Esempio n. 1
void mad12(int num, DT* data, int repeat, DT vv1, DT vv2)
	int gid, j;
#ifndef MIC
    #pragma omp parallel for 
    for (gid = 0; gid<num; gid++)
        register DT s = (DT)(0.999f);
	register DT v1 = vv1;
	register DT v2 = vv2;
        for (j=0; j<repeat; ++j) 
        data[gid] = s;
	#pragma omp parallel for 
    for (gid = 0; gid<num; gid=gid+STEP)
	__m512d s = _mm512_set1_pd(0.999f);
	__m512d v1 = _mm512_set1_pd(vv1);
	__m512d v2 = _mm512_set1_pd(vv2);
        for (j=0; j<repeat; ++j) 

	_mm512_store_pd(&(data[gid]), s);
	return ;
Esempio n. 2
double vNormalIntegral(double b)
  __declspec(align(64)) __m512d vec_cf0, vec_cf1, vec_cf2, vec_s, vec_stp, vec_exp; 
  //NN/2-1 has to be the multiple of 8
  //NN = (8*LV+1)*2, LV = 20 -> NN = 322
  //const int NN = 322; 
  const int vecsize = 8; 
  const int nCal = (NN/2-1)/vecsize;
  //const int left = NN%vecsize;
  double a = 0.0f;
  double s, h, sum = 0.0f;
  h = (b-a)/NN;
  // add in the first few terms 
  sum += exp(-a*a/2.0) + 4.0*exp(-(a+h)*(a+h)/2.0);
  // and the last one
  sum += exp(-b*b/2.0);

  vec_cf0 = _mm512_set1_pd(a);
  vec_cf1 = _mm512_set1_pd(2*h);
  vec_cf2 = _mm512_set1_pd(-0.5);

  vec_s   = _mm512_set_pd(8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1);//vectorize
  vec_s   = _mm512_mul_pd(vec_s, vec_cf1);//(16h,14h,..,2h)
  vec_s   = _mm512_add_pd(vec_cf0, vec_s);//(a+16h,..,a+2h)
  vec_stp = _mm512_set1_pd(2*h*vecsize-h);
  vec_cf0 = _mm512_set1_pd(h);
  for (int i = 0; i < nCal; ++i){
    vec_exp = _mm512_mul_pd(vec_s, vec_s);
    vec_exp = _mm512_mul_pd(vec_exp, vec_cf2);
    vec_cf1 = _mm512_exp_pd(vec_exp);//vec_cf1->sum
    sum    += 2.0*_mm512_reduce_add_pd(vec_cf1);

    vec_s   = _mm512_add_pd(vec_s, vec_cf0);//s+=h
    vec_exp = _mm512_mul_pd(vec_s, vec_s);
    vec_exp = _mm512_mul_pd(vec_exp, vec_cf2);
    vec_cf1 = _mm512_exp_pd(vec_exp);
    sum    += 4.0*_mm512_reduce_add_pd(vec_cf1);
    vec_s   = _mm512_add_pd(vec_s, vec_stp);

  sum = 0.5*sqrt(2*PI) + h*sum/3.0;
  return sum;
Esempio n. 3
void SpMM(Csr<ValueType>* m1, Csr<ValueType>* m2, int num_buckets) {

  vector<FastHash<int, ValueType>* > result_map(m1->num_rows);
  for (auto& v : result_map) {
    v = new FastHash<int, ValueType>(num_buckets);

  cout << "Starting SpMM..." << endl;

  float res = 0;
  double before = rtclock();
  for(int i=0;i<m1->num_rows;i++) {
    for(int j=m1->rows[i];j<m1->rows[i+1];j++) {
      int cola = m1->cols[j];
      __m512d a = _mm512_set1_pd(m1->vals[j]);
      for(int k=m2->rows[cola];k<m2->rows[cola] + m2->row_lens[cola];k+=16) {
        __m512d *pb1 = (__m512d *)(&(m2->vals[k]));
        __m512d *pb2 = (__m512d *)(&(m2->vals[k]) + 8);
        __m512i *pcols = (__m512i *)(&(m2->cols[k]));
        __m512d c1 = _mm512_mul_pd(a, *pb1);
        __m512d c2 = _mm512_mul_pd(a, *pb2);
        for(int x=0;x<8;x++) {
          int col = ((int *)pcols)[x];
          if (col == -1) {
          ValueType val = ((ValueType *)(&c1))[x];
          result_map[i]->Reduce(col, val);
          res += val;

