Esempio n. 1
//gst_gl_context_create (GstGLContext * context, GstGLContext * other_context, GError ** error)
static gpointer
gst_gl_context_create_thread (GstGLContext * context)
  GstGLContextClass *context_class;
  GstGLWindowClass *window_class;
  GstGLFuncs *gl;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GstGLAPI compiled_api, user_api, gl_api;
  gchar *api_string;
  gchar *compiled_api_s;
  gchar *user_api_string;
  const gchar *user_choice;
  GError **error;
  GstGLContext *other_context;
  GString *ext_g_str = NULL;
  const gchar *ext_const_c_str = NULL;

  g_mutex_lock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  error = context->priv->error;
  other_context = context->priv->other_context;

  context_class = GST_GL_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context);
  window_class = GST_GL_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (context->window);

  if (window_class->open) {
    if (!window_class->open (context->window, error)) {
      g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
      goto failure;

  gl = context->gl_vtable;
  compiled_api = _compiled_api ();

  user_choice = g_getenv ("GST_GL_API");

  user_api = gst_gl_api_from_string (user_choice);
  user_api_string = gst_gl_api_to_string (user_api);

  compiled_api_s = gst_gl_api_to_string (compiled_api);

  if ((user_api & compiled_api) == GST_GL_API_NONE) {
        "Cannot create context with the user requested api (%s).  "
        "We have support for (%s)", user_api_string, compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_string);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    goto failure;

  if (context_class->choose_format &&
      !context_class->choose_format (context, error)) {
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_string);
    goto failure;

  GST_INFO ("Attempting to create opengl context. user chosen api(s) (%s), "
      "compiled api support (%s)", user_api_string, compiled_api_s);

  if (!context_class->create_context (context, compiled_api & user_api,
          other_context, error)) {
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_string);
    goto failure;
  GST_INFO ("created context");

  if (!context_class->activate (context, TRUE)) {
    g_set_error (error, GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR,
        "Failed to activate the GL Context");
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_string);
    goto failure;

  gl_api = gst_gl_context_get_gl_api (context);
  g_assert (gl_api != GST_GL_API_NONE && gl_api != GST_GL_API_ANY);

  api_string = gst_gl_api_to_string (gl_api);
  GST_INFO ("available GL APIs: %s", api_string);

  if (((compiled_api & gl_api) & user_api) == GST_GL_API_NONE) {
        "failed to create context, context "
        "could not provide correct api. user (%s), compiled (%s), context (%s)",
        user_api_string, compiled_api_s, api_string);
    g_free (api_string);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_string);
    goto failure;

  g_free (api_string);
  g_free (compiled_api_s);
  g_free (user_api_string);

  gl->GetError = gst_gl_context_get_proc_address (context, "glGetError");
  gl->GetString = gst_gl_context_get_proc_address (context, "glGetString");
  gl->GetStringi = gst_gl_context_get_proc_address (context, "glGetStringi");
  gl->GetIntegerv = gst_gl_context_get_proc_address (context, "glGetIntegerv");

  if (!gl->GetError || !gl->GetString) {
        "could not GetProcAddress core opengl functions");
    goto failure;

  /* gl api specific code */
  ret = _create_context_info (context, gl_api, &context->priv->gl_major,
      &context->priv->gl_minor, error);

  if (!ret) {
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    goto failure;

  /* GL core contexts and GLES3 */
  if (gl->GetIntegerv && gl->GetStringi && context->priv->gl_major >= 3)
    ext_g_str = _build_extension_string (context);

  if (ext_g_str && ext_g_str->len) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (context, "GL_EXTENSIONS: %s", ext_g_str->str);
    _gst_gl_feature_check_ext_functions (context, context->priv->gl_major,
        context->priv->gl_minor, ext_g_str->str);

    context->priv->gl_exts = g_string_free (ext_g_str, FALSE);
  } else {
    ext_const_c_str = (const gchar *) gl->GetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);
    if (!ext_const_c_str)
      ext_const_c_str = "";

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (context, "GL_EXTENSIONS: %s", ext_const_c_str);
    _gst_gl_feature_check_ext_functions (context, context->priv->gl_major,
        context->priv->gl_minor, ext_const_c_str);

    context->priv->gl_exts = g_strdup (ext_const_c_str);

  context->priv->alive = TRUE;

  g_cond_signal (&context->priv->create_cond);

//  g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);
  gst_gl_window_send_message_async (context->window,
      (GstGLWindowCB) _unlock_create_thread, context, NULL);

  gst_gl_window_run (context->window);

  GST_INFO ("loop exited\n");

  g_mutex_lock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  context->priv->alive = FALSE;

  context_class->activate (context, FALSE);

  context_class->destroy_context (context);

  /* User supplied callback */
  if (context->window->close)
    context->window->close (context->window->close_data);

