Esempio n. 1
/* Same behavior as PMPI_Irsend.c */
int PMPI_Issend (void* message, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest,
        int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request* request)
  int size, retval, index;
  char* p;

  retval = _MPI_checkRequest(*request);
  if ( retval!=MPI_SUCCESS ) {
    _MPI_Set_Request(request, message, count, datatype, _MPI_TRUE, tag, comm);
  retval = _MPI_checks(message, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm);

  if (retval == MPI_SUCCESS) {
    index = _MPI_Req_Find(tag, comm);
    if ( index >= 0 ) {
      size = _MPI_calculateSize(count, datatype);
      p = (char *)_MPI_safeMalloc(size, "Error with malloc for send buffer.");
      p = memcpy(p, message, size);
      retval =_MPI_Buff_Insert(p, count, datatype, tag, comm);
      return retval;
    return MPI_ERR_PENDING;
  } else {
     _MPI_ERR_ROUTINE (retval, "MPI_ISSEND / MPI_IRSEND: argument error");
     MPI_Abort (comm, retval);

  return retval; 
Esempio n. 2
int PMPI_Scatter (void *sendbuf, int sendcnt, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, 
    int recvcnt, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) 
  int sendsize, recvsize, retval;

  retval = _MPI_checks(sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, _MPI_RANK, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm);
  if (retval != MPI_SUCCESS)
    return retval;
  retval = _MPI_checks(recvbuf,recvcnt,recvtype, _MPI_RANK, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm);
  if (retval == MPI_SUCCESS)
    recvsize = _MPI_calculateSize(recvcnt, recvtype);
    sendsize = _MPI_calculateSize(sendcnt, sendtype);
    if (recvsize < sendsize) /*MESSAGE IS TRUNCATED*/
      recvbuf = memcpy(recvbuf, sendbuf, recvsize);
      printf("MPI_RECV : Message truncated.\n");
      MPI_Abort(comm, MPI_ERR_COUNT);
      return MPI_ERR_COUNT;
    } else {
      recvbuf = memcpy(recvbuf, sendbuf, sendsize);

  return _MPI_NOT_OK;
Esempio n. 3
int PMPI_Msend (void* message, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
  int size, retval;
  char* p;

  /* option 1: Assert( _MPI_IS_INITIALIZED() ); */
  retval = _MPI_checks(message, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm);
  /* option 2: STANDARD_MPI_CHECK(comm); */
  if (retval == MPI_SUCCESS)
    size = _MPI_calculateSize(count, datatype);  
    p = (char *)_MPI_safeMalloc(size, "Error with malloc for send buffer."); 
    p = memcpy(p, message, size);
    retval =_MPI_Buff_Insert(p, count, datatype, tag, comm);
    return retval;
  } else { 
     _MPI_ERR_ROUTINE (retval, "MPI_SEND / MPI_ISEND: argument error");
     MPI_Abort (comm, retval);

  return _MPI_NOT_OK;
Esempio n. 4
int _MPI_Free_datatype (MPI_Datatype datatype)
  int index;
  _MPI_TYPE_DES* child;
  index = _MPI_FindType(datatype);
  if (index == _MPI_NOT_OK) {
    return _MPI_NOT_OK;
  printf("%s:%d: BOGUS value??? %d %d 0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,datatype, index, (int)_MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].next);
  child = _MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].next;
  if ( child ) _MPI_deleteAll(child);
  _MPI_safeFree(_MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].info,"type info");
  _MPI_safeFree(_MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].next,"type next");

  _MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].id = _MPI_NOT_VALID;
  _MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].info = 0;
  _MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].next = 0;

  return MPI_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 5
int _MPI_Req_Null (MPI_Request request)
  if(request == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) {
     return _MPI_TRUE;
  return _MPI_FALSE;
Esempio n. 6
void _MPI_deleteAll (_MPI_TYPE_DES* parent)
  if (parent->next != NULL) {
    _MPI_deleteAll (parent->next);
    parent->next = 0;
  _MPI_safeFree (parent,"Parent");
Esempio n. 7
int _MPI_Req_Equal (MPI_Request request1, MPI_Request request2)
  if ( (request1->tag == request2->tag) && (request1->comm == request2->comm) ) {
    return _MPI_TRUE;
  return _MPI_FALSE;
Esempio n. 8
int _MPI_BasicType (MPI_Datatype datatype)
  if ( (datatype >= _MPI_TYPE_START)&&(datatype <= _MPI_TYPE_END) )
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
  return _MPI_FALSE;
Esempio n. 9
int _MPI_checkSendType (MPI_Datatype type)
  int index;
  index = _MPI_FindType(type);
  if (index == _MPI_NOT_OK)
    return _MPI_DEFAULT;
  return _MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].sendType;
Esempio n. 10
/* STUB */
int PMPI_Comm_dup ( 
        MPI_Comm comm, 
        MPI_Comm *comm_out )
  if ( comm == MPI_COMM_NULL ) {
    if ( comm_out ) *comm_out = MPI_COMM_NULL;
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
  return PMPI_Comm_create(comm,_MPI_COMM_WORLD_GROUP,comm_out);
Esempio n. 11
int _MPI_Find_free (void)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<_MPI_TYPE_COUNT; i++)
    if (_MPI_TYPE_LIST[i].id == _MPI_NOT_VALID)
      return i;
  _MPI_TYPE_LIST = (_MPI_TYPE_DES*) _MPI_safeRealloc(_MPI_TYPE_LIST, (_MPI_TYPE_ARRAY_SIZE+PREALLOCATION_SIZE)*sizeof(_MPI_TYPE_DES), "Error in _MPI_Find_free for reallocation");

