Esempio n. 1
unsigned long long XXH64 (const void* input, size_t len, unsigned long long seed)
#if 0
    // Simple version, good for code maintenance, but unfortunately slow for small inputs
    XXH64_state_t state;
    XXH64_reset(&state, seed);
    XXH64_update(&state, input, len);
    return XXH64_digest(&state);
    XXH_endianess endian_detected = (XXH_endianess)XXH_CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN;

    if ((((size_t)input) & 7)==0)   // Input is aligned, let's leverage the speed advantage
        if ((endian_detected==XXH_littleEndian) || XXH_FORCE_NATIVE_FORMAT)
            return XXH64_endian_align(input, len, seed, XXH_littleEndian, XXH_aligned);
            return XXH64_endian_align(input, len, seed, XXH_bigEndian, XXH_aligned);
#  endif

    if ((endian_detected==XXH_littleEndian) || XXH_FORCE_NATIVE_FORMAT)
        return XXH64_endian_align(input, len, seed, XXH_littleEndian, XXH_unaligned);
        return XXH64_endian_align(input, len, seed, XXH_bigEndian, XXH_unaligned);
Esempio n. 2
size_t ZSTD_seekable_endFrame(ZSTD_seekable_CStream* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output)
    size_t const prevOutPos = output->pos;
    /* end the frame */
    size_t ret = ZSTD_endStream(zcs->cstream, output);

    zcs->frameCSize += output->pos - prevOutPos;

    /* need to flush before doing the rest */
    if (ret) return ret;

    /* frame done */

    /* store the frame data for later */
    ret = ZSTD_seekable_logFrame(
            &zcs->framelog, zcs->frameCSize, zcs->frameDSize,
                    ? XXH64_digest(&zcs->xxhState) & 0xFFFFFFFFU
                    : 0);
    if (ret) return ret;

    /* reset for the next frame */
    zcs->frameCSize = 0;
    zcs->frameDSize = 0;

    ZSTD_resetCStream(zcs->cstream, 0);
    if (zcs->framelog.checksumFlag)
        XXH64_reset(&zcs->xxhState, 0);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/* ZSTDMT_flushNextJob() :
 * output : will be updated with amount of data flushed .
 * blockToFlush : if >0, the function will block and wait if there is no data available to flush .
 * @return : amount of data remaining within internal buffer, 1 if unknown but > 0, 0 if no more, or an error code */
static size_t ZSTDMT_flushNextJob(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, unsigned blockToFlush)
    unsigned const wJobID = zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDMask;
    if (zcs->doneJobID == zcs->nextJobID) return 0;   /* all flushed ! */
    while (zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobCompleted==0) {
        DEBUGLOG(5, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from job %u", zcs->doneJobID);
        if (!blockToFlush) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&zcs->jobCompleted_mutex); return 0; }  /* nothing ready to be flushed => skip */
        pthread_cond_wait(&zcs->jobCompleted_cond, &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex);  /* block when nothing available to flush */
    /* compression job completed : output can be flushed */
    {   ZSTDMT_jobDescription job = zcs->jobs[wJobID];
        if (!job.jobScanned) {
            if (ZSTD_isError(job.cSize)) {
                DEBUGLOG(5, "compression error detected ");
                return job.cSize;
            ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(zcs->cctxPool, job.cctx);
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].cctx = NULL;
            DEBUGLOG(5, "zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag : %u ", zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag);
            if (zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag) {
                XXH64_update(&zcs->xxhState, (const char*)job.srcStart + job.dictSize, job.srcSize);
                if (zcs->frameEnded && (zcs->doneJobID+1 == zcs->nextJobID)) {  /* write checksum at end of last section */
                    U32 const checksum = (U32)XXH64_digest(&zcs->xxhState);
                    DEBUGLOG(4, "writing checksum : %08X \n", checksum);
                    MEM_writeLE32((char*)job.dstBuff.start + job.cSize, checksum);
                    job.cSize += 4;
                    zcs->jobs[wJobID].cSize += 4;
            }   }
            ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(zcs->buffPool, job.src);
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].srcStart = NULL;
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].src = g_nullBuffer;
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobScanned = 1;
        {   size_t const toWrite = MIN(job.cSize - job.dstFlushed, output->size - output->pos);
            DEBUGLOG(4, "Flushing %u bytes from job %u ", (U32)toWrite, zcs->doneJobID);
            memcpy((char*)output->dst + output->pos, (const char*)job.dstBuff.start + job.dstFlushed, toWrite);
            output->pos += toWrite;
            job.dstFlushed += toWrite;
        if (job.dstFlushed == job.cSize) {   /* output buffer fully flushed => move to next one */
            ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(zcs->buffPool, job.dstBuff);
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobCompleted = 0;
        } else {
            zcs->jobs[wJobID].dstFlushed = job.dstFlushed;
        /* return value : how many bytes left in buffer ; fake it to 1 if unknown but >0 */
        if (job.cSize > job.dstFlushed) return (job.cSize - job.dstFlushed);
        if (zcs->doneJobID < zcs->nextJobID) return 1;   /* still some buffer to flush */
        zcs->allJobsCompleted = zcs->frameEnded;   /* frame completed and entirely flushed */
        return 0;   /* everything flushed */
}   }
Esempio n. 4
static void xxHash64_test(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out) {
#if 0
  if (! state) state = XXH64_createState ();
  XXH64_reset (state, seed);
  XXH64_update (state, key, len);
  *(uint64_t*)out = XXH64_digest (state);
  *(uint64_t*)out = XXH64 (key, len, seed);
Esempio n. 5
static guint64
rspamd_re_cache_class_id (enum rspamd_re_type type,
		gpointer type_data,
		gsize datalen)
	XXH64_state_t st;

