Esempio n. 1
void zedit_setup(struct descriptor_data *d, int room_num)
  struct zone_data *zone;
  int subcmd = 0, count = 0, cmd_room = -1;

   * Allocate one scratch zone structure.  
  CREATE(zone, struct zone_data, 1);

   * Copy all the zone header information over.
  zone->name = str_dup(zone_table[OLC_ZNUM(d)].name);
  zone->lifespan = zone_table[OLC_ZNUM(d)].lifespan;
  zone->top = zone_table[OLC_ZNUM(d)].top;
  zone->reset_mode = zone_table[OLC_ZNUM(d)].reset_mode;
   * The remaining fields are used as a 'has been modified' flag  
  zone->number = 0;	/* Header information has changed.	*/
  zone->age = 0;	/* The commands have changed.		*/

   * Start the reset command list with a terminator.
  CREATE(zone->cmd, struct reset_com, 1);
  zone->cmd[0].command = 'S';

   * Add all entries in zone_table that relate to this room.
  while (ZCMD(OLC_ZNUM(d), subcmd).command != 'S') {
    switch (ZCMD(OLC_ZNUM(d), subcmd).command) {
    case 'M':
    case 'O':
      cmd_room = ZCMD(OLC_ZNUM(d), subcmd).arg3;
    case 'D':
    case 'R':
      cmd_room = ZCMD(OLC_ZNUM(d), subcmd).arg1;
    if (cmd_room == room_num) {
      add_cmd_to_list(&(zone->cmd), &ZCMD(OLC_ZNUM(d), subcmd), count);

  OLC_ZONE(d) = zone;
   * Display main menu.
Esempio n. 2
int delete_mobile(mob_rnum refpt)
  struct char_data *live_mob;
  int vnum, counter, zone, cmd_no;

  if (refpt < 0 || refpt > top_of_mobt) {
    log("SYSERR: GenOLC: delete_mobile: Invalid rnum %d.", refpt);
    return FALSE;

  vnum = mob_index[refpt].vnum;
  add_to_save_list(zone_table[real_zone_by_thing(vnum)].number, SL_MOB);

  for (counter = refpt; counter < top_of_mobt; counter++) {
    mob_index[counter] = mob_index[counter + 1];
    mob_proto[counter] = mob_proto[counter + 1];

  RECREATE(mob_index, struct index_data, top_of_mobt + 1);
  RECREATE(mob_proto, struct char_data, top_of_mobt + 1);

   * Update live mobile rnums.
  for (live_mob = character_list; live_mob; live_mob = live_mob->next)
    GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) -= (GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) >= refpt);

   * Update zone table.
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++)
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++)
      if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command == 'M')
	ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 -= (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 >= refpt);

   * Update shop keepers.
  if (shop_index)
    for (counter = 0; counter <= top_shop - top_shop_offset; counter++)
      SHOP_KEEPER(counter) -= (SHOP_KEEPER(counter) >= refpt);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
 * Adjust the internal values of other objects as if something was inserted at the given array index.
 * Might also be useful to make 'holes' in the array for some reason.
int adjust_objects(obj_rnum refpt)
  int shop, i, zone, cmd_no;
  struct obj_data *obj;

  if (refpt < 0 || refpt >= top_of_objt)
    return refpt;

   * Renumber live objects.
  for (obj = object_list; obj; obj = obj->next)
    GET_OBJ_RNUM(obj) += (GET_OBJ_RNUM(obj) >= refpt);

   * Renumber zone table.
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++) {
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++) {
      switch (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command) {
      case 'P':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 >= refpt);
          * No break here - drop into next case.
      case 'O':
      case 'G':
      case 'E':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 >= refpt);
      case 'R':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 >= refpt);

   * Renumber notice boards.
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BOARDS; i++)
    BOARD_RNUM(i) += (BOARD_RNUM(i) >= refpt);

   * Renumber shop produce.
  for (shop = 0; shop <= top_shop; shop++)
    for (i = 0; SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) != NOTHING; i++)
      SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) += (SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) >= refpt);

  return refpt;
Esempio n. 4
 * Adjust the internal values of other objects as if something was inserted at the given array index.
 * Might also be useful to make 'holes' in the array for some reason.
obj_rnum adjust_objects(obj_rnum refpt)
  int shop, i, zone, cmd_no;
  struct obj_data *obj;

  if (refpt == NOTHING || refpt > top_of_objt)
  if (refpt < 0 || refpt > top_of_objt)
    return NOTHING;

