Esempio n. 1
         void XMLRPC::getBuffer(dBuffer & _buffer)
            char* buff;
            int   buffsize;

            XMLRPC_REQUEST_OUTPUT_OPTIONS opt = XMLRPC_RequestGetOutputOptions(xmlrpc_request);

            opt->version = xmlrpc_version_1_0;
            opt->xml_elem_opts.encoding = encoding_utf_8;
            opt->xml_elem_opts.escaping = xml_elem_markup_escaping;

				// Skip this call, since we did a get we uses a ref to the actual opt struct anyway.
				// using set here would cause a "Source and destination overlap in memcpy" (valgrind)
				// unless we do a copy of opt and feed set with it. 
            //XMLRPC_RequestSetOutputOptions(xmlrpc_request, opt);

            buff = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(xmlrpc_request, &buffsize);

            if (!buff)

            BTG_NOTICE(logWrapper(), "Serialized command to " << buff);
            _buffer.addBytes(reinterpret_cast<t_byteCP>(buff), buffsize);

Esempio n. 2
/* with the exception of the registration calls, most everything in main
 * only needs to be written once per server.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  XMLRPC_SERVER  server;
  XMLRPC_REQUEST request=0;
  XMLRPC_REQUEST response;

  /* create a new server object */
  server = XMLRPC_ServerCreate();

  /* Register public methods with the server */
  XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "hello", hello_callback);

  /* Now, let's get the client's request from stdin.... */
     char filebuf[4096];  // not that intelligent.  sue me.
     int len = fread(filebuf, sizeof(char), sizeof(filebuf)-1, stdin);

     if(len) {
        filebuf[len] = 0;

        // parse the xml into a request structure
        request = XMLRPC_REQUEST_FromXML((const char*)filebuf, len, NULL);

  if(!request) {
     fprintf(stderr, "bogus xmlrpc request\n");
     return 1;

  /* create a response struct */
  response = XMLRPC_RequestNew();
  XMLRPC_RequestSetRequestType(response, xmlrpc_request_response);

  /* call server method with client request and assign the response to our response struct */
  XMLRPC_RequestSetData(response, XMLRPC_ServerCallMethod(server, request, NULL));

  /* be courteous. reply in same vocabulary/manner as the request. */
  XMLRPC_RequestSetOutputOptions(response, XMLRPC_RequestGetOutputOptions(request) );

  /* serialize server response as XML */
  if(1) {
     char *outBuf = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(response, 0);

     if(outBuf) {

  // cleanup.  null safe.
  XMLRPC_RequestFree(request, 1);
  XMLRPC_RequestFree(response, 1);

  return 0;
void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, bool useGzip)
			mCurlEasyRequestStateMachinePtr = new AICurlEasyRequestStateMachine(false);
		catch(AICurlNoEasyHandle const& error)
			llwarns << "Failed to initialize LLXMLRPCTransaction: " << error.what() << llendl;
			setStatus(StatusOtherError, "No curl easy handle");
		AICurlEasyRequest_wat curlEasyRequest_w(*mCurlEasyRequestStateMachinePtr->mCurlEasyRequest);

		curlEasyRequest_w->setWriteCallback(&curlDownloadCallback, (void*)this);
		BOOL vefifySSLCert = !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoVerifySSLCert");
		curlEasyRequest_w->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, vefifySSLCert);
		curlEasyRequest_w->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, vefifySSLCert ? 2 : 0);
		// Be a little impatient about establishing connections.
		curlEasyRequest_w->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L);

		/* Setting the DNS cache timeout to -1 disables it completely.
		   This might help with bug #503 */
		curlEasyRequest_w->setopt(CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -1L);

		curlEasyRequest_w->addHeader("Content-Type: text/xml");

		if (useGzip)
			curlEasyRequest_w->setoptString(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
		int requestTextSize;
		char* requestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(request, &requestTextSize);
		if (requestText)
			curlEasyRequest_w->setPost(new AIXMLRPCData(requestText), requestTextSize);

	if (mStatus == LLXMLRPCTransaction::StatusNotStarted)	// It could be LLXMLRPCTransaction::StatusOtherError.
	  mCurlEasyRequestStateMachinePtr->run(boost::bind(&LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::curlEasyRequestCallback, this, _1));
	  // This deletes the statemachine immediately.
	  mCurlEasyRequestStateMachinePtr = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
	/*virtual*/ U32 get_body(LLChannelDescriptors const& channels, buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
		int requestTextSize;
		mRequestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(mRequest, &requestTextSize);
		if (!mRequestText)
			throw AICurlNoBody("XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML returned NULL.");
		LLBufferStream ostream(channels, buffer.get());
		ostream.write(mRequestText, requestTextSize);
		ostream << std::flush;          // Always flush a LLBufferStream when done writing to it.
		return requestTextSize;
Esempio n. 5
void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, bool useGzip)
	if (!mCurlRequest)
		mCurlRequest = new LLCurlEasyRequest();
	mErrorCert = NULL;
	if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BrowserProxyEnabled"))
		mProxyAddress = gSavedSettings.getString("BrowserProxyAddress");
		S32 port = gSavedSettings.getS32 ( "BrowserProxyPort" );