  return _MPI_TYPE_COUNT;
Esempio n. 12
int _MPI_FindType (MPI_Datatype datatype)
  int index;
  for (index = 0; index < _MPI_TYPE_COUNT; index++)
    if (_MPI_TYPE_LIST[index].id == datatype)
      return index;
  return _MPI_NOT_OK;
Esempio n. 13
int _MPI_Check_Request_Array(int count, MPI_Request array[])
  int index;
  for(index = 0; index<count; index++)
    if(_MPI_Req_Null((MPI_Request) &array[index])==_MPI_FALSE) {
       return MPI_SUCCESS; 
  return _MPI_NOT_OK;  
Esempio n. 14
int _MPI_Req_Exists(MPI_Request request)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<_MPI_REQ_COUNT; i++)
    if (_MPI_Req_Equal((MPI_Request) &_MPI_REQ_LIST[i], request)==_MPI_TRUE)
       return i; 
  return _MPI_FALSE;
Esempio n. 15
int MPI_Errhandler_create( 
        MPI_Handler_function *function,
        MPI_Errhandler       *errhandler)
  return PMPI_Errhandler_create (function, errhandler);
Esempio n. 16
/* STUB */
int PMPI_Cart_create ( MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, int *dims, int *periods,
                     int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_cart )
  fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
  return MPI_Abort((MPI_Comm)NULL, MPI_UNDEFINED); 
Esempio n. 17
/* STUB */
int PMPI_Bsend_init( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest,
                   int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request )
  fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
  return MPI_Abort((MPI_Comm)NULL, MPI_UNDEFINED); 
Esempio n. 18
/* STUB */
int MPI_Allgather ( void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                    void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, 
                   MPI_Comm comm )
  return PMPI_Allgather (sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm); 
Esempio n. 19
/* STUB */
int MPI_Comm_dup ( 
        MPI_Comm comm, 
        MPI_Comm *comm_out )
  return PMPI_Comm_dup (comm, comm_out); 
Esempio n. 20
int MPI_File_write_at_all(MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
                          int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, 
                          MPI_Status *status)
  return PMPI_File_write_at_all (fh, offset, buf, count, datatype, status); 
Esempio n. 21
/* STUB */
int MPI_File_iwrite_at(MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
                       int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, 
                       MPIO_Request *request)
  return PMPI_File_iwrite_at(fh, offset, buf, count, datatype, request); 
Esempio n. 22
/* STUB */
int MPI_Cart_rank (
        MPI_Comm comm,
        int *coords,
        int *rank )
  return PMPI_Cart_rank(comm, coords, rank); 
Esempio n. 23
int PMPI_Comm_compare ( 
        MPI_Comm  comm1,
        MPI_Comm  comm2,
        int *result)
  int index1, index2;  /* treat an index as the MPI communicator "context" */
  MPI_Group group1, group2;
  int gcmp;
  *result = MPI_UNEQUAL;
  if (_MPI_CHECK_STATUS(&comm1) == _MPI_OK &&
      _MPI_CHECK_STATUS(&comm2) == _MPI_OK)
    if  (_MPI_Comm_check_legal(comm1, &index1)==MPI_SUCCESS &&
         _MPI_Comm_check_legal(comm2, &index2)==MPI_SUCCESS)
      if (comm1 == MPI_COMM_NULL || comm2 == MPI_COMM_NULL)
         return MPI_ERR_COMM;
      if ( index1 == index2 ) {
        *result = MPI_IDENT;
        group1 = _MPI_COMM_LIST[index1].group;
        group2 = _MPI_COMM_LIST[index2].group;
        if ( PMPI_Group_compare( group1, group2, &gcmp ) != MPI_SUCCESS )
          return MPI_ERR_GROUP;
        if ( gcmp == MPI_IDENT )
          *result = MPI_CONGRUENT;
        if ( gcmp == MPI_SIMILAR )
          *result = MPI_SIMILAR;
      return MPI_SUCCESS;
  return MPI_ERR_COMM;
Esempio n. 24
/* STUB */
int MPI_Comm_compare ( 
        MPI_Comm  comm1,
        MPI_Comm  comm2,
        int *result)
  return PMPI_Comm_compare (comm1, comm2, result); 
Esempio n. 25
int MPI_Sendrecv( void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, 
    int dest, int sendtag, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, 
    int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status )
  return PMPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dest, sendtag, recvbuf, 
                       recvcount, recvtype, source, recvtag, comm, status);
Esempio n. 26
/* STUB */
int MPI_Dims_create(
        int nnodes, 
        int ndims, 
        int *dims)
  return PMPI_Dims_create ( nnodes, ndims, dims); 
Esempio n. 27
int MPI_Testany( 
        int count, 
        MPI_Request array_of_requests[], 
        int *index, int *flag, 
        MPI_Status *status )
  return PMPI_Testany (count, array_of_requests, index, flag, status);
Esempio n. 28
/* STUB */
int PMPI_Cart_rank (
        MPI_Comm comm,
        int *coords,
        int *rank )
  fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
  return MPI_Abort((MPI_Comm)NULL, MPI_UNDEFINED); 
Esempio n. 29
int MPI_Keyval_create ( 
        MPI_Copy_function *copy_fn, 
        MPI_Delete_function *delete_fn, 
        int *keyval, 
        void *extra_state )
  return PMPI_Keyval_create (copy_fn, delete_fn, keyval, extra_state);
Esempio n. 30
/* STUB */
int PMPI_Comm_compare ( 
        MPI_Comm  comm1,
        MPI_Comm  comm2,
        int *result)
  fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
  return MPI_Abort((MPI_Comm)NULL, MPI_UNDEFINED); 