	XXH64_reset (&st, 0xdeadbabe);
	XXH64_update (&st, &type, sizeof (type));

	if (datalen > 0) {
		XXH64_update (&st, type_data, datalen);

	return XXH64_digest (&st);
Esempio n. 6
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CXXH64Hasher::Final(Byte *digest) throw()
  UInt64 val = XXH64_digest(_ctx);
  SetUi64(digest, val);
Esempio n. 7
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, U32 nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility)
    BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
    BYTE* srcBuffer;
    size_t srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
    BYTE* copyBuffer;
    size_t copyBufferSize = srcBufferSize + (1<<maxSampleLog);
    BYTE* cBuffer;
    size_t cBufferSize   = ZSTD_compressBound(srcBufferSize);
    BYTE* dstBuffer;
    size_t dstBufferSize = srcBufferSize;
    U32 result = 0;
    U32 testNb = 0;
    U32 coreSeed = seed, lseed = 0;
    ZBUFF_CCtx* zc;
    ZBUFF_DCtx* zd;
    XXH64_state_t crc64;
    U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();

    /* allocation */
    zc = ZBUFF_createCCtx();
    zd = ZBUFF_createDCtx();
    cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    copyBuffer= (BYTE*)malloc (copyBufferSize);
    dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    cBuffer   = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
    CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4] ||
           !copyBuffer || !dstBuffer || !cBuffer || !zc || !zd,
           "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");

    /* Create initial samples */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* pure noise */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed);    /* barely compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed);    /* highly compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* sparse content */
    srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[2];
    memset(copyBuffer, 0x65, copyBufferSize);
    memcpy(copyBuffer, srcBuffer, MIN(copyBufferSize,srcBufferSize));   /* make copyBuffer considered initialized */

    /* catch up testNb */
    for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)

    /* test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime) < g_testTime); testNb++ )
        size_t sampleSize, sampleStart;
        size_t cSize;
        size_t maxTestSize, totalTestSize, readSize, totalCSize, genSize, totalGenSize;
        size_t errorCode;
        U32 sampleSizeLog, buffNb, n, nbChunks;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDest;

        /* init */
        DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u", testNb);
        if (nbTests >= testNb) DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "/%6u   ", nbTests);
        lseed = coreSeed ^ prime1;
        buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127;
        if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2;   /* select buffer */
            buffNb >>= 3;
            if (buffNb & 7)
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
        srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];

        /* Multi - segments compression test */
        XXH64_reset(&crc64, 0);
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) + 2;
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
        maxTestSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        maxTestSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (maxTestSize-1);
        ZBUFF_compressInit(zc, (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (20 - (sampleSizeLog/3))) + 1);
        totalTestSize = 0;
        cSize = 0;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
            readSize = sampleSize;

