Esempio n. 1
void gaa_help(void)
	printf("PSKtool help\nUsage : psktool [options]\n");
	__gaa_helpsingle('u', "username", "username ", "specify username.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('p', "passwd", "FILE ", "specify a password file.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('s', "keysize", "SIZE ", "specify the key size in bytes.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('v', "version", "", "prints the program's version number");
	__gaa_helpsingle('h', "help", "", "shows this help text");

#line 100 "gaa.skel"
Esempio n. 2
void gaa_help(void)
	printf("Srptool help\nUsage : srptool [options]\n");
	__gaa_helpsingle('u', "username", "username ", "specify username.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('p', "passwd", "FILE ", "specify a password file.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('i', "index", "INDEX ", "specify the index of the parameters in tpasswd.conf to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('s', "salt", "SALT ", "specify salt size for crypt algorithm.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "verify", "", "just verify password.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('c', "passwd-conf", "FILE ", "specify a password conf file.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "create-conf", "FILE ", "Generate a tpasswd.conf file.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('v', "version", "", "prints the program's version number");
	__gaa_helpsingle('h', "help", "", "shows this help text");

#line 100 "gaa.skel"
Esempio n. 3
void gaa_help(void)
	printf("GnuTLS test client\nUsage:  gnutls-cli [options] hostname\n\n\n");
	__gaa_helpsingle('d', "debug", "integer ", "Enable debugging");
	__gaa_helpsingle('r', "resume", "", "Connect, establish a session. Connect again and resume this session.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('e', "rehandshake", "", "Connect, establish a session and rehandshake immediately.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "noticket", "", "Doesn't accept session tickets.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('s', "starttls", "", "Connect, establish a plain session and start TLS when EOF or a SIGALRM is received.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('u', "udp", "", "Use DTLS (datagram TLS) over UDP.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "mtu", "integer ", "Set MTU for datagram TLS.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "crlf", "", "Send CR LF instead of LF.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509fmtder", "", "Use DER format for certificates to read from.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('f', "fingerprint", "", "Send the openpgp fingerprint, instead of the key.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "disable-extensions", "", "Disable all the TLS extensions.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "print-cert", "", "Print the certificate in PEM format.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "recordsize", "integer ", "The maximum record size to advertize.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('V', "verbose", "", "More verbose output.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "priority", "PRIORITY STRING ", "Priorities string.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509cafile", "FILE ", "Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509crlfile", "FILE ", "CRL file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyfile", "FILE ", "PGP Key file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyring", "FILE ", "PGP Key ring file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpcertfile", "FILE ", "PGP Public Key (certificate) file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpsubkey", "HEX|auto ", "PGP subkey to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509keyfile", "FILE ", "X.509 key file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509certfile", "FILE ", "X.509 Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srpusername", "NAME ", "SRP username to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srppasswd", "PASSWD ", "SRP password to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskusername", "NAME ", "PSK username to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskkey", "KEY ", "PSK key (in hex) to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('p', "port", "PORT ", "The port to connect to.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "insecure", "", "Don't abort program if server certificate can't be validated.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "benchmark-ciphers", "", "Benchmark individual ciphers.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "benchmark-soft-ciphers", "", "Benchmark individual software ciphers.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "benchmark-tls", "", "Benchmark ciphers and key exchange methods in TLS.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('l', "list", "", "Print a list of the supported algorithms and modes. If a priority string is given then only the ciphersuites enabled by the priority are shown.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('h', "help", "", "prints this help");
	__gaa_helpsingle('v', "version", "", "prints the program's version number");

