int PAPI_ipc(float *rtime, float *ptime, long long * ins, float *ipc)
   HighLevelInfo *state = NULL;
   int retval;

   if ((retval = _internal_check_state(&state)) != PAPI_OK)
      return (retval);

Esempio n. 2
/** @class PAPI_ipc
  *	@brief Simplified call to get instructions per cycle, real and processor time.
  *	@par C Interface:
  *	\#include <papi.h> @n
  *	int PAPI_ipc( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ins, float *ipc );
  * @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first call
  *	@param *ins
  *		total instructions since the first call
  *	@param *ipc
  *		incremental instructions per cycle since the last call
  *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL
  *		The counters were already started by something other than PAPI_ipc().
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT
  *		The floating point operations event does not exist.
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM
  *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation.
  * The first call to PAPI_ipc() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface,
  * set up the counters to monitor PAPI_TOT_INS and PAPI_TOT_CYC events
  * and start the counters.
  * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time,
  * total process time, total instructions since the start of the
  * measurement and the IPC rate since the latest call to PAPI_ipc().
  * A call to PAPI_stop_counters() will stop the counters from running and then
  * calls such as PAPI_start_counters() or other rate calls can safely be used.
  * PAPI_ipc should return a ratio greater than 1.0, indicating instruction level
  * parallelism within the chip. The larger this ratio the more effeciently the program
  * is running.
  * @see PAPI_flips()
  * @see PAPI_flops()
  * @see PAPI_epc()
  * @see PAPI_stop_counters()
PAPI_ipc( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ins, float *ipc )
    long long values[2] = { 0, 0 };
    int events[2] = {PAPI_TOT_INS, PAPI_TOT_CYC};
    int retval = 0;

    if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || ins == NULL || ipc == NULL )
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    retval = _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, events, values, ins, ipc, HL_IPC );
    return ( retval );
Esempio n. 3
/** @class PAPI_flops
  *	@brief Simplified call to get Mflops/s (floating point operation rate), real and processor time.
  *	@par C Interface:
  *	\#include <papi.h> @n
  *	int PAPI_flops( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpops, float *mflops );
  * @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first call
  *	@param *flpops
  *		total floating point operations since the first call
  *	@param *mflops
  *		incremental (Mega) floating point operations per seconds since the last call
  *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL
  *		The counters were already started by something other than PAPI_flops().
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT
  *		The floating point operations event does not exist.
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM
  *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation.
  * The first call to PAPI_flops() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface,
  * set up the counters to monitor the PAPI_FP_OPS event and start the counters.
  * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time,
  * total process time, total floating point operations since the start of the
  * measurement and the Mflop/s rate since latest call to PAPI_flops().
  * A call to PAPI_stop_counters() will stop the counters from running and then
  * calls such as PAPI_start_counters() or other rate calls can safely be used.
  * PAPI_flops returns information related to theoretical floating point operations
  * rather than simple instructions. It uses the PAPI_FP_OPS event which attempts to
  * 'correctly' account for, e.g., FMA undercounts and FP Store overcounts, etc.
  * @see PAPI_flips()
  * @see PAPI_ipc()
  * @see PAPI_epc()
  * @see PAPI_stop_counters()
PAPI_flops( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpops, float *mflops )
    int retval;
    int events = PAPI_FP_OPS;
    long long values = 0;