        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
          int col = ((int *)pcols)[x+8];
          if (col == -1) {
          ValueType val = ((ValueType *)(&c2))[x];
          result_map[i]->Reduce(col, val);
          res += val;

  double after = rtclock();
  cout << "res: " << res << endl;

  cout << RED << "[****Result****] ========> *SIMD Naive* time: " << after - before << " secs." << RESET << endl;

  for (auto& v : result_map) {
    delete v;
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	/* variable declaration */
	DB(DB_LVL, "declaration");
	DT * memA_t0, *memA_t1, *memA_t2, *memA_t3;
	DT * memB_t0, *memB_t1, *memB_t2, *memB_t3;
	DT * memO_t0, *memO_t1, *memO_t2, *memO_t3;  
	int reps, size;
	int samples;
	int tid;
	int i, p, r, bytes, elems;	
	int bytes_min, bytes_max;	
	int elems_min, elems_max;
	double func_overhead;
	double t_start, t_end;	
	double t_min, c_min;	
	double alpha = 0.5;
	/* initialization */
	DB(DB_LVL, "intialization");
	samples = 3;	
	bytes_min = 1024, bytes_max = 1024*32; /* [1KB, 32KB] */
	elems_min = bytes_min/sizeof(DT), elems_max = bytes_max/sizeof(DT); /* the number of elements */
	reps = 	40000;

	/* omp environment */
  const int nthreads = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 4;
  fprintf(stderr , "nthreads= %d\n", nthreads);


	/* iteration */
	DB(DB_LVL, "measurement");	
	for(elems=elems_min, bytes=bytes_min; elems<=elems_max; elems=elems+elems_min, bytes=bytes+bytes_min)
		memA_t0 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memA_t1 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memA_t2 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memA_t3 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memB_t0 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memB_t1 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memB_t2 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memB_t3 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memO_t0 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memO_t1 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memO_t2 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);
		memO_t3 = (DT *)_mm_malloc(bytes_max, 64);

		/* initialization a local space */
		fill(memA_t0, elems, 1.0);
		fill(memA_t1, elems, 2.0);
		fill(memA_t2, elems, 3.0);
		fill(memA_t3, elems, 4.0);
		fill(memB_t0, elems, 1.0);
		fill(memB_t1, elems, 2.0);
		fill(memB_t2, elems, 3.0);
		fill(memB_t3, elems, 4.0);
		fill(memO_t0, elems, 1.0);
		fill(memO_t1, elems, 2.0);
		fill(memO_t2, elems, 3.0);
		fill(memO_t3, elems, 4.0);
		/* measurement */
		t_min = 0.0f;
		c_min = 0.0f;
		DT ret_t0 = 0.0;		
		DT ret_t1 = 0.0;
		DT ret_t2 = 0.0;
		DT ret_t3 = 0.0;

#ifdef SAXPY2
#define Z _z
#define Z _z

		for(p=0; p<samples; p++)
      __m512d *_x, *_y, *_z;
			#pragma omp parallel	private(_x,_y,_z) default(shared)
        int tid;
				tid = omp_get_thread_num();
          case 0:
            _x = (__m512d*)memA_t0;
            _y = (__m512d*)memB_t0;
            _z = (__m512d*)memO_t0;
          case 1:
            _x = (__m512d*)memA_t1;
            _y = (__m512d*)memB_t1;
            _z = (__m512d*)memO_t1;
          case 2:
            _x = (__m512d*)memA_t2;
            _y = (__m512d*)memB_t2;
            _z = (__m512d*)memO_t2;
          case 3:
            _x = (__m512d*)memA_t3;
            _y = (__m512d*)memB_t3;
            _z = (__m512d*)memO_t3;
#pragma omp barrier
          t_start = timer();	

        int r;
        for(r=0; r<reps; r++)
#if 0  
          double *memO_t0 = (double*)Z;
          const double *memA_t0 = (double*)_x;
          const double *memB_t0 = (double*)_y;
#pragma vector aligned
          for(i=0; i<elems; i=i+1)
            //ret_t0 += mem_t0[i];
            memO_t0[i] = alpha * memA_t0[i] + memB_t0[i];
          memO_t0[0] = memO_t0[0] * 0.1; // to avoid overflow and optimizations
          const int cnts = elems >> 3;
          const __m512d  _a = _mm512_set1_pd(alpha);                           
          int ib;
          for (ib = 0; ib < cnts; ib += 8*8)
            Z[ib+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+0]));
            Z[ib+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+1]));
            Z[ib+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+2]));
            Z[ib+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+3]));
            Z[ib+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+4]));
            Z[ib+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+5]));
            Z[ib+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+6]));
            Z[ib+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+7]));