   * Renumber live objects.
  for (obj = object_list; obj; obj = obj->next)
    GET_OBJ_RNUM(obj) += (GET_OBJ_RNUM(obj) >= refpt);

   * Renumber zone table.
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++) {
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++) {
      switch (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command) {
      case 'P':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 >= refpt);
          * No break here - drop into next case.
      case 'O':
      case 'G':
      case 'E':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 >= refpt);
      case 'R':
        ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 >= refpt);

   * Renumber shop produce.
  for (shop = 0; shop <= top_shop - top_shop_offset; shop++)
    for (i = 0; SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) != NOTHING; i++)
      SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) += (SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, i) >= refpt);

  return refpt;
Esempio n. 5
int add_mobile(struct char_data *mob, mob_vnum vnum)
  int rnum, i, found = FALSE, shop, cmd_no;
  zone_rnum zone;
  struct char_data *live_mob;

  if ((rnum = real_mobile(vnum)) != NOBODY) {
    /* Copy over the mobile and free() the old strings. */
    copy_mobile(&mob_proto[rnum], mob);

    /* Now re-point all existing mobile strings to here. */
    for (live_mob = character_list; live_mob; live_mob = live_mob->next)
      if (rnum == live_mob->nr)
        update_mobile_strings(live_mob, &mob_proto[rnum]);

    add_to_save_list(zone_table[real_zone_by_thing(vnum)].number, SL_MOB);
    log("GenOLC: add_mobile: Updated existing mobile #%d.", vnum);
    return TRUE;

  RECREATE(mob_proto, struct char_data, top_of_mobt + 2);
  RECREATE(mob_index, struct index_data, top_of_mobt + 2);

  for (i = top_of_mobt; i > 0; i--) {
    if (vnum > mob_index[i - 1].vnum) {
      mob_proto[i] = *mob;
      mob_proto[i].nr = i;
      copy_mobile_strings(mob_proto + i, mob);
      mob_index[i].vnum = vnum;
      mob_index[i].number = 0;
      mob_index[i].func = 0;
      found = i;
    mob_index[i] = mob_index[i - 1];
    mob_proto[i] = mob_proto[i - 1];
  if (!found) {
    mob_proto[0] = *mob;
    mob_proto[0].nr = 0;
    copy_mobile_strings(&mob_proto[0], mob);
    mob_index[0].vnum = vnum;
    mob_index[0].number = 0;
    mob_index[0].func = 0;

  log("GenOLC: add_mobile: Added mobile %d at index #%d.", vnum, found);

  GET_MPROG_TYPE(OLC_MOB(d)) = (OLC_MPROGL(d) ? OLC_MPROGL(d)->type : 0);
  while (OLC_MPROGL(d)) {
    GET_MPROG_TYPE(OLC_MOB(d)) |= OLC_MPROGL(d)->type;
    OLC_MPROGL(d) = OLC_MPROGL(d)->next;

   * Update live mobile rnums.
  for (live_mob = character_list; live_mob; live_mob = live_mob->next)
    GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) += (GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) >= found);

   * Update zone table.
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++)
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++)
      if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command == 'M')
	ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 += (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 >= found);

   * Update shop keepers.
  if (shop_index)
    for (shop = 0; shop <= top_shop - top_shop_offset; shop++)
      SHOP_KEEPER(shop) += (SHOP_KEEPER(shop) >= found);

  add_to_save_list(zone_table[real_zone_by_thing(vnum)].number, SL_MOB);
  return found;
Esempio n. 6
 * Save all the zone_table for this zone to disk.  This function now
 * writes simple comments in the form of (<name>) to each record.  A
 * header for each field is also there.
int save_zone(zone_rnum zone_num)
  int subcmd, arg1 = -1, arg2 = -1, arg3 = -1;
  char fname[128], oldname[128];
  const char *comment = NULL;
  FILE *zfile;
  if (zone_num == NOWHERE || zone_num > top_of_zone_table) {
  if (zone_num < 0 || zone_num > top_of_zone_table) {
    log("SYSERR: GenOLC: save_zone: Invalid real zone number %d. (0-%d)", zone_num, top_of_zone_table);
    return FALSE;

  snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/", ZON_PREFIX, zone_table[zone_num].number);
  if (!(zfile = fopen(fname, "w"))) {
    mudlog(BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE, "SYSERR: OLC: save_zones:  Can't write zone %d.", zone_table[zone_num].number);
    return FALSE;

