Esempio n. 1
_Compile_JCC ( int32 negFlag, int32 ttt, uint32 disp )
    _Set_SCA ( 0 ) ;
    _Compile_Int8 ( 0xf ) ; // little endian ordering
    _Compile_Int8 ( 0x8 << 4 | ttt << 1 | negFlag ) ; // little endian ordering
    _Compile_Int32 ( disp ) ;
Esempio n. 2
_Compile_JCC ( int32 negFlag, int32 ttt, byte * jmpToAddr )
    unsigned int disp ;
    if ( jmpToAddr )
        disp = _CalculateOffsetForCallOrJump ( Here + 1, jmpToAddr, 1 ) ;
    else disp = 0 ; // allow this function to be used to have a delayed compile of the actual address
    _Compile_Int8 ( 0xf ) ; // little endian ordering
    _Compile_Int8 ( 0x8 << 4 | ttt << 1 | negFlag ) ; // little endian ordering
    _Compile_Int32 ( disp ) ;
Esempio n. 3
_Compile_ModRmSibDisplacement ( int32 modRm, int32 modRmFlag, int32 sib, int disp )
    if ( modRmFlag )
        _Compile_Int8 ( modRm ) ;
    if ( sib )
        _Compile_Int8 ( sib ) ; // sib = sib_modFlag if sib_modFlag > 1
    if ( modRmFlag )
        if ( disp )
            _Compile_Displacement ( modRm, disp ) ;
    else if ( disp )
        _Compile_Int32 ( disp ) ;
Esempio n. 4
_Compile_Displacement ( int32 modRm, int32 disp )
    int32 mod = modRm & 0xc0 ; // 1100 0000
    int32 reg = modRm & 0x38 ; // 0011 1000
    if ( ( ( ( mod == 0 ) && ( reg != ESP ) && disp ) ) || ( ( mod == 1 ) && ( disp >= 0x100 ) )
        || ( ( mod == 2 ) && ( disp <= 0xff ) ) )
        CfrTil_Exception ( MACHINE_CODE_ERROR, 1 ) ;
    else if ( disp )
        if ( disp >= 0x100 )
            _Compile_Int32 ( disp ) ;
            _Compile_Int8 ( ( byte ) disp ) ;
Esempio n. 5
_Compile_ImmediateData ( int32 imm, int32 immSize )
    // to not compile an imm when imm is a parameter, set isize == 0 and imm == 0
    if ( immSize > 0 )
        if ( immSize == BYTE )
            _Compile_Int8 ( ( byte ) imm ) ;
        else if ( immSize == CELL )
            _Compile_Cell ( imm ) ;
    else // with operandSize == 0 let the compiler use the minimal size ; nb. can't be imm == 0
        if ( imm >= 0x100 )
            _Compile_Int32 ( imm ) ;
        else if ( imm )
            _Compile_Int8 ( ( byte ) imm ) ;