Esempio n. 1
// ECMA262 Promise [ @@create ] ( )
static ejsval
_ejs_Promise_create (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    // 1. Let F be the this value
    ejsval F = _this;

    // 2. Return AllocatePromise(F). 
    //    1. Let obj be OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, "%PromisePrototype%", ([[PromiseState]], [[PromiseConstructor]], [[PromiseResult]], [[PromiseFulfillReactions]], [[PromiseRejectReactions]]) ). 
    ejsval proto = _ejs_undefined;
            _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "'this' in Promise[Symbol.create] is not a constructor");

        EJSObject* F_ = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(F);

        proto = OP(F_,Get)(F, _ejs_atom_prototype, F);
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(proto))
        proto = _ejs_Promise_prototype;

    EJSObject* obj = (EJSObject*)_ejs_gc_new (EJSPromise);
    _ejs_init_object (obj, proto, &_ejs_Promise_specops);

    //    2. Set the value of obj’s [[PromiseConstructor]] internal slot to constructor. 
    ((EJSPromise*)obj)->constructor = F;

    //    3. Return obj. 
    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(obj);
Esempio n. 2
_ejs_nativeerror_new (EJSNativeErrorType err_type, ejsval msg)
    EJSObject* exc_obj = _ejs_gc_new (EJSObject);

    ejsval proto;
    switch (err_type) {
    case EJS_ERROR:           proto = _ejs_Error_prototype; break;
    case EJS_EVAL_ERROR:      proto = _ejs_EvalError_prototype; break;
    case EJS_RANGE_ERROR:     proto = _ejs_RangeError_prototype; break;
    case EJS_REFERENCE_ERROR: proto = _ejs_ReferenceError_prototype; break;
    case EJS_SYNTAX_ERROR:    proto = _ejs_SyntaxError_prototype; break;
    case EJS_TYPE_ERROR:      proto = _ejs_TypeError_prototype; break;
    case EJS_URI_ERROR:       proto = _ejs_URIError_prototype; break;

    _ejs_init_object (exc_obj, proto, &_ejs_Error_specops);

    ejsval exc = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(exc_obj);

    switch (err_type) {
    case EJS_ERROR:           _ejs_Error_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_EVAL_ERROR:      _ejs_EvalError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_RANGE_ERROR:     _ejs_RangeError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_REFERENCE_ERROR: _ejs_ReferenceError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_SYNTAX_ERROR:    _ejs_SyntaxError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_TYPE_ERROR:      _ejs_TypeError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;
    case EJS_URI_ERROR:       _ejs_URIError_impl (_ejs_null, exc, 1, &msg); break;

    return exc;
Esempio n. 3
_ejs_set_iterator_new (ejsval set, EJSSetIteratorKind kind)
    /* 1. If Type(set) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. */
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(set))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "set is not a Object");

    /* 2. If set does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot throw a TypeError exception. */
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_SET(set))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "value is not a Set");

    /* 3. If set’s [[SetData]] internal slot is undefined, then throw a TypeError exception. */

    /* 4. Let iterator be the result of ObjectCreate(%SetIteratorPrototype%,
     * ([[IteratedSet]], [[SetNextIndex]], [[SetIterationKind]])). */
    EJSSetIterator *iter = _ejs_gc_new (EJSSetIterator);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*) iter, _ejs_SetIterator_prototype, &_ejs_SetIterator_specops);

    /* 5. Set iterator’s [[IteratedSet]] internal slot to set. */
    iter->iterated = set;

    /* 6. Set iterator’s [[SetNextIndex]] internal slot to 0. */
    iter->next_index = 0;

    /* 7. Set iterator’s [[SetIterationKind]] internal slot to kind. */
    iter->kind = kind;

    /* 8. Return iterator */
    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(iter);
Esempio n. 4
 GlobalVariable_new(llvm::GlobalVariable* llvm_global)
     EJSObject* result = GlobalVariable_alloc_instance();
     _ejs_init_object (result, _ejs_GlobalVariable_proto, NULL);
     ((GlobalVariable*)result)->llvm_global = llvm_global;
     return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(result);
Esempio n. 5
 StructType_new(llvm::StructType* llvm_ty)
     EJSObject* result = StructType_alloc_instance();
     _ejs_init_object (result, _ejs_StructType_proto, NULL);
     ((StructType*)result)->type = llvm_ty;
     return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(result);
Esempio n. 6
_ejs_iterator_wrapper_new (ejsval iterator)
    EJSIteratorWrapper* rv = _ejs_gc_new (EJSIteratorWrapper);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_IteratorWrapper_prototype, &_ejs_IteratorWrapper_specops);
    rv->iterator = iterator;
    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 7
_ejs_set_new ()
    EJSSet *set = _ejs_gc_new (EJSSet);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)set, _ejs_Set_prototype, &_ejs_Set_specops);