            /* random size output buffer */
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN (cBufferSize - cSize, sampleSize);

            errorCode = ZBUFF_compressContinue(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, &readSize);
            CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "compression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));

            XXH64_update(&crc64, srcBuffer+sampleStart, readSize);
            memcpy(copyBuffer+totalTestSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, readSize);
            cSize += genSize;
            totalTestSize += readSize;

            if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 15) == 0)
                /* add a few random flushes operations, to mess around */
                sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
                sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
                sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
                genSize = MIN (cBufferSize - cSize, sampleSize);
                errorCode = ZBUFF_compressFlush(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize);
                CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "flush error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
                cSize += genSize;

            if (totalTestSize > maxTestSize) break;
        genSize = cBufferSize - cSize;
        errorCode = ZBUFF_compressEnd(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize);
        CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "compression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
        CHECK (errorCode != 0, "frame epilogue not fully consumed");
        cSize += genSize;
        crcOrig = XXH64_digest(&crc64);

        /* multi - fragments decompression test */
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while (totalCSize < cSize)
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            readSize = sampleSize;
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN(sampleSize, dstBufferSize - totalGenSize);
            errorCode = ZBUFF_decompressContinue(zd, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, &genSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, &readSize);
            CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "decompression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += readSize;
        CHECK (errorCode != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
        CHECK (totalGenSize != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size")
        CHECK (totalCSize != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
        if (crcDest!=crcOrig) findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
        CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "decompressed data corrupted");

        /* noisy/erroneous src decompression test */
        /* add some noise */
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) + 2;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            size_t cStart;

            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            if (sampleSize > cSize/3) sampleSize = cSize/3;
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
            cStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize - sampleSize);

            memcpy(cBuffer+cStart, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);

        /* try decompression on noisy data */
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while ( (totalCSize < cSize) && (totalGenSize < dstBufferSize) )
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            readSize = sampleSize;
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN(sampleSize, dstBufferSize - totalGenSize);
            errorCode = ZBUFF_decompressContinue(zd, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, &genSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, &readSize);
            if (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode)) break;   /* error correctly detected */
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += readSize;
Esempio n. 8
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, U32 nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility)
    BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
    BYTE* srcBuffer;
    BYTE* cBuffer;
    BYTE* dstBuffer;
    BYTE* mirrorBuffer;
    size_t srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
    size_t dstBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSampleLog;
    size_t cBufferSize   = ZSTD_compressBound(dstBufferSize);
    U32 result = 0;
    U32 testNb = 0;
    U32 coreSeed = seed, lseed = 0;
    ZSTD_CCtx* refCtx;
    ZSTD_CCtx* ctx;
    ZSTD_DCtx* dctx;
    U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();

    /* allocation */
    refCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
    ctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
    dctx= ZSTD_createDCtx();
    cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    mirrorBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    cBuffer   = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
    CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4]
           || !dstBuffer || !mirrorBuffer || !cBuffer || !refCtx || !ctx || !dctx,
           "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");

    /* Create initial samples */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* pure noise */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed);    /* barely compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed);    /* highly compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* sparse content */
    srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[2];

    /* catch up testNb */
    for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)

    /* test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime) < g_testTime); testNb++ )
        size_t sampleSize, sampleStart, maxTestSize, totalTestSize;
        size_t cSize, dSize, dSupSize, errorCode, totalCSize, totalGenSize;
        U32 sampleSizeLog, buffNb, cLevelMod, nbChunks, n;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDest;
        int cLevel;
        BYTE* sampleBuffer;
        const BYTE* dict;
        size_t dictSize;

        /* init */
        if (nbTests >= testNb)
             { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u/%6u    ", testNb, nbTests); }
        else { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u      ", testNb); }

        lseed = coreSeed ^ prime1;
        buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127;
        if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2;
            buffNb >>= 3;
            if (buffNb & 7)
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
        srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
        sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
        sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);

        /* create sample buffer (to catch read error with valgrind & sanitizers)  */
        sampleBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc(sampleSize);
        CHECK (sampleBuffer==NULL, "not enough memory for sample buffer");
        memcpy(sampleBuffer, srcBuffer + sampleStart, sampleSize);
        crcOrig = XXH64(sampleBuffer, sampleSize, 0);

