Esempio n. 1
void CSettings::SaveCalibration()
	if ( !BIOS::DSK::Open(&f, "CALIB   DAT", BIOS::DSK::IoWrite) )
		_ASSERT( 0 );
	ui8* pSharedBuffer = (ui8*)BIOS::DSK::GetSharedBuffer();
	memset( pSharedBuffer, 0, FILEINFO::SectorSize );

	ui32 dwId = ToDword('C', 'A', 'L', '1');

	CStream bufStream( pSharedBuffer, FILEINFO::SectorSize );
			<< dwId
			<< CStream(&DacCalib, sizeof(DacCalib));

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Write(&f, pSharedBuffer) );

	memset( pSharedBuffer, 0, FILEINFO::SectorSize );
	bufStream << CStream(&CH1Calib, sizeof(CH1Calib));
	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Write(&f, pSharedBuffer) );

	memset( pSharedBuffer, 0, FILEINFO::SectorSize );
	bufStream << CStream(&CH2Calib, sizeof(CH1Calib));

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Write(&f, pSharedBuffer) );
Esempio n. 2
// Get object data.
int ClsGdiObject::GetObject( int cbSize, LPVOID pStorage ) const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hGdiObject ); // Object must be valid.
	_ASSERT_VALID( pStorage ); // Storage pointer must be valid.

	return ::GetObject( m_hGdiObject, cbSize, pStorage );
Esempio n. 3
// Refresh page contents.
void KeyboardPage::RefreshData( LPPARSER pParser )
	_ASSERT_VALID( pParser );

	// Save parser.
	m_pParser = pParser;

	// Reset list box.
	m_Keys.SetRedraw( FALSE );

	// Go through the key hashes.
	LPHASH lpHash, lpNext;
	TCHAR szKeyString[ 256 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++ )
                for ( lpHash = pParser->aHash[ i ]; lpHash; lpHash = lpNext )
			// Pick up next hash in this chain.
			lpNext = lpHash->lpNext;

			// Convert code and qualifier into
			// a string.
			::CodeQual2Str( lpHash->cCode, lpHash->cQual, szKeyString, 256 );

			// Add the string to the list.
			m_Keys.AddString( szKeyString );

	// Setup the GUI.
Esempio n. 4
// Show or hide members.
void ClsLayoutEngine::ShowMembers( BOOL bShow /* = TRUE */ )

	// Call the show window message.
	SendMessage( WM_SHOWMEMBERS, bShow );
Esempio n. 5
// Obtain a mask bitmap. A mask bitmap is a bitmap which has
// all pixels with the color "crColor" set to white and all
// other pixels set to black.
HBITMAP ClsBitmap::GetMaskBitmap( COLORREF crColor, int nXPos /* = 0 */, int nYPos /* = 0 */ ) const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hGdiObject ); // Must be valid.

	// Preset result.
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	// Create the necessary device contexts.
	ClsDC dcSrc, dcDst;
	if ( dcSrc.CreateCompatibleDC( NULL ) &&
	     dcDst.CreateCompatibleDC( NULL ))
		// Get source bitmap information.
		BITMAP bm;
		if ( GetBitmap( &bm ))
			// Create a monochrome bitmap of the same size.
			hMaskBM = ::CreateBitmap( bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL );
			if ( hMaskBM )
				// Select both the source and destination bitmaps.
				HGDIOBJ hOldSrc = dcSrc.SelectObject( m_hGdiObject );
				HGDIOBJ hOldDst = dcDst.SelectObject( hMaskBM );
				_ASSERT( hOldSrc && hOldDst );

				// Obtain the color used to create the mask bitmap.
				if ( crColor == CLR_DEFAULT )
					crColor = dcSrc.GetPixel( nXPos, nYPos );

				// Change the background color to the masked color.
				COLORREF crOldBkCol = dcSrc.SetBkColor( crColor );

				// Copy the source into the destination which creates
				// the mask.
				if ( dcDst.BitBlt( 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, &dcSrc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ))
					// Success...
					bResult = TRUE;
				// Restore background color.
				dcSrc.SetBkColor( crOldBkCol );