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(set);
Esempio n. 8
 Type_new(llvm::Type* llvm_ty)
     EJSObject* result = Type_alloc_instance();
     _ejs_init_object (result, _ejs_Type_prototype, NULL);
     ((Type*)result)->type = llvm_ty;
     return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(result);
Esempio n. 9
 FunctionType_new(llvm::FunctionType* llvm_ty)
     EJSObject* result = FunctionType_alloc_instance();
     _ejs_init_object (result, _ejs_FunctionType_proto, NULL);
     ((FunctionType*)result)->type = llvm_ty;
     return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(result);
Esempio n. 10
_ejs_symbol_new_object(ejsval symbol_data)
    EJSSymbol *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSSymbol);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_Symbol_prototype, &_ejs_Symbol_specops);

    rv->primSymbol = symbol_data;

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 11
_ejs_regexp_new (ejsval pattern, ejsval flags)
    EJSRegExp* rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSRegExp);

    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_RegExp_prototype, &_ejs_RegExp_specops);

    ejsval args[2] = { pattern, flags };

    return _ejs_RegExp_impl (_ejs_null, OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv), 2, args);
Esempio n. 12
_ejs_arraybuffer_new (int size)
    EJSArrayBuffer *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSArrayBuffer);

    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_ArrayBuffer_prototype, &_ejs_ArrayBuffer_specops);

    rv->dependent = EJS_FALSE;
    rv->size = size;
    if (size)
        rv->data.alloced_buf = calloc(1, size);

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 13
static void
    _ejs_gc_add_root (&_ejs_Function_prototype);

    // Function.prototype = function () { return undefined; }

    EJSFunction* proto = _ejs_gc_new(EJSFunction);
    _ejs_Function_prototype = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(proto);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)proto, _ejs_Object_prototype, &_ejs_Function_specops);
    proto->func = _ejs_Function_empty;
    proto->env = _ejs_null;

    _ejs_object_define_value_property (OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(proto), _ejs_atom_name, _ejs_atom_empty, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_WRITABLE);
Esempio n. 14
_ejs_function_new_without_proto (ejsval env, ejsval name, EJSClosureFunc func)
    EJSFunction *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSFunction);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_Function_prototype, &_ejs_Function_specops);

    rv->func = func;
    rv->env = env;

    ejsval fun = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);

    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun, _ejs_atom_name, name, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_WRITABLE);
    return fun;
Esempio n. 15
    static ejsval
    Module_create (ejsval env, ejsval _this, int argc, ejsval *args)
        ejsval F = _this;
            _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "'this' in Module[Symbol.create] is not a constructor");
        EJSObject* F_ = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(F);
        // 2. Let obj be the result of calling OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(F, "%DatePrototype%", ([[DateData]]) ). 
        ejsval proto = OP(F_,Get)(F, _ejs_atom_prototype, F);
        if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(proto))
            proto = _ejs_Module_prototype;

        EJSObject* obj = (EJSObject*)_ejs_gc_new (Module);
        _ejs_init_object (obj, proto, &_ejs_Module_specops);
        return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(obj);
Esempio n. 16
_ejs_arraybuffer_new_slice (ejsval bufferval, int offset, int size)
    EJSArrayBuffer* rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSArrayBuffer);
    EJSArrayBuffer* buffer = (EJSArrayBuffer*)EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(bufferval);

    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_ArrayBuffer_prototype, &_ejs_ArrayBuffer_specops);

    rv->dependent = EJS_TRUE;
    rv->data.dependent.offset = MIN(buffer->size, offset);
    rv->data.dependent.buf = bufferval;
    rv->size = size;
    if (rv->size + rv->data.dependent.offset > buffer->size)
        rv->size = buffer->size - offset;

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 17
_ejs_function_new_utf8_with_proto (ejsval env, const char* name, EJSClosureFunc func, ejsval prototype)
    ejsval function_name = _ejs_string_new_utf8 (name);
    EJSFunction *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSFunction);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_Function_prototype, &_ejs_Function_specops);

    rv->func = func;
    rv->env = env;

    ejsval fun = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);