		// tell curl about the settings
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_PROXY, mProxyAddress);
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, port);

//	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); // usefull for debugging
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
	mCurlRequest->setWriteCallback(&curlDownloadCallback, (void*)this);
	BOOL vefifySSLCert = !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoVerifySSLCert");
	mCertStore = gSavedSettings.getString("CertStore");
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, vefifySSLCert);
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, vefifySSLCert ? 2 : 0);
	// Be a little impatient about establishing connections.
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L);
	mCurlRequest->setSSLCtxCallback(_sslCtxFunction, (void *)this);

	/* Setting the DNS cache timeout to -1 disables it completely.
	   This might help with bug #503 */
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -1);

    mCurlRequest->slist_append("Content-Type: text/xml");

	if (useGzip)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
	mRequestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(request, &mRequestTextSize);
	if (mRequestText)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, mRequestText);
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, mRequestTextSize);

Esempio n. 6
int uhRPCHandler(UrlHandlerParam* param)
        XMLRPC_REQUEST request=NULL;
        XMLRPC_REQUEST response=NULL;
        char *encoding = 0;
        int output = 0;
        char *outBuf = NULL;

        in_opts.xml_elem_opts.encoding = utf8_get_encoding_id_from_string(encoding);

        if (param->hs->request.payloadSize > 0)
                request = XMLRPC_REQUEST_FromXML(param->hs->request.pucPayload, param->hs->request.payloadSize, &in_opts);

                /* create a response struct */
                response = XMLRPC_RequestNew();
                XMLRPC_RequestSetRequestType(response, xmlrpc_request_response);

                /* call server method with client request and assign the response to our response struct */
                XMLRPC_RequestSetData(response, XMLRPC_ServerCallMethod(xml_rpm_server_obj, request, NULL));

                if(output == 0 || output == 2) 
                        /* serialize server response as XML */
                        outBuf = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(response, 0);

                if (outBuf)
                        //Copy the response into the output buffer
                        param->dataBytes = strlen(outBuf);

                        //Clean up the request and response objects, along with the 
                        //buffer which was created by the XML-RPC engine.
                        if(request) XMLRPC_RequestFree(request, 1);    
                        if(response) XMLRPC_RequestFree(response, 1);
                        if (outBuf) free(outBuf);

                        return (FLAG_DATA_RAW);

        //Clean up the request and response objects, along with the 
        //buffer which was created by the XML-RPC engine.
        if(request) XMLRPC_RequestFree(request, 1);    
        if(response) XMLRPC_RequestFree(response, 1);
        if (outBuf) free(outBuf);

        return (FLAG_DATA_RAW);
void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, bool useGzip)
	if (!mCurlRequest)
		mCurlRequest = new LLCurlEasyRequest();
		llwarns << "mCurlRequest is invalid." << llendl ;

		delete mCurlRequest ;
		mCurlRequest = NULL ;
		return ;

	mErrorCert = NULL;

//	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); // useful for debugging
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
	mCurlRequest->setWriteCallback(&curlDownloadCallback, (void*)this);
	BOOL vefifySSLCert = !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoVerifySSLCert");
	mCertStore = gSavedSettings.getString("CertStore");
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, vefifySSLCert);
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, vefifySSLCert ? 2 : 0);
	// Be a little impatient about establishing connections.
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L);
	mCurlRequest->setSSLCtxCallback(_sslCtxFunction, (void *)this);

	/* Setting the DNS cache timeout to -1 disables it completely.
	   This might help with bug #503 */
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -1);

    mCurlRequest->slist_append("Content-Type: text/xml");

	if (useGzip)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
	mRequestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(request, &mRequestTextSize);
	if (mRequestText)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, mRequestText);
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, mRequestTextSize);

Esempio n. 8
void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, bool useGzip)
	mCurl = curl_easy_init();

	if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BrowserProxyEnabled"))
		mProxyAddress = gSavedSettings.getString("BrowserProxyAddress");
		S32 port = gSavedSettings.getS32 ( "BrowserProxyPort" );

		// tell curl about the settings
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_PROXY, mProxyAddress.c_str());
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, (long) port);
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, (long) CURLPROXY_HTTP);

