SFT in the time-series
      REAL8 offset = XLALGPSDiff ( &(timestamps->data[iSFT]), &tStart );
      INT4 offsetBins = lround ( offset / dt );

      // copy timeseries-data for that SFT into local buffer
      memcpy ( timeStretchCopy->data, timeseries->data->data + offsetBins, timeStretchCopy->length * sizeof(timeStretchCopy->data[0]) );

      // window the current time series stretch if required
      REAL8 sigma_window = 1;
      if ( window != NULL )
	  sigma_window = sqrt ( window->sumofsquares / window->data->length );
	  for( UINT4 iBin = 0; iBin < timeStretchCopy->length; iBin++ ) {
            timeStretchCopy->data[iBin] *= window->data->data[iBin];
        } // if window

      // FFT this time-stretch
      fftw_execute ( fftplan );

      // fill the header of the i'th output SFT */
      strcpy ( thisSFT->name, timeseries->name );
      thisSFT->epoch = timestamps->data[iSFT];
      thisSFT->f0 = timeseries->f0;			// SFT starts at heterodyning frequency
      thisSFT->deltaF = df;

      // normalize DFT-data to conform to v2 specification ==> multiply DFT by (dt/sigma{window})
      // the SFT normalization in case of windowing follows the conventions detailed in the SFTv2 specification,
      // namely LIGO-T040164, and in particular Eqs.(3),(4) and (6) in T010095-00.pdf
      REAL8 norm = dt / sigma_window;
      for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < numSFTBins ; k ++ ) {
        thisSFT->data->data[k] = (COMPLEX8) ( norm * fftOut[k] );

      // correct heterodyning-phase, IF NECESSARY: ie if (fHet * tStart) is not an integer, such that phase-corr = multiple of 2pi
      if ( ( (INT4)timeseries->f0 != timeseries->f0  ) || (timeseries->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds != 0) || (thisSFT->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds != 0) ) {
        XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALcorrect_phase ( thisSFT, timeseries->epoch) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    } // for iSFT < numSFTs

  // free memory
  fftw_free ( fftOut );
  fftw_destroy_plan ( fftplan );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( timeStretchCopy );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Window ( window );

  return sftvect;

} // XLALMakeSFTsFromREAL8TimeSeries()