Esempio n. 1
 * \brief
 *    Creates a Combo box by reading the items table
 * \param   tuid     Pointer to the active tuid_t structure
 * \param   key      User input
 * \param   items    The Combo Box table
 * \param   id       Pointer to combo box id (current and returned)
 * \param   ln       The language to use.
 * * \return  ui_return_t
 *    \arg  EXIT_RETURN    :  Indicates that function returns
 *    \arg  EXIT_STAY      :  Indicates that functions has not returned
 * This function can create a Combo box based on the context of a table.
 * While the function returns EXIT_STAY it is still in progress. When the function
 * is done returns EXIT_RETURN. This assumes that the caller must handle with return
 * status in order to continues call or not the function.
 * For example:
 * const combobox_item_t      cb [] =
 * {
 *   {{"ITEMS",   "ANTIKEIMENA"},   0},   // <-- Caption with whatever id
 *   {{"item 1",  "antik 1"},       1},   // <-- item and item's id
 *   {{"item 2",  "antik 2"},       2},   //       "        "
 *   {{"item 3",  "antik 3"},       3},   //       "        "
 *   {{0,0},0}                            // <-- Terminator strings must be NULL
 * };
 * Navigation
 * ==========================
 * UP       --    Previous item on the list (table)
 * DOWN     --    Next item on the list
 * RIGHT    --    Selected and return the item.
 * LEFT     --    Exit with the previous selected item
 * ESC      --       "        "        "
__Os__ ui_return_t tui_comboboxd (tuid_t *tuid, int live, int key, combobox_item_t *items, int *id, Lang_en ln)
   static uint8_t ev=1;
   static int cur;
   static int vi, vfrm, i, frm;

   if (ev) {  // It is the first call of combobox
      // Find cur in combobox table
      for (i=1 ; 1 ; ++i) {
         if (!items[i].text[ln]) {
         if (items[i].id == *id)
      // Print caption
      _mk_caption (tuid, items, ln);

      // Update counters
      cur = vi = vfrm = frm = i;
      ev = 0;

   if (live)
      *id = items[i].id;

   // UI loop - Navigating
   if (key == tuid->keys.UP)     { _cmb_prev_item (items, &i); --vi; }
   if (key == tuid->keys.DOWN)   { _cmb_next_item (items, &i); ++vi; }
   if (key == tuid->keys.ESC || key == tuid->keys.LEFT) {
      // Restore previous value
      *id = items[cur].id;
      ev = 1;
      return EXIT_RETURN;
   if (key == tuid->keys.RIGHT || key == tuid->keys.ENTER) {
      // Apply the new value
      *id = items[i].id;
      ev = 1;
      return EXIT_RETURN;

   // Roll frame
   if (vi < vfrm) {
      vfrm = vi;
      frm = i;
   else if (vi - vfrm>= tuid->frame_buffer.l - 1) {
      _cmb_next_item (items, &frm);

   // Printing frame
   _mk_frame (tuid, items, frm, i, ln);

   return EXIT_STAY;
Esempio n. 2
 * \brief
 *    Paints the combobox frame lines in the frame buffer
 * \param  fb     Pointer to the frame buffer
 * \param  items  Pointer to the active combo-box
 * \param  frame  The frame buffer's start position
 * \param  item   The frame buffer's active line
 * \param  ln     The language to use
 * \return none
__Os__ void _cmb_frame_lines (fb_t *fb, combobox_item_t *items, int frame, int item, Lang_en ln)
   #define _LINE(_l)    (fb->c*(_l))
   int line, offset;
   int start;
   char post;

   // Print each line
   start = frame;
   for (line=1 ; line < fb->l ; ++line) {
      if (frame == item) {
         offset = sprintf ((char*)&fb->fb[_LINE(line)], "[%s", (char*)items[frame].text[ln]);
         post = ']';
      else {
         offset = sprintf ((char*)&fb->fb[_LINE(line)], "%s", (char*)items[frame].text[ln]);
         post = ' ';
      // discard null termination inside frame buffer
      fb->fb[_LINE(line)+offset] = post;

      // Escape if no items left
      _cmb_next_item (items, &frame);
      if (frame == start)
   #undef _LINE