        /* compression test */
        cLevelMod = MAX(1, 38 - (int)(MAX(9, sampleSizeLog) * 2));   /* use high compression levels with small samples, for speed */
        cLevel = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % cLevelMod) +1;
        cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, cBuffer, cBufferSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
        CHECK(ZSTD_isError(cSize), "ZSTD_compressCCtx failed");

        /* compression failure test : too small dest buffer */
        if (cSize > 3)
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
            static const U32 endMark = 0x4DC2B1A9;
            U32 endCheck;
            memcpy(dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, &endMark, 4);
            errorCode = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_compressCCtx should have failed ! (buffer too small : %u < %u)", (U32)tooSmallSize, (U32)cSize);
            memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, 4);
            CHECK(endCheck != endMark, "ZSTD_compressCCtx : dst buffer overflow");

        /* successfull decompression tests*/
        dSupSize = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) ? 0 : (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 31) + 1;
        dSize = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize + dSupSize, cBuffer, cSize);
        CHECK(dSize != sampleSize, "ZSTD_decompress failed (%s) (srcSize : %u ; cSize : %u)", ZSTD_getErrorName(dSize), (U32)sampleSize, (U32)cSize);
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, sampleSize, 0);
        CHECK(crcOrig != crcDest, "decompression result corrupted (pos %u / %u)", (U32)findDiff(sampleBuffer, dstBuffer, sampleSize), (U32)sampleSize);

        free(sampleBuffer);   /* no longer useful after this point */

        /* truncated src decompression test */
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
            void* cBufferTooSmall = malloc(tooSmallSize);   /* valgrind will catch overflows */
            CHECK(cBufferTooSmall == NULL, "not enough memory !");
            memcpy(cBufferTooSmall, cBuffer, tooSmallSize);
            errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, cBufferTooSmall, tooSmallSize);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_decompress should have failed ! (truncated src buffer)");

        /* too small dst decompression test */
        if (sampleSize > 3)
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (sampleSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = sampleSize - missing;
            static const BYTE token = 0xA9;
            dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] = token;
            errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, cBuffer, cSize);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_decompress should have failed : %u > %u (dst buffer too small)", (U32)errorCode, (U32)tooSmallSize);
            CHECK(dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] != token, "ZSTD_decompress : dst buffer overflow");

        /* noisy src decompression test */
        if (cSize > 6)
            const U32 maxNbBits = FUZ_highbit32((U32)(cSize-4));
            size_t pos = 4;   /* preserve magic number (too easy to detect) */
            U32 nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
            size_t mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
            size_t skipLength = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask;
            pos += skipLength;

            while (pos < cSize)
                /* add noise */
                size_t noiseStart, noiseLength;
                nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
                if (nbBits>0) nbBits--;
                mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
                noiseLength = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask) + 1;
                if ( pos+noiseLength > cSize ) noiseLength = cSize-pos;
                noiseStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - noiseLength);
                memcpy(cBuffer + pos, srcBuffer + noiseStart, noiseLength);
                pos += noiseLength;

                /* keep some original src */
                nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
                mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
                skipLength = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask;
                pos += skipLength;

            /* decompress noisy source */
                U32 noiseSrc = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % 5;
                const U32 endMark = 0xA9B1C3D6;
                U32 endCheck;
                srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[noiseSrc];
                memcpy(dstBuffer+sampleSize, &endMark, 4);
                errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize, cBuffer, cSize);
                /* result *may* be an unlikely success, but even then, it must strictly respect dest buffer boundaries */
                CHECK((!ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) && (errorCode>sampleSize),
                      "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : result is too large : %u > %u (dst buffer)", (U32)errorCode, (U32)sampleSize);
                memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+sampleSize, 4);
                CHECK(endMark!=endCheck, "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : dst buffer overflow");

        /* Streaming compression of scattered segments test */
        XXH64_reset(xxh64, 0);
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) + 2;
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
        maxTestSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        maxTestSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (maxTestSize-1);
        if (maxTestSize >= dstBufferSize) maxTestSize = dstBufferSize-1;