    if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || flpops == NULL || mflops == NULL )
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    retval = _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, &events, &values, flpops, mflops, HL_FLOP );
    return ( retval );
Esempio n. 4
/** @class PAPI_flips
  *	@brief Simplified call to get Mflips/s (floating point instruction rate), real and processor time. 
  *	@par C Interface: 
  *	\#include <papi.h> @n
  *	int PAPI_flips( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpins, float *mflips );
  * @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first call
  *	@param *flpins
  *		total floating point instructions since the first call
  *	@param *mflips
  *		incremental (Mega) floating point instructions per seconds since the last call
  *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL 
  *		The counters were already started by something other than PAPI_flips().
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT 
  *		The floating point instructions event does not exist.
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM 
  *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation. 
  * The first call to PAPI_flips() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface, 
  * set up the counters to monitor the PAPI_FP_INS event and start the counters.
  * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time, 
  * total process time, total floating point instructions since the start of the 
  * measurement and the Mflip/s rate since latest call to PAPI_flips(). 
  * A call to PAPI_stop_counters() will stop the counters from running and then 
  * calls such as PAPI_start_counters() or other rate calls can safely be used. 
  * PAPI_flips returns information related to floating point instructions using 
  * the PAPI_FP_INS event. This is intended to measure instruction rate through the 
  * floating point pipe with no massaging.
  * @see PAPI_flops()
  * @see PAPI_ipc()
  * @see PAPI_epc()
  * @see PAPI_stop_counters()
PAPI_flips( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpins, float *mflips )
	int retval;
   int events[1] = {PAPI_FP_INS};
	long long values = 0;

	if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || flpins == NULL || mflips == NULL )
		return PAPI_EINVAL;

   retval = _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, events, &values, flpins, mflips, HL_FLIP );
	return ( retval );
int PAPI_flops(float *rtime, float *ptime, long long * flpops, float *mflops)
   HighLevelInfo *state = NULL;
   int retval;

   if ((retval = _internal_check_state(&state)) != PAPI_OK)
      return (retval);

   if ((retval =
        _hl_rate_calls(rtime, ptime, flpops, mflops, PAPI_FP_OPS, state)) != PAPI_OK)
      return (retval);

   return (PAPI_OK);
Esempio n. 6
/** @class PAPI_ipc
 *	@brief Get instructions per cycle, real and processor time.
 *	@par C Interface:
 *	\#include <papi.h> @n
 *	int PAPI_ipc( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ins, float *ipc );
 *	@param *rtime
 *		total realtime since the first PAPI_flops() call
 *	@param *ptime
 *		total process time since the first PAPI_flops() call
 *	@param *ins
 *		total instructions since the first call
 *	@param *ipc
 *		instructions per cycle achieved since the previous call
 *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL 
 *		The counters were already started by something other than: PAPI_ipc()
 *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT 
 *		The total instructions or total cycles event does not exist.
 *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM 
 *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation. 
 * The first call to PAPI_ipc() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface,
 * set up the counters to monitor PAPI_TOT_INS and PAPI_TOT_CYC events 
 * and start the counters. 
 * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time, 
 * total process time, total instructions since the start of the measurement 
 * and the instructions per cycle rate since latest call to PAPI_ipc(). 
 * A call to PAPI_stop_counters()  will stop the counters from running and then 
 * calls such as PAPI_start_counters()  can safely be used. 
 * @see PAPI_flops() PAPI_stop_counters() PAPI_set_opt() PAPI_flips()
PAPI_ipc( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ins, float *ipc )
	if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || ins == NULL || ipc == NULL )
		return PAPI_EINVAL;

	HighLevelInfo *state = NULL;
	int retval;

	if ( ( retval = _internal_check_state( &state ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		return ( retval );

	return _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, ins, ipc,
						   ( unsigned int ) PAPI_TOT_INS, state );
Esempio n. 7
/** @class PAPI_flops
  *	@brief Simplified call to get Mflops/s (floating point instruction rate), real and processor time. 
  *	@par C Interface: 
  *	\#include <papi.h> @n
  *	int PAPI_flops( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpops, float *mflops );
  *     @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first PAPI_flops() call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first PAPI_flops() call
  *	@param *flpins
  *		total floating point instructions since the first call
  *     @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first PAPI_flops() call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first PAPI_flops() call
  *	@param *flpops
  *		total floating point instructions since the first call
  *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL 
  *		The counters were already started by something other than: PAPI_flips() or PAPI_flops().
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT 
  *		The floating point operations, floating point instructions or total cycles 
  *		event does not exist.
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM 
  *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation. 
  * The first call to PAPI_flops() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface, 
  * set up the counters to monitor PAPI_FP_OPS and PAPI_TOT_CYC events 
  * and start the counters. 
  * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time, 
  * total process time, total floating point instructions since the start of the 
  * measurement and the Mflop/s rate since latest call to PAPI_flops(). 
  * A call to PAPI_stop_counters()  will stop the counters from running and then 
  * calls such as PAPI_start_counters()  can safely be used. 
  * @internal
  * The next three calls all use _hl_rate_calls() to return an instruction rate value.
  * PAPI_flops returns information related to floating point instructions using 
  * the PAPI_FP_INS event. This is intended to measure instruction rate through the 
  * floating point pipe with no massaging.
  * PAPI_flops return information related to theoretical floating point operations
  * rather than simple instructions. It uses the PAPI_FP_OPS event which attempts to 
  * 'correctly' account for, e.g., FMA undercounts and FP Store overcounts, etc.
  * @see PAPI_stop_counters() PAPI_ipc() PAPI_set_opt()
PAPI_flops( float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *flpops, float *mflops )
	if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || flpops == NULL || mflops == NULL )
		return PAPI_EINVAL;

