Esempio n. 1
/** \brief Activate a given canvas frame.
 *  Set the active canvas frame. All subsequent drawing operations will
 *  be performed on that frame. The current painting context set by
 *  caca_set_attr() is inherited.
 *  If the frame index is outside the canvas' frame range, nothing happens.
 *  If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
 *  - \c EINVAL Requested frame is out of range.
 *  \param cv A libcaca canvas
 *  \param id The canvas frame to activate
 *  \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int caca_set_frame(caca_canvas_t *cv, int id)
    if(id < 0 || id >= cv->framecount)
        return -1;

    /* Bail out if no operation is required */
    if(id == cv->frame)
        return 0;

    cv->frame = id;

        caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, 0, 0, cv->width, cv->height);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int caca_resize(caca_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
    int x, y, f, old_width, old_height, new_size, old_size;

    old_width = cv->width;
    old_height = cv->height;
    old_size = old_width * old_height;


    /* Preload new width and height values into the canvas to optimise
     * dirty rectangle handling */
    cv->width = width;
    cv->height = height;
    new_size = width * height;

    /* If width or height is smaller (or both), we have the opportunity to
     * reduce or even remove dirty rectangles */
    if(width < old_width || height < old_height)

    /* Step 1: if new area is bigger, resize the memory area now. */
    if(new_size > old_size)
        for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
            cv->frames[f].chars = realloc(cv->frames[f].chars,
                                          new_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
            cv->frames[f].attrs = realloc(cv->frames[f].attrs,
                                          new_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
            if(new_size && (!cv->frames[f].chars || !cv->frames[f].attrs))
                return -1;

    /* Step 2: move line data if necessary. */
    if(width == old_width)
        /* Width did not change, which means we do not need to move data. */
    else if(width > old_width)
        /* New width is bigger than old width, which means we need to
         * copy lines starting from the bottom of the screen otherwise
         * we will overwrite information. */
        for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
            uint32_t *chars = cv->frames[f].chars;
            uint32_t *attrs = cv->frames[f].attrs;

            for(y = height < old_height ? height : old_height; y--; )
                uint32_t attr = cv->frames[f].curattr;

                for(x = old_width; x--; )
                    chars[y * width + x] = chars[y * old_width + x];
                    attrs[y * width + x] = attrs[y * old_width + x];

                /* Zero the end of the line */
                for(x = width - old_width; x--; )
                    chars[y * width + old_width + x] = (uint32_t)' ';
                    attrs[y * width + old_width + x] = attr;

            caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, old_width, 0,
                                width - old_width, old_height);
        /* New width is smaller. Copy as many lines as possible. Ignore
         * the first line, it is already in place. */
        int lines = height < old_height ? height : old_height;

        for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
            uint32_t *chars = cv->frames[f].chars;
            uint32_t *attrs = cv->frames[f].attrs;

            for(y = 1; y < lines; y++)
                for(x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    chars[y * width + x] = chars[y * old_width + x];
                    attrs[y * width + x] = attrs[y * old_width + x];

    /* Step 3: fill the bottom of the new screen if necessary. */
    if(height > old_height)
        for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
            uint32_t *chars = cv->frames[f].chars;
            uint32_t *attrs = cv->frames[f].attrs;
            uint32_t attr = cv->frames[f].curattr;

            /* Zero the bottom of the screen */
            for(x = (height - old_height) * width; x--; )
                chars[old_height * width + x] = (uint32_t)' ';
                attrs[old_height * width + x] = attr;

            caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, 0, old_height,
                                old_width, height - old_height);

    /* If both width and height are larger, there is a new dirty rectangle
     * that needs to be created in the lower right corner. */
    if(!cv->dirty_disabled &&
        width > old_width && height > old_height)
        caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, old_width, old_height,
                            width - old_width, height - old_height);

    /* Step 4: if new area is smaller, resize memory area now. */
    if(new_size < old_size)
        for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
            cv->frames[f].chars = realloc(cv->frames[f].chars,
                                          new_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
            cv->frames[f].attrs = realloc(cv->frames[f].attrs,
                                          new_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
            if(new_size && (!cv->frames[f].chars || !cv->frames[f].attrs))
                return -1;

    /* Set new size */
    for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
        if(cv->frames[f].x > (int)width)
            cv->frames[f].x = width;
        if(cv->frames[f].y > (int)height)
            cv->frames[f].y = height;

        cv->frames[f].width = width;
        cv->frames[f].height = height;

