Esempio n. 1
static int Zoltan_Oct_Update_Map(ZZ *zz) {
  int i;
  double x,y;
  pRList  RootList;                
  pOctant RootOct;
  pOctant remoteoctant;
  Migrate_msg *rootlists = NULL;
  OCT_Global_Info *OCT_info = (OCT_Global_Info *)(zz->LB.Data_Structure);
  Map *array = OCT_info->map;
  int mapsize = OCT_info->mapsize;
  int rlsize = 0;
  int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  char *yo = "Zoltan_Oct_Update_Map";

  if((ierr = Zoltan_Oct_build_global_rootlist(zz, &rootlists, &rlsize)) != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    ZOLTAN_TRACE_EXIT(zz, yo);
    return ierr;

  for(i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) {
    RootList = array[i].list;
    while((RootOct = RL_nextRootOctant(&RootList)))  {
      Zoltan_Oct_free(OCT_info, &RootOct);
      /* KDDKDDFREE set oct pointer of RootList to NULL. */
      RootList->oct = NULL;
  for(i = 0; i < rlsize; i++) {
    remoteoctant = Zoltan_Oct_newremote();
    remoteoctant->remoteptr = rootlists[i].ptr;
    x = rootlists[i].max[0] - rootlists[i].min[0];
    y = rootlists[i].max[1] - rootlists[i].min[1];
    remoteoctant->area = x*y;
    remoteoctant->ppid = rootlists[i].ppid;
    remoteoctant->npid = rootlists[i].from;
    Zoltan_Oct_setchildren(remoteoctant, rootlists[i].children, rootlists[i].cpids); 
    Zoltan_Oct_setbounds(remoteoctant, rootlists[i].min, rootlists[i].max);  
    RL_addRootOctant(array[Zoltan_Oct_mapidx(remoteoctant)].list, remoteoctant);	

  if(rlsize > 0)
  return ierr;
Esempio n. 2
void Zoltan_Oct_Free_Structure(ZZ *zz)
 * Deallocate the persistent OCT data structures in zz->Structure.
  OCT_Global_Info *OCT_info = (OCT_Global_Info *) (zz->LB.Data_Structure);
  pRList  RootList;                           /* list of all local roots */
  pOctant RootOct;
  int i;
  if (OCT_info != NULL) {
    /* free octree */
    /* KDDKDD In distribution from RPI, the following frees were commented out.
     * KDDKDD I do not think they should be commented out, as Debug_Memory
     * KDDKDD reports lots of memory leaks.
     * KDDKDD I have un-commented them.  12/2000
    /* KDDKDDFREE Rearranged the frees because the global octants were trying to
     * KDDKDDFREE access children that were already deleted in Zoltan_Oct_POct_delTree.
     * KDDKDDFREE Now delete global octants first, then the tree.  1/2001
    /* free global octants */
    for(i = 0; i < OCT_info->mapsize; i++) {
      RootList = OCT_info->map[i].list;
      while((RootOct = RL_nextRootOctant(&RootList))) {
        Zoltan_Oct_free(OCT_info, &RootOct);
        /* KDDKDDFREE Set RootList's oct ptr to NULL as the octant is deleted.*/
        RootList->oct = NULL;
    /* free map array */
    /* Free the octree */
    RootList = Zoltan_Oct_POct_localroots(OCT_info); 
    while ((RootOct = RL_nextRootOctant(&RootList))){
      /* KDDKDDFREE  The Zoltan_Oct_POct_delTree also frees RootList, since
       * KDDKDDFREE  Zoltan_Oct_POct_free frees the root list entry for root octants. 
       * KDDKDDFREE  Need to reset RootList in each iteration. */
      Zoltan_Oct_POct_delTree(OCT_info, &RootOct);
      RootList = Zoltan_Oct_POct_localroots(OCT_info);
    /* KDDKDD End of previously commented-out section. 12/2000 */

Esempio n. 3
/* KDDKDDFREE Changed oct to *oct to allow NULL from ZOLTAN_FREE to propagate back 
 * KDDKDDFREE to the calling routine. */
void Zoltan_Oct_POct_free(OCT_Global_Info *OCT_info, pOctant *oct) {

  /* KDDKDDFREE  This variable no longer needed.
  pRList RootList = Zoltan_Oct_POct_localroots(OCT_info);

  /* traverse through local root list, if octant a local root */

  if(Zoltan_Oct_Ppid(*oct) != OCT_info->OCT_localpid) {
    /* KDDKDDFREE Now passing pointer to OCT_rootlist so that, if
     * KDDKDDFREE head of list is deleted, this pointer can be updated
     * KDDKDDFREE appropriately (i.e., no longer points to deleted entry). */
    RL_delRootOctant(OCT_info, &(OCT_info->OCT_rootlist), *oct);

  /* free up space in memory */
  Zoltan_Oct_free(OCT_info, oct);
