Esempio n. 1
static int Zoltan_LB(
  ZZ *zz, 
  int include_parts,             /* Flag indicating whether to generate
                                    part informtion;
                                    0 if called by Zoltan_LB_Balance,
                                    1 if called by Zoltan_LB_Partition.       */
  int *changes,                  /* Set to zero or one depending on if 
                                    Zoltan determines a new
                                    decomposition or not:
                                    zero - No changes to the decomposition
                                           were made by the load-balancing
                                           algorithm; migration is not needed.
                                    one  - A new decomposition is suggested
                                           by the load-balancer; migration is
                                           needed to establish the new
                                           decomposition.                     */
  int *num_gid_entries,          /* The number of array entries in a global ID;
                                    set to be the max over all processors in
                                    zz->Communicator of the parameter
                                    Num_Global_ID_Entries.                    */
  int *num_lid_entries,          /* The number of array entries in a local ID;
                                    set to be the max over all processors in
                                    zz->Communicator of the parameter
                                    Num_Local_ID_Entries.                     */
  int *num_import_objs,          /* The number of non-local objects in the
                                    processor's new decomposition.            */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_global_ids,/* Array of global IDs for non-local objects
                                    (i.e., objs to be imported) in
                                    the processor's new decomposition.        */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_local_ids,   /* Array of local IDs for non-local objects
                                    (i.e., objs to be imported) in
                                    the processor's new decomposition.        */
  int **import_procs,            /* Array of processor IDs for processors 
                                    currently owning non-local objects (i.e.,
                                    objs to be imported) in this processor's
                                    new decomposition.                        */
  int **import_to_part,          /* Partition to which the objects should be
                                    imported.                                 */
  int *num_export_objs,          /* The number of local objects that need to
                                    be exported from the processor to establish
                                    the new decomposition.                    */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_global_ids,/* Array of global IDs for objects that need
                                    to be exported (assigned and sent to other
                                    processors) to establish the new 
                                    decomposition.                            */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_local_ids,   /* Array of local IDs for objects that need
                                    to be exported (assigned and sent to other
                                    processors) to establish the new 
                                    decomposition.                            */
  int **export_procs,            /* Array of destination processor IDs for
                                    objects that need to be exported 
                                    to establish the new decomposition.       */
  int **export_to_part           /* Partition to which objects should be 
                                    exported.                                 */
 * Main load-balancing routine.
 * Input:  a Zoltan structure with appropriate function pointers set.
 * Output: 
 *   changes
 *   num_import_objs
 *   import_global_ids
 *   import_local_ids
 *   import_procs
 *   import_to_part
 *   num_export_objs
 *   export_global_ids
 *   export_local_ids
 *   export_procs
 *   export_to_part
 * Return values:
 *   Zoltan error code.

char *yo = "Zoltan_LB";
int gmax;    /* Maximum number of imported/exported objects 
                over all processors.                       */
int error = ZOLTAN_OK;    /* Error code */
double start_time, end_time;
double lb_time[2] = {0.0,0.0};
char msg[256];
int comm[3],gcomm[3]; 
float *part_sizes = NULL, *fdummy = NULL;
int wgt_dim, part_dim;
int all_num_obj, i, ts, idIdx;
struct Hash_Node **ht;
int *export_all_procs, *export_all_to_part, *parts=NULL;
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR all_global_ids=NULL, all_local_ids=NULL;
struct OVIS_parameters ovisParameters;


  if (zz->Proc == zz->Debug_Proc && zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_PARAMS){
    printf("Build configuration:\n");
    Zoltan_Print_Configuration("  ");

  start_time = Zoltan_Time(zz->Timer);

  Zoltan_OVIS_Setup(zz, &ovisParameters);
  if (zz->Proc == 0)
    printf("OVIS PARAMETERS %s %s %d %f\n", 
  ovis_enabled(zz->Proc, ovisParameters.dll);


   * Compute Max number of array entries per ID over all processors.
   * Compute Max number of return arguments for Zoltan_LB_Balance.
   * This is a sanity-maintaining step; we don't want different
   * processors to have different values for these numbers.
  comm[0] = zz->Num_GID;
  comm[1] = zz->Num_LID;
  comm[2] = zz->LB.Return_Lists;
  MPI_Allreduce(comm, gcomm, 3, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, zz->Communicator);
  zz->Num_GID = *num_gid_entries = gcomm[0];
  zz->Num_LID = *num_lid_entries = gcomm[1];
  zz->LB.Return_Lists = gcomm[2];

  /* assume no changes */
  *changes = 0;

