Esempio n. 1
bool senselOpenConnection(char* com_port)
  if(senselSerialOpen(&serial_data, com_port))
    frame_buffer = (uint8*)malloc(FRAME_BUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY*sizeof(uint8));
    frame_buffer_capacity = FRAME_BUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY*sizeof(uint8);

    uint8 buf[2];

    //Read in max X and max Y values
    _readReg(0x10, 2, buf);
    sensor_max_x = (256 * (buf[0] - 1));
    sensor_max_y = (256 * (buf[1] - 1));

    uint32 sensor_width_um;
    uint32 sensor_height_um;

    //Read in active area dimensions
    _readReg(SENSEL_REG_SENSOR_ACTIVE_AREA_WIDTH_UM,  4, (uint8 *)&sensor_width_um);
    _readReg(SENSEL_REG_SENSOR_ACTIVE_AREA_HEIGHT_UM, 4, (uint8 *)&sensor_height_um);

    sensor_width_mm = sensor_width_um / 1000.0;
    sensor_height_mm = sensor_height_um / 1000.0;

    sensor_x_to_mm_factor = sensor_width_mm / sensor_max_x;
    sensor_y_to_mm_factor = sensor_height_mm / sensor_max_y;

    return true;

  return false;
Esempio n. 2
//note this has crc bytes embedded, per datasheet, so provide 12 byte buf
int SI7021::getSerialBytes(byte * buf) {
    _writeReg(SERIAL1_READ, sizeof SERIAL1_READ);
    _readReg(buf, 6);
    _writeReg(SERIAL2_READ, sizeof SERIAL2_READ);
    _readReg(buf + 6, 6);
    // could verify crc here and return only the 8 bytes that matter
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
//note this has crc bytes embedded, per datasheet, so provide 12 byte buf
int SI7021::getUIDBytes(byte * buf) {
    _writeReg(UID1_READ, sizeof UID1_READ);
    _readReg(buf, 6);
    _writeReg(UID2_READ, sizeof UID2_READ);
    _readReg(buf + 6, 6);
    // could verify crc here and return only the 8 bytes that matter
    return 1;
Esempio n. 4
void SI7021::_command(byte cmd, byte * buf ) {
    _writeReg(&cmd, sizeof cmd);
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
    _readReg(buf, 2);
Esempio n. 5
void cSI7021::_command(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t * buf ) {
    _writeReg(&cmd, 1);
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
    _readReg(buf, 2);
Esempio n. 6
  // Returns (x,y,z) acceleration in G's using the following coordinate system:
  //          ---------------------------
  //        /   Z /\  _                 /
  //       /       |  /| Y             /
  //      /        | /                /
  //     /         |/                /
  //    /           -----> X        /
  //   /                           /
  //   ----------------------------
  // Assumes accelerometer is configured to the default +/- 2G range
bool senselReadAccelerometerData(accel_data_t *accel_data)
  accel_data_raw_t raw_data;

  // Read accelerometer data bytes for X, Y and Z
  if(!_readReg(SENSEL_REG_ACCEL_X, sizeof(accel_data_raw_t), (uint8 *)&raw_data))
    return false;

  // Rescale to G's (at a range of +/- 2G, accelerometer returns 0x4000 for 1G acceleration)

  accel_data->x = ((float)raw_data.x) / 0x4000;
  accel_data->y = ((float)raw_data.y) / 0x4000;    
  accel_data->z = ((float)raw_data.z) / 0x4000;
  return true;
bool senselSerialOpen2(sensel_serial_data * data, char* file_name)
  char magic[7];
  magic[6] = '\0';

  printf("Opening %s...", file_name);

  data->serial_fd = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY);

  if(data->serial_fd == -1)
    printf("unable to open!\n");
    return false;

  struct termios options;
  tcgetattr(data->serial_fd, &options);
  cfsetispeed(&options, B115200);
  cfsetospeed(&options, B115200);
  tcsetattr(data->serial_fd, TCSANOW, &options);


  if(_readReg(0x00, SENSEL_MAGIC_LEN, (uint8*)magic))
    printf("Magic: %s\n", magic);
    if(strcmp(magic, SENSEL_MAGIC) == 0)
      printf("Found sensor!\n");
      return true;
      printf("Invalid magic!\n");
    printf("Timeout on read!\n");

  data->serial_fd = -1;
  return false;
Esempio n. 8
	int readReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t &val)
		return _readReg(address, val);
Esempio n. 9
void SI7021::_command(byte cmd, byte * buf ) {
    _writeReg(&cmd, sizeof cmd);
    delay(25); //for ESP8266
    _readReg(buf, 3); // 1 - data, 2 - data, 3 - CRC