//	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); // usefull for debugging
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &curlDownloadCallback);
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, &mCurlErrorBuffer);
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, gDirUtilp->getCAFile().c_str());
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, (long) gVerifySSLCert);
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, gVerifySSLCert? 2L : 0L);
	// Be a little impatient about establishing connections.
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L);

	/* Setting the DNS cache timeout to -1 disables it completely.
	   This might help with bug #503 */
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -1L);

    mHeaders = curl_slist_append(mHeaders, "Content-Type: text/xml");
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_URL, mURI.c_str());
	curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, mHeaders);
	if (useGzip)
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
	mRequestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(request, &mRequestTextSize);
	if (mRequestText)
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, mRequestText);
		curl_easy_setopt(mCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, (long) mRequestTextSize);
	mCurlMulti = curl_multi_init();
	curl_multi_add_handle(mCurlMulti, mCurl);
Esempio n. 9
         std::string XMLRPC::dumpData() const
            int buffsize;
            std::string s;

            buff = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(xmlrpc_request, &buffsize);
               return s;
            s = buff;

            return s;
Esempio n. 10
         t_int XMLRPC::getBufferSize()
            /* Since the caller want's to know the size of the data getBuffer() might return
             * we have to render the object to XML to get the size */
            char* buff;
            int   buffsize;

            buff = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(xmlrpc_request, &buffsize);

                  return 0;


            return buffsize;
Esempio n. 11
/* with the exception of the registration calls, most everything in main
 * only needs to be written once per server.
char* clientCallback( char* filebuf )
    XMLRPC_SERVER server;
    XMLRPC_REQUEST request, response;

    /* create a new server object */
    server = XMLRPC_ServerCreate(  );

    /* Register public methods with the server */
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "start", x_startCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "stop", x_stopCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "rm", x_rmCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "mkdir", x_mkdirCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "execute", x_executeCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "checkcore", x_checkCoreCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "listTests", x_listTestsCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "runTests", x_runTestsCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "listMachines", x_listMachinesCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "getConfig", x_getConfigCallback );
    XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod( server, "setConfig", x_setConfigCallback );

    /* Now, let's get the client's request from stdin....
     * This will be read from a  socket
        /*         char filebuf[4096];     // not that intelligent.  sue me.
                   int len =
                   fread( filebuf, sizeof( char ), sizeof( filebuf ) - 1,

                   if( len ) {
                   filebuf[len] = 0;
                   stdin );
        // parse the xml into a request structure
        request =
            XMLRPC_REQUEST_FromXML( ( const char * )filebuf,
                    strlen(filebuf), NULL );
        //         }
    if( !request ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "bogus xmlrpc request\n" );
        return 0;
     *  The interesting part is below

    /* create a response struct */
    response = XMLRPC_RequestNew( );
    XMLRPC_RequestSetRequestType( response, xmlrpc_request_response );

    /* call server method with client request and assign the response to our response struct */
    XMLRPC_RequestSetData( response,
            XMLRPC_ServerCallMethod( server, request,
                NULL ) );

    /* be courteous. reply in same vocabulary/manner as the request. */
    XMLRPC_RequestSetOutputOptions( response,
            ( request ) );

    /* serialize server response as XML */
    char *outBuf = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML( response, 0 );

    if( outBuf ) {
        printf( outBuf );
    // cleanup.  null safe.
    XMLRPC_RequestFree( request, 1 );
    XMLRPC_RequestFree( response, 1 );
    XMLRPC_ServerDestroy( server );

    return outBuf;
Esempio n. 12
void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, bool useGzip)
	if (!mCurlRequest)
		mCurlRequest = new LLCurlEasyRequest();
	if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("XMLRPCProxyEnabled"))
		mProxyAddress = gSavedSettings.getString("XMLRPCProxyAddress");
		S32 port = gSavedSettings.getS32 ( "XMLRPCProxyPort" );

		// tell curl about the settings
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_PROXY, mProxyAddress);
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, port);
	else if (LLSocks::getInstance()->isHttpProxyEnabled())
		std::string address = LLSocks::getInstance()->getHTTPProxy().getIPString();
		U16 port = LLSocks::getInstance()->getHTTPProxy().getPort();
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_PROXY, address.c_str());
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, port);
		if (LLSocks::getInstance()->getHttpProxyType() == LLPROXY_SOCKS)

//	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); // usefull for debugging
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
	mCurlRequest->setWriteCallback(&curlDownloadCallback, (void*)this);
    	BOOL vefifySSLCert = !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoVerifySSLCert");
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, vefifySSLCert);
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, vefifySSLCert ? 2 : 0);
	// Be a little impatient about establishing connections.
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L);