            Z[ib+8+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+0]));
            Z[ib+8+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+1]));
            Z[ib+8+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+2]));
            Z[ib+8+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+3]));
            Z[ib+8+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+4]));
            Z[ib+8+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+5]));
            Z[ib+8+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+6]));
            Z[ib+8+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+8+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+8+7]));

            Z[ib+16+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+0]));
            Z[ib+16+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+1]));
            Z[ib+16+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+2]));
            Z[ib+16+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+3]));
            Z[ib+16+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+4]));
            Z[ib+16+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+5]));
            Z[ib+16+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+6]));
            Z[ib+16+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+16+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+16+7]));

            Z[ib+24+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+0]));
            Z[ib+24+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+1]));
            Z[ib+24+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+2]));
            Z[ib+24+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+3]));
            Z[ib+24+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+4]));
            Z[ib+24+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+5]));
            Z[ib+24+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+6]));
            Z[ib+24+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+24+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+24+7]));

            Z[ib+32+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+0]));
            Z[ib+32+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+1]));
            Z[ib+32+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+2]));
            Z[ib+32+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+3]));
            Z[ib+32+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+4]));
            Z[ib+32+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+5]));
            Z[ib+32+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+6]));
            Z[ib+32+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+32+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+32+7]));

            Z[ib+40+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+0]));
            Z[ib+40+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+1]));
            Z[ib+40+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+2]));
            Z[ib+40+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+3]));
            Z[ib+40+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+4]));
            Z[ib+40+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+5]));
            Z[ib+40+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+6]));
            Z[ib+40+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+40+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+40+7]));

            Z[ib+48+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+0]));
            Z[ib+48+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+1]));
            Z[ib+48+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+2]));
            Z[ib+48+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+3]));
            Z[ib+48+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+4]));
            Z[ib+48+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+5]));
            Z[ib+48+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+6]));
            Z[ib+48+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+48+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+48+7]));

            Z[ib+56+0] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+0], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+0]));
            Z[ib+56+1] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+1], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+1]));
            Z[ib+56+2] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+2], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+2]));
            Z[ib+56+3] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+3], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+3]));
            Z[ib+56+4] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+4], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+4]));
            Z[ib+56+5] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+5], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+5]));
            Z[ib+56+6] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+6], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+6]));
            Z[ib+56+7] = _mm512_add_pd(_y[ib+56+7], _mm512_mul_pd(_a,_x[ib+56+7]));

				t_end = timer();			
		t_min = (t_end - t_start)/reps;		
		printf("%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf\n", ret_t0, ret_t1, ret_t2, ret_t3);
		SAVE_DATA("%lf\t", 3*nthreads*bytes/t_min);
    printf("cbw: %lf\t elems= %d mem_tot= %d\n", 3*nthreads*bytes/t_min, elems/8, 3*elems*sizeof(DT)*nthreads);
		if(memA_t0!=NULL) _mm_free(memA_t0);
		if(memA_t1!=NULL) _mm_free(memA_t1);
		if(memA_t2!=NULL) _mm_free(memA_t2);
		if(memA_t3!=NULL) _mm_free(memA_t3);
		if(memB_t0!=NULL) _mm_free(memB_t0);
		if(memB_t1!=NULL) _mm_free(memB_t1);
		if(memB_t2!=NULL) _mm_free(memB_t2);
		if(memB_t3!=NULL) _mm_free(memB_t3);
		if(memO_t0!=NULL) _mm_free(memO_t0);
		if(memO_t1!=NULL) _mm_free(memO_t1);
		if(memO_t2!=NULL) _mm_free(memO_t2);
		if(memO_t3!=NULL) _mm_free(memO_t3);
	/* post-process */
	DB(DB_LVL, "post-process");

 short_vec(const double data = 0) :
Esempio n. 6
File: hpsi.c Progetto: ARTED/ARTED
                      , double complex const           E[restrict PNLx][PNLy][PNLz]
                      , double complex                 F[restrict PNLx][PNLy][PNLz]
  const  double         A = *A_;
  double         const* b;
  double complex const* e;
  double complex      * f;

  int ix, iy, iz, n;

  int bx, by;