  /* window specific shutdown */
  if (window_class->close) {
    window_class->close (context->window);

  g_cond_signal (&context->priv->destroy_cond);

  g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  return NULL;

    g_cond_signal (&context->priv->create_cond);
    g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
//gst_gl_context_create (GstGLContext * context, GstGLContext * other_context, GError ** error)
static gpointer
gst_gl_context_create_thread (GstGLContext * context)
  GstGLContextClass *context_class;
  GstGLWindowClass *window_class;
  GstGLFuncs *gl;
  GstGLAPI compiled_api, user_api, gl_api, display_api;
  gchar *api_string;
  gchar *compiled_api_s;
  gchar *user_api_s;
  gchar *display_api_s;
  const gchar *user_choice;
  GError **error;
  GstGLContext *other_context;

  g_mutex_lock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (context, "Creating thread");

  error = context->priv->error;
  other_context = g_weak_ref_get (&context->priv->other_context_ref);

  context_class = GST_GL_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context);
  window_class = GST_GL_WINDOW_GET_CLASS (context->window);

  display_api = gst_gl_display_get_gl_api_unlocked (context->display);
  if (display_api == GST_GL_API_NONE) {
        "Cannot create context with satisfying requested apis "
        "(display has no GL api!)");
    goto failure;

  if (window_class->open) {
    if (!window_class->open (context->window, error)) {
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (context, "Failed to open window");
      g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
      goto failure;

  gl = context->gl_vtable;
  compiled_api = _compiled_api ();
  compiled_api_s = gst_gl_api_to_string (compiled_api);

  user_choice = g_getenv ("GST_GL_API");
  user_api = gst_gl_api_from_string (user_choice);
  user_api_s = gst_gl_api_to_string (user_api);

  display_api_s = gst_gl_api_to_string (display_api);

  if ((user_api & compiled_api & display_api) == GST_GL_API_NONE) {
        "Cannot create context with the user requested api (%s).  "
        "We have support for (%s), display api (%s)", user_api_s,
        compiled_api_s, display_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_s);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (display_api_s);
    goto failure;

  if (context_class->choose_format &&
      !context_class->choose_format (context, error)) {
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (context, "Failed to choose format");
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_s);
    g_free (display_api_s);
    goto failure;

  GST_INFO_OBJECT (context,
      "Attempting to create opengl context. user chosen api(s) (%s), "
      "compiled api support (%s) display api (%s)", user_api_s, compiled_api_s,

  if (!context_class->create_context (context,
          compiled_api & user_api & display_api, other_context, error)) {
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (context, "Failed to create context");
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_s);
    g_free (display_api_s);
    goto failure;
  GST_INFO_OBJECT (context, "created context");

  if (!gst_gl_context_activate (context, TRUE)) {
    g_set_error (error, GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR,
        "Failed to activate the GL Context");
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_s);
    g_free (display_api_s);
    goto failure;

  gl_api = gst_gl_context_get_gl_api (context);
  g_assert (gl_api != GST_GL_API_NONE && gl_api != GST_GL_API_ANY);

  api_string = gst_gl_api_to_string (gl_api);
  GST_INFO_OBJECT (context, "available GL APIs: %s", api_string);

  if (((compiled_api & gl_api & display_api) & user_api) == GST_GL_API_NONE) {
        "failed to create context, context "
        "could not provide correct api. user (%s), compiled (%s), context (%s)",
        user_api_s, compiled_api_s, api_string);
    g_free (api_string);
    g_free (compiled_api_s);
    g_free (user_api_s);
    g_free (display_api_s);
    goto failure;

  g_free (api_string);
  g_free (compiled_api_s);
  g_free (user_api_s);
  g_free (display_api_s);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (context, "Filling info");
  if (!gst_gl_context_fill_info (context, error)) {
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
    goto failure;

  context->priv->alive = TRUE;

  if (gl->DebugMessageCallback) {
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (context, "Enabling GL context debugging");
    /* enable them all */
    gl->DebugMessageControl (GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, 0,
    gl->DebugMessageCallback (_gst_gl_debug_callback, context);

  if (other_context) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (context, "Unreffing other_context %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
    gst_object_unref (other_context);

  g_cond_signal (&context->priv->create_cond);

//  g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);
  gst_gl_window_send_message_async (context->window,
      (GstGLWindowCB) _unlock_create_thread, context, NULL);

  gst_gl_window_run (context->window);

  GST_INFO_OBJECT (context, "loop exited");

  g_mutex_lock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  context->priv->alive = FALSE;

  gst_gl_context_activate (context, FALSE);

  context_class->destroy_context (context);

  /* User supplied callback */
  if (context->window->close)
    context->window->close (context->window->close_data);

  /* window specific shutdown */
  if (window_class->close) {
    window_class->close (context->window);

  g_cond_signal (&context->priv->destroy_cond);

  g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);

  return NULL;

    if (other_context)
      gst_object_unref (other_context);

    g_cond_signal (&context->priv->create_cond);
    g_mutex_unlock (&context->priv->render_lock);
    return NULL;