#line 100 "gaa.skel"
Esempio n. 4
void gaa_help(void)
	printf("GnuTLS test server\nUsage: gnutls-serv [options]\n\n\n");
	__gaa_helpsingle('d', "debug", "integer ", "Enable debugging");
	__gaa_helpsingle('g', "generate", "", "Generate Diffie-Hellman and RSA-EXPORT Parameters.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('p', "port", "integer ", "The port to connect to.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('q', "quiet", "", "Suppress some messages.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "nodb", "", "Does not use the resume database.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "noticket", "", "Does not issue session tickets.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "http", "", "Act as an HTTP Server.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "echo", "", "Act as an Echo Server.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "dhparams", "FILE ", "DH params file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509fmtder", "", "Use DER format for certificates");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509cafile", "FILE ", "Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509crlfile", "FILE ", "CRL file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyring", "FILE ", "PGP Key ring file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyfile", "FILE ", "PGP Key file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpcertfile", "FILE ", "PGP Public Key (certificate) file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpsubkey", "HEX|auto ", "PGP subkey to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509keyfile", "FILE ", "X.509 key file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509certfile", "FILE ", "X.509 Certificate file or PKCS #11 URL to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509dsakeyfile", "FILE ", "Alternative X.509 key file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509dsacertfile", "FILE ", "Alternative X.509 certificate file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('r', "require-cert", "", "Require a valid certificate.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('a', "disable-client-cert", "", "Disable request for a client certificate.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskpasswd", "FILE ", "PSK password file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskhint", "HINT ", "PSK identity hint to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srppasswd", "FILE ", "SRP password file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srppasswdconf", "FILE ", "SRP password conf file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "opaque-prf-input", "DATA ", "Use Opaque PRF Input DATA.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "ciphers", "cipher1 cipher2... ", "Ciphers to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "protocols", "protocol1 protocol2... ", "Protocols to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "comp", "comp1 comp2... ", "Compression methods to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "macs", "mac1 mac2... ", "MACs to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "kx", "kx1 kx2... ", "Key exchange methods to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "ctypes", "certType1 certType2... ", "Certificate types to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "priority", "PRIORITY STRING ", "Priorities string.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('l', "list", "", "Print a list of the supported algorithms  and modes.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('h', "help", "", "prints this help");
	__gaa_helpsingle('v', "version", "", "prints the program's version number");

#line 100 "gaa.skel"
Esempio n. 5
void gaa_help(void)
	printf("GNU TLS test client\nUsage:  gnutls-cli [options] hostname\n\n\n");
	__gaa_helpsingle('d', "debug", "integer ", "Enable debugging");
	__gaa_helpsingle('r', "resume", "", "Connect, establish a session. Connect again and resume this session.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('s', "starttls", "", "Connect, establish a plain session and start TLS when EOF or a SIGALRM is received.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "crlf", "", "Send CR LF instead of LF.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509fmtder", "", "Use DER format for certificates to read from.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('f', "fingerprint", "", "Send the openpgp fingerprint, instead of the key.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "disable-extensions", "", "Disable all the TLS extensions.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "print-cert", "", "Print the certificate in PEM format.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "recordsize", "integer ", "The maximum record size to advertize.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('V', "verbose", "", "More verbose output.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "ciphers", "cipher1 cipher2... ", "Ciphers to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "protocols", "protocol1 protocol2... ", "Protocols to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "comp", "comp1 comp2... ", "Compression methods to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "macs", "mac1 mac2... ", "MACs to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "kx", "kx1 kx2... ", "Key exchange methods to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "ctypes", "certType1 certType2... ", "Certificate types to enable.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "priority", "PRIORITY STRING ", "Priorities string.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509cafile", "FILE ", "Certificate file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509crlfile", "FILE ", "CRL file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyfile", "FILE ", "PGP Key file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpkeyring", "FILE ", "PGP Key ring file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pgpcertfile", "FILE ", "PGP Public Key (certificate) file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509keyfile", "FILE ", "X.509 key file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "x509certfile", "FILE ", "X.509 Certificate file to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srpusername", "NAME ", "SRP username to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "srppasswd", "PASSWD ", "SRP password to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskusername", "NAME ", "PSK username to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "pskkey", "KEY ", "PSK key (in hex) to use.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "opaque-prf-input", "DATA ", "Use Opaque PRF Input DATA.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('p', "port", "PORT ", "The port to connect to.");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "insecure", "", "Don't abort program if server certificate can't be validated.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('l', "list", "", "Print a list of the supported algorithms and modes.");
	__gaa_helpsingle('h', "help", "", "prints this help");
	__gaa_helpsingle('v', "version", "", "prints the program's version number");
	__gaa_helpsingle(0, "copyright", "", "prints the program's license");

#line 100 "gaa.skel"