   * Print zone header to file	
  fprintf(zfile, "#%d\n"
                 "%d %d %d %d\n",
	  (zone_table[zone_num].builders && *zone_table[zone_num].builders)
		? zone_table[zone_num].builders : "None.",
	  (zone_table[zone_num].name && *zone_table[zone_num].name)
		? zone_table[zone_num].name : "undefined",

	 * Handy Quick Reference Chart for Zone Values.
	 * Field #1    Field #3   Field #4  Field #5
	 * -------------------------------------------------
	 * M (Mobile)  Mob-Vnum   Wld-Max   Room-Vnum
	 * O (Object)  Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Room-Vnum
	 * G (Give)    Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Unused
	 * E (Equip)   Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   EQ-Position
	 * P (Put)     Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Target-Obj-Vnum
	 * D (Door)    Room-Vnum  Door-Dir  Door-State
	 * R (Remove)  Room-Vnum  Obj-Vnum  Unused
         * T (Trigger) Trig-type  Trig-Vnum Room-Vnum
         * V (var)     Trig-type  Context   Room-Vnum Varname Value
	 * -------------------------------------------------

  for (subcmd = 0; ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command != 'S'; subcmd++) {
    switch (ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command) {
    case 'M':
      arg1 = mob_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number;
      comment = mob_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].player.short_descr;
    case 'O':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'G':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = -1;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'E':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'P':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].vnum;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'D':
      arg1 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].number;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3;
      comment = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].name;
    case 'R':
      arg1 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].number;
      arg2 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2].vnum;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2].short_description;
      arg3 = -1;
    case 'T':
      arg1 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1; /* trigger type */
      arg2 = trig_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2]->vnum; /* trigger vnum */
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number; /* room num */
      comment = GET_TRIG_NAME(trig_index[real_trigger(arg2)]->proto); 
    case 'V':
      arg1 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1; /* trigger type */
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2; /* context */
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number;
    case '*':
       * Invalid commands are replaced with '*' - Ignore them.
      mudlog(BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE, "SYSERR: OLC: z_save_to_disk(): Unknown cmd '%c' - NOT saving", ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command);
    if (ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command != 'V')
    fprintf(zfile, "%c %d %d %d %d \t(%s)\n",
		ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command, ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).if_flag, arg1, arg2, arg3, comment);
      fprintf(zfile, "%c %d %d %d %d %s %s\n",
              ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command, ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).if_flag, arg1, arg2, arg3, 
              ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).sarg1, ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).sarg2);
  fputs("S\n$\n", zfile);
  snprintf(oldname, sizeof(oldname), "%s/%d.zon", ZON_PREFIX, zone_table[zone_num].number);
  rename(fname, oldname);
  if (in_save_list(zone_table[zone_num].number, SL_ZON))
    remove_from_save_list(zone_table[zone_num].number, SL_ZON);
  return TRUE;


 * Some common code to count the number of comands in the list.
int count_commands(struct reset_com *list)
  int count = 0;

  while (list[count].command != 'S')

