static BOOL WriteDIB( /************************************************************************/ LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpInfo, LPSTR lpImageFile) { DWORD lCount; WORD wCount; HPTR lpClipPtr; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmhdr; int ofh; bmhdr.bfType = 0x4D42; bmhdr.bfReserved1 = 0; bmhdr.bfReserved2 = 0; bmhdr.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); if (lpInfo->biBitCount == 8) bmhdr.bfOffBits += ( 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ); else if (lpInfo->biBitCount == 4) bmhdr.bfOffBits += ( 16 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ); else if (lpInfo->biBitCount == 1) bmhdr.bfOffBits += ( 2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ); lCount = bmhdr.bfOffBits + lpInfo->biSizeImage; bmhdr.bfSize = lCount/2; // write the winclip.bmp file if ( (ofh = _lcreat( lpImageFile, 0 )) < 0 ) { Message (IDS_EOPEN, lpImageFile); return(FALSE); } if ( _lwrite( ofh, (LPSTR)&bmhdr, 14 ) != 14 ) { Message (IDS_EWRITE, lpImageFile); _lclose(ofh); return(FALSE); } lCount -= 14; lpClipPtr = (HPTR)lpInfo; while( lCount > 0L ) { wCount = ( ( lCount > 65535L ) ? 65535 : lCount ); if ( _lwrite( ofh, (LPSTR)lpClipPtr, wCount ) != wCount ) { Message( IDS_EWRITE, lpImageFile ); _lclose(ofh); return(FALSE); } lpClipPtr += wCount; lCount -= wCount; } _lclose(ofh); return(TRUE); }
void WriteResults(HFILE hFile) { char szT[80]; OSVERSIONINFO Win32VersionInformation; MEMORYSTATUS MemoryStatus; int i; char *pszOSName; /* * Write out the build information and current date. */ Win32VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Win32VersionInformation); if (GetVersionEx(&Win32VersionInformation)) { switch (Win32VersionInformation.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: pszOSName = "WIN32S"; break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: pszOSName = "Windows 95"; break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: pszOSName = "Windows NT"; break; default: pszOSName = "Windows ???"; break; } wsprintf(szT, "%s Version %d.%d Build %d ", pszOSName, Win32VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion, Win32VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion, Win32VersionInformation.dwBuildNumber); _lwrite(hFile, szT, lstrlen(szT)); MemoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus(&MemoryStatus); wsprintf(szT, "Physical Memory = %dKB\n", MemoryStatus.dwTotalPhys/1024); _lwrite(hFile, szT, lstrlen(szT)); } lstrcpy(szT, "Function\tTime Per Iteration (microseconds)\r\n\r\n"); _lwrite(hFile, szT, lstrlen(szT)); for (i = 0; i < gcbmi; i++) { wsprintf(szT, "%s\t%ld\r\n", (LPSTR)gabmi[i].pszBenchTitle, gabmi[i].usPerIteration); _lwrite(hFile, szT, lstrlen(szT)); } }
void dbgv( /***********************************************************************/ LPSTR lpFormat, LPTR lpArguments) { char szBuffer[512]; static int hFile, debug; static BOOL bReopen; if ( !debug ) // First time in... debug = GetDefaultInt( "debug", -1 ); if ( debug <= 0 ) return; if ( lpFormat ) { if ( !hFile ) { lstrcpy( szBuffer, Control.ProgHome ); lstrcat( szBuffer, "DEBUG.TXT" ); if ( bReopen ) { if ( (hFile = _lopen( szBuffer, OF_WRITE )) < 0 ) hFile = 0; else _llseek( hFile, 0L, 2 ); } else { if ( (hFile = _lcreat( szBuffer, 0 )) < 0 ) hFile = 0; } } if ( hFile ) { wvsprintf( szBuffer, lpFormat, (LPSTR)lpArguments ); lstrcat(szBuffer, "\r\n"); _lwrite( hFile, szBuffer, lstrlen(szBuffer) ); if (debug > 1) OutputDebugString(szBuffer); } } else if ( hFile ) { lstrcpy( szBuffer, "---------- CLOSED ----------\r\n" ); _lwrite( hFile, szBuffer, lstrlen(szBuffer) ); _lclose( hFile ); bReopen = YES; hFile = 0; } }