  *num_import_objs = *num_export_objs = 0;
  *import_global_ids = NULL;
  *import_local_ids = NULL;
  *import_procs = NULL;
  *import_to_part = NULL;
  *export_global_ids = NULL;
  *export_local_ids = NULL;
  *export_procs = NULL;
  *export_to_part = NULL;

   *  Return if this processor is not in the Zoltan structure's
   *  communicator.

    goto End;

  if (zz->LB.Method == NONE) {
    if (zz->Proc == zz->Debug_Proc && zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_PARAMS)
      printf("%s Balancing method selected == NONE; no balancing performed\n",

    error = ZOLTAN_WARN;
    goto End;

   *  Sync the random number generator across processors.

  Zoltan_Srand_Sync(Zoltan_Rand(NULL), NULL, zz->Communicator);

  /* Since generating a new partition, need to free old mapping vector */
  zz->LB.OldRemap = zz->LB.Remap;
  zz->LB.Remap = NULL;

  error = Zoltan_LB_Build_PartDist(zz);
  if (error != ZOLTAN_OK && error != ZOLTAN_WARN)
    goto End;

  if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_ALL) {
    int i, np, fp;
    for (i = 0; i < zz->Num_Proc; i++) {
      Zoltan_LB_Proc_To_Part(zz, i, &np, &fp);
      printf("%d Proc_To_Part Proc %d NParts %d FPart %d\n", 
             zz->Proc, i, np, fp);

   * Generate parts sizes.

  /* set part sizes computed by OVIS, if requested. Processes set only their own value */
    float part_sizes[1];
    int part_ids[1], wgt_idx[1];

    wgt_idx[0] = 0;
    part_ids[0] = 0;
    printf("Rank %d ps %f\n",zz->Proc, part_sizes[0]);
    /* clear out old part size info first */
    Zoltan_LB_Set_Part_Sizes(zz, 0, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    Zoltan_LB_Set_Part_Sizes(zz, 0, 1, part_ids, wgt_idx, part_sizes);

  wgt_dim = zz->Obj_Weight_Dim;
  part_dim = ((wgt_dim > 0) ? wgt_dim : 1);

  part_sizes = (float *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(sizeof(float) * part_dim 
                                     * zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts);
  if (part_sizes == NULL) {
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
    error = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
    goto End;

  /* Get part sizes. */
  Zoltan_LB_Get_Part_Sizes(zz, zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts, part_dim,

  /*  if (ovisParameters.outputlevel > 3) */
    int myRank = zz->Proc;
    if (myRank == 0){
      int i, j;

      for (i = 0; i < zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts; i++){
        for (j = 0; j < part_dim; j++){
          printf("Rank %d AG: part_sizes[%d] = %f (Num_Global_Parts = %d, part_dim = %d)\n",zz->Proc,
                 (i*part_dim+j), part_sizes[i*part_dim+j],zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts, part_dim);

   * Call the actual load-balancing function.

  error = zz->LB.LB_Fn(zz, part_sizes,
                       num_import_objs, import_global_ids, import_local_ids,
                       import_procs, import_to_part, 
                       num_export_objs, export_global_ids, export_local_ids, 
                       export_procs, export_to_part);


  if (error == ZOLTAN_FATAL || error == ZOLTAN_MEMERR){
    sprintf(msg, "Partitioning routine returned code %d.", error);

    if ((error == ZOLTAN_MEMERR) && (Zoltan_Memory_Get_Debug() > 0)){
      Zoltan_write_linux_meminfo(0, "State of /proc/meminfo after malloc failure\n", 0);

    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, msg);
    goto End;
  else if (error){
    if (zz->Debug_Level >ZOLTAN_DEBUG_NONE) {
      sprintf(msg, "Partitioning routine returned code %d.", error);
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_WARN(zz->Proc, yo, msg);

  ZOLTAN_TRACE_DETAIL(zz, yo, "Done partitioning");

  if (*num_import_objs >= 0)
    MPI_Allreduce(num_import_objs, &gmax, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 
  else /* use export data */
    MPI_Allreduce(num_export_objs, &gmax, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 

  if (gmax == 0) {

     *  Decomposition was not changed by the load balancing; no migration
     *  is needed.

    if (zz->Proc == zz->Debug_Proc && zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_PARAMS)
      printf("%s No changes to the decomposition due to partitioning; "
             "no migration is needed.\n", yo);

     *  Reset num_import_objs and num_export_objs; don't want to return
     *  -1 for the arrays that weren't returned by ZOLTAN_LB_FN.

