Esempio n. 1
int __close( int hid )
    int         is_closed;
    int         rc;
    HANDLE      h;
    LPWDATA res;

    __handle_check( hid, -1 );

    is_closed = 0;
    rc = 0;
    h = __getOSHandle( hid );

        if( _WindowsCloseWindow != 0 ) {
            res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( hid );
            if( res != NULL ) {
                _WindowsRemoveWindowedHandle( hid );
                _WindowsCloseWindow( res );
                is_closed = 1;
    if( !is_closed && !CloseHandle( h ) ) {
        rc = __set_errno_nt();
    __freePOSIXHandle( hid );
    __SetIOMode_nogrow( hid, 0 );
    return( rc );
Esempio n. 2
_WCRTLINK int putch( int c )
    char        ch;
    DWORD       written;
    HANDLE      h;

    ch = c;
    if( _WindowsPutch != 0 ) {
        LPWDATA res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( STDOUT_FILENO );
        _WindowsPutch( res, c );
    } else {
        written = 0;
        h = __NTConsoleOutput();            // obtain a console output handle
        if( h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
            WriteConsole( h, &ch, 1, &written, NULL );
        if( written == 0 ) return( -1 );
    return( c );
Esempio n. 3
_WCRTLINK int getch( void )
    int         c;
    APIRET      rc;
    KBDKEYINFO  info;

    if( (c = _RWD_cbyte) != 0 ) {
        _RWD_cbyte = 0;
        return( c );
    if( _WindowsGetch != NULL ) {   // Default windowing
        LPWDATA     res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( (int)STDIN_FILENO );
        return( _WindowsGetch( res ) );
#if defined(__OS2_286__)
    if( _RWD_osmode == DOS_MODE ) {
        return( _dos( DOS_GET_CHAR_NO_ECHO_CHECK ) );
    if( (c = _RWD_cbyte2) != 0 ) {
        _RWD_cbyte2 = 0;
        return( c );
    rc = KbdCharIn( &info, 0, 0 );
    if( rc == ERROR_KBD_DETACHED )
        return( EOF );
    if( info.chChar == 0 || info.chChar == 0xe0 ) {
        _RWD_cbyte2 = info.chScan;
    return( info.chChar );
Esempio n. 4
_WCRTLINK int getch( void )
    int         c;
    HANDLE      h;
    DWORD       mode;

    if( (c = _RWD_cbyte) != 0 ) {
        _RWD_cbyte = 0;
        return( c );
    if( _WindowsGetch != NULL ) {
        LPWDATA res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( (int)STDIN_FILENO );
        c = _WindowsGetch( res );
    } else {
        _AccessFileH( STDIN_FILENO );
        h = __NTConsoleInput();
        GetConsoleMode( h, &mode );
        SetConsoleMode( h, 0 );
        c = do_getch( h );
        SetConsoleMode( h, mode );
        _ReleaseFileH( STDIN_FILENO );
    return( c );
Esempio n. 5
_WCRTLINK int kbhit( void )
    DWORD n;
    HANDLE h;

    if( _WindowsKbhit != 0 ) {
        LPWDATA res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( (int) STDIN_FILENO );
        return( _WindowsKbhit( res ) );
    _AccessFileH( STDIN_FILENO );
    h = __NTConsoleInput();
    for(;;) {
        PeekConsoleInput( h, &r, 1, &n );
        if( n == 0 ) break;
        if( __NTRealKey( &r ) ) break;
        // flush out mouse, window, and key up events
        ReadConsoleInput( h, &r, 1, &n );
    // n != 0 if there is a key waiting
    _ReleaseFileH( STDIN_FILENO );
    return( n != 0 );
Esempio n. 6
int __close( int handle )
    tiny_ret_t rc;
    LPWDATA res;
    int     rv;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );
    rv = 0;
    rc = TinyClose( handle );
    if( TINY_OK(rc) ) {
        if( _WindowsCloseWindow != 0 ) {
            res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle );
            if( res != NULL ) {
                _WindowsRemoveWindowedHandle( handle );
                _WindowsCloseWindow( res );
    } else {
        __set_errno( EBADF );
        rv = -1;
    __SetIOMode_nogrow( handle, 0 );
    return( rv );
Esempio n. 7
int __qread( int handle, void *buffer, unsigned len )
#if defined( __NT__ )
    DWORD           amount_read;
#elif defined(__OS2__)
    OS_UINT         amount_read;
    APIRET          rc;
    unsigned        amount_read;
    tiny_ret_t      rc;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );
    if( _WindowsStdin != NULL ) {
        LPWDATA res;