//************************************************************************ BOOL CDib::WriteFile( LPCSTR lpFileName ) //************************************************************************ { BITMAPFILEHEADER hdr; HFILE fh; OFSTRUCT of; DWORD dwSize, dwDibSize; if ( (fh = OpenFile( lpFileName, &of, OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE )) < 0 ) return FALSE; dwSize = GetSizeImage(); dwDibSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); hdr.bfType = BFT_BITMAP; hdr.bfSize = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + dwDibSize + dwSize; hdr.bfReserved1 = 0; hdr.bfReserved2 = 0; hdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + dwDibSize; _lwrite( fh, (LPCSTR)(LPVOID)&hdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) ); _hwrite( fh, (LPCSTR)(LPVOID)&m_bmiHeader, sizeof(m_bmiHeader) ); _hwrite( fh, (LPCSTR)(LPVOID)&m_rgbQuad, sizeof(m_rgbQuad) ); _hwrite( fh, (LPCSTR)(LPVOID)m_lp, dwSize ); _lclose( fh ); return TRUE; }
int ZRead1Byte(PFileVar fv, PZVar zv, PComVar cv, LPBYTE b) { char *s; if (CommRead1Byte(cv, b) == 0) return 0; if (fv->LogFlag) { if (fv->LogState == 0) { // 残りのASCII表示を行う fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 1; FTLog1Byte(fv, 0); fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 0; show_sendbuf(fv); fv->LogState = 1; fv->LogCount = 0; s = "\015\012<<< Received\015\012"; _lwrite(fv->LogFile, s, strlen(s)); } FTLog1Byte(fv, *b); } /* ignore 0x11, 0x13, 0x81 and 0x83 */ if (((*b & 0x7F) == 0x11) || ((*b & 0x7F) == 0x13)) return 0; return 1; }
int ZWrite(PFileVar fv, PZVar zv, PComVar cv, PCHAR B, int C) { int i, j; char *s; i = CommBinaryOut(cv, B, C); if (fv->LogFlag && (i > 0)) { if (fv->LogState != 0) { // 残りのASCII表示を行う fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 1; FTLog1Byte(fv, 0); fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 0; show_recvbuf(fv); fv->LogState = 0; fv->LogCount = 0; s = "\015\012Sending >>>\015\012"; _lwrite(fv->LogFile, s, strlen(s)); } for (j = 0; j <= i - 1; j++) FTLog1Byte(fv, B[j]); } return i; }
void sLogMessage(char msg[]) { #ifdef LOG_ENABLED #ifdef WIN32 HFILE file; OFSTRUCT of; if (OpenFile("mm_sfwcam.log",&of,OF_EXIST)==HFILE_ERROR) file = OpenFile("mm_sfwcam.log",&of,OF_CREATE|OF_WRITE); else file = OpenFile("mm_sfwcam.log",&of,OF_WRITE); _llseek(file,0,FILE_END); _lwrite(file,msg,lstrlen(msg)); _lclose(file); #else FILE *fp; fp = fopen("mm_sfwcam.log", "a+"); if (fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", msg); fclose(fp); } #endif #endif return; }
void TelWriteLog(PCHAR Buf, int C) { int i; _lwrite(tr.LogFile,"\015\012>",3); for (i = 0 ; i<= C-1 ; i++) TelWriteLog1(Buf[i]); }
static void show_sendbuf(PFileVar fv) { char *s; s = sendbuf; strncat_s(sendbuf, sizeof(sendbuf), "\015\012", _TRUNCATE); _lwrite(fv->LogFile, s, strlen(s)); memset(sendbuf, 0, sizeof(sendbuf)); }
BOOL My__lwrite() { HFILE hFile=NULL; LPCSTR lpBuffer=NULL; UINT uBytes=NULL; UINT returnVal_Real = NULL; UINT returnVal_Intercepted = NULL; DWORD error_Real = 0; DWORD error_Intercepted = 0; __try{ disableInterception(); returnVal_Real = _lwrite (hFile,lpBuffer,uBytes); error_Real = GetLastError(); enableInterception(); returnVal_Intercepted = _lwrite (hFile,lpBuffer,uBytes); error_Intercepted = GetLastError(); }__except(puts("in filter"), 1){puts("exception caught");} return ((returnVal_Real == returnVal_Intercepted) && (error_Real == error_Intercepted)); }
BOOL NEAR Flush(LPSTR FileName) { int written; written = _lwrite (hFileDoc, pszBufferDoc, dwOffsetDoc); if (written == -1) return ErrorBox(ERR_File_Write, (LPSTR)FileName);; if (written < dwOffsetDoc) return ErrorBox(ERR_File_Disk_Full, (LPSTR)FileName); return TRUE; } /* Flush() */