				// Restore old bitmaps.
				dcSrc.SelectObject( hOldSrc );
				dcDst.SelectObject( hOldDst );

				// Destroy it if no successful.
				if ( bResult == FALSE ) 
					::DeleteObject( hMaskBM );
	// Destroy DCs
	if ( dcSrc.IsValid())    dcSrc.DeleteDC();
	if ( dcDst.IsValid())    dcDst.DeleteDC();
	return bResult == TRUE ? hMaskBM : NULL;
Esempio n. 6
// Constructor. Set's search string and case mode.
BoyerMoore::BoyerMoore( LPCSTR pszSearchString, BOOL bCaseOn /* = FALSE  */ )
	_ASSERT_VALID( pszSearchString );

	// Setup data.
	m_strSearchString = pszSearchString;
	m_bCaseOn = bCaseOn;
Esempio n. 7
const BoyerMoore& BoyerMoore::operator=( LPCSTR pszSearchString )
	_ASSERT_VALID( pszSearchString );

	// Setup data.
	m_strSearchString = pszSearchString;
	return *this;
Esempio n. 8
// Hook procedure. This will attach the dialog
// to the object.
UINT CALLBACK ClsFontDialog::HookProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	// The lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message holds a pointer
	// to the CHOOSEFONT structure. This structure holds in the "lCustData"
	// field the pointer to the object we need to get attached to.
	if ( uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG )
		_ASSERT_VALID( lParam ); // Must be valid.
		ClsFontDialog *pFontDialog = ( ClsFontDialog * )(( LPCHOOSEFONT )lParam )->lCustData;
		_ASSERT_VALID( pFontDialog ); // Must be valid.

		// Attach us to the object.
		pFontDialog->Attach( hWnd );

		// Re-position dialog if necessary.
		pFontDialog->RePositionDialog( pFontDialog );
	return 0;
Esempio n. 9
ClsBitmap *ClsDC::GetCurrentBitmap() const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Get the device context bitmap.
	HBITMAP	hBitmap = ( HBITMAP )::GetCurrentObject( m_hDC, OBJ_BITMAP );

	// If it is valid we create a temporary object of
	// it.
	return ClsBitmap::FromHandle( hBitmap );
Esempio n. 10
ClsPalette *ClsDC::GetCurrentPalette() const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Get the device context palette.
	HPALETTE hPalette = ( HPALETTE )::GetCurrentObject( m_hDC, OBJ_PAL );

	// If it is valid we create a temporary object of
	// it.
	return ClsPalette::FromHandle( hPalette );
Esempio n. 11
// Set splitter rectangle.
void ClsSplitter::SetSplitRect( LPRECT lpRect )
	_ASSERT_VALID( lpRect ); // Must be valid.

	// Copy the rectangle.
	m_SplitRect = *lpRect;

	// Adjust the splitter control size.
	if ( m_bIsHorizontal ) MoveWindow( m_SplitRect.Left() + m_nPosition, m_SplitRect.Top(), SPLITTER_SIZE, m_SplitRect.Height(), TRUE );
	else		       MoveWindow( m_SplitRect.Left(), m_SplitRect.Top() + m_nPosition, m_SplitRect.Width(), SPLITTER_SIZE, TRUE );
Esempio n. 12
ClsPen *ClsDC::GetCurrentPen() const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Get the device context pen.
	HPEN hPen = ( HPEN )::GetCurrentObject( m_hDC, OBJ_PEN );

	// If it is valid we create a temporary object of
	// it.
	return ClsPen::FromHandle( hPen );
Esempio n. 13
ClsFont *ClsDC::GetCurrentFont() const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Get the device context font.
	HFONT	hFont = ( HFONT )::GetCurrentObject( m_hDC, OBJ_FONT );

	// If it is valid we create a temporary object of
	// it.
	return ClsFont::FromHandle( hFont );
Esempio n. 14
ClsBrush *ClsDC::GetCurrentBrush() const
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Get the device context brush.
	HBRUSH	hBrush = ( HBRUSH )::GetCurrentObject( m_hDC, OBJ_BRUSH );

