Esempio n. 1
_PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
    int rv;


    rv = GetFileInformationByHandle((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd, &hinfo);
    if (rv == FALSE) {
        return -1;

    if (hinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;

    info->size = hinfo.nFileSizeHigh;
    info->size = (info->size << 32) + hinfo.nFileSizeLow;

    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&hinfo.ftLastWriteTime, &(info->modifyTime) );
    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&hinfo.ftCreationTime, &(info->creationTime) );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) _amigaos_Getopenfileinfo64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
    struct stat sb;
    PRInt32 rv;

    rv = fstat(fd->secret->md.osfd, &sb);

    if (rv < 0)
    else if (NULL != info)
        rv = _amigaos_convert_stat_to_fileinfo64(&sb, info);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 3
_PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
   /* For once, the VAC compiler/library did a nice thing.
    * The file handle used by the C runtime is the same one
    * returned by the OS when you call DosOpen().  This means
    * that you can take an OS HFILE and use it with C file
    * functions.  The only caveat is that you have to call
    * _setmode() first to initialize some junk.  This is
    * immensely useful because I did not have a clue how to
    * implement this function otherwise.  The windows folks
    * took the source from the Microsoft C library source, but
    * IBM wasn't kind enough to ship the source with VAC.
    * On second thought, the needed function could probably
    * be gotten from the OS/2 GNU library source, but the
    * point is now moot.
   struct stat hinfo;
    PRInt64 s, s2us;

    _setmode(fd->secret->md.osfd, O_BINARY);
    if(fstat((int)fd->secret->md.osfd, &hinfo) != NO_ERROR) {
        return -1;

    if (hinfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;

    info->size = hinfo.st_size;
    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    LL_I2L(s, hinfo.st_mtime);
    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
    info->modifyTime = s;
    LL_I2L(s, hinfo.st_ctime);
    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
    info->creationTime = s;

    return 0;