	HighLevelInfo *state = NULL;
	int retval;

	if ( ( retval = _internal_check_state( &state ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		return ( retval );

	if ( ( retval =
		   _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, flpops, mflops,
						   ( unsigned int ) PAPI_FP_OPS, state ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		return ( retval );

	return ( PAPI_OK );
Esempio n. 8
/** @class PAPI_epc
  *	@brief Simplified call to get arbitrary events per cycle, real and processor time.
  *	@par C Interface:
  *	\#include <papi.h> @n
  *	int PAPI_epc( int event, float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ref, long long *core, long long *evt, float *epc );
  * @param event
  *		event code to be measured (0 defaults to PAPI_TOT_INS)
  * @param *rtime
  *		total realtime since the first call
  *	@param *ptime
  *		total process time since the first call
  *	@param *ref
  *		incremental reference clock cycles since the last call
  *	@param *core
  *		incremental core clock cycles since the last call
  *	@param *evt
  *		total events since the first call
  *	@param *epc
  *		incremental events per cycle since the last call
  *	@retval PAPI_EINVAL
  *		The counters were already started by something other than PAPI_epc().
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOEVNT
  *		One of the requested events does not exist.
  *	@retval PAPI_ENOMEM
  *		Insufficient memory to complete the operation.
  * The first call to PAPI_epc() will initialize the PAPI High Level interface,
  * set up the counters to monitor the user specified event, PAPI_TOT_CYC,
  * and PAPI_REF_CYC (if it exists) and start the counters.
  * Subsequent calls will read the counters and return total real time,
  * total process time, total event counts since the start of the
  * measurement and the core and reference cycle count and EPC rate since the
  * latest call to PAPI_epc().

  * A call to PAPI_stop_counters() will stop the counters from running and then
  * calls such as PAPI_start_counters() or other rate calls can safely be used.
  * PAPI_epc can provide a more detailed look at algorithm efficiency in light of clock
  * variability in modern cpus. MFLOPS is no longer an adequate description of peak
  * performance if clock rates can arbitrarily speed up or slow down. By allowing a
  * user specified event and reporting reference cycles, core cycles and real time,
  * PAPI_epc provides the information to compute an accurate effective clock rate, and
  * an accurate measure of computational throughput.
  * @see PAPI_flips()
  * @see PAPI_flops()
  * @see PAPI_ipc()
  * @see PAPI_stop_counters()
PAPI_epc( int event, float *rtime, float *ptime, long long *ref, long long *core, long long *evt, float *epc )
    long long values[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    int events[3] = {PAPI_TOT_INS, PAPI_TOT_CYC, PAPI_REF_CYC};
    int retval = 0;

    if ( rtime == NULL || ptime == NULL || ref == NULL ||core == NULL || evt == NULL || epc == NULL )
        return PAPI_EINVAL;

    // if an event is provided, use it; otherwise use TOT_INS
    if (event != 0 ) events[0] = event;

    if ( PAPI_query_event( ( int ) PAPI_REF_CYC ) != PAPI_OK )
        events[2] = 0;

    retval = _hl_rate_calls( rtime, ptime, events, values, evt, epc, HL_EPC );
    *core = values[1];
    *ref = values[2];
    return ( retval );