Esempio n. 1
void inputCB (Widget w, 
	char * clientdata,
	XtcwpAxesCallbackStruct *ca)
	int x=ca->x,y=ca->y,width=ca->width,height=ca->height;
	float x1beg=ca->x1beg,x1end=ca->x1end,x2beg=ca->x2beg,x2end=ca->x2end;
	int style=ca->style;
	XEvent *event=ca->event;
	int xb,yb,wb,hb;
	float x1begn,x1endn,x2begn,x2endn;
	static int firstinput=1;
	static float x1begs,x1ends,x2begs,x2ends;

	/* if first input, save initial axes limits */
	if (firstinput) {
		x1begs = x1beg; 
		x1ends = x1end; 
		x2begs = x2beg;
		x2ends = x2end;
		firstinput = 0;
		clientdata += 0; /* dummy */

	if (event->type==ButtonPress && event->xbutton.button==Button3)
		/* JG: requires extra fields in Axes.c's defaultTranslations[] to make this work. Harmless if not */
	/* track pointer and get rubber box */

	/* if new box has zero width or height */
	if (wb==0 || hb==0) {

		/* restore initial limits */
	/* else if non-zero zoom box */
	} else {
		/* clip box */
		if (xb<x) {
			wb -= x-xb;
			xb = x;
		if (yb<y) {
			hb -= y-yb;
			yb = y;
		if (xb+wb>x+width) wb = x-xb+width;
		if (yb+hb>y+height) hb = y-yb+height;
		/* determine axes limits */
		if (style==XtcwpNORMAL) {
			x1begn = x1beg+(xb-x)*(x1end-x1beg)/width;
			x1endn = x1beg+(xb+wb-x)*(x1end-x1beg)/width;
			x2begn = x2end+(yb+hb-y)*(x2beg-x2end)/height;
			x2endn = x2end+(yb-y)*(x2beg-x2end)/height;
		} else {
			x1endn = x1beg+(yb+hb-y)*(x1end-x1beg)/height;
			x1begn = x1beg+(yb-y)*(x1end-x1beg)/height;
			x2begn = x2beg+(xb-x)*(x2end-x2beg)/width;
			x2endn = x2beg+(xb+wb-x)*(x2end-x2beg)/width;
		/* set axes limits */
	/* force an expose event */
Esempio n. 2
void inputCB (Widget w, 
	ClientData *cd,
	XtcwpAxesCallbackStruct *ca)
Input event callback - currently handles rubber zoom box and pause on
button 3 only.  Updates dimensions and start indices of bbytes, based
on user-dragged zoom box, and sets both bbytes and image to NULL, so
that expose callback will make new bbytes and image.
	int nxa=cd->nxa,nya=cd->nya,
	unsigned char *bbytes=cd->bbytes;
	float x1bega=cd->x1bega,x1enda=cd->x1enda,
	int x=ca->x,y=ca->y,width=ca->width,height=ca->height;
	float x1beg=ca->x1beg,x1end=ca->x1end,x2beg=ca->x2beg,x2end=ca->x2end;
	int style=ca->style;
	XEvent *event=ca->event;
	int xb,yb,wb,hb;
	int nxbn,nybn,ixbn,iybn;
	float x1begn,x1endn,x2begn,x2endn;
	static int stopflag=0;

	/* check for button 2 */
	if (event->type==ButtonRelease && event->xbutton.button==Button2) {
		cd->forward = !cd->forward;

	/* check for button 3 */
	if (event->type==ButtonRelease && event->xbutton.button==Button3) {
		stopflag = !stopflag;
		if (stopflag) {
		} else {
			cd->wpid = XtAppAddWorkProc(cd->ac,
					(XtWorkProc) readFrame,cd);

	/* track pointer and get rubber box */

	/* if zoom box has tiny width or height */
	if (wb<3 || hb<3) {
		/* restore number of samples inside box */
		nxbn = nxa;
		nybn = nya;
		/* restore indices of first samples inside box */
		ixbn = 0;
		iybn = 0;
		/* restore axes limits */
		x1begn = x1bega;
		x1endn = x1enda;
		x2begn = x2bega;
		x2endn = x2enda;
	/* else if valid zoom box */
	} else {
		/* clip zoom box to lie within axes rectangle */
		if (xb<x) {
			wb -= x-xb;
			xb = x;
		if (yb<y) {
			hb -= y-yb;
			yb = y;
		if (xb+wb>x+width) wb = x-xb+width;
		if (yb+hb>y+height) hb = y-yb+height;
		/* determine number of samples inside box (at least 2 by 2) */
		nxbn = 1+NINT((float)wb/width*(nxb-1));
		if (nxbn<2) nxbn = 2;
		nybn = 1+NINT((float)hb/height*(nyb-1));
		if (nybn<2) nybn = 2;
		/* determine indices of first samples inside box */
		ixbn = ixb+NINT((float)(xb-x)/width*(nxb-1));
		if (ixbn+nxbn>ixb+nxb) ixbn = ixb+nxb-nxbn;
		iybn = iyb+NINT((float)(yb-y)/height*(nyb-1));
		if (iybn+nybn>iyb+nyb) iybn = iyb+nyb-nybn;
		/* determine axes limits */
		if (style==XtcwpNORMAL) {
			x1begn = x1beg+(ixbn-ixb)*(x1end-x1beg)/(nxb-1);
			x1endn = x1beg+(ixbn+nxbn-ixb-1)*(x1end-x1beg)/(nxb-1);
			x2begn = x2end+(iybn+nybn-iyb-1)*(x2beg-x2end)/(nyb-1);
			x2endn = x2end+(iybn-iyb)*(x2beg-x2end)/(nyb-1);
		} else {
			x1endn = x1beg+(iybn+nybn-iyb-1)*(x1end-x1beg)/(nyb-1);
			x1begn = x1beg+(iybn-iyb)*(x1end-x1beg)/(nyb-1);
			x2begn = x2beg+(ixbn-ixb)*(x2end-x2beg)/(nxb-1);
			x2endn = x2beg+(ixbn+nxbn-ixb-1)*(x2end-x2beg)/(nxb-1);
	/* set axes limits */
	/* set client data */
	cd->nxb = nxbn;
	cd->nyb = nybn;
	cd->ixb = ixbn;
	cd->iyb = iybn;

	/* if bytes inside box exist, destroy and set pointer to NULL */
	if (bbytes!=NULL) free1(bbytes);
	cd->bbytes = NULL;
	/* if image exists, destroy and set pointer to NULL */
	if (cd->image!=NULL) {
		cd->image = NULL;
	/* clear window and force an expose event */