        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle );
        if( res ) {
            int rt;
            rt = _WindowsStdin( res, buffer, len );
            return( rt );
#if defined(__NT__)
    if( !ReadFile( __getOSHandle( handle ), buffer, len, &amount_read, NULL ) ) {
        DWORD       err;
        err = GetLastError();
        __set_errno_dos( err );
        if( err != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || amount_read != 0 ) {
            return( -1 );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
    rc = DosRead( handle, buffer, len, &amount_read );
    if( rc ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( rc ) );
  #if defined( __WINDOWS_386__ )
    rc = __TinyRead( handle, buffer, len );
    rc = TinyRead( handle, buffer, len );
    if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    amount_read = TINY_LINFO( rc );
    return( amount_read );
Esempio n. 8
_WCRTLINK int putch( int c )
    if( _WindowsPutch != NULL ) {
        LPWDATA res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( STDOUT_FILENO );
        _WindowsPutch( res, c );
    _dos( DOS_OUTPUT_CHAR, c );
    return( c );
Esempio n. 9
_WCRTLINK int isatty( int handle )
    tiny_ret_t rc;

    __handle_check( handle, 0 );
    if( _WindowsIsWindowedHandle != 0 ) {
        if( _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle ) ) {
            return( 1 );
    rc = TinyGetDeviceInfo( handle );
    return( ( TINY_INFO( rc ) & TIO_CTL_DEVICE ) != 0 );
Esempio n. 10
static int os_write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len, unsigned *amt )
    LPWDATA     res;
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE      h;
    int         rc;
    tiny_ret_t  rc;

    rc = 0;
    if( _WindowsStdout != 0 && (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0 ) {
        *amt = _WindowsStdout( res, buffer, len );
    } else
#if defined(__NT__)
        h = __getOSHandle( handle );
        if( !WriteFile( h, (LPCVOID)buffer, (DWORD)len, (LPDWORD)amt, NULL ) ) {
            rc = __set_errno_nt();
#elif defined(__OS2_286__)
        rc = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (USHORT)len, (PUSHORT)amt );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
        rc = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (ULONG)len, (PULONG)amt );
        rc = TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
        *amt = TINY_LINFO( rc );
        if( TINY_OK( rc ) ) {
            rc = 0;
#if !defined(__NT__)
    if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        rc = __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) );
    if( *amt != len ) {
        rc = ENOSPC;
        __set_errno( rc );
    return( rc );
Esempio n. 11
static int os_write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len, unsigned *amt )
    int         rc;
    LPWDATA     res;
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE      h;
#elif defined(__OS2__)
    APIRET      rc1;
    tiny_ret_t  rc1;

    rc = 0;
    if( _WindowsStdout != NULL && (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != NULL ) {
        *amt = _WindowsStdout( res, buffer, len );
    } else
#if defined(__NT__)
        h = __getOSHandle( handle );
        if( !WriteFile( h, (LPCVOID)buffer, (DWORD)len, (LPDWORD)amt, NULL ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
        rc1 = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (OS_UINT)len, (OS_PUINT)amt );
        if( rc1 ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( rc1 ) );
        rc1 = TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc1 ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc1 ) ) );
        *amt = TINY_LINFO( rc1 );
    if( *amt != len ) {
        rc = ENOSPC;
        _RWD_errno = rc;
    return( rc );
Esempio n. 12
_WCRTLINK int getche( void )
    int         c;

    c = _RWD_cbyte;
    _RWD_cbyte = 0;
    if( c == 0 ) {
        if( _WindowsGetche != NULL ) {
            LPWDATA     res;
            res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( STDOUT_FILENO );
            c = _WindowsGetche( res );
        c = _dos( 1 );
    return( c );
Esempio n. 13
_WCRTLINK int kbhit( void )
    KBDKEYINFO  info;

    if( _RWD_cbyte != 0 )
        return( 1 );
    if( _WindowsKbhit != NULL ) {   // Default windowing
        LPWDATA     res;
        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( (int) STDIN_FILENO );
        return( _WindowsKbhit( res ) );
#if defined(__OS2_286__)
    if( _RWD_osmode == DOS_MODE ) {
        return( _os_kbhit() );
    KbdPeek( &info, 0 );
    return( ( info.fbStatus & 0xe0 ) != 0 );
    KbdPeek( &info, 0 );
    return( ( info.fbStatus & 0xe0 ) != 0 );
Esempio n. 14
int __qwrite( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len )
    int             atomic;
#if defined(__NT__)
    DWORD           len_written;
    HANDLE          h;
    int             error;
#elif defined(__WARP__)
    ULONG           len_written;
#elif defined(__OS2_286__)
    USHORT          len_written;
    unsigned        len_written;
#if !defined(__NT__)
    tiny_ret_t      rc;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );

#if defined(__NT__)
    h = __getOSHandle( handle );
    atomic = 0;
    if( __GetIOMode( handle ) & _APPEND ) {
        _AccessFileH( handle );
        atomic = 1;
#if defined(__NT__)
        if( SetFilePointer( h, 0, NULL, FILE_END ) == -1 ) {
            error = GetLastError();
            _ReleaseFileH( handle );
            return( __set_errno_dos( error ) );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
            unsigned long       dummy;
            rc = DosChgFilePtr( handle, 0L, SEEK_END, &dummy );
        rc = TinySeek( handle, 0L, SEEK_END );
#if !defined(__NT__)
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
            _ReleaseFileH( handle );
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    if( _WindowsStdout != 0 ) {
        LPWDATA res;

        res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle );
        if( res ) {
            int rt;
            rt = _WindowsStdout( res, buffer, len );
            return( rt );
#if defined(__NT__)
    if( !WriteFile( h, buffer, len, &len_written, NULL ) ) {
        error = GetLastError();
        if( atomic == 1 ) {
            _ReleaseFileH( handle );
        return( __set_errno_dos( error ) );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
    rc = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, len, &len_written );
#elif defined(__WINDOWS_386__)
    rc = __TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
    len_written = TINY_LINFO( rc );
    rc = TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
    len_written = TINY_LINFO( rc );
#if !defined(__NT__)
    if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        if( atomic == 1 ) {
            _ReleaseFileH( handle );
        return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    if( len_written != len ) {
        __set_errno( ENOSPC );
    if( atomic == 1 ) {
        _ReleaseFileH( handle );
    return( len_written );
Esempio n. 15
  _WCRTLINK int read( int handle, void *buf, unsigned len )
    unsigned read_len, total_len;
    unsigned reduce_idx, finish_idx;
    unsigned iomode_flags;
    char *buffer = buf;
#if defined(__NT__)
    DWORD   amount_read;
    BOOL    rc;
    HANDLE  h;
#elif defined(__WARP__)
    ULONG amount_read;
#elif defined(__OS2_286__)
    USHORT amount_read;
    unsigned amount_read;
#if !defined(__NT__)
    tiny_ret_t rc;
    LPWDATA res;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );
    __ChkTTYIOMode( handle );
    iomode_flags = __GetIOMode( handle );
    if( iomode_flags == 0 ) {
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS_386__ )
        return( _lread( handle, buffer, len ) );
        _RWD_errno = EBADF;
        return( -1 );
    if( !(iomode_flags & _READ) ) {
        _RWD_errno = EACCES;     /* changed from EBADF to EACCES 23-feb-89 */
        return( -1 );
#ifdef __NT__
    h = __getOSHandle( handle );
    if( iomode_flags & _BINARY ) {       /* if binary mode */
        if( _WindowsStdin != 0 &&
                (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0 ) {
            total_len = _WindowsStdin( res, buffer, len );
            rc = 0;
        } else
#if defined(__NT__)
            rc = ReadFile( h, buffer, len, &amount_read, NULL );
            total_len = amount_read;
            if( !rc ) {
                if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
                    return total_len;

                return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
            rc = DosRead( handle, buffer, len, &amount_read );
            total_len = amount_read;
            rc = TinyRead( handle, buffer, len );
            total_len = TINY_LINFO( rc );
#if !defined(__NT__)
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    } else {
        _AccessFileH( handle );
        total_len = 0;
        read_len = len;
        do {
            if( _WindowsStdin != 0 &&
                    (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0L ) {
                amount_read = _WindowsStdin( res, buffer, read_len );
                rc = 0;
            } else
#if defined(__NT__)
                rc = ReadFile( h, buffer, read_len, &amount_read, NULL );
                if( !rc ) {
                    _ReleaseFileH( handle );

                    if( GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE )
                        return total_len;

                    return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
                rc = DosRead( handle, buffer, read_len, &amount_read );
                rc = TinyRead( handle, buffer, read_len );
                amount_read = TINY_LINFO( rc );
#if !defined(__NT__)
            if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
                _ReleaseFileH( handle );
                return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
            if( amount_read == 0 ) {                    /* EOF */
            reduce_idx = 0;
            finish_idx = reduce_idx;
            for( ; reduce_idx < amount_read; ++reduce_idx ) {
                if( buffer[ reduce_idx ] == 0x1a ) {    /* EOF */
                    __lseek( handle,
                           ((long)reduce_idx - (long)amount_read)+1L,
                           SEEK_CUR );
                    total_len += finish_idx;
                    _ReleaseFileH( handle );
                    return( total_len );
                if( buffer[ reduce_idx ] != '\r' ) {
                    buffer[ finish_idx++ ] = buffer[ reduce_idx ];
            total_len += finish_idx;
            buffer += finish_idx;
            read_len -= finish_idx;
            if( iomode_flags & _ISTTY ) {
                break;  /* 04-feb-88, FWC */
        } while( read_len != 0 );
        _ReleaseFileH( handle );
    return( total_len );