  return count;
Esempio n. 7
 ** Description :                                                      **
 **   Removes a room from memory, updates the world list, and moves    **
 **   all of the objects, mobiles, and players to the void.            **
 **                                                                    **
 ** Return Value:                                                      **
 **   TRUE if successful...otherwise, FALSE.                           **
 **                                                                    **
 ** Parameters  :                                                      **
 **   rnum      : The real number of the room requested to delete.     **
int remove_room_from_memory(room_rnum rnum)
  struct char_data *tch;
  struct obj_data *obj;
  struct room_data *room;
  int i, j;
  if (rnum <= 0 || rnum > top_of_world)
    return FALSE;
  room = &world[rnum];
  add_to_save_list(zone_table[room->zone].number, SL_WLD);
  log("GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting room #%d (%s).", room->number, room->name);
   * Dump the contents of this room into the void.  We could also just
   * exract the people, mobs, and objects here.
  for (obj = world[rnum].contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content) {
    obj_to_room(obj, 0);
  for (tch = world[rnum].people; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room) {
    char_to_room(tch, 0);
   * Change any exit going to this room to go to the void.  This way,
   * the builders know when they type show errors.
  for (i = top_of_world; i >= 0; i--)
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++)
      if (W_EXIT(i, j) == NULL)
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room > rnum)
        W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room--;
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room == rnum)
        W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room = 0;
   * Find what zone the room was in so we can update the loading table.
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++)
    for (j = 0; ZCMD(i, j).command != 'S'; j++)
      switch (ZCMD(i, j).command) {
        case 'M':
        case 'O':
          if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 == rnum)
            ZCMD(i, j).command = '*'; 		/* Cancel Command */
          else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 > rnum)
            ZCMD(i, j).arg3--;
        case 'D':
        case 'R':
          if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 == rnum)
            ZCMD(i, j).command = '*';		/* Cancel Command */
          else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 > rnum)
            ZCMD(i, j).arg1--;
        case 'G':
        case 'P':
        case 'E':
        case '*':
          /* Known zone entries we don't use here. */
          mudlog(BRF, LVL_GOD, TRUE, "SYSERR: GenOLC: delete_room: Unknown zone entry found!");
   * Now we actually move the rooms down.
  for (i = rnum; i < top_of_world; i++) {
    world[i] = world[i + 1];
    for (tch = world[i].people; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room)
      IN_ROOM(tch) -= (IN_ROOM(tch) != NOWHERE);  	/* Redundant Check? */
    for (obj = world[i].contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content)
      IN_ROOM(obj) -= (IN_ROOM(obj) != NOWHERE);
  RECREATE(world, struct room_data, top_of_world + 1);
  return (TRUE);
Esempio n. 8
 * Save all the zone_table for this zone to disk.  This function now
 * writes simple comments in the form of (<name>) to each record.  A
 * header for each field is also there.
int save_zone(zone_rnum zone_num)
  int subcmd, arg1 = -1, arg2 = -1, arg3 = -1, arg4 = 100;
  char fname[64];
  const char *comment = NULL;
  FILE *zfile;

  if (zone_num < 0 || zone_num > top_of_zone_table) {
    log("SYSERR: GenOLC: save_zone: Invalid real zone number %d. (0-%d)", zone_num, top_of_zone_table);
    return FALSE;

  sprintf(fname, "%s/", ZON_PREFIX, zone_table[zone_num].number);
  if (!(zfile = fopen(fname, "w"))) {
    sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: OLC: save_zones:  Can't write zone %d.", zone_table[zone_num].number);
    mudlog(buf, BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE);
    return FALSE;

   * Print zone header to file  
  fprintf(zfile, "#%d\n" "%s~\n" "%d %d %d\n",
	  (zone_table[zone_num].name && *zone_table[zone_num].name)
		? zone_table[zone_num].name : "undefined",

	 * Handy Quick Reference Chart for Zone Values.
	 * Field #1    Field #3   Field #4  Field #5
	 * -------------------------------------------------
	 * M (Mobile)  Mob-Vnum   Wld-Max   Room-Vnum  PERCENT
	 * O (Object)  Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Room-Vnum  PERCENT
	 * G (Give)    Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Unused     PERCENT
	 * E (Equip)   Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   EQ-Position PERCENT 
	 * P (Put)     Obj-Vnum   Wld-Max   Target-Obj-Vnum
	 * D (Door)    Room-Vnum  Door-Dir  Door-State
	 * R (Remove)  Room-Vnum  Obj-Vnum  Unused
	 * -------------------------------------------------

  for (subcmd = 0; ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command != 'S'; subcmd++) {
    switch (ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command) {
    case 'M':
      arg1 = mob_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number;
      arg4 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg4;
      comment = mob_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].player.short_descr;
    case 'O':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].number;
      arg4 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg4;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'G':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = -1;
      arg4 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg4;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'E':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3;
      arg4 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg4;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'P':
      arg1 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].vnum;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3].vnum;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].short_description;
    case 'D':
      arg1 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].number;
      arg2 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2;
      arg3 = ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg3;
      comment = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].name;
    case 'R':
      arg1 = world[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg1].number;
      arg2 = obj_index[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2].vnum;
      comment = obj_proto[ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).arg2].short_description;
      arg3 = -1;
    case '*':
       * Invalid commands are replaced with '*' - Ignore them.
      sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: OLC: z_save_to_disk(): Unknown cmd '%c' - NOT saving", ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command);
      mudlog(buf, BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE);
    fprintf(zfile, "%c %d %d %d %d %d \t(%s)\n",
		ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).command, ZCMD(zone_num, subcmd).if_flag, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, comment);
  fputs("S\n$\n", zfile);
  sprintf(buf2, "%s/%d.zon", ZON_PREFIX, zone_table[zone_num].number);
  rename(fname, buf2);