BOOL CopyFile1( /************************************************************************/ LPSTR lpInFile, LPSTR lpOutFile, BOOL bClock, BOOL bEscapable) { int i, ifp, ofp; char Buffer[2048]; int nTotal, nCount; nTotal = FileSize(lpInFile) / 2048; lstrcpy( Buffer, lpInFile ); if ((ifp = _lopen( Buffer, OF_READ )) < 0) return( FALSE ); lstrcpy( Buffer, lpOutFile ); if ((ofp = _lcreat( Buffer, 0 )) < 0) { _lclose( ifp ); return( FALSE ); } i = sizeof(Buffer); nCount = 0; while( 1 ) { if (bClock) { if (AstralClockCursor(nCount, nTotal, bEscapable)) { _lclose( ifp ); _lclose( ofp ); lstrcpy( Buffer, lpOutFile ); unlink(Buffer); return( FALSE ); } } if ( (i = _lread(ifp, Buffer, i)) <= 0 ) { _lclose( ifp ); _lclose( ofp ); return( i == 0 ); } if ( _lwrite(ofp, Buffer, i) != i ) { _lclose( ifp ); _lclose( ofp ); lstrcpy( Buffer, lpOutFile ); unlink(Buffer); return( FALSE ); } ++nCount; } }
BOOL WriteDIB ( LPSTR szFile, HANDLE hdib) { BITMAPFILEHEADER hdr; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; HFILE fh; OFSTRUCT of; if (!hdib) return FALSE; fh = OpenFile(szFile, &of, (UINT)OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE); if (fh == -1) return FALSE; lpbi = (VOID FAR *)GlobalLock (hdib); /* Fill in the fields of the file header */ hdr.bfType = BFT_BITMAP; hdr.bfSize = GlobalSize (hdib) + SIZEOF_BITMAPFILEHEADER_PACKED; hdr.bfReserved1 = 0; hdr.bfReserved2 = 0; hdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD) (SIZEOF_BITMAPFILEHEADER_PACKED + lpbi->biSize + PaletteSize(lpbi)); /* Write the file header */ /* write bfType*/ _lwrite(fh, (LPSTR)&hdr.bfType, (UINT)sizeof (WORD)); /* now pass over extra word, and only write next 3 DWORDS!*/ _lwrite(fh, (LPSTR)&hdr.bfSize, sizeof(DWORD) * 3); /* this struct already DWORD aligned!*/ /* Write the DIB header and the bits */ _lwrite (fh, (LPSTR)lpbi, GlobalSize (hdib)); GlobalUnlock (hdib); _lclose(fh); return TRUE; }
DWORD PASCAL CJpegFile::MyWrite(int iFileHandle, VOID FAR *lpBuffer, DWORD dwBytes) { DWORD dwBytesTmp = dwBytes; // Save # of bytes for return value BYTE *hpBuffer = (BYTE *)lpBuffer; // make a huge pointer to the data /* * Write out the data in 32767 byte chunks. */ while (dwBytes > 32767) { if (_lwrite(iFileHandle, (LPSTR)hpBuffer, (WORD)32767) != 32767) return 0; dwBytes -= 32767; hpBuffer += 32767; } /* Write out the last chunk (which is < 32767 bytes) */ if (_lwrite(iFileHandle, (LPSTR)hpBuffer, (WORD)dwBytes) != (WORD)dwBytes) return 0; return dwBytesTmp; }
UINT DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiWrite( IN int Handle, IN PVOID pv, IN UINT ByteCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to write to a file. Arguments: Handle - supplies handle to open file to be written to. pv - supplies pointer to buffer containing bytes to write. ByteCount - supplies number of bytes to write. Return Value: Number of bytes written (ByteCount) or -1 if an error occurs. --*/ { UINT rc; rc = _lwrite((HFILE)Handle,pv,ByteCount); if(rc == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) ? LZERROR_WRITE : LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE; } else { if(rc != ByteCount) { // // let caller interpret return value but record last error just in case // DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_WRITE; } } return(rc); }
void EXPORT KppLogSendMessage(ATOMID idMethod, ATOMID idObj, BOOL bExit) { WORD wLen = sprintf(return_buffer, "%4d : ", wLogCount++); wLen += KppGetAtomName(idMethod, return_buffer + wLen, RET_BUFFER_LEN - wLen); strcpy(return_buffer + wLen, "->"); wLen += 2; wLen += KppGetAtomName(idObj, return_buffer + wLen, RET_BUFFER_LEN - wLen); strcpy(return_buffer + wLen, bExit ? " )" : " ("); strcpy(return_buffer + wLen + 3, "\r\n"); _lwrite(hLogFile, return_buffer, wLen + 5); }
