mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file)

   BSON_ASSERT (file);

   if (file->page) {
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);

   if (file->bson.len) {
      bson_destroy (&file->bson);

   if (file->cursor) {
      mongoc_cursor_destroy (file->cursor);

   if (file->files_id.value_type) {
      bson_value_destroy (&file->files_id);

   if (file->md5) {
      bson_free (file->md5);

   if (file->filename) {
      bson_free (file->filename);

   if (file->content_type) {
      bson_free (file->content_type);

   if (file->aliases.len) {
      bson_destroy (&file->aliases);

   if (file->bson_aliases.len) {
      bson_destroy (&file->bson_aliases);

   if (file->metadata.len) {
      bson_destroy (&file->metadata);

   if (file->bson_metadata.len) {
      bson_destroy (&file->bson_metadata);

   bson_free (file);

Esempio n. 2
 * mongoc_gridfs_file_seek:
 *    Adjust the file position pointer in `file` by `delta`, starting from the
 *    position `whence`. The `whence` argument is interpreted as in fseek(2):
 *       SEEK_SET    Set the position relative to the start of the file.
 *       SEEK_CUR    Move `delta` from the current file position.
 *       SEEK_END    Move `delta` from the end-of-file.
 * Parameters:
 *    @file: A mongoc_gridfs_file_t.
 *    @delta: The amount to move. May be positive or negative.
 *    @whence: One of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END.
 * Errors:
 *    [EINVAL] `whence` is not one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END.
 *    [EINVAL] Resulting file position would be negative.
 * Side Effects:
 *    On success, the file's underlying position pointer is set appropriately.
 *    On failure, the file position is NOT changed and errno is set.
 * Returns:
 *    0 on success.
 *    -1 on error, and errno set to indicate the error.
mongoc_gridfs_file_seek (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file, int64_t delta, int whence)
   int64_t offset;

   BSON_ASSERT (file);

   switch (whence) {
   case SEEK_SET:
      offset = delta;
   case SEEK_CUR:
      offset = file->pos + delta;
   case SEEK_END:
      offset = file->length + delta;
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;


   if (offset < 0) {
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;

   if (offset / file->chunk_size != file->n) {
      /** no longer on the same page */

      if (file->page) {
         if (_mongoc_gridfs_file_page_is_dirty (file->page)) {
            if (!_mongoc_gridfs_file_flush_page (file)) {
               return -1;
         } else {
            _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);
            file->page = NULL;

      /** we'll pick up the seek when we fetch a page on the next action.  We
       * lazily load */
   } else if (file->page) {
         _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_seek (file->page, offset % file->chunk_size));

   file->pos = offset;
   file->n = file->pos / file->chunk_size;

   return 0;
/** Seek in a gridfs file to a given location
 * @param whence is regular fseek whence.  I.e. SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
mongoc_gridfs_file_seek (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file,
                         bson_uint64_t         delta,
                         int                   whence)
   bson_uint64_t offset;


   switch (whence) {
   case SEEK_SET:
      offset = delta;
   case SEEK_CUR:
      offset = file->pos + delta;
   case SEEK_END:
      offset = (file->length - 1) + delta;
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;


   BSON_ASSERT (file->length > offset);

   if (offset % file->chunk_size != file->pos % file->chunk_size) {
      /** no longer on the same page */

      if (file->page) {
         if (_mongoc_gridfs_file_page_is_dirty (file->page)) {
            _mongoc_gridfs_file_flush_page (file);
         } else {
            _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);

      /** we'll pick up the seek when we fetch a page on the next action.  We lazily load */
   } else {
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_seek (file->page, offset % file->chunk_size);

   file->pos = offset;

   return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * _mongoc_gridfs_file_flush_page:
 *    Unconditionally flushes the file's current page to the database.
 *    The page to flush is determined by page->n.
 * Side Effects:
 *    On success, file->page is properly destroyed and set to NULL.
 * Returns:
 *    True on success; false otherwise.
static bool
_mongoc_gridfs_file_flush_page (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file)
   bson_t *selector, *update;
   bool r;
   const uint8_t *buf;
   uint32_t len;