  remove_from_save_list(zone_table[zone_num].number, SL_ZON);
  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
 * This function will copy the strings so be sure you free your own
 * copies of the description, title, and such.
room_rnum add_room(struct room_data *room)
  struct char_data *tch;
  struct obj_data *tobj;
  int i, j, found = FALSE;

  if (room == NULL)
    return NOWHERE;

  if ((i = real_room(room->number)) != NOWHERE) {
    tch = world[i].people; 
    tobj = world[i].contents;
    copy_room(&world[i], room);
    world[i].people = tch;
    world[i].contents = tobj;
    add_to_save_list(zone_table[room->zone].number, SL_WLD);
    log("GenOLC: add_room: Updated existing room #%d.", room->number);
    return i;

  RECREATE(world, struct room_data, top_of_world + 2);

  for (i = top_of_world; i > 0; i--) {
    if (room->number > world[i - 1].number) {
      world[i] = *room;
      copy_room_strings(&world[i], room);
      found = i;
    } else {
      /* Copy the room over now. */
      world[i] = world[i - 1];

      /* People in this room must have their in_rooms moved up one. */
      for (tch = world[i].people; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room)
	IN_ROOM(tch) += (IN_ROOM(tch) != NOWHERE);

      /* Move objects too. */
      for (tobj = world[i].contents; tobj; tobj = tobj->next_content)
	IN_ROOM(tobj) += (IN_ROOM(tobj) != NOWHERE);
  if (!found) {
    world[0] = *room;	/* Last place, in front. */
    copy_room_strings(&world[0], room);

  log("GenOLC: add_room: Added room %d at index #%d.", room->number, found);

  /* found is equal to the array index where we added the room. */

   * Find what zone that room was in so we can update the loading table.
  for (i = room->zone; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++)
    for (j = 0; ZCMD(i, j).command != 'S'; j++)
      switch (ZCMD(i, j).command) {
      case 'M':
      case 'O':
      case 'T':
      case 'V':
	ZCMD(i, j).arg3 += (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 >= found);
      case 'D':
      case 'R':
	ZCMD(i, j).arg1 += (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 >= found);
      case 'G':
      case 'P':
      case 'E':
      case '*':
	/* Known zone entries we don't care about. */
        mudlog(BRF, LVL_DEITY, TRUE, "SYSERR: GenOLC: add_room: Unknown zone entry found!");
   * Update the loadroom table. Adds 1 or 0.
  r_mortal_start_room += (r_mortal_start_room >= found);
  r_immort_start_room += (r_immort_start_room >= found);
  r_frozen_start_room += (r_frozen_start_room >= found);
  r_newbie_start_room += (r_newbie_start_room >= found);
  r_sorin_start_room  += (r_sorin_start_room  >= found);
   * Update world exits & triggers.
  for (i = top_of_world; i >= 0; i--) {
    /* exits */
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++)
      if (W_EXIT(i, j))
	W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room += (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room >= found);

    /* TRIGGERS */
      if(SCRIPT(&world[i])) {
        SCRIPT(&world[i]) = NULL;
      assign_triggers(&world[i], WLD_TRIGGER);

  add_to_save_list(zone_table[room->zone].number, SL_WLD);

   * Return what array entry we placed the new room in.
  return found;
Esempio n. 10
int delete_room(room_rnum rnum)
  int i, j;
  struct char_data *ppl, *next_ppl;
  struct obj_data *obj, *next_obj;
  struct room_data *room;

  if (rnum <= 0 || rnum > top_of_world)	/* Can't delete void yet. */
    return FALSE;

  room = &world[rnum];

  add_to_save_list(zone_table[room->zone].number, SL_WLD);

  /* This is something you might want to read about in the logs. */
  log("GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting room #%d (%s).", room->number, room->name);

  if (r_mortal_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting mortal start room!");
    r_mortal_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_immort_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting immortal start room!");
    r_immort_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_newbie_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting newbie start room!");
    r_newbie_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_sorin_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting sorin start room!");
    r_sorin_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_frozen_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting frozen start room!");
    r_frozen_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */

   * Dump the contents of this room into the Void.  We could also just
   * extract the people, mobs, and objects here.
  for (obj = world[rnum].contents; obj; obj = next_obj) {
    next_obj = obj->next_content;
    obj_to_room(obj, 0);
  for (ppl = world[rnum].people; ppl; ppl = next_ppl) {
    next_ppl = ppl->next_in_room;
    char_to_room(ppl, 0);