	// If it is valid we create a temporary object of
	// it.
	return ClsBrush::FromHandle( hBrush );
Esempio n. 15
// Detach the handle.
HDC ClsDC::Detach()

	// Save handle.
	HDC hDC = m_hDC;

	// Set it to NULL.
	m_hDC = NULL;

	// Return the handle.
	return hDC;
Esempio n. 16
// Constructor. Initializes to a handle.
ClsDC::ClsDC( HDC hDC )
	_ASSERT_VALID( hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Clear handle.
	m_hDC = NULL;

	// Attach the handle.
	Attach( hDC );

	// Add us to the global list.
	global_dc_list.AddHead( this );
Esempio n. 17
ClsPalette *ClsDC::SelectPalette( ClsPalette *pPalette, BOOL bForceBackground )
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Select the palette.
	HPALETTE hPal = ::SelectPalette( m_hDC, *pPalette, bForceBackground );

	// OK?
	if ( hPal )
		// Create temp object.
		return ClsPalette::FromHandle( hPal );
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 18
// Attach a handle to this object. Only works
// if the object is empty.
BOOL ClsDC::Attach( HDC hDC )
	_ASSERT( m_hDC == NULL ); // The object must be empty.

	// Can we attach the handle?
	if ( m_hDC == NULL )
		// Attach it.
		m_hDC = hDC;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 19
// GradientFill() API.
BOOL ClsDC::GradientFill( TRIVERTEX* pVertices, ULONG nVertices, void* pMesh, ULONG nMeshElements,  DWORD dwMode )
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Must be valid.

	// Function known?
	if ( StaticGradientFill )
		return ( *StaticGradientFill )( m_hDC, pVertices, nVertices, pMesh, nMeshElements, dwMode );
	// Get the procedure address.
	StaticGradientFill = ( GRADIENTFILL )GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( _T( "msimg32.dll" )), "GradientFill" );
	if ( StaticGradientFill )
		return ( *StaticGradientFill )( m_hDC, pVertices, nVertices, pMesh, nMeshElements, dwMode );
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 20
// Render an outlined rectangle.
void ClsDC::OutlinedRectangle( LPCRECT pRect, COLORREF crOuter, COLORREF crInner )

	// Create GDI objects.
	ClsBrush inner( crInner );
	ClsPen outer( PS_SOLID, 1, crOuter );

	// Select them into the DC.
	ClsSelector bsel( this, inner );
	ClsSelector psel( this, outer );

	// Render rectangle.
	Rectangle( pRect );
Esempio n. 21
// Write a number of bytes to a file.
DWORD ClsFile::Write( LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumBytes )
	_ASSERT( m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); // Must be valid.
	_ASSERT_VALID( lpBuffer ); // Should be valid.

	// Any bytes to write?
	DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0L;
	if ( dwNumBytes )
		// Write the bytes to the file.
		if ( ! ::WriteFile( m_hFile, lpBuffer, dwNumBytes, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ))
			throw ClsFileException();
	return dwBytesWritten;
Esempio n. 22
bool CSettings::LoadCalibration()

	if ( !BIOS::DSK::Open(&f, "CALIB   DAT", BIOS::DSK::IoRead) )
		return false;

	ui8* pSharedBuffer = (ui8*)BIOS::DSK::GetSharedBuffer();

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Read(&f, pSharedBuffer) );

	CStream bufStream( pSharedBuffer, FILEINFO::SectorSize );

	ui32 dwId = 0;
	bufStream >> dwId;
	if ( dwId != ToDword('C', 'A', 'L', '1') )
		return false;

	bufStream >> CStream(&DacCalib, sizeof(DacCalib));

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Read(&f, pSharedBuffer) );
	bufStream >> CStream(&CH1Calib, sizeof(CH1Calib));

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Read(&f, pSharedBuffer) );
	bufStream >> CStream(&CH2Calib, sizeof(CH2Calib));

	return true;
Esempio n. 23
// Read a number of bytes from the file.
DWORD ClsFile::Read( LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumBytes )
	_ASSERT( m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); // Must be valid.
	_ASSERT_VALID( lpBuffer ); // Should be valid.

