int setup_console () { #if defined (_WIN) SetConsoleWindowSize (132); if (_setmode (_fileno (stdin), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } if (_setmode (_fileno (stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } if (_setmode (_fileno (stderr), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } #endif return 0; }
int __CRTDECL _matherr (struct _exception *pexcept) { const char * type; switch(pexcept->type) { case _DOMAIN: type = "Argument domain error (DOMAIN)"; break; case _SING: type = "Argument singularity (SIGN)"; break; case _OVERFLOW: type = "Overflow range error (OVERFLOW)"; break; case _PLOSS: type = "Partial loss of significance (PLOSS)"; break; case _TLOSS: type = "Total loss of significance (TLOSS)"; break; case _UNDERFLOW: type = "The result is too small to be represented (UNDERFLOW)"; break; default: type = "Unknown error"; break; } __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "_matherr(): %s in %s(%g, %g) (retval=%g)\n", type, pexcept->name, pexcept->arg1, pexcept->arg2, pexcept->retval); return 0; }
void UI_NEXFIN2EDFwindow::SelectFileButton() { FILE *inputfile=NULL, *outputfile=NULL; int i, j, k, p, temp, separator=';', edfsignals=0, ok, timestep, new_smpl_time=0, str_start, column, line_nr; long long datarecords=-1LL, file_size; char txt_string[2048], path[512], outputfilename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], line[2048], scratchpad[128], labels[MAX_SIGNALS][17], phys_dim[MAX_SIGNALS][9], phys_min[MAX_SIGNALS][9], phys_max[MAX_SIGNALS][9], patientname[81], recording[81], datetime[17]; double sensitivity[MAX_SIGNALS], new_value[MAX_SIGNALS], old_value[MAX_SIGNALS]; union{ short two; char one[2]; } var; if(radio100button->isChecked()==true) { file_type = 100; } if(radio103button->isChecked()==true) { file_type = 103; } if(radio032button->isChecked()==true) { file_type = 32; } for(j=0; j<MAX_SIGNALS; j++) { old_value[j] = 0.0; } enable_widgets(false); if(!(strlen(PatientnameLineEdit->text().toLatin1().data()))) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Invalid input", "Please enter a subject name."); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(!(strlen(RecordingLineEdit->text().toLatin1().data()))) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Invalid input", "Please enter a recordingdescription."); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(file_type==100) { strcpy(path, QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "Select inputfile", QString::fromLocal8Bit(recent_opendir), "CSV files (*_100.csv *_100.CSV)").toLocal8Bit().data()); } if(file_type==103) { strcpy(path, QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "Select inputfile", QString::fromLocal8Bit(recent_opendir), "BIN files (*_103.bin *_103.BIN)").toLocal8Bit().data()); } if(file_type==32) { strcpy(path, QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "Select inputfile", QString::fromLocal8Bit(recent_opendir), "BIN files (*_032.bin *_032.BIN)").toLocal8Bit().data()); } if(!strcmp(path, "")) { enable_widgets(true); return; } get_directory_from_path(recent_opendir, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); inputfile = fopeno(path, "rb"); if(inputfile==NULL) { snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Can not open file %s for reading.", path); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", QString::fromLocal8Bit(txt_string)); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(file_type==100) { /***************** check if the txtfile is valid ******************************/ rewind(inputfile); if(fread(scratchpad, 32, 1, inputfile)!=1) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Can not read from file."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(strncmp(scratchpad, "Time;IBI;HR;LVET;HRS;Sys;Dia;MAP", 32)) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Unknown data in file (1)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } /***************** collect items *****************************************/ rewind(inputfile); while(1) { temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Reached end of file unexpectedly (5)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(temp==separator) { break; } } i = 0; while(temp!='\n') { temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Reached end of file unexpectedly (6)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(temp=='\r') { continue; } if(((temp==separator)||(temp=='\n'))&&(edfsignals<7)) { if(edfsignals>=MAX_SIGNALS) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Too many labels/signals (7)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } line[i] = 0; ok = 0; if(!strcmp(line, "IBI")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "IBI "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "s "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-31.744 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "31.744 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 1000.0; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "HR")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "HR "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "bpm "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-1024 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "1024 