        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
        sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
        sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
        dict = srcBuffer + sampleStart;
        dictSize = sampleSize;

        errorCode = ZSTD_compressBegin(refCtx, (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (20 - (sampleSizeLog/3))) + 1);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "start streaming error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        errorCode = ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary(refCtx, dict, dictSize);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "dictionary insertion error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        errorCode = ZSTD_duplicateCCtx(ctx, refCtx);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "context duplication error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        totalTestSize = 0; cSize = 0;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);

            if (cBufferSize-cSize < ZSTD_compressBound(sampleSize))
                /* avoid invalid dstBufferTooSmall */
            if (totalTestSize+sampleSize > maxTestSize) break;

            errorCode = ZSTD_compressContinue(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "multi-segments compression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
            cSize += errorCode;

            XXH64_update(xxh64, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            memcpy(mirrorBuffer + totalTestSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            totalTestSize += sampleSize;
        errorCode = ZSTD_compressEnd(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "multi-segments epilogue error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        cSize += errorCode;
        crcOrig = XXH64_digest(xxh64);

        /* streaming decompression test */
        errorCode = ZSTD_resetDCtx(dctx);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "cannot init DCtx : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        ZSTD_decompress_insertDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize);
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while (totalCSize < cSize)
            size_t inSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx);
            size_t genSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(dctx, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, dstBufferSize-totalGenSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, inSize);
            CHECK (ZSTD_isError(genSize), "streaming decompression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(genSize));
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += inSize;
        CHECK (ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx) != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
        CHECK (totalGenSize != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size")
        CHECK (totalCSize != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
        if (crcDest!=crcOrig)
            errorCode = findDiff(mirrorBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
        CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "streaming decompressed data corrupted : byte %u / %u  (%02X!=%02X)",
               (U32)errorCode, (U32)totalTestSize, dstBuffer[errorCode], mirrorBuffer[errorCode]);

Esempio n. 9
GArray *
rspamd_tokenize_text (gchar *text, gsize len, gboolean is_utf,
		struct rspamd_config *cfg, GList *exceptions, gboolean compat,
		guint64 *hash)
	rspamd_ftok_t token, buf;
	const gchar *pos = NULL;
	gsize l;
	GArray *res;
	GList *cur = exceptions;
	token_get_function func;
	guint min_len = 0, max_len = 0, word_decay = 0, initial_size = 128;
	guint64 hv = 0;
	XXH64_state_t *st;
	gboolean decay = FALSE;
	guint64 prob;

	if (text == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	buf.begin = text;
	buf.len = len;
	token.begin = NULL;
	token.len = 0;

	if (compat || !is_utf) {
		func = rspamd_tokenizer_get_word_compat;
	else {
		func = rspamd_tokenizer_get_word;

	if (cfg != NULL) {
		min_len = cfg->min_word_len;
		max_len = cfg->max_word_len;
		word_decay = cfg->words_decay;
		initial_size = word_decay * 2;

	res = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (rspamd_ftok_t), initial_size);
	st = XXH64_createState ();
	XXH64_reset (st, 0);

	while (func (&buf, &pos, &token, &cur, is_utf, &l, FALSE)) {
		if (l == 0 || (min_len > 0 && l < min_len) ||
					(max_len > 0 && l > max_len)) {
			token.begin = pos;

		if (!decay) {
			XXH64_update (st, token.begin, token.len);

			/* Check for decay */
			if (word_decay > 0 && res->len > word_decay && pos - text < (gssize)len) {
				/* Start decay */
				gdouble decay_prob;

				decay = TRUE;
				hv = XXH64_digest (st);

				/* We assume that word is 6 symbols length in average */
				decay_prob = (gdouble)word_decay / ((len - (pos - text)) / 6.0);

				if (decay_prob >= 1.0) {
					prob = G_MAXUINT64;
				else {
					prob = decay_prob * G_MAXUINT64;
		else {
			/* Decaying probability */
			/* LCG64 x[n] = a x[n - 1] + b mod 2^64 */
			hv = 2862933555777941757ULL * hv + 3037000493ULL;

			if (hv > prob) {
				token.begin = pos;

		g_array_append_val (res, token);
		token.begin = pos;

	if (!decay) {
		hv = XXH64_digest (st);

	if (hash) {
		*hash = hv;