    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun, _ejs_atom_name, function_name, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_WRITABLE);
    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun, _ejs_atom_prototype, prototype, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_WRITABLE);

    return fun;
Esempio n. 18
    static ejsval
    FunctionType_get (ejsval env, ejsval _this, int argc, ejsval *args)
        REQ_LLVM_TYPE_ARG(0, returnType);
        REQ_ARRAY_ARG(1, argTypes);

        std::vector<llvm::Type*> arg_types;
        for (int i = 0; i < EJSARRAY_LEN(argTypes); i ++) {
            arg_types.push_back (Type_GetLLVMObj(EJSDENSEARRAY_ELEMENTS(argTypes)[i]));

        llvm::FunctionType *FT = llvm::FunctionType::get(returnType,
                                                         arg_types, false);

        EJSObject* result = FunctionType_alloc_instance();
        _ejs_init_object (result, _ejs_FunctionType_proto, NULL);
        ((FunctionType*)result)->type = FT;
        return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(result);
Esempio n. 19
_ejs_typedarray_new (EJSTypedArrayType element_type, uint32_t length)
    int size = length * _ejs_typed_array_elsizes[element_type];

    ejsval buffer = _ejs_arraybuffer_new (size);

    EJSTypedArray *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSTypedArray);

    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_typed_array_protos[element_type], _ejs_typed_array_specops[element_type]);

    rv->buffer = buffer;
    rv->element_type = element_type;
    rv->length = length;
    rv->byteOffset = 0;
    rv->byteLength = size;

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 20
_ejs_function_new (ejsval env, ejsval name, EJSClosureFunc func)
    EJSFunction *rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSFunction);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_Function__proto__, &_ejs_Function_specops);

    rv->func = func;
    rv->env = env;

    ejsval fun = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);

    // ECMA262:
    ejsval fun_proto = _ejs_object_new (_ejs_Object_prototype, &_ejs_Object_specops);
    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun, _ejs_atom_prototype, fun_proto, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_WRITABLE);

    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun_proto, _ejs_atom_constructor, fun, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_WRITABLE);
    _ejs_object_define_value_property (fun, _ejs_atom_name, name, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_WRITABLE);
    return fun;
Esempio n. 21
_ejs_generator_new (ejsval generator_body)
    EJSGenerator* rv = _ejs_gc_new(EJSGenerator);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)rv, _ejs_Generator_prototype, &_ejs_Generator_specops);

    rv->body = generator_body;
    rv->started = EJS_FALSE;
    rv->yielded_value = _ejs_undefined;
    rv->sent_value = _ejs_undefined;

    rv->stack = malloc(GENERATOR_STACK_SIZE);
    rv->generator_context.uc_stack.ss_sp = rv->stack;
    rv->generator_context.uc_stack.ss_size = GENERATOR_STACK_SIZE;
    rv->generator_context.uc_link = &rv->caller_context;
    makecontext(&rv->generator_context, (void(*)(void))_ejs_generator_start, 1, rv);
    memset(&rv->caller_context, 0, sizeof(rv->caller_context));

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(rv);
Esempio n. 22
_ejs_arguments_new (int numElements, ejsval* args)
    size_t value_size = sizeof(EJSArguments) + numElements * sizeof(ejsval);
    EJSBool ool_buffer = EJS_FALSE;

    if (value_size > 2048) {
        value_size = sizeof(EJSArguments);
        ool_buffer = EJS_TRUE;

    EJSArguments* arguments = _ejs_gc_new_obj(EJSArguments, value_size);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)arguments, _ejs_Arguments__proto__, &_ejs_Arguments_specops);

    ejsval O = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL((EJSObject*)arguments);

    // 7. Perform DefinePropertyOrThrow(obj, @@iterator, PropertyDescriptor {[[Value]]:%ArrayProto_values%, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true})
    ejsval _values = _ejs_function_new_native (_ejs_null, _ejs_atom_values, _ejs_Array_prototype_values);
    _ejs_object_define_value_property (O, _ejs_Symbol_iterator, _values, EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_WRITABLE | EJS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE);

    ejsval thrower = _ejs_function_new_native (_ejs_null, _ejs_undefined, ThrowTypeError);

    // 8. Perform DefinePropertyOrThrow(obj, "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: %ThrowTypeError%, [[Set]]: %ThrowTypeError%, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).
    _ejs_object_define_accessor_property(O, _ejs_atom_caller, thrower, thrower, EJS_PROP_FLAGS_GETTER_SET | EJS_PROP_FLAGS_SETTER_SET | EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE);