  __m512d at   = _mm512_set1_pd(A);
  __m512d HALF = _mm512_set1_pd(-0.5);
  __m512i INV  = _mm512_set4_epi64(1LL << 63, 0, 1LL << 63, 0);
  __m512d ZI   = _mm512_set_pd(-1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0);

  __declspec(align(64)) double G[12];
  for(n = 0 ; n < 12 ; ++n)
    G[n] = C[n] * -0.5;

  __m512i nly = _mm512_set1_epi32(PNLy);
  __m512i nlz = _mm512_set1_epi32(PNLz);
  __m512i myx = _mm512_mask_blend_epi32(0xFF00, _mm512_set1_epi32(NLy - 1), _mm512_set1_epi32(NLx - 1));
Esempio n. 7
void newviewGTRGAMMA_MIC(int tipCase,
                  double *x1, double *x2, double *x3, double *extEV, double *tipVector,
                  int *ex3, unsigned char *tipX1, unsigned char *tipX2,
                  int n, double *left, double *right, int *wgt, int *scalerIncrement, const pllBoolean fastScaling)
    __m512d minlikelihood_MIC = _mm512_set1_pd(PLL_MINLIKELIHOOD);
    __m512d twotothe256_MIC = _mm512_set1_pd(PLL_TWOTOTHE256);
    __m512i absMask_MIC = _mm512_set1_epi64(0x7fffffffffffffffULL);

	int addScale = 0;

    double aEV[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));

    #pragma ivdep
    for (int l = 0; l < 64; ++l)
        aEV[l] = extEV[(l / 16) * 4 + (l % 4)];

    case PLL_TIP_TIP:
        /* multiply all possible tip state vectors with the respective P-matrices

            double umpX1[256] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
            double umpX2[256] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));

            for(int k = 0; k < 256; ++k)
                umpX1[k] = 0.0;
                umpX2[k] = 0.0;

            for(int i = 0; i < maxStateValue; ++i)
              for(int l = 0; l < states; ++l)
                  #pragma ivdep
                  for(int k = 0; k < span; ++k)
                      umpX1[16 * i + k] +=  tipVector[i * 4 + l] *  left[k * 4 + l];
                      umpX2[16 * i + k] +=  tipVector[i * 4 + l] * right[k * 4 + l];

        double auX[64] __attribute__((align(64)));

        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) (const char*) &x3[span*(i+8)], _MM_HINT_ET1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+8) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET1);

            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_ET0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET0);

            const double *uX1 = &umpX1[16 * tipX1[i]];
            const double *uX2 = &umpX2[16 * tipX2[i]];

            double uX[16] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
            double* v = &x3[i * 16];

            #pragma ivdep
            #pragma vector aligned
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; ++l)
                uX[l] = uX1[l] * uX2[l];
                v[l] = 0.;

            mic_broadcast16x64(uX, auX);

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                #pragma ivdep
                #pragma vector aligned
                #pragma vector nontemporal
                for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                    v[k] += auX[j*16 + k] * aEV[j*16 + k];

            // init scaling counter for the site
            if (!fastScaling)
                ex3[i] = 0;

        } // sites loop

    case PLL_TIP_INNER:
        /* we do analogous pre-computations as above, with the only difference that we now do them
        only for one tip vector */

          double umpX1[256] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));

        /* precompute P and left tip vector product */

        for(int k = 0; k < 256; ++k)
            umpX1[k] = 0.0;

        for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
          for(int l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
              #pragma ivdep
              for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                  umpX1[16 * i + k] +=  tipVector[i * 4 + l] *  left[k * 4 + l];

        // re-arrange right matrix for better memory layout
        double aRight[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
                aRight[j*16 + l] = right[l*4 + j];

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+16)], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+16) + 8], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+16)], _MM_HINT_ET1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+16) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET1);

            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_ET0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET0);

            /* access pre-computed value based on the raw sequence data tipX1 that is used as an index */
            double* uX1 = &umpX1[span * tipX1[i]];
            double uX2[16] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
            double uX[16] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));

            #pragma vector aligned
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; ++l)
                uX2[l] = 0.;

            double aV2[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
            const double* v2 = &(x2[16 * i]);

            mic_broadcast16x64(v2, aV2);

            for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                #pragma ivdep
                #pragma vector aligned
                for(int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
                    uX2[l] += aV2[j*16 + l] * aRight[j*16 + l];

            double* v3 = &(x3[span * i]);

