Esempio n. 1
static void
AddSchemaAliases ( IterInfo & info, IterNode & iterSchema, XMP_StringPtr schemaURI )
	// We're showing the aliases also. Look them up by their namespace prefix. Yes, the alias map is
	// sorted so we could process just that portion. But that takes more code and the extra speed
	// isn't worth it. (Plus this way we avoid a dependence on the map implementation.) Lookup the
	// XMP node from the alias, to make sure the actual exists.
	#if TraceIterators
		printf ( "    Adding aliases\n", schemaURI );

	XMP_StringPtr nsPrefix;
	XMP_StringLen nsLen;
	bool found = XMPMeta::GetNamespacePrefix ( schemaURI, &nsPrefix, &nsLen );
	if ( ! found ) XMP_Throw ( "Unknown iteration namespace", kXMPErr_BadSchema );
	XMP_AliasMapPos currAlias = sRegisteredAliasMap->begin();
	XMP_AliasMapPos endAlias  = sRegisteredAliasMap->end();
	for ( ; currAlias != endAlias; ++currAlias ) {
		if ( XMP_LitNMatch ( currAlias->first.c_str(), nsPrefix, nsLen ) ) {
			const XMP_Node * actualProp = FindConstNode ( &info.xmpObj->tree, currAlias->second );
			if ( actualProp != 0 ) {
				iterSchema.children.push_back ( IterNode ( (actualProp->options | kXMP_PropIsAlias), currAlias->first, 0 ) );
				#if TraceIterators
					printf ( "        %s  =>  %s\n", currAlias->first.c_str(), actualProp->name.c_str() );

}	// AddSchemaAliases
Esempio n. 2
MOOV_Manager::BoxRef MOOV_Manager::GetBox ( const char * boxPath, BoxInfo * info ) const
	size_t pathLen = strlen(boxPath);
	XMP_Assert ( (pathLen >= 4) && XMP_LitNMatch ( boxPath, "moov", 4 ) );
	if ( info != 0 ) memset ( info, 0, sizeof(BoxInfo) );
	const char * pathPtr = boxPath + 5;	// Skip the "moov/" portion.
	const char * pathEnd = boxPath + pathLen;
	BoxRef currRef = &this->moovNode;
	while ( pathPtr < pathEnd ) {
		XMP_Assert ( (pathEnd - pathPtr) >= 4 );		
		XMP_Uns32 boxType = GetUns32BE ( pathPtr );
		pathPtr += 5;	// ! Don't care that the last step goes 1 too far.
		currRef = this->GetTypeChild ( currRef, boxType, 0 );
		if ( currRef == 0 ) return 0;

	this->FillBoxInfo ( *((BoxNode*)currRef), info );
	return currRef;
}	// MOOV_Manager::GetBox
Esempio n. 3
void MOOV_Manager::SetBox ( const char * boxPath, const void* dataPtr, XMP_Uns32 size , const XMP_Uns8 * idUUID )
	XMP_Enforce ( size < moovBoxSizeLimit );

	size_t pathLen = strlen(boxPath);
	XMP_Assert ( (pathLen >= 4) && XMP_LitNMatch ( boxPath, "moov", 4 ) );
	const char * pathPtr = boxPath + 5;	// Skip the "moov/" portion.
	const char * pathEnd = boxPath + pathLen;
	BoxRef parentRef = 0;
	BoxRef currRef   = &this->moovNode;
	while ( pathPtr < pathEnd ) {
		XMP_Assert ( (pathEnd - pathPtr) >= 4 );		
		XMP_Uns32 boxType = GetUns32BE ( pathPtr );
		pathPtr += 5;	// ! Don't care that the last step goes 1 too far.
		parentRef = currRef;
		currRef = this->GetTypeChild ( parentRef, boxType, 0 );
		if ( currRef == 0 ) currRef = this->AddChildBox ( parentRef, boxType, 0, 0 , idUUID );

	this->SetBox ( currRef, dataPtr, size, idUUID );
}	// MOOV_Manager::SetBox
Esempio n. 4
static inline bool
IsPathPrefix ( XMP_StringPtr fullPath, XMP_StringPtr prefix )
	bool isPrefix = false;
	XMP_StringLen prefixLen = std::strlen(prefix);
	if ( XMP_LitNMatch ( prefix, fullPath, prefixLen ) ) {
		char separator = fullPath[prefixLen];
		if ( (separator == 0) || (separator == '/') ||
			 (separator == '[') || (separator == '*') ) isPrefix = true;
	return isPrefix;