    // 9. Perform DefinePropertyOrThrow(obj, "callee", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: %ThrowTypeError%, [[Set]]: %ThrowTypeError%, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).
    _ejs_object_define_accessor_property(O, _ejs_atom_callee, thrower, thrower, EJS_PROP_FLAGS_GETTER_SET | EJS_PROP_FLAGS_SETTER_SET | EJS_PROP_NOT_ENUMERABLE | EJS_PROP_NOT_CONFIGURABLE);

    arguments->argc = numElements;
    if (ool_buffer) {
        arguments->args = (ejsval*)calloc(numElements, sizeof (ejsval));
    else {
        arguments->args = (ejsval*)((char*)arguments + sizeof(EJSArguments));
    memmove (arguments->args, args, sizeof(ejsval) * numElements);
    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(arguments);
Esempio n. 23
static ejsval
_ejs_Function_prototype_create(ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval* args)
    ejsval F = _this;

        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "'this' in Function.prototype[Symbol.create] is not a constructor");
    EJSObject* F_ = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(F);

    ejsval proto = OP(F_,Get)(F, _ejs_atom_prototype, F);
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(proto)) {
        proto = _ejs_Function_prototype;

    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(proto)) {
        EJS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); // cross-realm doesn't exist in ejs yet

    EJSObject* obj = (EJSObject*)_ejs_gc_new (EJSObject);
    _ejs_init_object (obj, proto, &_ejs_Object_specops);
    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(obj);
Esempio n. 24
static ejsval
_ejs_RegExp_create (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    // 1. Let F be the this value. 
    ejsval F = _this;

        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "'this' in RegExp[Symbol.create] is not a constructor");

    EJSObject* F_ = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(F);

    // 2. Let obj be the result of calling OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, "%RegExpPrototype%", ( [[RegExpMatcher]], [[OriginalSource]], [[OriginalFlags]])). 
    ejsval proto = OP(F_,Get)(F, _ejs_atom_prototype, F);
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(proto))
        proto = _ejs_RegExp_prototype;

    EJSRegExp* re = (EJSRegExp*)_ejs_gc_new (EJSRegExp);
    _ejs_init_object ((EJSObject*)re, proto, &_ejs_RegExp_specops);
    re->pattern = _ejs_undefined;
    re->flags = _ejs_undefined;

    return OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL((EJSObject*)re);
Esempio n. 25
// ES6: Set ( [ iterable ] )
static ejsval
_ejs_Set_impl (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    // 1. Let set be the this value. 
    ejsval set = _this;

    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(set)) {
        EJSObject* obj = (EJSObject*)_ejs_gc_new(EJSSet);
        _ejs_init_object (obj, _ejs_Set_prototype, &_ejs_Set_specops);
        set = OBJECT_TO_EJSVAL(obj);

    // 2. If Type(set) is not Object then, throw a TypeError exception. 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(set))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set constructor called with non-object this.");

    // 3. If set does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, then throw a TypeError exception. 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_SET(set))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set constructor called with non-Set this.");

    EJSSet* _set = EJSVAL_TO_SET(set);

    // 4. If set’s [[SetData]] internal slot is not undefined, then throw a TypeError exception.
    if (_set->head_insert)
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set constructor called with an already initialized Set");

    // 5. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined. 
    ejsval iterable = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0)
        iterable = args[0];
    ejsval iter = _ejs_undefined;
    ejsval adder = _ejs_undefined;

    // 6. If iterable is either undefined or null, then let iter be undefined.
    // 7. Else, 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(iterable) && !EJSVAL_IS_NULL(iterable)) {
        //    a. Let iter be the result of GetIterator(iterable). 
        //    b. ReturnIfAbrupt(iter). 
        iter = GetIterator (iterable, _ejs_undefined);
        //    c. Let adder be the result of Get(set, "add").
        //    d. ReturnIfAbrupt(adder). 
        adder = Get (set, _ejs_atom_add);
        //    e. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError Exception.
        if (!EJSVAL_IS_CALLABLE(adder))
            _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set.prototype.add is not a function");
    // 8. If the value of sets’s [[SetData]] internal slot is not undefined, then throw a TypeError exception. 
    // 9. Assert: set has not been reentrantly initialized. 
    // 10. Set set’s [[SetData]] internal slot to a new empty List.

    // 11. If iter is undefined, then return set. 
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(iter))
        return set;

    // 12. Repeat 
    for (;;) {
        //    a. Let next be the result of IteratorStep(iter).
        //    b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
        ejsval next = IteratorStep (iter);

        //    c. If next is false, then return set.
        if (!EJSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(next))
            return set;

        //    d. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(next).
        //    e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextValue).
        ejsval nextValue = IteratorValue (next);

        //    f. Let status be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of adder with set as thisArgument
        //       and a List whose sole element is nextValue as argumentsList.
        //    g. ReturnIfAbrupt(status).
        _ejs_invoke_closure (adder, set, 1, &nextValue);

    return set;