	XXH64_freeState (st);

	return res;
Esempio n. 10
int64 xxHash64Stream::Finish()
	return XXH64_digest((XXH64_state_t *)context);
 * Class:     net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI
 * Method:    XXH64_digest
 * Signature: (J)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI_XXH64_1digest
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong state) {

  return XXH64_digest((XXH64_state_t*) state);

Esempio n. 12
File: sgtest.c Progetto: infidob/lz4
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility, U32 duration)
    unsigned testResult = 0;
    unsigned testNb = 0;
    void* srcBuffer = NULL;
    void* compressedBuffer = NULL;
    void* decodedBuffer = NULL;
    U32 coreRand = seed;
    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL;
    LZ4F_compressionContext_t cCtx = NULL;
    size_t result;
    const U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();
    XXH64_state_t xxh64;
#   define CHECK(cond, ...) if (cond) { DISPLAY("Error => "); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
                            DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u)  \n", seed, testNb); goto _output_error; }

    // backup all allocated addresses, from which we will later select buffers
    const size_t max_buf_size = 131 KB;
    size_t num_buf_size_distribution_deviations = 0;

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_in_buf_potential [2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_out_buf_potential[2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_cin [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_cout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_din [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_dout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    size_t sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len, sg_din_len, sg_dout_len;
    const size_t maxDstSize = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcDataLength, NELEMS(sg_cin), NELEMS(sg_cout));

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;

    /* Init */
    duration *= 1000;

    /* Create buffers */
    result = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    result = LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    srcBuffer = malloc(srcDataLength);
    CHECK(srcBuffer==NULL, "srcBuffer Allocation failed");
    const size_t compressedBufferLength = maxDstSize;
    compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferLength);
    CHECK(compressedBuffer==NULL, "compressedBuffer Allocation failed");
    decodedBuffer = calloc(1, srcDataLength);   /* calloc avoids decodedBuffer being considered "garbage" by scan-build */
    CHECK(decodedBuffer==NULL, "decodedBuffer Allocation failed");
    FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(srcBuffer, srcDataLength, compressibility, &coreRand);

    /* jump to requested testNb */
    for (testNb =0; (testNb < startTest); testNb++) (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   // sync randomizer

    /* main fuzzer test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb < nbTests) || (duration > FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime)) ; testNb++)
        U32 randState = coreRand ^ prime1;
        (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   /* update seed */


        DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%5u   ", testNb);

        const size_t max_src_buf_size = (4 MB > srcDataLength) ? srcDataLength : 4 MB;
        unsigned nbBits = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (FUZ_highbit(max_src_buf_size-1) - 1)) + 1;
        const size_t min_src_size = 20;
        const size_t min_first_dest_buf_size = 21;
        const size_t min_src_buf_size = 1;
        const size_t min_dst_buf_size = 10;
        size_t srcSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + min_src_size;
        size_t srcStart = FUZ_rand(&randState) % (srcDataLength - srcSize);
        size_t cSize;
        size_t dstSize;
        size_t dstSizeBound;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDecoded;

        unsigned int test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);
        //TODO: enable lz4f_compress_compatibility_test with LZ4_SG_decompress
        int lz4f_compress_compatibility_test = 0;//(test_selection % 4) == 0;

        if (!lz4f_compress_compatibility_test)
            // SGL compress
            unsigned int buffer_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

            if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 1)
                // SG compress single source and single target buffers
                sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;
                sg_cin_len = 1;
                sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                sg_cout_len = 1;
                dstSizeBound = dstSize = compressedBufferLength;
                // SG compress random number and size source and target buffers
                sg_cin_len  = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);
                sg_cout_len = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);

                // single source buffer
                if (1 == sg_cin_len) {
                    sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                    sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;