    *num_import_objs = *num_export_objs = 0;

    if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_COMPLETE_EXPORT_LISTS){
       * This parameter setting requires that all local objects
       * and their assignments appear in the export list.
      error= Zoltan_Get_Obj_List_Special_Malloc(zz, num_export_objs, 
               export_global_ids, export_local_ids,
               wgt_dim, &fdummy, export_to_part);

      if (error == ZOLTAN_OK){
        if (Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_procs, *num_export_objs,
          for (i=0; i<*num_export_objs; i++)
            (*export_procs)[i] = zz->Proc;
          error = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
    goto End;

   *  Check whether we know the import data, export data, or both.
   *  If we were given the import data,
   *  we know what the new decomposition should look like on the
   *  processor, but we don't know which of our local objects we have
   *  to export to other processors to establish the new decomposition.
   *  Reverse the argument if we were given the export data.
   *  Unless we were given both maps, compute the inverse map.
  if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_NO_LISTS) {
    if (*num_import_objs >= 0) 
      Zoltan_LB_Special_Free_Part(zz, import_global_ids, import_local_ids, 
                                  import_procs, import_to_part);
    if (*num_export_objs >= 0) 
      Zoltan_LB_Special_Free_Part(zz, export_global_ids, export_local_ids, 
                                  export_procs, export_to_part);
    *num_import_objs = *num_export_objs = -1;

  if (*num_import_objs >= 0){
    if (*num_export_objs >= 0) {
      /* Both maps already available; nothing to do. */;
    else if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_ALL_LISTS || 
             zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_EXPORT_LISTS ||
             zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_COMPLETE_EXPORT_LISTS) {
      /* Export lists are requested; compute export map */
      error = Zoltan_Invert_Lists(zz, *num_import_objs, *import_global_ids, 
                                      *import_local_ids, *import_procs,
                                      num_export_objs, export_global_ids,
                                      export_local_ids, export_procs,
      if (error != ZOLTAN_OK && error != ZOLTAN_WARN) {
        sprintf(msg, "Error building return arguments; "
                     "%d returned by Zoltan_Compute_Destinations\n", error);
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, msg);
        goto End;
      if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_EXPORT_LISTS ||
          zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_COMPLETE_EXPORT_LISTS) {
        /* Method returned import lists, but only export lists were desired. */
        /* Import lists not needed; free them. */
        *num_import_objs = -1;
        Zoltan_LB_Special_Free_Part(zz, import_global_ids, import_local_ids, 
                            import_procs, import_to_part);
  else { /* (*num_import_objs < 0) */
    if (*num_export_objs >= 0) {
      /* Only export lists have been returned. */
      if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_ALL_LISTS || 
          zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_IMPORT_LISTS) {
        /* Compute import map */
        error = Zoltan_Invert_Lists(zz, *num_export_objs, *export_global_ids, 
                                        *export_local_ids, *export_procs,
                                        num_import_objs, import_global_ids,
                                        import_local_ids, import_procs, 

        if (error != ZOLTAN_OK && error != ZOLTAN_WARN) {
          sprintf(msg, "Error building return arguments; "
                       "%d returned by Zoltan_Compute_Destinations\n", error);
          ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, msg);
          goto End;
        if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_IMPORT_LISTS) {
          /* Method returned export lists, but only import lists are desired. */
          /* Export lists not needed; free them. */
          *num_export_objs = -1;
          Zoltan_LB_Special_Free_Part(zz, export_global_ids, export_local_ids, 
                              export_procs, export_to_part);
    else {  /* *num_export_objs < 0 && *num_import_objs < 0) */
      if (zz->LB.Return_Lists) {
        /* No map at all available */
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Load-balancing function returned "
               "neither import nor export data.");
        error = ZOLTAN_WARN;
        goto End;

  if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_COMPLETE_EXPORT_LISTS) {
     * Normally, Zoltan_LB returns in the export lists all local
     * objects that are moving off processor, or that are assigned
     * to a part on the local processor that is not the
     * default part.  This setting of Return_Lists requests
     * that all local objects be included in the export list.