    /* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/** \brief Rotate and stretch a canvas, 90 degrees clockwise.
 *  Apply a 270-degree transformation to a canvas, choosing characters
 *  that look like the rotated version wherever possible. Some characters
 *  will stay unchanged by the process, some others will be replaced by
 *  close equivalents. Fullwidth characters will be lost. The operation is
 *  not guaranteed to be reversible at all.
 *  Note that the width and height of the canvas are swapped, causing its
 *  aspect ratio to look stretched.
 *  If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
 *  - \c EBUSY The canvas is in use by a display driver and cannot be rotated.
 *  - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate the new canvas size. If this
 *    happens, the previous canvas handle is still valid.
 *  \param cv The canvas to rotate right.
 *  \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int caca_stretch_right(caca_canvas_t *cv)
    uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
    int x, y;

        return -1;

    /* Save the current frame shortcuts */

    newchars = malloc(cv->width * cv->height * sizeof(uint32_t));
        return -1;

    newattrs = malloc(cv->width * cv->height * sizeof(uint32_t));
        return -1;

    for(y = 0; y < cv->height; y++)
        for(x = 0; x < cv->width; x++)
            uint32_t ch, attr;

            ch = cv->chars[cv->width * y + x];
            attr = cv->attrs[cv->width * y + x];

            /* FIXME: do something about fullwidth characters */
            ch = rightchar(ch);

            newchars[cv->height * x + cv->height - 1 - y] = ch;
            newattrs[cv->height * x + cv->height - 1 - y] = attr;


    /* Swap X and Y information */
    x = cv->frames[cv->frame].x;
    y = cv->frames[cv->frame].y;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].x = cv->height - 1 - y;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].y = x;

    x = cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex;
    y = cv->frames[cv->frame].handley;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex = cv->height - 1 - y;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].handley = x;

    cv->frames[cv->frame].width = cv->height;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].height = cv->width;

    cv->frames[cv->frame].chars = newchars;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

    /* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

    caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, 0, 0, cv->width, cv->height);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/** \brief Rotate a canvas, 90 degrees counterclockwise.
 *  Apply a 90-degree transformation to a canvas, choosing characters
 *  that look like the rotated version wherever possible. Characters cells
 *  are rotated two-by-two. Some characters will stay unchanged by the
 *  process, some others will be replaced by close equivalents. Fullwidth
 *  characters at odd horizontal coordinates will be lost. The operation is
 *  not guaranteed to be reversible at all.
 *  Note that the width of the canvas is divided by two and becomes the
 *  new height. Height is multiplied by two and becomes the new width. If
 *  the original width is an odd number, the division is rounded up.
 *  If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
 *  - \c EBUSY The canvas is in use by a display driver and cannot be rotated.
 *  - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate the new canvas size. If this
 *    happens, the previous canvas handle is still valid.
 *  \param cv The canvas to rotate right.
 *  \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int caca_rotate_right(caca_canvas_t *cv)
    uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
    int x, y, w2, h2;

        return -1;

    /* Save the current frame shortcuts */

    w2 = (cv->width + 1) / 2;
    h2 = cv->height;

    newchars = malloc(w2 * h2 * 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
        return -1;

    newattrs = malloc(w2 * h2 * 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
        return -1;

    for(y = 0; y < h2; y++)
        for(x = 0; x < w2; x++)
            uint32_t pair[2], attr1, attr2;

            pair[0] = cv->chars[cv->width * y + x * 2];
            attr1 = cv->attrs[cv->width * y + x * 2];

            if((cv->width & 1) && x == w2 - 1)
                /* Special case: odd column */
                pair[1] = ' ';
                attr2 = attr1;
                pair[1] = cv->chars[cv->width * y + x * 2 + 1];
                attr2 = cv->attrs[cv->width * y + x * 2 + 1];

            /* If one of the characters is a space, we simply ignore
             * its colour attributes. Otherwise the resulting characters
             * may have totally wrong colours. */
            if(pair[0] == ' ')
                attr1 = attr2;
            else if(pair[1] == ' ')
                attr2 = attr1;


            newchars[(h2 * x + h2 - 1 - y) * 2] = pair[0];
            newattrs[(h2 * x + h2 - 1 - y) * 2] = attr1;
            newchars[(h2 * x + h2 - 1 - y) * 2 + 1] = pair[1];
            newattrs[(h2 * x + h2 - 1 - y) * 2 + 1] = attr2;


    /* Swap X and Y information */
    x = cv->frames[cv->frame].x;
    y = cv->frames[cv->frame].y;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].x = (cv->height - 1 - y) * 2;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].y = x / 2;

    x = cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex;
    y = cv->frames[cv->frame].handley;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex = (cv->height - 1 - y) * 2;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].handley = x / 2;

    cv->frames[cv->frame].width = cv->height * 2;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].height = (cv->width + 1) / 2;

    cv->frames[cv->frame].chars = newchars;
    cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

    /* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

        caca_add_dirty_rect(cv, 0, 0, cv->width, cv->height);

    return 0;