gboolean update_rawx_conf(apr_pool_t* p, rawx_conf_t **rawx_conf, const gchar* ns_name) { rawx_conf_t* new_conf = NULL; namespace_info_t* ns_info; GError *local_error = NULL; ns_info = get_namespace_info(ns_name, &local_error); if (!ns_info) return FALSE; new_conf = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(rawx_conf_t)); char * stgpol = NULL; stgpol = namespace_storage_policy(ns_info, ns_info->name); if(NULL != stgpol) { new_conf->sp = storage_policy_init(ns_info, stgpol); } new_conf->ni = ns_info; new_conf->acl = _get_acl(p, ns_info); new_conf->last_update = time(0); *rawx_conf = new_conf; return TRUE; }
static const char * dav_rainx_cmd_gridconfig_namespace(cmd_parms *cmd, void *config, const char *arg1) { dav_rainx_server_conf *conf; (void) config; DAV_XDEBUG_POOL(cmd->pool, 0, "%s()", __FUNCTION__); conf = ap_get_module_config(cmd->server->module_config, &dav_rainx_module); memset(conf->ns_name, 0x00, sizeof(conf->ns_name)); apr_cpystrn(conf->ns_name, arg1, sizeof(conf->ns_name)); DAV_DEBUG_POOL(cmd->pool, 0, "NS=[%s]", conf->ns_name); /* Prepare COMPRESSION / ACL CONF when we get ns name */ namespace_info_t* ns_info; GError *local_error = NULL; ns_info = get_namespace_info(conf->ns_name, &local_error); if (!ns_info) { DAV_DEBUG_POOL(cmd->temp_pool, 0, "Failed to get namespace info from ns [%s]", conf->ns_name); return apr_pstrcat(cmd->temp_pool, "Failed to get namespace info from ns: ", conf->ns_name, " ", local_error->message, NULL); } if (!conf->rainx_conf_lock) { apr_thread_mutex_create(&(conf->rainx_conf_lock), APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, conf->pool); } apr_thread_mutex_lock(conf->rainx_conf_lock); conf->rainx_conf = apr_palloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(rawx_conf_t)); char * stgpol = NULL; stgpol = namespace_storage_policy(ns_info, ns_info->name); if(NULL != stgpol) { conf->rainx_conf->sp = storage_policy_init(ns_info, stgpol); } else { conf->rainx_conf->sp = NULL; } conf->rainx_conf->ni = ns_info; conf->rainx_conf->acl = _get_acl(cmd->pool, ns_info); conf->rainx_conf->last_update = time(0); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(conf->rainx_conf_lock); if(local_error) g_clear_error(&local_error); return NULL; }