    if (*num_export_objs == 0){
      /* all local objects are remaining on processor */

      error= Zoltan_Get_Obj_List_Special_Malloc(zz, num_export_objs,
               export_global_ids, export_local_ids,
               wgt_dim, &fdummy, export_to_part);

      if (error == ZOLTAN_OK){
        if (*num_export_objs) {
          if (Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_procs, *num_export_objs,
            for (i=0; i<*num_export_objs; i++)
              (*export_procs)[i] = zz->Proc;
            error = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      if ((error != ZOLTAN_OK) && (error != ZOLTAN_WARN)) goto End;
      all_num_obj = zz->Get_Num_Obj(zz->Get_Num_Obj_Data, &error);

      if (*num_export_objs < all_num_obj){
        /* Create a lookup table for exported IDs */
        ts = Zoltan_Recommended_Hash_Size(*num_export_objs);
        ht = create_hash_table(zz, *export_global_ids, *num_export_objs, ts);
        /* Create a list of all gids, lids and parts */
        error= Zoltan_Get_Obj_List_Special_Malloc(zz, &all_num_obj, 
                 &all_global_ids, &all_local_ids,
                 wgt_dim, &fdummy, &parts);

        if ((error == ZOLTAN_OK) || (error == ZOLTAN_WARN)){
          if ((Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)(void*)&export_all_procs, 
                 all_num_obj, ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)==0) ||
              (Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)(void*)&export_all_to_part, 
                 all_num_obj, ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)==0)){

            error = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
        if ((error != ZOLTAN_OK) && (error != ZOLTAN_WARN)){
          sprintf(msg, "Error building complete export list; "
                       "%d returned by Zoltan_Get_Obj_List\n", error);
          ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, msg);
          goto End;
        gid = all_global_ids;
        for (i=0; i < all_num_obj; i++, gid += zz->Num_GID){
          idIdx = search_hash_table(zz, gid, ht, ts);
          if (idIdx >= 0){

            export_all_procs[i] = (*export_procs)[idIdx];
            export_all_to_part[i] = (*export_to_part)[idIdx];
            export_all_procs[i] = zz->Proc;
            export_all_to_part[i] = parts[i];
        free_hash_table(ht, ts);

        Zoltan_LB_Special_Free_Part(zz, export_global_ids, export_local_ids, 
                            export_procs, export_to_part);
        Zoltan_Special_Free(zz, (void **)(void*)&parts, 
        *export_global_ids = all_global_ids;
        *export_local_ids = all_local_ids;
        *export_procs = export_all_procs;
        *export_to_part = export_all_to_part;
        *num_export_objs = all_num_obj;

  ZOLTAN_TRACE_DETAIL(zz, yo, "Done building return arguments");

  end_time = Zoltan_Time(zz->Timer);
  lb_time[0] = end_time - start_time;

  if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_LIST) {
    int i;
    Zoltan_Print_Sync_Start(zz->Communicator, TRUE);
    printf("ZOLTAN: Objects to be imported to Proc %d\n", zz->Proc);
    for (i = 0; i < *num_import_objs; i++) {
      printf("    Obj: ");
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_GID(zz, &((*import_global_ids)[i*zz->Num_GID]));
      printf("  To part: %4d", 
             (*import_to_part != NULL ? (*import_to_part)[i] 
                                      : zz->Proc));
      printf("  From processor: %4d\n", (*import_procs)[i]);
    printf("ZOLTAN: Objects to be exported from Proc %d\n", zz->Proc);
    for (i = 0; i < *num_export_objs; i++) {
      printf("    Obj: ");
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_GID(zz, &((*export_global_ids)[i*zz->Num_GID]));
      printf("  To part: %4d",
             (*export_to_part != NULL ? (*export_to_part)[i] 
                                      : (*export_procs)[i]));
      printf("  To processor: %4d\n", (*export_procs)[i]);
    Zoltan_Print_Sync_End(zz->Communicator, TRUE);

   *  If the Help_Migrate flag is set, perform migration for the application.

  if (zz->Migrate.Auto_Migrate) {
    ZOLTAN_TRACE_DETAIL(zz, yo, "Begin auto-migration");

    start_time = Zoltan_Time(zz->Timer);
    error = Zoltan_Migrate(zz,
                            *num_import_objs, *import_global_ids,
                            *import_local_ids, *import_procs, *import_to_part,
                            *num_export_objs, *export_global_ids,
                            *export_local_ids, *export_procs, *export_to_part);
    if (error != ZOLTAN_OK && error != ZOLTAN_WARN) {
      sprintf(msg, "Error in auto-migration; %d returned from "
                    "Zoltan_Help_Migrate\n", error);
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, msg);
      goto End;
    end_time = Zoltan_Time(zz->Timer);
    lb_time[1] = end_time - start_time;