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 31.0; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "LVET")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "LVET "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "s "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-10 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "10 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 3174.4; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "HRS")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "HRS "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "mmHg "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-1024 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "1024 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 31.0; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "Sys")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "Sys "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "mmHg "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-1024 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "1024 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 31.0; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "Dia")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "Dia "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "mmHg "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-1024 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "1024 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 31.0; ok = 1; } if(!strcmp(line, "MAP")) { strcpy(labels[edfsignals], "MAP "); strcpy(phys_dim[edfsignals], "mmHg "); strcpy(phys_min[edfsignals], "-1024 "); strcpy(phys_max[edfsignals], "1024 "); sensitivity[edfsignals] = 31.0; ok = 1; } if(!ok) { snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Found unknown label/signal: %s", line); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", txt_string); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } edfsignals++; i = 0; } if(temp==separator) { continue; } line[i++] = temp; } if(!edfsignals) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "There are no labels/signals."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } } /********** end if(file_type==100) ********************/ if(file_type==103) { edfsignals = 1; } if(file_type==32) { if(analoginputscombobox->currentIndex()==1) { edfsignals = 4; } else { edfsignals = 1; } } p = sprintf(patientname, "%s", PatientnameLineEdit->text().toLatin1().data()); latin1_to_ascii(patientname, p); for( ; p<80; p++) { patientname[p] = ' '; } patientname[80] = 0; p = sprintf(recording, "%s", RecordingLineEdit->text().toLatin1().data()); latin1_to_ascii(recording, p); for( ; p<80; p++) { recording[p] = ' '; } recording[80] = 0; sprintf(datetime, "%02i.%02i.%02i%02i.%02i.%02i", StartDatetimeedit->date().day(), StartDatetimeedit->date().month(), StartDatetimeedit->date().year() % 100, StartDatetimeedit->time().hour(), StartDatetimeedit->time().minute(), StartDatetimeedit->time().second()); datetime[16] = 0; /***************** write header *****************************************/ get_filename_from_path(outputfilename, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); remove_extension_from_filename(outputfilename); strcat(outputfilename, ".edf"); path[0] = 0; if(recent_savedir[0]!=0) { strcpy(path, recent_savedir); strcat(path, "/"); } strcat(path, outputfilename); strcpy(path, QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, "Output file", QString::fromLocal8Bit(path), "EDF files (*.edf *.EDF)").toLocal8Bit().data()); if(!strcmp(path, "")) { enable_widgets(true); fclose(inputfile); return; } get_directory_from_path(recent_savedir, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); outputfile = fopeno(path, "wb"); if(outputfile==NULL) { snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Can not open file %s for writing.", path); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", txt_string); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); fclose(inputfile); return; } fprintf(outputfile, "0 "); fprintf(outputfile, "%s", patientname); fprintf(outputfile, "%s", recording); fprintf(outputfile, "%s", datetime); fprintf(outputfile, "%-8i", 256 * edfsignals + 256); fprintf(outputfile, " "); fprintf(outputfile, "-1 "); if(file_type==100) { fprintf(outputfile, "0.01 "); } if(file_type==103) { fprintf(outputfile, "0.005 "); } if(file_type==32) { fprintf(outputfile, "0.005 "); } fprintf(outputfile, "%-4i", edfsignals); if(file_type==100) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "%s", labels[i]); } } if(file_type==103) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "Blood pressure "); } } if(file_type==32) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "AD-%i ", i + 1); } } for(i=0; i<(80*edfsignals); i++) { fputc(' ', outputfile); } if(file_type==100) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "%s", phys_dim[i]); } } if(file_type==103) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "mmHg "); } } if(file_type==32) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "mV "); } } if(file_type==100) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "%s", phys_min[i]); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "%s", phys_max[i]); } } if(file_type==103) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "-8192 "); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "8191.75 "); } } if(file_type==32) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "-81920 "); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "81917.5 "); } } if(file_type==100) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "-31744 "); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "31744 "); } } if(file_type==103) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "-32768 "); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "32767 "); } } if(file_type==32) { for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "-32768 "); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "32767 "); } } for(i=0; i<(80*edfsignals); i++) { fputc(' ', outputfile); } for(i=0; i<edfsignals; i++) { fprintf(outputfile, "1 "); } for(i=0; i<(32*edfsignals); i++) { fputc(' ', outputfile); } /***************** start conversion **************************************/ rewind(inputfile); if(file_type==100) /*** filetype is 100 **********/ { for(i=0; ; ) { temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Reached end of file unexpectedly (8)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } if(temp=='\n') i++; if(i>0) break; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); for(k=0; k<10; k++) qApp->processEvents(); i = 0; column = 0; datarecords = 0LL; str_start = 0; line_nr = 1; while(1) { temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { for(k=0; k<edfsignals; k++) { temp = (int)(new_value[k] * sensitivity[k]); if(temp>31744) temp = 31744; if(temp<-31744) temp = -31744; var.two = (short)temp; fputc([0], outputfile); fputc([1], outputfile); } datarecords++; break; } line[i] = temp; /**************************************/ if(line[i]==',') { line[i] = '.'; } if((line[i]==separator)||(line[i]=='\n')) { if(column) { new_value[column-1] = atof(line + str_start); } else { new_smpl_time = (int)(atof(line + str_start) * 100.0); } if(line[i]=='\n') { /**************************************/ line_nr++; if(column!=edfsignals) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Number of separators in line %i is wrong.", line_nr); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", txt_string); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } timestep = new_smpl_time - datarecords; if(timestep<=0) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Timestep <= 0 in line %i.", line_nr); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", txt_string); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } for(j=0; j<timestep; j++) { for(k=0; k<edfsignals; k++) { temp = (int)((old_value[k] + ((new_value[k] - old_value[k]) * ((double)j / (double)timestep))) * sensitivity[k]); if(temp>31744) temp = 31744; if(temp<-31744) temp = -31744; var.two = (short)temp; fputc([0], outputfile); fputc([1], outputfile); } datarecords++; } for(j=0; j<edfsignals; j++) { old_value[j] = new_value[j]; } /**************************************/ str_start = 0; i = 0; column = 0; continue; } str_start = i + 1; column++; } /**************************************/ i++; if(i>2046) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Line %i is too long.", line_nr); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", txt_string); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } } } /********** end if(file_type==100) ********************/ if((file_type==103) || (file_type==32)) { fseeko(inputfile, 0LL, SEEK_END); file_size = ftello(inputfile); file_size /= 2LL; file_size /= edfsignals; rewind(inputfile); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); for(k=0; k<10; k++) qApp->processEvents(); if(file_type==103) { for(datarecords=0LL; datarecords<file_size; datarecords++) { temp = fgetc(inputfile); fputc(temp, outputfile); temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Reached end of file unexpectedly (18)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } fputc(temp, outputfile); } } if(file_type==32) { k = edfsignals * 2 - 1; for(datarecords=0LL; datarecords<file_size; datarecords++) { for(i=0; i<k; i++) { temp = fgetc(inputfile); fputc(temp, outputfile); } temp = fgetc(inputfile); if(temp==EOF) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "Reached end of file unexpectedly (28)."); messagewindow.exec(); fclose(inputfile); fclose(outputfile); enable_widgets(true); return; } fputc(temp, outputfile); } } } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); fseeko(outputfile, 236LL, SEEK_SET); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 __mingw_fprintf(outputfile, "%-8lli", datarecords); #else fprintf(outputfile, "%-8lli", datarecords); #endif if(fclose(outputfile)) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "An error occurred while closing outputfile."); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); fclose(inputfile); return; } if(fclose(inputfile)) { QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", "An error occurred while closing inputfile."); messagewindow.exec(); } snprintf(txt_string, 2048, "Done, EDF file is located at %s", path); QMessageBox messagewindow(QMessageBox::Information, "Ready", QString::fromLocal8Bit(txt_string)); messagewindow.setIconPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/ok.png")); messagewindow.exec(); enable_widgets(true); }