   BSON_ASSERT (file);
   BSON_ASSERT (file->page);

   buf = _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_get_data (file->page);
   len = _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_get_len (file->page);

   selector = bson_new ();

   bson_append_value (selector, "files_id", -1, &file->files_id);
   bson_append_int32 (selector, "n", -1, file->n);

   update = bson_sized_new (file->chunk_size + 100);

   bson_append_value (update, "files_id", -1, &file->files_id);
   bson_append_int32 (update, "n", -1, file->n);
   bson_append_binary (update, "data", -1, BSON_SUBTYPE_BINARY, buf, len);

   r = mongoc_collection_update (file->gridfs->chunks,

   bson_destroy (selector);
   bson_destroy (update);

   if (r) {
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);
      file->page = NULL;
      r = mongoc_gridfs_file_save (file);

   RETURN (r);
/** refresh a gridfs file's underlying page
 * This unconditionally fetches the current page, even if the current page
 * covers the same theoretical chunk.
static bool
_mongoc_gridfs_file_refresh_page (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file)
   bson_t *query, *fields, child, child2;
   const bson_t *chunk;
   const char *key;
   bson_iter_t iter;

   uint32_t n;
   const uint8_t *data;
   uint32_t len;


   BSON_ASSERT (file);

   n = (uint32_t)(file->pos / file->chunk_size);

   if (file->page) {
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);
      file->page = NULL;

   /* if the file pointer is past the end of the current file (I.e. pointing to
    * a new chunk) and we're on a chunk boundary, we'll pass the page
    * constructor a new empty page */
   if ((int64_t)file->pos >= file->length && !(file->pos % file->chunk_size)) {
      data = (uint8_t *)"";
      len = 0;
   } else {
      /* if we have a cursor, but the cursor doesn't have the chunk we're going
       * to need, destroy it (we'll grab a new one immediately there after) */
      if (file->cursor &&
          !(file->cursor_range[0] >= n && file->cursor_range[1] <= n)) {
         mongoc_cursor_destroy (file->cursor);
         file->cursor = NULL;

      if (!file->cursor) {
         query = bson_new ();

         bson_append_document_begin(query, "$query", -1, &child);
            bson_append_value (&child, "files_id", -1, &file->files_id);

            bson_append_document_begin (&child, "n", -1, &child2);
               bson_append_int32 (&child2, "$gte", -1, (int32_t)(file->pos / file->chunk_size));
            bson_append_document_end (&child, &child2);
         bson_append_document_end(query, &child);

         bson_append_document_begin(query, "$orderby", -1, &child);
            bson_append_int32 (&child, "n", -1, 1);
         bson_append_document_end(query, &child);

         fields = bson_new ();
         bson_append_int32 (fields, "n", -1, 1);
         bson_append_int32 (fields, "data", -1, 1);
         bson_append_int32 (fields, "_id", -1, 0);

         /* find all chunks greater than or equal to our current file pos */
         file->cursor = mongoc_collection_find (file->gridfs->chunks,
                                                MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, query,
                                                fields, NULL);

         file->cursor_range[0] = n;
         file->cursor_range[1] = (uint32_t)(file->length / file->chunk_size);

         bson_destroy (query);
         bson_destroy (fields);

         BSON_ASSERT (file->cursor);

      /* we might have had a cursor before, then seeked ahead past a chunk.
       * iterate until we're on the right chunk */
      while (file->cursor_range[0] <= n) {
         if (!mongoc_cursor_next (file->cursor, &chunk)) {
            if (file->cursor->failed) {
               memcpy (&(file->error), &(file->cursor->error),
                       sizeof (bson_error_t));
               file->failed = true;

            RETURN (0);


      bson_iter_init (&iter, chunk);

      /* grab out what we need from the chunk */
      while (bson_iter_next (&iter)) {
         key = bson_iter_key (&iter);

         if (strcmp (key, "n") == 0) {
            n = bson_iter_int32 (&iter);
         } else if (strcmp (key, "data") == 0) {
            bson_iter_binary (&iter, NULL, &len, &data);
         } else {
            RETURN (0);

      /* we're on the wrong chunk somehow... probably because our gridfs is
       * missing chunks.
       * TODO: maybe we should make more noise here?

      if (!(n == file->pos / file->chunk_size)) {
         return 0;

   file->page = _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_new (data, len, file->chunk_size);

