int WaitForStart::ScuTimerWait(u16 DeviceId, u32 timeOut) { int Status; XScuTimer_Config *ConfigPtr; XScuTimer *TimerInstancePtr = &Timer; /* * Initialize the Scu Private Timer so that it is ready to use. */ ConfigPtr = XScuTimer_LookupConfig(DeviceId); /* * This is where the virtual address would be used, this example * uses physical address. */ Status = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize(TimerInstancePtr, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } // XScuTimer_SetPrescaler(TimerInstancePtr,16); XScuTimer_SetPrescaler(TimerInstancePtr, 1); /* * Load the timer decrement register. */ XScuTimer_LoadTimer(TimerInstancePtr, timeOut); /* * Start the Scu Private Timer device. */ XScuTimer_Start(TimerInstancePtr); while (XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(TimerInstancePtr) != 0) { // Wait for timer to expire } // Stop timer after use XScuTimer_Stop(TimerInstancePtr); return XST_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { XGpio dip, push; XScuTimer Timer; /* Cortex A9 SCU Private Timer Instance */ XScuTimer_Config *ConfigPtr; int value, skip, psb_check, dip_check, status, timerCounter, time1, time2; VectorArray AInst; VectorArray BTinst; VectorArray PInst; xil_printf("-- Start of the Program --\r\n"); xil_printf("Enter choice: 1 (SW->Leds), 2 (Timer->Leds), 3 (Matrix), 4 (Exit) \r\n"); XGpio_Initialize(&dip, XPAR_SW_8BIT_DEVICE_ID); XGpio_SetDataDirection(&dip, 1, 0xffffffff); XGpio_Initialize(&push, XPAR_BTNS_5BIT_DEVICE_ID); XGpio_SetDataDirection(&push, 1, 0xffffffff); ConfigPtr = XScuTimer_LookupConfig (XPAR_PS7_SCUTIMER_0_DEVICE_ID); status = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize (&Timer, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); if(status != XST_SUCCESS){ xil_printf("Timer init() failed\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } // Load timer with delay XScuTimer_LoadTimer(&Timer, ONE_SECOND); // Set AutoLoad mode XScuTimer_EnableAutoReload(&Timer); while (1) { xil_printf("CMD:> "); // Read an input value from the console. value = inbyte(); skip = inbyte(); //CR skip = inbyte(); //LF switch (value) { case '1': while(!XGpio_DiscreteRead(&push, 1)) { dip_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&dip, 1); LED_IP_mWriteReg(XPAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR, 0, dip_check); for (skip = 0; skip < 9999999; skip++); } break; case '2': timerCounter = 0; XScuTimer_Start(&Timer); while(!XGpio_DiscreteRead(&push, 1)) { if(XScuTimer_IsExpired(&Timer)) { XScuTimer_ClearInterruptStatus(&Timer); timerCounter = (timerCounter + 1) % 256; LED_IP_mWriteReg(XPAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR, 0, timerCounter); } } break; case '3': setInputMatrices(AInst, BTinst); displayMatrix(AInst); displayMatrix(BTinst); XScuTimer_Start(&Timer); // Software matrix time1 = XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(&Timer); multiMatrixSoft(AInst, BTinst, PInst); time2 = XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(&Timer); xil_printf("SW time: %d\n\n", time1-time2); displayMatrix(PInst); // Hardware matrix time1 = XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(&Timer); multiMatrixHard(AInst, BTinst, PInst); time2 = XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(&Timer); XScuTimer_Stop(&Timer); xil_printf("HW time: %d\n\n", time1-time2); displayMatrix(PInst); break; case '4': // Exit return XST_SUCCESS; break; default : break; } } }