   * Change any exit going to this room to go the void.
   * Also fix all the exits pointing to rooms above this.
  for (i = top_of_world; i >= 0; i--)
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++)
      if (W_EXIT(i, j) == NULL)
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room > rnum)
        W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room--;
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room == rnum)
        W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room = 0;	/* Some may argue -1. */

   * Find what zone that room was in so we can update the loading table.
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++)
    for (j = 0; ZCMD(i , j).command != 'S'; j++)
      switch (ZCMD(i, j).command) {
      case 'M':
      case 'O':
      case 'T':
      case 'V':
	if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 == rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).command = '*';	/* Cancel command. */
	else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 > rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).arg3--;
      case 'D':
      case 'R':
	if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 == rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).command = '*';	/* Cancel command. */
	else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 > rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).arg1--;
      case 'G':
      case 'P':
      case 'E':
      case '*':
        /* Known zone entries we don't care about. */
        mudlog(BRF, LVL_DEITY, TRUE, "SYSERR: GenOLC: delete_room: Unknown zone entry found!");

   * Now we actually move the rooms down.
  for (i = rnum; i < top_of_world; i++) {
    world[i] = world[i + 1];

    for (ppl = world[i].people; ppl; ppl = ppl->next_in_room)
      IN_ROOM(ppl) -= (IN_ROOM(ppl) != NOWHERE);	/* Redundant check? */

    for (obj = world[i].contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content)
      IN_ROOM(obj) -= (IN_ROOM(obj) != NOWHERE);	/* Redundant check? */

  RECREATE(world, struct room_data, top_of_world + 1);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 11
int delete_object(obj_rnum rnum)
  obj_rnum i;
  zone_rnum zrnum;
  struct obj_data *obj, *tmp, *next_tmp;
  int shop, j, zone, cmd_no;

  if (rnum == NOTHING || rnum > top_of_objt)
    return NOTHING;
  obj = &obj_proto[rnum];

  zrnum = real_zone_by_thing(GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj));

  /* This is something you might want to read about in the logs. */
  log("GenOLC: delete_object: Deleting object #%d (%s).", GET_OBJ_VNUM(obj), obj->short_description);

  for (tmp = object_list; tmp; tmp = next_tmp) {
    next_tmp = tmp->next;
    if (tmp->item_number != obj->item_number)

    /* extract_obj() will just axe contents. */
    if (tmp->contains) {
      struct obj_data *this_content, *next_content;
      for (this_content = tmp->contains; this_content; this_content = next_content) {
        next_content = this_content->next_content;
        if (IN_ROOM(tmp)) {
          /* Transfer stuff from object to room. */
          obj_to_room(this_content, IN_ROOM(tmp));
        } else if (tmp->worn_by || tmp->carried_by) {
          /* Transfer stuff from object to person inventory. */
          obj_to_char(this_content, tmp->carried_by);
        } else if (tmp->in_obj) {
          /* Transfer stuff from object to containing object. */
          obj_to_obj(this_content, tmp->in_obj);
    /* Remove from object_list, etc. - handles weightchanges, and similar. */

  /* Make sure all are removed. */
  assert(obj_index[rnum].number == 0);

  /* Adjust rnums of all other objects. */
  for (tmp = object_list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    GET_OBJ_RNUM(tmp) -= (GET_OBJ_RNUM(tmp) > rnum);

  for (i = rnum; i < top_of_objt; i++) {
    obj_index[i] = obj_index[i + 1];
    obj_proto[i] = obj_proto[i + 1];
    obj_proto[i].item_number = i;

  RECREATE(obj_index, struct index_data, top_of_objt + 1);
  RECREATE(obj_proto, struct obj_data, top_of_objt + 1);

  /* Renumber notice boards. */
  for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_BOARDS; j++)
    BOARD_RNUM(j) -= (BOARD_RNUM(j) > rnum);

  /* Renumber shop produce. */
  for (shop = 0; shop <= top_shop; shop++)
    for (j = 0; SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, j) != NOTHING; j++)
      SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, j) -= (SHOP_PRODUCT(shop, j) > rnum);