    ZOLTAN_TRACE_DETAIL(zz, yo, "Done auto-migration");
  /* Print timing info */
  if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_ZTIME) {
    if (zz->Proc == zz->Debug_Proc) {
      printf("ZOLTAN Times:  \n");
    Zoltan_Print_Stats (zz->Communicator, zz->Debug_Proc, lb_time[0], 
                   "ZOLTAN     Partition:     ");
    if (zz->Migrate.Auto_Migrate)
      Zoltan_Print_Stats (zz->Communicator, zz->Debug_Proc, lb_time[1], 
                      "ZOLTAN     Migrate: ");

  *changes = 1;

  return (error);
Esempio n. 2
int Zoltan_PHG_Set_2D_Proc_Distrib(
    ZZ *zz,                /* Input:  ZZ struct; for debuging   */
    MPI_Comm Communicator, /* Input:  The MPI Communicator; this communicator
                                      may be MPI_COMM_NULL, as PHG_Redistribute
                                      uses this function with MPI_COMM_NULL
                                      to compute nProc_x and nProc_y.  */
    int proc,              /* Input:  Rank of current processor */
    int nProc,             /* Input:  Total # of processors     */    
    int nProc_x,           /* Input:  Suggested #procs in x-direction */
    int nProc_y,           /* Input:  Suggested #procs in y-direction */
    PHGComm *comm          /* Ouput: filled */
/* Computes the processor distribution for the 2D data distrib.
 * Sets nProc_x, nProc_y.
 * Constraint:  nProc_x * nProc_y == nProc. 
 * For 2D data distrib, default should approximate sqrt(nProc).
 * If nProc_x and nProc_y both equal -1 on input, compute default.
 * Otherwise, compute valid values and/or return error.
char *yo = "Zoltan_PHG_Set_2D_Proc_Distrib";
int tmp;
int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  if (nProc_x == -1 && nProc_y == -1) {
    /* Compute default */
    tmp = (int) sqrt((double)nProc+0.1);
    while (nProc % tmp) tmp--;
    comm->nProc_x = tmp;
    comm->nProc_y = nProc / tmp;
  } else if (nProc_x == -1) {
    comm->nProc_y = MIN(nProc_y, nProc);
    comm->nProc_x = nProc / comm->nProc_y;
  } else if (nProc_y == -1) {
    comm->nProc_x = MIN(nProc_x, nProc);
    comm->nProc_y = nProc / comm->nProc_x;
  } else {
    comm->nProc_x = nProc_x;
    comm->nProc_y = nProc_y;    
  /* Error check */
  if (comm->nProc_x * comm->nProc_y != nProc) {
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(proc, yo,
                       "Values for PHG_NPROC_X and PHG_NPROC_Y "
                       "do not evenly divide the "
                       "total number of processors.");
    ierr = ZOLTAN_FATAL;
    goto End;

  comm->nProc = nProc;
  comm->Communicator = Communicator;
  comm->zz = zz;

  if (Communicator==MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    comm->myProc_x = -1;
    comm->myProc_y = -1;
    comm->myProc = -1;
    comm->col_comm = comm->row_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
  } else {
    comm->myProc_x = proc % comm->nProc_x;
    comm->myProc_y = proc / comm->nProc_x;
    comm->myProc = proc;
    if ((MPI_Comm_split(Communicator, comm->myProc_x, comm->myProc_y, 
                        &comm->col_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)
     || (MPI_Comm_split(Communicator, comm->myProc_y, comm->myProc_x, 
                        &comm->row_comm) != MPI_SUCCESS)) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(proc, yo, "MPI_Comm_Split failed");
      return ZOLTAN_FATAL;
    Zoltan_Srand_Sync(Zoltan_Rand(NULL), &(comm->RNGState_row),
    Zoltan_Srand_Sync(Zoltan_Rand(NULL), &(comm->RNGState_col),
    Zoltan_Srand_Sync(Zoltan_Rand(NULL), &(comm->RNGState),
/*  printf("(%d, %d) of [%d, %d] -> After Comm_split col_comm=%d  row_comm=%d\n", hgp->myProc_x, hgp->myProc_y, hgp->nProc_x, hgp->nProc_y, (int)hgp->col_comm, (int)hgp->row_comm);  */


  return ierr;
Esempio n. 3
int Zoltan_PHG_Vertex_Visit_Order(
  ZZ *zz, 
  HGraph *hg, 
  PHGPartParams *hgp, 
  int *order)
  int i, j, edge;
  int *ldegree=NULL, *gdegree=NULL; /* local/global degree */
  int *lpins=NULL, *gpins=NULL; /* local/global sum of pins */
  char *yo= "Zoltan_PHG_Vertex_Visit_Order";