            #pragma ivdep
            #pragma vector aligned
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; ++l)
                uX[l] = uX1[l] * uX2[l];
                v3[l] = 0.;

            double auX[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
            mic_broadcast16x64(uX, auX);

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                #pragma ivdep
                #pragma vector aligned
                for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                    v3[k] += auX[j*16 + k] * aEV[j*16 + k];

            __m512d t1 = _mm512_load_pd(&v3[0]);
            t1 = _mm512_castsi512_pd(_mm512_and_epi64(_mm512_castpd_si512(t1), absMask_MIC));
            double vmax1 = _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(t1);
            __m512d t2 = _mm512_load_pd(&v3[8]);
            t2 = _mm512_castsi512_pd(_mm512_and_epi64(_mm512_castpd_si512(t2), absMask_MIC));
            double vmax2 = _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(t2);

            if(vmax1 < PLL_MINLIKELIHOOD && vmax2 < PLL_MINLIKELIHOOD)
				t1 = _mm512_mul_pd(t1, twotothe256_MIC);
				_mm512_store_pd(&v3[0], t1);
				t2 = _mm512_mul_pd(t2, twotothe256_MIC);
				_mm512_store_pd(&v3[8], t2);

                  ex3[i] += 1;
                  addScale += wgt[i];
        } // site loop
      /* same as above, without pre-computations */

        // re-arrange right matrix for better memory layout
        double aLeft[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
        double aRight[64] __attribute__((align(PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT)));
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
                aLeft[j*16 + l] = left[l*4 + j];
                aRight[j*16 + l] = right[l*4 + j];

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x1[span*(i+8)], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x1[span*(i+8) + 8], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+8)], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+8) + 8], _MM_HINT_T1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+8)], _MM_HINT_ET1);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+8) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET1);

            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x1[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x1[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x2[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1)], _MM_HINT_ET0);
            _mm_prefetch((const char*) &x3[span*(i+1) + 8], _MM_HINT_ET0);

            double uX1[16] __attribute__((align(64)));
            double uX2[16] __attribute__((align(64)));
            double uX[16] __attribute__((align(64)));

            for(int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
              uX1[l] = 0.;
              uX2[l] = 0.;

            double aV1[64] __attribute__((align(64)));
            double aV2[64] __attribute__((align(64)));

            const double* v1 = &(x1[span * i]);
            const double* v2 = &(x2[span * i]);

            mic_broadcast16x64(v1, aV1);

            mic_broadcast16x64(v2, aV2);

            for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                #pragma ivdep
                #pragma vector aligned
                for(int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
                    uX1[l] += aV1[j*16 + l] * aLeft[j*16 + l];
                    uX2[l] += aV2[j*16 + l] * aRight[j*16 + l];

            double* v3 =  &(x3[span * i]);

            #pragma ivdep
            #pragma vector aligned
            for(int l = 0; l < 16; ++l)
                uX[l] = uX1[l] * uX2[l];
                v3[l] = 0.;

            double auX[64] __attribute__((align(64)));
            mic_broadcast16x64(uX, auX);

            for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                #pragma ivdep
                #pragma vector aligned
                for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                    v3[k] += auX[j*16 + k] * aEV[j*16 + k];

            __m512d t1 = _mm512_load_pd(&v3[0]);
            t1 = _mm512_castsi512_pd(_mm512_and_epi64(_mm512_castpd_si512(t1), absMask_MIC));
            double vmax1 = _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(t1);
            __m512d t2 = _mm512_load_pd(&v3[8]);
            t2 = _mm512_castsi512_pd(_mm512_and_epi64(_mm512_castpd_si512(t2), absMask_MIC));
            double vmax2 = _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(t2);

            if(vmax1 < PLL_MINLIKELIHOOD && vmax2 < PLL_MINLIKELIHOOD)
				t1 = _mm512_mul_pd(t1, twotothe256_MIC);
				_mm512_store_pd(&v3[0], t1);
				t2 = _mm512_mul_pd(t2, twotothe256_MIC);
				_mm512_store_pd(&v3[8], t2);

                  ex3[i] += 1;
                  addScale += wgt[i];
    } break;
//      assert(0);

  /* as above, increment the global counter that counts scaling multiplications by the scaling multiplications
     carried out for computing the likelihood array at node p */

  if (fastScaling)
      *scalerIncrement = addScale;

 short_vec(const double data = 0) :