	// Any bytes to read?
	DWORD dwBytesRead = 0L;
	if ( dwNumBytes )
		// Read the bytes from the file.
		if ( ! ::ReadFile( m_hFile, lpBuffer, dwNumBytes, &dwBytesRead, NULL ))
			throw ClsFileException();
	return dwBytesRead;
Esempio n. 24
// Finds a device context object in the list by it's handle
// value.
static ClsDC *ClsFindObjectByHandle( ClsLinkedList<ClsDC>& list, HDC hDC )
	_ASSERT_VALID( hDC ); // This must be valid.

	// Iterate the nodes.
	for ( ClsDC *pDC = list.GetFirst(); pDC; pDC = list.GetNext( pDC ))
		// Is the handle wrapped by this object
		// the one we are looking for?
		if ( *pDC == hDC )
			// Yes. Return a pointer to the object.
			return pDC;
	// Object not in the list.
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 25
// Finds a gdi object in the list by it's handle
// value.
static ClsGdiObject *ClsFindObjectByHandle( ClsLinkedList<ClsGdiObject>& list, HGDIOBJ hGdiObject )
	_ASSERT_VALID( hGdiObject ); // This must be valid.

	// Iterate the nodes.
	for ( ClsGdiObject *pGdiObject = list.GetFirst(); pGdiObject; pGdiObject = list.GetNext( pGdiObject ))
		// Is the handle wrapped by this object
		// the one we are looking for?
		if ( *pGdiObject == hGdiObject )
			// Yes. Return a pointer to the object.
			return pGdiObject;
	// Object not in the list.
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 26
void CSettings::Save()
	if ( !BIOS::DSK::Open(&f, "CONFIG  DAT", BIOS::DSK::IoWrite) )
		_ASSERT( 0 );
	ui8* pSharedBuffer = (ui8*)BIOS::DSK::GetSharedBuffer();
	memset( pSharedBuffer, 0, FILEINFO::SectorSize );

	CStream bufStream( pSharedBuffer, FILEINFO::SectorSize );
	bufStream << *this;

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Write(&f, pSharedBuffer) );
	BIOS::DSK::Close(&f, bufStream.GetLength());
Esempio n. 27
void CSettings::Load()

	if ( !BIOS::DSK::Open(&f, "CONFIG  DAT", BIOS::DSK::IoRead) )

	ui8* pSharedBuffer = (ui8*)BIOS::DSK::GetSharedBuffer();

	_ASSERT_VALID( BIOS::DSK::Read(&f, pSharedBuffer) );

	CStream bufStream( pSharedBuffer, FILEINFO::SectorSize );
	bufStream >> *this;

Esempio n. 28
// Attach a handle to the current object.
void ClsGdiObject::Attach( HGDIOBJ hGdiObject, BOOL bDestroy /* = TRUE */ )
	_ASSERT_VALID( hGdiObject ); // Passed handle must be valid.
	_ASSERT( hGdiObject != m_hGdiObject ); // Can't attach to ourselves.

	// Delete the current handle.

#ifdef _DEBUG
	// Increase object counter.
	if ( bDestroy )

	// Setup the new handle.
	m_hGdiObject = hGdiObject;
	m_bDestroy   = bDestroy;
Esempio n. 29
// Refresh page contents.
void SyntaxPage::RefreshData( LPPARSER pParser )
	_ASSERT_VALID( pParser );

	// Save parser.
	m_pParser = pParser;

	// Setup lists.
	m_Blocks.SetParser( pParser );
	m_Common.SetParser( pParser );

	// Setup other controls.
	m_Escape.SetWindowText( pParser->cEscape ? ( LPCTSTR )ClsString( pParser->cEscape ) : NULL );
	m_Syntax.SetCheck( pParser->bSyntaxColoring ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED );

	// Setup the toolbar.
Esempio n. 30
BOOL ClsDC::DeleteDC()
	_ASSERT_VALID( m_hDC ); // Object must be valid.

	// Delete the device context.
	BOOL bRC = ::DeleteDC( m_hDC );

	// OK?
	if ( bRC )
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		// Clear handle.
		m_hDC = NULL;

	// Return error flag.
	return bRC;