  /* Start with linear order. */
  for (i=0; i<hg->nVtx; i++)
    order[i] = i;

  /* Permute order array according to chosen strategy. */
  switch (hgp->visit_order){
    case 0: 
      /* random node visit order (recommended)  */
      /* Synchronize so each proc in column visits in same order */
      Zoltan_Srand_Sync(Zoltan_Rand(NULL), &(hg->comm->RNGState_col),
      Zoltan_Rand_Perm_Int (order, hg->nVtx, &(hg->comm->RNGState_col));

    case 1: 
      /* linear (natural) vertex visit order */

    case 2:
      /* increasing vertex weight */
      float *tmpvwgt;

      if (hg->VtxWeightDim == 1)
        tmpvwgt = hg->vwgt;
      else {
        /* Sort based on first component of multidimensional weight */
        tmpvwgt = (float *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(hg->nVtx * sizeof(float));
        for (i = 0; i < hg->nVtx; i++)
          tmpvwgt[i] = hg->vwgt[i*hg->VtxWeightDim];
      Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_inc_float (order, tmpvwgt, 0, hg->nVtx-1);
      if (tmpvwgt != hg->vwgt) ZOLTAN_FREE(&tmpvwgt);

    case 3: 
      /* increasing vertex degree */
      /* intentionally fall through into next case */
    case 4: 
      /* increasing vertex degree, weighted by # pins */

      /* allocate 4 arrays of size hg->nVtx with a single malloc */
      if (!(ldegree = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (4*sizeof(int) * hg->nVtx))){
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_WARN(zz->Proc, yo, "Out of memory");
        ZOLTAN_FREE (&ldegree);
        return ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      /* first local data, then global data */
      lpins = ldegree + hg->nVtx;
      gdegree = lpins + hg->nVtx;
      gpins = gdegree + hg->nVtx;

      /* loop over vertices */
      for (i=0; i<hg->nVtx; i++){
         ldegree[i] = hg->vindex[i+1] - hg->vindex[i]; /* local degree */
         lpins[i] = 0;
         /* loop over edges, sum up #pins */
         for (j= hg->vindex[i]; j < hg->vindex[i+1]; j++) {
           edge = hg->vedge[j];
           lpins[i] += hg->hindex[edge+1] - hg->hindex[edge];

      /* sum up local degrees in each column to get global degrees */
      /* also sum up #pins in same communication */
      MPI_Allreduce(ldegree, gdegree, 2*hg->nVtx, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 

      /* sort by global values. same on every processor. */
      if (hgp->visit_order == 3)
        Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_inc_int_int (order, gdegree, gpins,
          0, hg->nVtx-1);
      else /* hgp->visit_order == 4 */
        Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_inc_int_int (order, gpins, gdegree,
          0, hg->nVtx-1);

      ZOLTAN_FREE (&ldegree);

    /* add more cases here */

  return ZOLTAN_OK;
Esempio n. 4
int Zoltan_PHG_CoarsePartition(
  ZZ *zz, 
  HGraph *phg,         /* Input:  coarse hypergraph -- distributed! */
  int numPart,         /* Input:  number of partitions to generate. */
  float *part_sizes,   /* Input:  array of size numPart listing target sizes
                                  (% of work) for the partitions */
  Partition part,      /* Input:  array of initial partition assignments.
                          Output: array of computed partition assignments.   */
  PHGPartParams *hgp   /* Input:  parameters to use.  */
 * Zoltan_PHG_CoarsePartition computes a partitioning of a hypergraph.
 * Typically, this routine is called at the bottom level in a
 * multilevel scheme (V-cycle).
 * It gathers the distributed hypergraph to each processor and computes
 * a decomposition of the serial hypergraph.  
 * It computes a different partition on each processor
 * using different random numbers (and possibly also
 * different algorithms) and selects the best.
char *yo = "Zoltan_PHG_CoarsePartition";
int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
int i, si, j;
static PHGComm scomm;          /* Serial communicator info */
static int first_time = 1;
HGraph *shg = NULL;            /* Serial hypergraph gathered from phg */
int *spart = NULL;             /* Partition vectors for shg. */
int *new_part = NULL;          /* Ptr to new partition vector. */
float *bestvals = NULL;        /* Best cut values found so far */
int worst, new_cand;
float bal, cut, worst_cut;
int fine_timing = (hgp->use_timers > 2);
struct phg_timer_indices *timer = Zoltan_PHG_LB_Data_timers(zz);
int local_coarse_part = hgp->LocalCoarsePartition;