                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: single source buf size %i\n", (int)srcSize);
                else {
                    // multiple source buffers
                    if (srcSize > sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2) {
                        srcSize = sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2;
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: source buffer total size deviation %i\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    size_t exact_src_size = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = srcSize / sg_cin_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cin_len; i++) {
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_src_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: source buf %i size %i\n", i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size+buf_size > srcDataLength) {
                            buf_size = srcDataLength-(srcStart+exact_src_size);
                        sg_cin[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cin[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        memcpy((void *)sg_cin[i].sg_base, (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart+exact_src_size, buf_size);
                        exact_src_size += buf_size;
                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size == srcDataLength) {
                            sg_cin_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final source buffer size deviation %i (buffers number limited to %i)\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations, (int)sg_cin_len);
                    srcSize = exact_src_size;

                // we can now derive the required limit for output
                dstSizeBound = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcSize, sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len);

                // single target buffer
                if (1 == sg_cout_len) {
                    sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                    sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                else {
                    // multiple target buffers
                    int finalBufferTruncated = 0;
                    dstSize = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = dstSizeBound / sg_cout_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                        const size_t min_buf_size = (i == 0) ? min_first_dest_buf_size : min_dst_buf_size;
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: target buf %i size %i\n", (int)i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (dstSize+buf_size > dstSizeBound) {
                            buf_size = dstSizeBound-dstSize;
                            finalBufferTruncated = 1;
                        dstSize += buf_size;

                        sg_cout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cout[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        if (finalBufferTruncated) {

                            if (buf_size < min_buf_size) {
                                // merge truncated with previous?
                                if (i > 0) {
                                    sg_cout[i-1].sg_len += buf_size;
                                    if (sg_cout[i-1].sg_len > max_buf_size) {
                                        // skip, too much hassle
                                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                        sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                else {
                                    // can this happen?
                                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate first and final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                    sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                sg_cout_len = i;
                            else {
                                sg_cout_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final target buffer size truncated (%i), buffers number limited to %i, final's size is now %i (deviations %i)\n",
                                    (int)buf_size, (int)sg_cout_len, (int)sg_cout[sg_cout_len-1].sg_len, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    // skip/abort condition
                    if (0 == sg_cout_len) continue;

                if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 0) {
                    //TODO: select a random input and output buffer and split it in two,
                    // feeding consecutive addresses as consecutive entries in SGL


            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            size_t sourceSizeOut = srcSize;
            result = LZ4_SG_compress(&sg_cin[0], sg_cin_len, &sg_cout[0], sg_cout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize, DEFAULT_ACCEL);
            if (((result == 0) || (sourceSizeOut != srcSize)) && (dstSize < dstSizeBound)) {
                // forgive compression failure when output total size is lower than bound
                DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: dstSize %i < %i dstSizeBound, compression attempt failed, not totally unexpected (deviations %i), skipping\n",
                        (int)dstSize, (int)dstSizeBound, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

            CHECK(result <= 0, "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            CHECK(sourceSizeOut != srcSize, "Compression stopped at %i out of %i", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)srcSize);
            cSize = result;
            // LZ4F compression - use it in order to verify SGL decompress compatibility with it
            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: LZ4F compression\n");

// alternative
//            size_t dstMaxSize = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressFrame srcSize %zu dstMaxSize %zu\n",
//                    srcSize, dstMaxSize);
//            cSize = LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, dstMaxSize, (char*)srcBuffer + srcStart, srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(cSize), "LZ4F_compressFrame failed : error %i (%s)", (int)cSize, LZ4F_getErrorName(cSize));

            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            unsigned BSId   = 4 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3);
            unsigned BMId   = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned CCflag = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned autoflush = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 7) == 2;
            U64 frameContentSize = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) ? srcSize : 0;
            LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
            LZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptions;

            LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = &prefs;
            memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
            memset(&cOptions, 0, sizeof(cOptions));
            prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (LZ4F_blockMode_t)BMId;
            prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)BSId;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_contentChecksum_t)CCflag;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = frameContentSize;
            prefs.autoFlush = autoflush;
            prefs.compressionLevel = FUZ_rand(&randState) % 5;
            if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) prefsPtr = NULL;

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + srcSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcDataLength, NULL);
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)srcSize);
            result = LZ4F_compressBegin(cCtx, op, oend-op, prefsPtr);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression header failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsSeg = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsSeg)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = LZ4F_compressBound(iSize, prefsPtr);
                unsigned forceFlush = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                cOptions.stableSrc = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);

                DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressUpdate ip %d iSize %zu oSize %zu forceFlush %d\n",
                        (int)(ip-((const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart)), iSize, oSize, forceFlush);
                result = LZ4F_compressUpdate(cCtx, op, oSize, ip, iSize, &cOptions);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                op += result;
                ip += iSize;

                if (forceFlush)
                    result = LZ4F_flush(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
                    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                    op += result;
            result = LZ4F_compressEnd(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression completion failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            cSize = op-(BYTE*)compressedBuffer;

        test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

        if (lz4f_compress_compatibility_test || ((test_selection % 2) == 0))
            //TODO: SGL decompress with random buffer sizes

            // SGL decompress with same buffer sizes used for compression
            // prepare din with cout's data
            sg_din_len  = sg_cout_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_din_len; i++) {
                sg_din[i].sg_len  = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cout[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to copy - do it
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                    if (sg_din[i].sg_base != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                        memcpy((void *)sg_din[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_len);
                else {
                    // this is probably single output buffer - skip copy, use directly
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_cout[i].sg_base;
            // prepare dout to receive decompressed data
            sg_dout_len = sg_cin_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_dout_len; i++) {
                sg_dout[i].sg_len  = sg_cin[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cin[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to decompress into independent buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                else {
                    // this is probably single input buffer, use an external output buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = decodedBuffer;

            size_t sourceSizeOut = cSize;
            size_t maxOutputSize = srcSize;
            int decomp_result = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_din_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_dout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxOutputSize);
            CHECK(decomp_result <= 0, "SG decompression failed (error %i)", (int)decomp_result);
            CHECK(decomp_result != (int)srcSize, "SG decompression stopped at  %i", (int)decomp_result);

            // verify result checksum
            size_t total_checked = 0;
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                total_checked += cur_size;

                XXH64_update(&xxh64, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
            crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
            if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) {
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i (crcDecoded %08x, crcOrig %08x)\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result, (unsigned)crcDecoded, (unsigned)crcOrig);
                // locate error if any
                total_checked = 0;
                for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                    size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                    size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                    if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                    total_checked += cur_size;

                    U64 crc_in  = XXH64(sg_cin [i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    U64 crc_out = XXH64(sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    if (crc_in != crc_out) {
                        locateBuffDiff(sg_cin[i].sg_base, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result);
            CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");
            // prepare compressedBuffer from SGL
            size_t total_copied = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                size_t buf_size_bytes = cSize - total_copied;
                if (buf_size_bytes == 0) break;
                if (buf_size_bytes > sg_cout[i].sg_len) buf_size_bytes = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                    memcpy(((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied, sg_cout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
                total_copied += buf_size_bytes;

            LZ4F_decompressOptions_t dOptions;
            memset(&dOptions, 0, sizeof(dOptions));

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + cSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + srcDataLength;
            size_t totalOut = 0;
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)cSize);
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            if (maxBits < 3) maxBits = 3;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsI = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits-1)) + 1;
                unsigned nbBitsO = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits)) + 1;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsI)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsO)-1)) + 2;
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                if (oSize > (size_t)(oend-op)) oSize = oend-op;
                dOptions.stableDst = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
                result = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, &dOptions);
                if (result == (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid)
                    locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Decompression failed (error %i:%s ip %d)",
                        (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName((LZ4F_errorCode_t)result), (int)(ip-(const BYTE*)compressedBuffer));
                XXH64_update(&xxh64, op, (U32)oSize);
                totalOut += oSize;
                op += oSize;
                ip += iSize;
            CHECK(result != 0, "Frame decompression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            if (totalOut)   /* otherwise, it's a skippable frame */
                crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
                if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");

    DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\rAll tests completed   \n");

    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        free((void *)(sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base));
        free(         sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base);

    if (num_buf_size_distribution_deviations > 0) {
        DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "NOTE: %i buffer size deviations \n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

    if (pause)
        DISPLAY("press enter to finish \n");
    return testResult;

    testResult = 1;
    goto _end;

    // unreachable
    return -1;
#undef CHECK
Esempio n. 13
/* Returns the xxhash of the data produced so far */
XXH64_hash_t SEQ_digest(SEQ_stream const* stream)
    return XXH64_digest(&stream->xxh);