/*------------------------------------------- save log data ---------------------------------------------*/ void Log(const char* msg) { SYSTEMTIME st; char s[160]; int count, index; GetLocalTime(&st); wsprintf(s, "%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ", st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); strcat(s, msg); // save to listbox count = SendMessage(hwndSNTPLog, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if(count > 100) SendMessage(hwndSNTPLog, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0); index = SendMessage(hwndSNTPLog, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendMessage(hwndSNTPLog, LB_SETCURSEL, index, 0); // save to file if(GetMyRegLong("SNTP", "SaveLog", TRUE)) { HFILE hf; char fname[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(fname, g_mydir); add_title(fname, "SNTP.txt"); hf = _lopen(fname, OF_WRITE); if(hf == HFILE_ERROR) hf = _lcreat(fname, 0); if(hf == HFILE_ERROR) return; _llseek(hf, 0, 2); _lwrite(hf, s, strlen(s)); _lwrite(hf, "\x0d\x0a", 2); _lclose(hf); } }
/******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * VcdPlyerCaptureImage * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL VcdPlyerCaptureImage( LPCSTR szFile ) { if(pMpegMovie) { BYTE* lpCurrImage = NULL; if(pMpegMovie->GetCurrentImage(&lpCurrImage) == S_OK) { BITMAPFILEHEADER hdr; HFILE fh; OFSTRUCT of; DWORD dwSize; PDIB pdib = (PDIB)lpCurrImage; fh = OpenFile(szFile,&of,OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE); if(fh == -1) return FALSE; dwSize = DibSize(pdib); hdr.bfType = BFT_BITMAP; hdr.bfSize = dwSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); hdr.bfReserved1 = 0; hdr.bfReserved2 = 0; hdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + pdib->biSize + DibPaletteSize(pdib); _lwrite(fh,(LPCSTR)(LPVOID)&hdr,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); _hwrite(fh,(LPCSTR)(LPVOID)pdib,dwSize); _lclose(fh); CoTaskMemFree(lpCurrImage); TCHAR szText[128], szDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szDir); wsprintf(szText, TEXT("Captured current image to %s\\%s."), szDir, szFile); MessageBox(hwndApp, szText, TEXT("Captured bitmap"), MB_OK); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
int FileWrite ( LPFILEBUF ofd, /* control block */ LPTR buf, /* buffer containing data */ int len) /* number of bytes to write */ { int i; /* null write? */ if (len == 0) return (0); /* no write if error condition set */ if (ofd->err) return (-1); /* will all data will fit in buffer? */ if (ofd->offset + len < ofd->bsiz) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ofd->buf [ofd->offset++] = *buf++; return (len); } /* all data won't fit, flush the buffer */ if (FileFlush (ofd) == -1) return (-1); /* will all data now will fit in buffer? */ if (ofd->offset + len < ofd->bsiz) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ofd->buf [ofd->offset++] = *buf++; return (len); } /* just write the data directly from the callers buffer */ if (_lwrite (ofd->fh, (LPSTR)buf, len) != len) { ofd->err = -1; return (-1); } /* set byte offset for first byte in buffer */ ofd->pos = _llseek (ofd->fh, 0L, 1); return (len); }
int XRead1Byte(PFileVar fv, PXVar xv, PComVar cv, LPBYTE b) { if (CommRead1Byte(cv, b) == 0) return 0; if (fv->LogFlag) { if (fv->LogState == 0) { // 残りのASCII表示を行う fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 1; FTLog1Byte(fv, 0); fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 0; fv->LogState = 1; fv->LogCount = 0; _lwrite(fv->LogFile, "\015\012<<<\015\012", 7); } FTLog1Byte(fv, *b); } return 1; }