int main(void) { xil_printf("Starting\r\n"); int Status; int i; u32 start_time; u32 end_time; u32 return_val[ACTUAL_READS]; // Initialize DMA Status = DMA_init(DMA_DEV_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("XAxiDma_init: Failed %d\r\n", Status); return XST_FAILURE; } // Initialize PE Status = XNeedlemanwunsch_Initialize(&PE, PE_DEV_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("XNeedlemanwunsch_Initialize: Failed %d\r\n", Status); return XST_FAILURE; } XNeedlemanwunsch_DisableAutoRestart(&PE); // Initialize timer with maximum value so we can see how far down it // goes. It should last about 12 seconds before hitting zero. Timer_init(TIMER_DEV_ID); XScuTimer_LoadTimer(&Timer, TIMER_MAX); XScuTimer_SetPrescaler(&Timer, TIMER_PRESCALE-1); start_time = TIMER_MAX; // Flush caches Xil_DCacheFlushRange((INTPTR)&ref_genome, sizeof(ref_genome)); XScuTimer_Start(&Timer); for (i=0; i<ACTUAL_READS; i++) { DMA_send(); writeRead(0, i); while(!XNeedlemanwunsch_IsIdle(&PE) && !XNeedlemanwunsch_IsReady(&PE)) { xil_printf("Waiting for idle/ready\r\n"); } XNeedlemanwunsch_Start(&PE); //if (XNeedlemanwunsch_IsIdle(&PE) || XNeedlemanwunsch_IsReady(&PE)) { //xil_printf("Is still idle/ready\r\n"); //} while(!XNeedlemanwunsch_IsDone(&PE) /*&& !XNeedlemanwunsch_IsIdle(&PE) && !XNeedlemanwunsch_IsReady(&PE)*/) { } return_val[i] = XNeedlemanwunsch_Get_return(&PE); } XScuTimer_Stop(&Timer); end_time = XScuTimer_GetCounterValue(&Timer); xil_printf("Done\r\n"); for (i=0; i<ACTUAL_READS; i++) { xil_printf("read %d best fit at %d\r\n", i, return_val[i]); } print_time(start_time, end_time); return 0; }
int main (void) { XGpio dip, push; int psb_check, dip_check, dip_check_prev, count, Status; // PS Timer related definitions XScuTimer_Config *ConfigPtr; XScuTimer *TimerInstancePtr = &Timer; xil_printf("-- Start of the Program --\r\n"); XGpio_Initialize(&dip, XPAR_SW_4BIT_DEVICE_ID); XGpio_SetDataDirection(&dip, 1, 0xffffffff); XGpio_Initialize(&push, XPAR_BTNS_4BIT_DEVICE_ID); XGpio_SetDataDirection(&push, 1, 0xffffffff); count = 0; // Initialize the timer ConfigPtr = XScuTimer_LookupConfig(XPAR_PS7_SCUTIMER_0_DEVICE_ID); Status = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize(TimerInstancePtr, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); if(Status != XST_SUCCESS){ return XST_FAILURE; } // Read dip switch values dip_check_prev = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&dip, 1); // Load timer with delay in multiple of ONE_SECOND XScuTimer_LoadTimer(TimerInstancePtr, ONE_SECOND*dip_check_prev); // Set AutoLoad mode XScuTimer_EnableAutoReload(TimerInstancePtr); // Start the timer XScuTimer_Start(TimerInstancePtr); while (1) { // Read push buttons and break the loop if Center button pressed psb_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&push, 1); if(psb_check & 0x1) { XScuTimer_Stop(TimerInstancePtr); break; } dip_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&dip, 1); if (dip_check != dip_check_prev) { xil_printf("DIP Switch Status %x, %x\r\n", dip_check_prev, dip_check); dip_check_prev = dip_check; // load timer with the new switch settings XScuTimer_LoadTimer(TimerInstancePtr, ONE_SECOND*dip_check_prev); count = 0; } if(XScuTimer_IsExpired(TimerInstancePtr)) { // clear status bit XScuTimer_ClearInterruptStatus(TimerInstancePtr); // output the count to LED and increment the count LED_IP_mWriteReg(XPAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR, 0, count); count++; } } return 0; }