	/* Setting the DNS cache timeout to -1 disables it completely.
	   This might help with bug #503 */
	mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -1);

    mCurlRequest->slist_append("Content-Type: text/xml");

	if (useGzip)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
	mRequestText = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(request, &mRequestTextSize);
	if (mRequestText)
		mCurlRequest->setoptString(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, mRequestText);
		mCurlRequest->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, mRequestTextSize);

Esempio n. 13
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int i;
   XMLRPC_SERVER  server;
   XMLRPC_REQUEST xRequest=0;
   XMLRPC_REQUEST response;

   /* args */
   int verbosity = 0;
   int version = 0;
   int escaping = 0;
   int output = 0;
   char *methodName = "method_TestNormal";
   char *encoding = 0;

   /* for every argument (after the program name) */
   for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
      char* arg = argv[i];

      if(*arg == '-') {
         char* key = arg + 1;
         char* val = argv[i+1];

         if(key && (!strcmp(key, "help") || !strcmp(key, "-help"))) {
            return 0;

         if(key && val) {
            if(!strcmp(key, "verbosity")) {
               if(!strcmp(val, "pretty")) {
                  verbosity = 0;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "none")) {
                  verbosity = 1;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "newlines")) {
                  verbosity = 2;
            else if(!strcmp(key, "version")) {
               if(!strcmp(val, "xmlrpc")) {
                  version = 0;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "simple")) {
                  version = 1;
            else if(!strcmp(key, "escaping")) {
               if(!strcmp(val, "markup")) {
                  escaping |= xml_elem_markup_escaping ;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "cdata")) {
                  escaping |= xml_elem_cdata_escaping;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "non-ascii")) {
                  escaping |= xml_elem_non_ascii_escaping;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "non-print")) {
                  escaping |= xml_elem_non_print_escaping;
            else if(!strcmp(key, "encoding")) {
               encoding = val;
            else if(!strcmp(key, "output")) {
               if(!strcmp(val, "response")) {
                  output = 0;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "xRequest")) {
                  output = 1;
               else if(!strcmp(val, "both")) {
                  output = 2;
            else if(!strcmp(key, "method")) {
               methodName = val;


   /* create a new server object */
   server = XMLRPC_ServerCreate();

   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.arrayOfStructsTest", validator1_arrayOfStructsTest);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.countTheEntities", validator1_countTheEntities);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.easyStructTest", validator1_easyStructTest);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.echoStructTest", validator1_echoStructTest);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.manyTypesTest", validator1_manyTypesTest);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck", validator1_moderateSizeArrayCheck);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.nestedStructTest", validator1_nestedStructTest);
   XMLRPC_ServerRegisterMethod(server, "validator1.simpleStructReturnTest", validator1_simpleStructReturnTest);

   /* Now, let's get the client's xRequest from stdin.... */
      char* filebuf[1024 * 100];
      int len = fread(filebuf, sizeof(char), sizeof(filebuf)-1, stdin);
      if(len) {
         filebuf[len] = 0;
         xRequest = XMLRPC_REQUEST_FromXML((const char*)filebuf, len, NULL);

   if(!xRequest) {
      fprintf(stderr, "bogus xmlrpc xRequest\n");
      return 1;

   /* create a response struct */
   response = XMLRPC_RequestNew();
   XMLRPC_RequestSetRequestType(response, xmlrpc_request_response);

   /* Set various xml output options.  Or we could just use defaults. */
   call_options.xml_elem_opts.verbosity = verbosity == 1 ? xml_elem_no_white_space : (verbosity == 2 ? xml_elem_newlines_only : xml_elem_pretty);
   call_options.xml_elem_opts.escaping = escaping;
   call_options.version = (version == 1) ? xmlrpc_version_simple : xmlrpc_version_1_0;
   call_options.xml_elem_opts.encoding = encoding;
   XMLRPC_RequestSetOutputOptions(response, &call_options);

   /* call server method with client xRequest and assign the response to our response struct */
   XMLRPC_RequestSetData(response, XMLRPC_ServerCallMethod(server, xRequest, NULL));

   if(output == 1 || output == 2) {
      /* serialize client request as XML */
      char *outBuf;
      XMLRPC_RequestSetOutputOptions(xRequest, &call_options);
      outBuf = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(xRequest, 0);

      if(outBuf) {
         printf("%s\n\n --- \n\n", outBuf);

   if(output == 0 || output == 2) {
      /* serialize server response as XML */
      char *outBuf = XMLRPC_REQUEST_ToXML(response, 0);

      if(outBuf) {

   if(xRequest) {
      /* Free xRequest */
      XMLRPC_RequestFree(xRequest, 1);
   if(response) {
      /* free response */
      XMLRPC_RequestFree(response, 1);
   if(server) {

   return 0;