  /* Renumber zone table. */
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++) {
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++) {
      switch (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command) {
      case 'P':
        if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 == rnum) {
          delete_command(&zone_table[zone], cmd_no);
        } else
          ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 -= (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg3 > rnum);
      case 'O':
      case 'G':
      case 'E':
        if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 == rnum) {
          delete_command(&zone_table[zone], cmd_no);
        } else
          ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 -= (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 > rnum);
      case 'R':
        if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 == rnum) {
          delete_command(&zone_table[zone], cmd_no);
        } else
          ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 -= (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg2 > rnum);


  return rnum;
Esempio n. 12
int delete_mobile(mob_rnum refpt)
  struct char_data *live_mob;
  struct char_data *proto;
  int counter, cmd_no;
  mob_vnum vnum;
  zone_rnum zone;

  if (refpt == NOBODY || refpt > top_of_mobt) {
  if (refpt < 0 || refpt > top_of_mobt) {
    log("SYSERR: GenOLC: delete_mobile: Invalid rnum %d.", refpt);
    return NOBODY;

  vnum = mob_index[refpt].vnum;
  proto = &mob_proto[refpt];

  for (counter = refpt; counter < top_of_mobt; counter++) {
    mob_index[counter] = mob_index[counter + 1];
    mob_proto[counter] = mob_proto[counter + 1];

  RECREATE(mob_index, struct index_data, top_of_mobt + 1);
  RECREATE(mob_proto, struct char_data, top_of_mobt + 1);

  /* Update live mobile rnums. */
  for (live_mob = character_list; live_mob; live_mob = live_mob->next)
    GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) -= (GET_MOB_RNUM(live_mob) >= refpt);

  /* Update zone table. */
  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++)
    for (cmd_no = 0; ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command != 'S'; cmd_no++)
      if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).command == 'M'){
       if (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 == refpt) {
        delete_zone_command(&zone_table[zone], cmd_no);
        } else
          ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 -= (ZCMD(zone, cmd_no).arg1 > refpt);

  /* Update shop keepers. */
  if (shop_index)
    for (counter = 0; counter <= top_shop; counter++)
      SHOP_KEEPER(counter) -= (SHOP_KEEPER(counter) >= refpt);


  return refpt;

int copy_mobile_strings(struct char_data *t, struct char_data *f)
  if (f->
    t-> = strdup(f->;
  if (f->player.title)
    t->player.title = strdup(f->player.title);
  if (f->player.short_descr)
    t->player.short_descr = strdup(f->player.short_descr);
  if (f->player.long_descr)
    t->player.long_descr = strdup(f->player.long_descr);
  if (f->player.description)
    t->player.description = strdup(f->player.description);
  return TRUE;

int update_mobile_strings(struct char_data *t, struct char_data *f)
  if (f->
    t-> = f->;
  if (f->player.title)
    t->player.title = f->player.title;
  if (f->player.short_descr)
    t->player.short_descr = f->player.short_descr;
  if (f->player.long_descr)
    t->player.long_descr = f->player.long_descr;
  if (f->player.description)
    t->player.description = f->player.description;
  return TRUE;

int free_mobile_strings(struct char_data *mob)
  if (mob->
  if (mob->player.title)
  if (mob->player.short_descr)
  if (mob->player.long_descr)
  if (mob->player.description)
  return TRUE;

/* Free a mobile structure that has been edited. Take care of existing mobiles
 * and their mob_proto! */
int free_mobile(struct char_data *mob)
  mob_rnum i;

  if (mob == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  /* Non-prototyped mobile.  Also known as new mobiles. */
  if ((i = GET_MOB_RNUM(mob)) == NOBODY) {
    /* free script proto list */
    free_proto_script(mob, MOB_TRIGGER);
   } else {	/* Prototyped mobile. */
    if (mob-> && mob-> != mob_proto[i]
    if (mob->player.title && mob->player.title != mob_proto[i].player.title)
    if (mob->player.short_descr && mob->player.short_descr != mob_proto[i].player.short_descr)
    if (mob->player.long_descr && mob->player.long_descr != mob_proto[i].player.long_descr)
    if (mob->player.description && mob->player.description != mob_proto[i].player.description)
    /* free script proto list if it's not the prototype */
    if (mob->proto_script && mob->proto_script != mob_proto[i].proto_script)
      free_proto_script(mob, MOB_TRIGGER);
  while (mob->affected)
    affect_remove(mob, mob->affected);