/* Number of iterations to try coarse partitioning on each proc. */
/* 10 when p=1, and 1 when p is large. */
const int num_coarse_iter = 1 + 9/zz->Num_Proc; 


  if (fine_timing) {
    if (timer->cpgather < 0)
      timer->cpgather = Zoltan_Timer_Init(zz->ZTime, 1, "CP Gather");
    if (timer->cprefine < 0)
      timer->cprefine = Zoltan_Timer_Init(zz->ZTime, 0, "CP Refine");
    if (timer->cpart < 0)
      timer->cpart = Zoltan_Timer_Init(zz->ZTime, 0, "CP Part");

    ZOLTAN_TIMER_START(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);

  /* Force LocalCoarsePartition if large global graph */
#define LARGE_GRAPH_VTX   64000
#define LARGE_GRAPH_PINS 256000
  if (phg->dist_x[phg->comm->nProc_x] > LARGE_GRAPH_VTX){
    /* TODO: || (global_nPins > LARGE_GRAPH_PINS) */
    local_coarse_part = 1;

  /* take care of all special cases first */

  if (!strcasecmp(hgp->coarsepartition_str, "no")
      || !strcasecmp(hgp->coarsepartition_str, "none")) {
    /* Do no coarse partitioning. */
    /* Do a sanity test and  mapping to parts [0,...,numPart-1] */
    int first = 1;
    PHGComm *hgc=phg->comm;    

    Zoltan_Srand_Sync (Zoltan_Rand(NULL), &(hgc->RNGState_col), hgc->col_comm);
    if (hgp->UsePrefPart) {
        for (i = 0; i < phg->nVtx; i++) {
            /* Impose fixed vertex/preferred part constraints. */
            if (phg->pref_part[i] < 0) { /* Free vertex in fixedvertex partitioning or repart */
                /* randomly assigned to a part */
                part[i] = Zoltan_Rand_InRange(&(hgc->RNGState_col), numPart);
            } else {
                if (phg->bisec_split < 0)
                    /* direct k-way, use part numbers directly */
                    part[i] = phg->pref_part[i];
                    /* recursive bisection, map to 0-1 part numbers */
                    part[i] = (phg->pref_part[i] < phg->bisec_split ? 0 : 1);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < phg->nVtx; i++) {
            if (part[i] >= numPart || part[i]<0) {
                if (first) {
                    ZOLTAN_PRINT_WARN(zz->Proc, yo, "Initial part number > numParts.");
                    first = 0;
                    ierr = ZOLTAN_WARN;
                part[i] = ((part[i]<0) ? -part[i] : part[i]) % numPart;
  else if (numPart == 1) {            
    /* everything goes in the one partition */
    for (i =  0; i < phg->nVtx; i++)
      part[i] = 0;
  else if (!hgp->UsePrefPart && numPart >= phg->dist_x[phg->comm->nProc_x]) { 
    /* more partitions than vertices, trivial answer */
    for (i = 0; i < phg->nVtx; i++)
      part[i] = phg->dist_x[phg->comm->myProc_x]+i;
  else if (local_coarse_part) {
    /* Apply local partitioner to each column */
    ierr = local_coarse_partitioner(zz, phg, numPart, part_sizes, part, hgp,
  else {
    /* Normal case:
     * Gather distributed HG to each processor;
     * compute different partitioning on each processor;
     * select the "best" result.

    /* Select different coarse partitioners for processors here. */

    CoarsePartition = hgp->CoarsePartition;
    if (CoarsePartition == NULL) { /* auto */
      /* Select a coarse partitioner from the array of coarse partitioners */
      CoarsePartition = CoarsePartitionFns[phg->comm->myProc % 

    if (phg->comm->nProc == 1) {
      /* Serial and parallel hgraph are the same. */
      shg = phg;
    else {
      /* Set up a serial communication struct for gathered HG */

      if (first_time) {
        scomm.nProc_x = scomm.nProc_y = 1;
        scomm.myProc_x = scomm.myProc_y = 0;
        scomm.Communicator = MPI_COMM_SELF;
        scomm.row_comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
        scomm.col_comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
        scomm.myProc = 0;
        scomm.nProc = 1;
        first_time = 0;
      scomm.RNGState = Zoltan_Rand(NULL);
      scomm.RNGState_row = Zoltan_Rand(NULL);
      scomm.RNGState_col = Zoltan_Rand(NULL);
      scomm.zz = zz;

