Esempio n. 1
ZIP_API ZRESULT ZipAddStreamLength(HZIP zip_handle, const TCHAR* destination_file_name, HANDLE handle, unsigned int length){return ZipAddHandle(zip_handle, destination_file_name, handle, length);}
Esempio n. 2
void main()
{ CreateFiles();
  HZIP hz; DWORD writ;

  // EXAMPLE 1 - create a zipfile from existing files
  hz = CreateZip(_T("\\"),0);
  ZipAdd(hz,_T("znsimple.bmp"), _T("\\simple.bmp"));
  ZipAdd(hz,_T("znsimple.txt"), _T("\\simple.txt"));
  _tprintf(_T("Created '\\'\n"));

  // EXAMPLE 2 - unzip it with the names suggested in the zip
  hz = OpenZip(_T("\\"),0);
  ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numitems=ze.index;
  for (int zi=0; zi<numitems; zi++)
  { GetZipItem(hz,zi,&ze);
  _tprintf(_T("Unzipped 'znsimple.bmp' and 'znsimple.txt' from ''\n"));

  // EXAMPLE 3 - create an auto-allocated pagefile-based zip file from various sources
  // the second argument says how much address space to reserve for it. We can
  // afford to be generous: no address-space is allocated unless it's actually needed.
  hz = CreateZip(0,100000,"password");
  // adding a conventional file...
  ZipAdd(hz,_T("znsimple.txt"),  _T("\\simple.txt"));
  // adding something from memory...
  char buf[1000]; for (int zj=0; zj<1000; zj++) buf[zj]=(char)(zj&0x7F);
  ZipAdd(hz,_T("simple.dat"),  buf,1000);
  // adding something from a pipe...
#ifndef UNDER_CE
  HANDLE hread,hwrite; CreatePipe(&hread,&hwrite,NULL,0);
  DWORD WINAPI Ex3ThreadFunc(void *dat);
  HANDLE hthread = CreateThread(0,0,Ex3ThreadFunc,(void*)hwrite,0,0);
  ZipAddHandle(hz,_T("simple3.dat"),  hread,1000);  // the '1000' is optional, but it makes for nicer zip files if sizes are known in advance.
  CloseHandle(hthread); CloseHandle(hread); // the thread will close hwrite
  // and now that the zip is created in pagefile, let's do something with it:
  void *zbuf; unsigned long zlen; ZipGetMemory(hz,&zbuf,&zlen);
  HANDLE hfz = CreateFile(_T("\\simple3 - pwd is 'password'.zip"),GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0);
  _tprintf(_T("Created '' via pagefile\n"));

  // EXAMPLE 4 - unzip directly from resource into a file
  // resource RT_RCDATA/#1 happens to be a zip file...
  HINSTANCE hInstance=GetModuleHandle(0);
  HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),RT_RCDATA);
  HANDLE hglob = LoadResource(hInstance,hrsrc);
  void *zipbuf=LockResource(hglob);
  unsigned int ziplen=SizeofResource(hInstance,hrsrc);
  hz = OpenZip(zipbuf, ziplen, 0);  SetUnzipBaseDir(hz,_T("\\"));
  int i; FindZipItem(hz,_T("simple.jpg"),true,&i,&ze);
  //   - unzip to a file -
  //   - unzip to a membuffer -
  char *ibuf = new char[ze.unc_size];
  UnzipItem(hz,i, ibuf, ze.unc_size);
  delete[] ibuf;
  //   - unzip to a fixed membuff, bit by bit -
  char fbuf[1024]; ZRESULT zr=ZR_MORE; unsigned long totsize=0;
  while (zr==ZR_MORE)
  { zr = UnzipItem(hz,i, fbuf,1024);
    unsigned long bufsize=1024; if (zr==ZR_OK) bufsize=ze.unc_size-totsize;
    // now do something with this chunk which we just unzipped...
  //   - finished -
  // note: no need to free resources obtained through Find/Load/LockResource
  _tprintf(_T("Unzipped 'simple.jpg' from resource zipfile\n"));

  _tprintf(_T("Deleted 'simple.txt' and 'simple.bmp'\n"));
Esempio n. 3
ZIP_API ZRESULT ZipAddStream(HZIP zip_handle, const TCHAR* destination_file_name, HANDLE handle){return ZipAddHandle(zip_handle, destination_file_name, handle);}