void GoalInterfaceTest::testGoalInterfaceAssign()
	// Just create a goal with a SmartPtr and let it get deleted
	// NOTE: For some reason we can't copy SmartPtr<>s and still
	//  have the benefit of reference counting - it will 
	//  throw an exception when it comes to deleting the copied pointer...
	SmartPtr<GoalInterface> sg(new StoneCountGoal());

	// These lines throw an exception at the end of the function
//	Goal sgGoal(sg);
//	Goal sgGoal((GoalInterface*)sg);

	GoalInterface* sgToadPtr = new StoneCountGoal();
	Goal* toadPtr = new Goal( sgToadPtr );

	// This copies the GoalInterface* sgToadPtr into a 2nd SmartPtr in toadPtr2
	// causing two reference counts of sgToadPtr and so a crash!
//	Goal* badToadPtr2 = new Goal( sgToadPtr );

	// This line throws an exception at the end of the function
//	Goal badToad( toadPtr->getGoals().begin()->goal );

	// This line throws an exception at the end of the function
//	Goal badToad2( sgToadPtr );

	// Try copying toad and its SmartPtrs
	Goal copyToad( *toadPtr );

	Goal copyToad2( NULL );

#ifdef _DEBUG
	_ASSERTE( _CrtCheckMemory() );
	_ASSERTE( _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( sgToadPtr ) );
	_ASSERTE( _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( toadPtr ) );

	// No need to delete sgToadPtr since GoalInterface implements
	// reference counting and has been copied into a SmartPtr in Goal
	// SmartPtr will delete it when done

	// mustDeletePtr on the otherhand is _not_ copied into a SmartPtr
	// therefore we must delete it explicitly
	GoalInterface* mustDeletePtr = new StoneCountGoal();
	delete mustDeletePtr;

	delete toadPtr;
//	delete badToadPtr2;
Esempio n. 2
LRESULT CRecordSound::OnStopRecording(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	MMRESULT mmReturn = 0;
		return FALSE;

		mmReturn = ::waveInStop(m_hRecord);
			mmReturn = ::waveInReset(m_hRecord);

			mmReturn = ::waveInClose(m_hRecord);
			m_bRecording = FALSE;

		if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pwsf))
			delete pwsf;
		pwsf = NULL;
		return mmReturn;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
static int  CrtAllocHook(int      nAllocType,
						 void   * pvData,
						 size_t   nSize,
						 int      nBlockUse,
						 long     lRequest,
						 const unsigned char * szFileName,
						 int      nLine)
	if (nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK)
		return TRUE;

	if (!g_inAllocHook)
		g_inAllocHook = true;

		if (nAllocType == _HOOK_ALLOC)
			StoreAlloc(pvData, nSize, lRequest, (g_newFile[0]) ? g_newFile : (const char*)szFileName, "", (g_newFile[0]) ? g_newLine : nLine);
		else if (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE)
			if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pvData))
				_CrtMemBlockHeader* pHead = pHdr(pvData);
				lRequest = pHead->lRequest;

			RemoveAlloc(pvData, nSize, lRequest);

		// clear the new caller
		g_newFile = "";

		g_inAllocHook = false;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
int CDbgMemAlloc::CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem )
	return _CrtIsValidHeapPointer( pMem );
int catchMemoryAllocHook(int    allocType, 
                         void   *userData, 
                         size_t size, 
                         int    blockType, 
                         long   requestNumber, 
          const unsigned char   *filename, // Can't be UNICODE
                         int    lineNumber)
    _CrtMemBlockHeader *pCrtHead;
    long prevRequestNumber;
#ifdef UNICODE
    wchar_t Wname[1024] ;
    Wname[0] = '\0' ;
    // internal C library internal allocations
    if ( blockType == _CRT_BLOCK )
        return( TRUE );

    // check if someone has turned off mem tracing
    // CRT memory tracking can be turned off by the app. MFC sometimes does this temporarily.
    if  ((( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF & _crtDbgFlag) == 0) 
        &&      (   ( allocType         == _HOOK_ALLOC)     
                ||  ( allocType         == _HOOK_REALLOC)))
        if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook)
            pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber);
        return TRUE;

    // protect if mem trace is not initialized
    if (g_pMemTrace == NULL)
        if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook)
            pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber);
        return TRUE;

    // protect internal mem trace allocs
    if (g_pMemTrace->isLocked)
        if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook)
            pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber);
        return( TRUE);
    // lock the function
    g_pMemTrace->isLocked = true;
#ifdef UNICODE
    int len ;
    if (NULL != filename)
        len = strlen((char *)filename) + 1 ;
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char *)filename, len, Wname, len) ;
        len = 0 ;
    #define Wname (char*)filename
    if (allocType == _HOOK_ALLOC)

        g_pMemTrace->addMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, size, Wname, lineNumber);
    if (allocType == _HOOK_REALLOC)
        if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(userData))
            pCrtHead = pHdr(userData);
            prevRequestNumber = pCrtHead->lRequest;
            //if (pCrtHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK)
            //  if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook)
            //  {
            //      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber);
            //  }
            //  goto END;
            g_pMemTrace->redoMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, (void *) prevRequestNumber, size, Wname, lineNumber);
    if (allocType == _HOOK_FREE)
        if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(userData))
            pCrtHead = pHdr(userData);
            requestNumber = pCrtHead->lRequest;
            //if (pCrtHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK)
            //  if (pfnOldCrtAllocHook)
            //  {
            //      pfnOldCrtAllocHook(allocType, userData, size, blockType, requestNumber, filename, lineNumber);
            //  }
            //  goto END;
            g_pMemTrace->removeMemoryTrace((void *) requestNumber, userData);
    // unlock the function
    g_pMemTrace->isLocked = false;
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
bool         is_valid           (void* ptr) { return !!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(ptr); }