int FileFlush (LPFILEBUF ofd) { /* just report an error, if one has happened */ if (ofd->err) return (-1); /* if mode is write, write any data in buffer */ if (ofd->mode) { if (ofd->offset) { if (_lwrite (ofd->fh, (LPSTR)ofd->buf, ofd->offset) != ofd->offset) ofd->err = -1; } } /* set byte offset for first byte in buffer */ ofd->pos += ofd->offset; /* set next location in buffer to use */ ofd->offset = 0; return (ofd->err); }
void TelWriteLog1(BYTE b) { BYTE Temp[3]; BYTE Ch; Temp[0] = 0x20; Ch = b / 16; if (Ch <= 9) Ch = Ch + 0x30; else Ch = Ch + 0x37; Temp[1] = Ch; Ch = b & 15; if (Ch <= 9) Ch = Ch + 0x30; else Ch = Ch + 0x37; Temp[2] = Ch; _lwrite(tr.LogFile,Temp,3); }
int XWrite(PFileVar fv, PXVar xv, PComVar cv, PCHAR B, int C) { int i, j; i = CommBinaryOut(cv, B, C); if (fv->LogFlag && (i > 0)) { if (fv->LogState != 0) { // 残りのASCII表示を行う fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 1; FTLog1Byte(fv, 0); fv->FlushLogLineBuf = 0; fv->LogState = 0; fv->LogCount = 0; _lwrite(fv->LogFile, "\015\012>>>\015\012", 7); } for (j = 0; j <= i - 1; j++) FTLog1Byte(fv, B[j]); } return i; }
void dbglog ( char* szFormat ... ) { va_list ap; char str [100000]; va_start ( ap, szFormat ); vsprintf ( str, szFormat, ap ); strcat (str, "\r\n"); va_end (ap); int file = _lopen ( DBGLOG_FILENAME, OF_WRITE ); if ( file == -1 ) { file = _lcreat ( DBGLOG_FILENAME, 0 ); } _llseek ( file, 0, FILE_END ); _lwrite ( file, str, lstrlen (str) ); FlushFileBuffers ((HANDLE)file); _lclose ( file ); }
static UINT GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(HFILE file, LPCSTR str, UINT size) { UINT i; if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum -= GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte; } for (i=0; i < size; i++) { if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum -= str[i] << 8; } else { GRPFILE_checksum -= str[i]; } GRPFILE_checksum_half_word ^= 1; } if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte = str[size-1]; GRPFILE_checksum += GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte; } return _lwrite(file, str, size); }
void ParseTel(BOOL *Size, int *nx, int *ny) { BYTE b; int c; c = CommReadRawByte(&cv,&b); while ((c>0) && (cv.TelMode)) { if (tr.LogFile!=0) { if (TelStatus==TelIAC) { _lwrite(tr.LogFile,"\015\012<",3); TelWriteLog1(0xff); } TelWriteLog1(b); } tr.ChangeWinSize = FALSE; switch (TelStatus) { case TelIAC: ParseTelIAC(b); break; case TelSB: ParseTelSB(b); break; case TelWill: ParseTelWill(b); break; case TelWont: ParseTelWont(b); break; case TelDo: ParseTelDo(b); break; case TelDont: ParseTelDont(b); break; case TelNop: TelStatus = TelIdle; break; } if (TelStatus == TelIdle) cv.TelMode = FALSE; if (cv.TelMode) c = CommReadRawByte(&cv,&b); } *Size = tr.ChangeWinSize; *nx = tr.WinSize.x; *ny = tr.WinSize.x; }
void CTWainHelper::LogMessage(char msg[]) { #ifdef _DEBUG HFILE file = NULL; OFSTRUCT of; memset(&of, 0, sizeof(OFSTRUCT)); if (OpenFile("c:\\twainapp.log", &of, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR) { //create if no exist file = OpenFile("c:\\twainapp.log", &of, OF_CREATE|OF_WRITE|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE); } else { file = OpenFile("c:\\twainapp.log", &of, OF_WRITE|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE); } //附加模式 if (_llseek(file,0,FILE_END)==-1) { OutputDebugString("LogMessage _llseek failed\n"); } if (_lwrite(file,msg,lstrlen(msg))==-1) { OutputDebugString("LogMessage _lwrite failed\n"); } if (_lclose(file)==-1) { OutputDebugString("LogMessage _lclose failed\n"); } #endif return; }
