Esempio n. 1
str *joinl(list<str *> *l) {
    Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\" as needed
    list<str *> *__3, *__4, *p;
    list<str *>::for_in_loop __123;
    __iter<str *> *__5;
    str *__2, *b, *path;
    __ss_int __10, __11, __12, __13, __14, __6, __7, __8, __9, b_wins;

    __2 = l->__getfast__(0);
    __3 = l->__slice__(1, 1, 0, 0);
    path = __2;
    p = __3;

        b_wins = 0;
        if (__eq(path, const_1)) {
            b_wins = 1;
        else if (isabs(b)) {
            if (__OR(__ne(path->__slice__(3, 1, 2, 0), const_19), __eq(b->__slice__(3, 1, 2, 0), const_19), 7)) {
                b_wins = 1;
            else if (__OR((len(path)>3), __AND((len(path)==3), (!(const_18)->__contains__(path->__getitem__(-1))), 10), 9)) {
                b_wins = 1;
        if (b_wins) {
            path = b;
        else {
            ASSERT((len(path)>0), 0);
            if ((const_18)->__contains__(path->__getitem__(-1))) {
                if ((___bool(b) && (const_18)->__contains__(b->__getitem__(0)))) {
                    path = path->__iadd__(b->__slice__(1, 1, 0, 0));
                else {
                    path = path->__iadd__(b);
            else if (__eq(path->__getitem__(-1), const_19)) {
                path = path->__iadd__(b);
            else if (___bool(b)) {
                if ((const_18)->__contains__(b->__getitem__(0))) {
                    path = path->__iadd__(b);
                else {
                    path = __add_strs(3, path, const_4, b);
            else {
                path = path->__iadd__(const_4);

    return path;
Esempio n. 2
str *joinl(list<str *> *l) {
    Join two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed
    list<str *> *__1, *__2, *p;
    list<str *>::for_in_loop __123;
    str *__0, *b, *path;
    __ss_int __4, __5;

    __0 = l->__getfast__(0);
    __1 = l->__slice__(1, 1, 0, 0);
    path = __0;
    p = __1;

        if (b->startswith(const_4)) {
            path = b;
        else if (__OR(__eq(path, const_0), path->endswith(const_4), 5)) {
            path = path->__iadd__(b);
        else {
            path = __add_strs(3, path, const_4, b);

    return path;
Esempio n. 3
tuple2<str *, str *> *split(str *p) {
    Split a pathname.

    Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash.
    Either part may be empty.
    tuple2<str *, str *> *__15;
    str *__18, *__19, *__22, *__23, *d, *head, *head2, *tail;
    __ss_int __16, __17, __20, __21, i;

    __15 = splitdrive(p);
    d = __15->__getfirst__();
    p = __15->__getsecond__();
    i = len(p);

    while(__AND(i, (!(const_18)->__contains__(p->__getitem__((i-1)))), 16)) {
        i = (i-1);
    __18 = p->__slice__(2, 0, i, 0);
    __19 = p->__slice__(1, i, 0, 0);
    head = __18;
    tail = __19;
    head2 = head;

    while((___bool(head2) && (const_18)->__contains__(head2->__getitem__(-1)))) {
        head2 = head2->__slice__(2, 0, -1, 0);
    head = __OR(head2, head, 22);
    return (new tuple2<str *, str *>(2, d->__add__(head), tail));
Esempio n. 4
tuple2<list<tuple2<str *, str *> *> *, list<str *> *> *do_longs(list<tuple2<str *, str *> *> *opts, str *opt, pyiter<str *> *longopts, list<str *> *args) {
    list<str *> *__13;
    str *__12, *__14, *__15, *__8, *__9, *optarg;
    __ss_int __10, i;
    __ss_bool has_arg;
    tuple2<__ss_bool, str *> *__11;

    try {
        __10 = 0;
        i = opt->index(const_5);
        __10 = 1;
    } catch (ValueError *) {
        optarg = 0;
    if(__10) { // else
        __8 = opt->__slice__(2, 0, i, 0);
        __9 = opt->__slice__(1, (i+1), 0, 0);
        opt = __8;
        optarg = __9;
    __11 = long_has_args(opt, longopts);
    has_arg = __11->__getfirst__();
    opt = __11->__getsecond__();
    if (has_arg) {
        if ((optarg==0)) {
            if ((!___bool(args))) {
                throw ((new GetoptError(__modct(const_6, 1, opt),opt)));
            __12 = args->__getfast__(0);
            __13 = args->__slice__(1, 1, 0, 0);
            optarg = __12;
            args = __13;
    else if (___bool(optarg)) {
        throw ((new GetoptError(__modct(const_7, 1, opt),opt)));
    opts->append((new tuple2<str *, str *>(2, (const_2)->__add__(opt), __OR(optarg, const_0, 14))));
    return (new tuple2<list<tuple2<str *, str *> *> *, list<str *> *>(2, opts, args));
Esempio n. 5
str *normpath(str *path) {
    Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.
    list<str *> *__28, *comps, *new_comps;
    list<str *>::for_in_loop __123;
    str *__38, *comp;
    __ss_int __25, __26, __30, __32, initial_slashes;

    if (__eq(path, const_0)) {
        return const_1;
    initial_slashes = path->startswith(const_4);
    if (__AND(initial_slashes, __AND(path->startswith(const_14), (!path->startswith(const_15)), 26), 25)) {
        initial_slashes = 2;
    comps = path->split(const_4);
    new_comps = (new list<str *>());

        if ((const_2)->__contains__(comp)) {
        if ((__ne(comp, const_3) || __AND((!initial_slashes), (!___bool(new_comps)), 32) || ___bool((___bool(new_comps) && __eq(new_comps->__getfast__(-1), const_3))))) {
        else if (___bool(new_comps)) {

    comps = new_comps;
    path = (const_4)->join(comps);
    if (initial_slashes) {
        path = ((const_4)->__mul__(initial_slashes))->__add__(path);
    return __OR(path, const_1, 38);
Esempio n. 6
__ss_int writer::join_append_data(str *field, __ss_int quote_empty, __ss_int quoted) {
    str *lineterm;
    Excel *dialect;
    __ss_int __17, __18, __19, __20, __21, __22, __23, want_escape;

    dialect = this->dialect;
    lineterm = dialect->lineterminator;
    if ((this->num_fields>0)) {
    if (quoted) {

    str *c;
    str::for_in_loop __3;
    int __2;
    str *__1;
        want_escape = 0;
        if (__eq(c, const_7)) {
        if (__OR(__eq(c, dialect->delimiter), __OR(__eq(c, dialect->escapechar), __OR(__eq(c, dialect->quotechar), lineterm->__contains__(c), 20), 19), 18)) {
            if ((dialect->quoting==QUOTE_NONE)) {
                want_escape = 1;
            else {
                if (__eq(c, dialect->quotechar)) {
                    if (dialect->doublequote) {
                    else {
                        want_escape = 1;
                if ((!want_escape)) {
                    quoted = 1;
            if (want_escape) {
                if ((!___bool(dialect->escapechar))) {
                    throw ((new Error(const_18)));

    if (__AND((!___bool(field)), quote_empty, 22)) {
        if ((dialect->quoting==QUOTE_NONE)) {
            throw ((new Error(const_19)));
        else {
            quoted = 1;
    if (quoted) {
    return quoted;