   /* seek in the page towards wherever we're supposed to be */
   RETURN (_mongoc_gridfs_file_page_seek (file->page, file->pos %
Esempio n. 6
 * _mongoc_gridfs_file_refresh_page:
 *    Refresh a GridFS file's underlying page. This recalculates the current
 *    page number based on the file's stream position, then fetches that page
 *    from the database.
 *    Note that this fetch is unconditional and the page is queried from the
 *    database even if the current page covers the same theoretical chunk.
 * Side Effects:
 *    file->page is loaded with the appropriate buffer, fetched from the
 *    database. If the file position is at the end of the file and on a new
 *    chunk boundary, a new page is created. If the position is far past the
 *    end of the file, _mongoc_gridfs_file_extend is responsible for creating
 *    chunks to file the gap.
 *    file->n is set based on file->pos. file->error is set on error.
static bool
_mongoc_gridfs_file_refresh_page (mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file)
   bson_t query;
   bson_t child;
   bson_t opts;
   const bson_t *chunk;
   const char *key;
   bson_iter_t iter;
   int64_t existing_chunks;
   int64_t required_chunks;

   const uint8_t *data = NULL;
   uint32_t len;


   BSON_ASSERT (file);

   file->n = (int32_t) (file->pos / file->chunk_size);

   if (file->page) {
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_destroy (file->page);
      file->page = NULL;

   /* if the file pointer is past the end of the current file (i.e. pointing to
    * a new chunk), we'll pass the page constructor a new empty page. */
   existing_chunks = divide_round_up (file->length, file->chunk_size);
   required_chunks = divide_round_up (file->pos + 1, file->chunk_size);
   if (required_chunks > existing_chunks) {
      data = (uint8_t *) "";
      len = 0;
   } else {
      /* if we have a cursor, but the cursor doesn't have the chunk we're going
       * to need, destroy it (we'll grab a new one immediately there after) */
      if (file->cursor && !_mongoc_gridfs_file_keep_cursor (file)) {
         mongoc_cursor_destroy (file->cursor);
         file->cursor = NULL;

      if (!file->cursor) {
         bson_init (&query);
         BSON_APPEND_VALUE (&query, "files_id", &file->files_id);
         BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN (&query, "n", &child);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "$gte", file->n);
         bson_append_document_end (&query, &child);

         bson_init (&opts);
         BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN (&opts, "sort", &child);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "n", 1);
         bson_append_document_end (&opts, &child);

         BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN (&opts, "projection", &child);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "n", 1);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "data", 1);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "_id", 0);
         bson_append_document_end (&opts, &child);

         /* find all chunks greater than or equal to our current file pos */
         file->cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (
            file->gridfs->chunks, &query, &opts, NULL);

         file->cursor_range[0] = file->n;
         file->cursor_range[1] = (uint32_t) (file->length / file->chunk_size);

         bson_destroy (&query);
         bson_destroy (&opts);

         BSON_ASSERT (file->cursor);

      /* we might have had a cursor before, then seeked ahead past a chunk.
       * iterate until we're on the right chunk */
      while (file->cursor_range[0] <= file->n) {
         if (!mongoc_cursor_next (file->cursor, &chunk)) {
            /* copy cursor error; if there's none, we're missing a chunk */
            if (!mongoc_cursor_error (file->cursor, &file->error)) {
               missing_chunk (file);

            RETURN (0);


      BSON_ASSERT (bson_iter_init (&iter, chunk));

      /* grab out what we need from the chunk */
      while (bson_iter_next (&iter)) {
         key = bson_iter_key (&iter);

         if (strcmp (key, "n") == 0) {
            if (file->n != bson_iter_int32 (&iter)) {
               missing_chunk (file);
               RETURN (0);
         } else if (strcmp (key, "data") == 0) {
            bson_iter_binary (&iter, NULL, &len, &data);
         } else {
            /* Unexpected key. This should never happen */
            RETURN (0);

      if (file->n != file->pos / file->chunk_size) {
         return 0;

   if (!data) {
      bson_set_error (&file->error,
                      "corrupt chunk number %" PRId32,
      RETURN (0);

   file->page = _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_new (data, len, file->chunk_size);

   /* seek in the page towards wherever we're supposed to be */
      _mongoc_gridfs_file_page_seek (file->page, file->pos % file->chunk_size));