_WCRTLINK int write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len ) #endif /**********************************************************************/ { unsigned iomode_flags; char *buf; unsigned buf_size; unsigned len_written, i, j; #if defined(__NT__) HANDLE h; LONG cur_ptr_low; LONG cur_ptr_high; DWORD rc1; #else tiny_ret_t rc1; #endif int rc2; __handle_check( handle, -1 ); iomode_flags = __GetIOMode( handle ); if( iomode_flags == 0 ) { #if defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__WINDOWS_386__) // How can we write to the handle if we never opened it? JBS return( _lwrite( handle, buffer, len ) ); #else __set_errno( EBADF ); return( -1 ); #endif } if( !(iomode_flags & _WRITE) ) { __set_errno( EACCES ); /* changed from EBADF to EACCES 23-feb-89 */ return( -1 ); } #if defined(__NT__) h = __getOSHandle( handle ); #endif // put a semaphore around our writes _AccessFileH( handle ); if( (iomode_flags & _APPEND) && !(iomode_flags & _ISTTY) ) { #if defined(__NT__) if( GetFileType( h ) == FILE_TYPE_DISK ) { cur_ptr_low = 0; cur_ptr_high = 0; rc1 = SetFilePointer( h, cur_ptr_low, &cur_ptr_high, FILE_END ); if( rc1 == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { // this might be OK so if( GetLastError() != NO_ERROR ) { _ReleaseFileH( handle ); return( __set_errno_nt() ); } } } #elif defined(__OS2__) { unsigned long dummy; rc1 = DosChgFilePtr( handle, 0L, SEEK_END, &dummy ); // should we explicitly ignore ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE here? } #else rc1 = TinySeek( handle, 0L, SEEK_END ); #endif #if !defined(__NT__) if( TINY_ERROR( rc1 ) ) { _ReleaseFileH( handle ); return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc1 ) ) ); } #endif } len_written = 0; rc2 = 0; // Pad the file with zeros if necessary if( iomode_flags & _FILEEXT ) { // turn off file extended flag __SetIOMode_nogrow( handle, iomode_flags&(~_FILEEXT) ); // It is not required to pad a file with zeroes on an NTFS file system; // unfortunately it is required on FAT (and probably FAT32). (JBS) rc2 = zero_pad( handle ); } if( rc2 == 0 ) { if( iomode_flags & _BINARY ) { /* if binary mode */ rc2 = os_write( handle, buffer, len, &len_written ); /* end of binary mode part */ } else { /* text mode */ i = stackavail(); if( i < 0x00b0 ) { __STKOVERFLOW(); /* not enough stack space */ } buf_size = 512; if( i < (512 + 48) ) { buf_size = 128; } #if defined(__AXP__) || defined(__PPC__) buf = alloca( buf_size ); #else buf = __alloca( buf_size ); #endif j = 0; for( i = 0; i < len; ) { if( ((const char*)buffer)[i] == '\n' ) { buf[j] = '\r'; ++j; if( j == buf_size ) { rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, buf_size, &j ); if( rc2 == -1 ) break; len_written += j; if( rc2 == ENOSPC ) break; len_written = i; j = 0; } } buf[j] = ((const char*)buffer)[i]; ++i; ++j; if( j == buf_size ) { rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, buf_size, &j ); if( rc2 == -1 ) break; len_written += j; if( rc2 == ENOSPC ) break; len_written = i; j = 0; } } if( j ) { rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, j, &i ); if( rc2 == ENOSPC ) { len_written += i; } else { len_written = len; } } /* end of text mode part */ } } _ReleaseFileH( handle ); if( rc2 == -1 ) { return( rc2 ); } else { return( len_written ); } }
int FAR PASCAL ApfDumpData (LPSTR lpszDumpFile) { int hFile; static char achBuf[200]; OFSTRUCT OfStruct; DWORD cChar; WORD iApi; hFile = OpenFile (lpszDumpFile, &OfStruct, OF_CREATE+OF_SHARE_COMPAT+OF_WRITE); if (hFile < 0) { return 1; } // print data table header // cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "%s: Api profile of %s.