Esempio n. 1
int GSocket::Send_Dgram(const char *buffer, int size)
  struct sockaddr *addr;
  int len, ret;
  GSocketError err;

  if (!m_peer)
    m_error = GSOCK_INVADDR;
    return -1;

  err = _GAddress_translate_to(m_peer, &addr, &len);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    m_error = err;
    return -1;

#ifndef __VISAGECPP__
    ret = sendto(m_fd, (char *)buffer, size, 0, addr, len);
  } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* Loop until not interrupted */
#ifndef __VISAGECPP__

  /* Frees memory allocated from _GAddress_translate_to */

  return ret;
Esempio n. 2
int GSocket::Send_Dgram(const char *buffer, int size)
  struct sockaddr *addr;
  int len, ret;
  GSocketError err;

  if (!m_peer)
    m_error = GSOCK_INVADDR;
    return -1;

  err = _GAddress_translate_to(m_peer, &addr, &len);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    m_error = err;
    return -1;

  ret = sendto(m_fd, buffer, size, 0, addr, len);

  /* Frees memory allocated by _GAddress_translate_to */

  return ret;
Esempio n. 3
File: gsocket.c Progetto: EdgarTx/wx
int _GSocket_Send_Dgram(GSocket *socket, const char *buffer, int size)
  int ret = -1 ;
#if 0
  struct sockaddr *addr;
  int len ;
  GSocketError err;

  if (!socket->m_peer)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_INVADDR;
    return -1;

  err = _GAddress_translate_to(socket->m_peer, &addr, &len);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    socket->m_error = err;
    return -1;

  ret = sendto(socket->m_endpoint, buffer, size, 0, addr, len);

  /* Frees memory allocated from _GAddress_translate_to */
  return ret;
Esempio n. 4
File: gsocket.c Progetto: EdgarTx/wx
/* GSocket_Connect:
 *  For stream (connection oriented) sockets, GSocket_Connect() tries
 *  to establish a client connection to a server using the peer address
 *  as established with GSocket_SetPeer(). Returns GSOCK_NOERROR if the
 *  connection has been successfully established, or one of the error
 *  codes listed below. Note that for nonblocking sockets, a return
 *  value of GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK doesn't mean a failure. The connection
 *  request can be completed later; you should use GSocket_Select()
 *  to poll for GSOCK_CONNECTION | GSOCK_LOST, or wait for the
 *  corresponding asynchronous events.
 *  For datagram (non connection oriented) sockets, GSocket_Connect()
 *  just sets the peer address established with GSocket_SetPeer() as
 *  default destination.
 *  Error codes:
 *    GSOCK_INVSOCK    - the socket is in use or not valid.
 *    GSOCK_INVADDR    - the peer address has not been established.
 *    GSOCK_TIMEDOUT   - timeout, the connection failed.
 *    GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK - connection in progress (nonblocking sockets only)
 *    GSOCK_MEMERR     - couldn't allocate memory.
 *    GSOCK_IOERR      - low-level error.
GSocketError GSocket_Connect(GSocket *sck, GSocketStream stream)
  InetAddress addr ;
  TEndpointInfo	info;
   OSStatus		err = kOTNoError;
  TCall peer ;

  assert(sck != NULL);

  /* Enable CONNECTION events (needed for nonblocking connections) */
  sck->m_detected &= ~GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG;

  if (sck->m_endpoint != kOTInvalidEndpointRef )
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return GSOCK_INVSOCK;

  if (!sck->m_peer)
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_INVADDR;
    return GSOCK_INVADDR;

  /* Streamed or dgram socket? */
  sck->m_stream   = (stream == GSOCK_STREAMED);
  sck->m_oriented = TRUE;
  sck->m_server   = FALSE;

  /* Create the socket */
  sck->m_endpoint =
  	OTOpenEndpointInContext( OTCreateConfiguration( kTCPName) , 0 , &info , &err , NULL ) ;
  sck->m_endpoint =
  	OTOpenEndpoint( OTCreateConfiguration( kTCPName) , 0 , &info , &err ) ;
  if ( sck->m_endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef || err != kOTNoError )
		sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
    	sck->m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;
    	return GSOCK_IOERR;
  err = OTBind( sck->m_endpoint , nil , nil ) ;
  if ( err != kOTNoError )
    	return GSOCK_IOERR;
  SetDefaultEndpointModes( sck->m_endpoint , sck ) ;
#if 0
  ioctl(sck->m_endpoint, FIONBIO, &arg);

  _GAddress_translate_to( sck->m_peer , &addr ) ;
  memset( &peer , 0 , sizeof( TCall ) ) ;
  peer.addr.len = sizeof( InetAddress ) ;
  peer.addr.buf = (unsigned char*) &addr ;
  err = OTConnect( sck->m_endpoint , &peer , nil ) ;
  if ( err != noErr )
    /* If connect failed with EINPROGRESS and the GSocket object
     * is in blocking mode, we select() for the specified timeout
     * checking for writability to see if the connection request
     * completes.
    if ((err == kOTNoDataErr ) && (!sck->m_non_blocking))
      if (_GSocket_Output_Timeout(sck) == GSOCK_TIMEDOUT)
      	OTSndOrderlyDisconnect( sck->m_endpoint ) ;
        sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
        /* sck->m_error is set in _GSocket_Output_Timeout */
        return GSOCK_TIMEDOUT;
        int error;
        WX_SOCKLEN_T len = sizeof(error);

        getsockopt(sck->m_endpoint, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) &error, &len);

        if (!error)
          return GSOCK_NOERROR;

    /* If connect failed with EINPROGRESS and the GSocket object
     * is set to nonblocking, we set m_error to GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK
     * (and return GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK) but we don't close the socket;
     * this way if the connection completes, a GSOCK_CONNECTION
     * event will be generated, if enabled.
    if ((err == kOTNoDataErr) && (sck->m_non_blocking))
      sck->m_error = GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;
      return GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;

    /* If connect failed with an error other than EINPROGRESS,
     * then the call to GSocket_Connect has failed.
    OTSndOrderlyDisconnect( sck->m_endpoint ) ;

    sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;
    return GSOCK_IOERR;
//  OTInetEventHandler(sck, T_CONNECT , kOTNoError , NULL ) ;