       * Gather parallel hypergraph phg to each processor, creating
       * serial hypergraph shg.
      if (fine_timing) {
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_STOP(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_START(zz->ZTime, timer->cpgather, phg->comm->Communicator);

      ierr = Zoltan_PHG_Gather_To_All_Procs(zz, phg, hgp, &scomm, &shg);
      if (ierr < 0) {
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Error returned from gather.");
        goto End;

      if (fine_timing) {
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_STOP(zz->ZTime, timer->cpgather, phg->comm->Communicator);
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_START(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);


     * Allocate partition array spart for the serial hypergraph shg
     * and partition shg.
    spart = (int *) ZOLTAN_CALLOC(shg->nVtx * (NUM_PART_KEEP+1),
    bestvals = (float *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC((NUM_PART_KEEP+1)*sizeof(int)); 
    if ((!spart) || (!bestvals)) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Out of memory.");
      ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      goto End;
    /* Compute several coarse partitionings. */
    /* Keep the NUM_PART_KEEP best ones around. */
    /* Currently, only the best one is used. */

    /* Set RNG so different procs compute different parts. */
    Zoltan_Srand(Zoltan_Rand(NULL) + zz->Proc, NULL);

    new_cand = 0;
    new_part = spart;

    for (i=0; i< num_coarse_iter; i++){
      int savefmlooplimit=hgp->fm_loop_limit;
      /* Overwrite worst partition with new candidate. */
      ierr = CoarsePartition(zz, shg, numPart, part_sizes, 
               new_part, hgp);
      if (ierr < 0) {
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, 
                         "Error returned from CoarsePartition.");
        goto End;

      /* time refinement step in coarse partitioner */
      if (fine_timing) {
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_STOP(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_START(zz->ZTime, timer->cprefine, phg->comm->Communicator);

      /* UVCUVC: Refine new candidate: only one pass is enough. */
      hgp->fm_loop_limit = 1;
      Zoltan_PHG_Refinement(zz, shg, numPart, part_sizes, new_part, hgp);
      hgp->fm_loop_limit = savefmlooplimit;
      /* stop refinement timer */
      if (fine_timing) {
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_STOP(zz->ZTime, timer->cprefine, phg->comm->Communicator);
        ZOLTAN_TIMER_START(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);

      /* Decide if candidate is in the top tier or not. */
      /* Our objective is a combination of cuts and balance */

      bal = Zoltan_PHG_Compute_Balance(zz, shg, part_sizes, 0, 
                                       numPart, new_part); 
      cut = Zoltan_PHG_Compute_ConCut(shg->comm, shg, new_part, numPart, &ierr);
      /* Use ratio-cut as our objective. There are many other options! */
      bestvals[new_cand] = cut/(MAX(2.-bal, 0.0001)); /* avoid divide-by-0 */

      if (ierr < 0) {
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, 
                         "Error returned from Zoltan_PHG_Compute_ConCut.");
        goto End;
      if (i<NUM_PART_KEEP)
        new_cand = i+1;
      else {
        /* find worst partition vector, to overwrite it */
        /* future optimization: keep bestvals sorted */
        worst = 0;
        worst_cut = bestvals[0];
        for (j=1; j<NUM_PART_KEEP+1; j++){
          if (worst_cut < bestvals[j]){
            worst_cut = bestvals[j];
            worst = j;
        new_cand = worst;
      new_part = spart+new_cand*(shg->nVtx);
    /* Copy last partition vector such that all the best ones
       are contiguous starting at spart.                     */
    for (i=0; i<shg->nVtx; i++){
      new_part[i] = spart[NUM_PART_KEEP*(shg->nVtx)+i];
    /* Also update bestvals */
    bestvals[new_cand] = bestvals[NUM_PART_KEEP];

    /* Evaluate and select the best. */
    /* For now, only pick the best one, in the future we pick the k best. */

    ierr = pick_best(zz, hgp, phg->comm, shg, numPart, 
              MIN(NUM_PART_KEEP, num_coarse_iter), spart,
    if (ierr < 0) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, 
                        "Error returned from pick_best.");
      goto End;
    if (phg->comm->nProc > 1) {
      /* Map gathered partition back to 2D distribution */
      for (i = 0; i < phg->nVtx; i++) {
        /* KDDKDD  Assume vertices in serial HG are ordered by GNO of phg */
        si = VTX_LNO_TO_GNO(phg, i);
        part[i] = spart[si];

    else { /* single processor */
      for (i = 0; i < phg->nVtx; i++)
        part[i] = spart[i];
  if (fine_timing) 
    ZOLTAN_TIMER_STOP(zz->ZTime, timer->cpart, phg->comm->Communicator);

  return ierr;