\r\n", lpszDumpFile, MODULE_NAME); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "All times are in microseconds (us)\r\n"); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); #ifdef CALIBDBG cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "Excess Timer Overhead = %lu us (%lu)\r\n", ApfData[I_CALIBRATE].ulMinTime, ApfData[I_CALIBRATE].ulMaxTime); #else cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "Excess Timer Overhead = %lu us\r\n", ApfData[I_CALIBRATE].ulMinTime); #endif _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "First Time is not included in Max/Min computation\r\n\r\n\r\n"); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "%-32s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\r\n\r\n", "API Name", "Num Calls", "Total Time", "Time/Call", "First Time", "Max Time", "Min Time", "Not Timed"); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); // roll out the data // for (iApi = 0; iApi < API_COUNT; iApi++) { if (ApfData[iApi].cCalls > 1) { cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "%-32s\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\r\n", aszApiNames[iApi], ApfData[iApi].cCalls, ApfData[iApi].ulTotalTime, ApfData[iApi].ulTotalTime / ApfData[iApi].cCalls, ApfData[iApi].ulFirstTime, ApfData[iApi].ulMaxTime, ApfData[iApi].ulMinTime, ApfData[iApi].cTimingErrors); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); } else if (ApfData[iApi].cCalls == 1) { cChar = wsprintf(achBuf, "%-32s\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10lu\t%10s\t%10s\t%10lu\r\n", aszApiNames[iApi], ApfData[iApi].cCalls, ApfData[iApi].ulTotalTime, ApfData[iApi].ulTotalTime / ApfData[iApi].cCalls, ApfData[iApi].ulFirstTime, "n/a", "n/a", ApfData[iApi].cTimingErrors); _lwrite(hFile, achBuf, cChar); } } _lclose(hFile); return 0; } /* ApfDumpData () */
BOOL FAR TMSRPT04(TMSRPTPassedDataDef *pPassedData) { GenerateTripDef GTResults; REPORTPARMSDef REPORTPARMS; HFILE hfOutputFile; BOOL bKeepGoing = FALSE; BOOL bRC; char routeNumber[ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH + 1]; char serviceName[SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; char outputString[512]; long statbarTotal; int nI; int nJ; int nK; int nL; int rcode2; pPassedData->nReportNumber = 3; pPassedData->numDataFiles = 1; // // See what he wants // REPORTPARMS.nReportNumber = pPassedData->nReportNumber; REPORTPARMS.ROUTESrecordID = m_RouteRecordID; REPORTPARMS.SERVICESrecordID = m_ServiceRecordID; REPORTPARMS.COMMENTSrecordID = NO_RECORD; REPORTPARMS.pRouteList = NULL; REPORTPARMS.pServiceList = NULL; REPORTPARMS.flags = RPFLAG_ROUTES | RPFLAG_SERVICES | RPFLAG_COMMENTS; bRC = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RPTPARMS), hWndMain, (DLGPROC)RPTPARMSMsgProc, (LPARAM)&REPORTPARMS); if(!bRC) { return(FALSE); } // // Check the list of routes and services // if(REPORTPARMS.numRoutes == 0 || REPORTPARMS.numServices == 0) { goto deallocate; } // // Open the output file // strcpy(tempString, szReportsTempFolder); strcat(tempString, "\\tmsrpt04.txt"); hfOutputFile = _lcreat(tempString, 0); if(hfOutputFile == HFILE_ERROR) { LoadString(hInst, ERROR_202, szFormatString, sizeof(szFormatString)); sprintf(szarString, szFormatString, tempString); MessageBeep(MB_ICONSTOP); MessageBox((HWND)NULL, szarString, TMS, MB_ICONSTOP); goto deallocate; } strcpy(pPassedData->szReportDataFile[0], tempString); // // Loop through the routes // LoadString(hInst, TEXT_117, tempString, TEMPSTRING_LENGTH); StatusBarStart(hWndMain, tempString); statbarTotal = REPORTPARMS.numRoutes * REPORTPARMS.numServices; for(nI = 0; nI < REPORTPARMS.numRoutes; nI++) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } ROUTESKey0.recordID = REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_ROUTES, &ROUTES, &ROUTESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { continue; } strncpy(routeNumber, ROUTES.number, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); trim(routeNumber, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); // // Loop through the services // for(nJ = 0; nJ < REPORTPARMS.numServices; nJ++) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } SERVICESKey0.recordID = REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_SERVICES, &SERVICES, &SERVICESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { continue; } strncpy(serviceName,, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(serviceName, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); LoadString(hInst, TEXT_118, szarString, sizeof(szarString)); sprintf(tempString, szarString, routeNumber, serviceName); StatusBarText(tempString); StatusBar((long)(nI * REPORTPARMS.numServices + nJ), (long)statbarTotal); if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } // // Loop through the directions // for(nK = 0; nK < 2; nK++) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } if(ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nK] == NO_RECORD) { continue; } DIRECTIONSKey0.recordID = ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nK]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONSKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { continue; } m_bEstablishRUNTIMES = TRUE; // // Get all the trips // TRIPSKey1.ROUTESrecordID = REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI]; TRIPSKey1.SERVICESrecordID = REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ]; TRIPSKey1.directionIndex = nK; TRIPSKey1.tripSequence = NO_TIME; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATEROREQUAL, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID == REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI] && TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID == REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ] && TRIPS.directionIndex == nK) { // // Generate the trip // GenerateTrip(TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID, TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID, TRIPS.directionIndex, TRIPS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID, TRIPS.timeAtMLP, GENERATETRIP_FLAG_DISPLAYERRORS, >Results); // // Set up the output string // strcpy(outputString, ""); for(nL = 0; nL < NUMCOLS; nL++) { switch(nL) { // // Route number // case 0: strncpy(tempString, ROUTES.number, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); tempString[ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH] = '\0'; sprintf(szarString, "\"%s\"", tempString); break; // // Route name // case 1: strncpy(tempString,, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); tempString[ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; sprintf(szarString, "\"%s\"", tempString); break; // // Service Name // case 2: strncpy(tempString,, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); tempString[SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; sprintf(szarString, "\"%s\"", tempString); break; // // Direction // case 3: strncpy(tempString, DIRECTIONS.longName, DIRECTIONS_LONGNAME_LENGTH); tempString[DIRECTIONS_LONGNAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; sprintf(szarString, "\"%s\"", tempString); break; // // Trip time (in minutes) // case 4: sprintf(szarString, "%ld", GTResults.lastNodeTime - GTResults.firstNodeTime); break; // // Distance // case 5: sprintf(szarString, "%7.2f", GTResults.tripDistance); break; } // End of switch strcat(outputString, szarString); strcat(outputString, nL == NUMCOLS - 1 ? "\r\n" : "\t"); } // nL _lwrite(hfOutputFile, outputString, strlen(outputString)); rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey1, 1); } // while } // nK } // nJ } // nI bKeepGoing = TRUE; // // Free allocated memory // deallocate: TMSHeapFree(REPORTPARMS.pRouteList); TMSHeapFree(REPORTPARMS.pServiceList); _lclose(hfOutputFile); StatusBarEnd(); if(!bKeepGoing) { return(FALSE); } // // All done // return(TRUE); }