  /* free any assigned scripts */
  if (SCRIPT(mob))
    extract_script(mob, MOB_TRIGGER);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
int delete_room(room_rnum rnum)
  room_rnum i;
  int j;
  struct char_data *ppl, *next_ppl;
  struct obj_data *obj, *next_obj;
  struct room_data *room;

  if (rnum <= 0 || rnum > top_of_world)	/* Can't delete void yet. */
    return FALSE;

  room = &world[rnum];

  add_to_save_list(zone_table[room->zone].number, SL_WLD);

  /* remove from realnum lookup tree */
  htree_del(room_htree, room->number);

  /* This is something you might want to read about in the logs. */
  log("GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting room #%d (%s).", room->number, room->name);

  if (r_mortal_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting mortal start room!");
    r_mortal_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_immort_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting immortal start room!");
    r_immort_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */
  if (r_frozen_start_room == rnum) {
    log("WARNING: GenOLC: delete_room: Deleting frozen start room!");
    r_frozen_start_room = 0;	/* The Void */

   * Dump the contents of this room into the Void.  We could also just
   * extract the people, mobs, and objects here.
  for (obj = world[rnum].contents; obj; obj = next_obj) {
    next_obj = obj->next_content;
    obj_to_room(obj, 0);
  for (ppl = world[rnum].people; ppl; ppl = next_ppl) {
    next_ppl = ppl->next_in_room;
    char_to_room(ppl, 0);

  if (SCRIPT(room))
    extract_script(room, WLD_TRIGGER);
  free_proto_script(room, WLD_TRIGGER);

   * Change any exit going to this room to go the void.
   * Also fix all the exits pointing to rooms above this.
  i = top_of_world + 1;
  do {
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++)
      if (W_EXIT(i, j) == NULL)
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room > rnum)
        W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room -= (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room != NOWHERE); /* with unsigned NOWHERE > any rnum */
      else if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room == rnum) {
      	if ((!W_EXIT(i, j)->keyword || !*W_EXIT(i, j)->keyword) &&
      	    (!W_EXIT(i, j)->general_description || !*W_EXIT(i, j)->general_description)) {
          /* no description, remove exit completely */
          if (W_EXIT(i, j)->keyword)
            free(W_EXIT(i, j)->keyword);
          if (W_EXIT(i, j)->general_description)
            free(W_EXIT(i, j)->general_description);
          free(W_EXIT(i, j));
          W_EXIT(i, j) = NULL;
        } else { 
          /* description is set, just point to nowhere */
          W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room = NOWHERE;
  } while (i > 0);

   * Find what zone that room was in so we can update the loading table.
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++)
    for (j = 0; ZCMD(i , j).command != 'S'; j++)
      switch (ZCMD(i, j).command) {
      case 'M':
      case 'O':
      case 'T':
      case 'V':
	if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 == rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).command = '*';	/* Cancel command. */
	else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 > rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).arg3 -= (ZCMD(i, j).arg3 != NOWHERE); /* with unsigned NOWHERE > any rnum */
      case 'D':
      case 'R':
	if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 == rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).command = '*';	/* Cancel command. */
	else if (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 > rnum)
	  ZCMD(i, j).arg1 -= (ZCMD(i, j).arg1 != NOWHERE); /* with unsigned NOWHERE > any rnum */
      case 'G':
      case 'P':
      case 'E':
      case '*':
        /* Known zone entries we don't care about. */
        mudlog(BRF, LVL_GOD, TRUE, "SYSERR: GenOLC: delete_room: Unknown zone entry found!");

   * Remove this room from all shop lists.
    extern int top_shop;
    for (i = 0;i < top_shop;i++) {
      for (j = 0;SHOP_ROOM(i, j) != NOWHERE;j++) {
        if (SHOP_ROOM(i, j) == world[rnum].number)
          SHOP_ROOM(i, j) = 0; /* set to the void */
   * Now we actually move the rooms down.
  for (i = rnum; i < top_of_world; i++) {
    world[i] = world[i + 1];
    update_wait_events(&world[i], &world[i+1]);

    for (ppl = world[i].people; ppl; ppl = ppl->next_in_room)
      IN_ROOM(ppl) -= (IN_ROOM(ppl) != NOWHERE);	/* Redundant check? */

    for (obj = world[i].contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content)
      IN_ROOM(obj) -= (IN_ROOM(obj) != NOWHERE);	/* Redundant check? */

  RECREATE(world, struct room_data, top_of_world + 1);

  return TRUE;