static int calc_connect_ep(_point_t p1, _point_t p2, _point_t *ep, double m) { _size_t d = _delta(p1, p2); int mode = 0; double l = sqrt(d.w*d.w + d.h*d.h); double ms = MIN(m, l); double as = 2*ms; if (d.w > fabs(d.h)) as = MAX(0, as - 2*ms*(M_PI/4-atan(fabs(d.h)/d.w))); ep[0] = _move(p1, _size(as, 0)); ep[3] = _move(p2, _size(-as, 0)); if (d.w < 0) { double xs = ms*0.58; double ys = d.h*0.113; ep[1] = _move(p1, _size(xs, ys)); ep[2] = _move(p2, _size(-xs, -ys)); mode = 1; } return mode; }
void MemoryDebugger::clean(void) { if (_CleanAllowed && (_size() < _capacity() / 2)) { _reserve(_size() + 16); } }
static inline size_t _item_len(const struct varyad *v, size_t i) { if (i) { return _size(v, i) - _size(v, i - 1); } else { return _size(v, i); } }
static void calc_node_type(cairo_t *cr, designer_node_type_t *nt) { node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(nt); _rect_t br, ir, or, sr; ntd->is = g_slist_length(nt->input_slot_specs); ntd->os = g_slist_length(nt->output_slot_specs); set_slot_font(cr); sr = text_rect(cr, "Mg"); /* add sep space */ sr.s.h += 3; ir = _rect(0, 0, 10, 0); for (int i=0; i<ntd->is; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->input_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); ssd->offset = _size(3, 5 + sr.s.h * i); ir = _union(ir, text_rect(cr, slot->name)); } /* offset left */ ir = _offset(ir, _size(0, 5)); /* add slot and sep space */ ir.s.w += 5+5; /* height including sep space */ ir.s.h = ntd->is * sr.s.h - 3; or = _rect(0, 0, 10, 0); for (int i=0; i<ntd->os; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->output_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); ssd->offset = _size(3, 5 + sr.s.h * i); or = _union(or, text_rect(cr, slot->name)); } /* move right, including sep space */ or = _offset(or, _size(ir.s.w + 5, 5)); /* add slot and sep space */ or.s.w += 5+5; /* height including sep space */ or.s.h = ntd->os * sr.s.h - 3; br = _union(ir, or); /* reserve space around area */ br = _inset(br, _size(-5, -5)); ntd->br = br; ntd->ir = _splith(&ir, 6); _splith(&or, or.s.w - 6); ntd->or = or; ntd->sr = sr; }
void String::realloc (int newlen) { newlen++; if (newlen <= _size (buf)) return; int newsize = (_size (buf) < ALLOC_STEP ? _size (buf) * 2 : _size (buf) + ALLOC_STEP); if (newsize < newlen) newsize = newlen; char* tmp = _new (newsize); _len (tmp) = _len (buf); _ref (tmp) = _ref (buf); memcpy (tmp, buf, _len (buf) + 1); _del (buf); buf = tmp; }
int await_server_response(int node_server_id){ MSG_SERVER2SERVER pong; MSG_SERVER2SERVER ping; ping.type = SERVER2SERVER; ping.server_ipc_num = MSG_RECEIVER; msgsnd(node_server_id, &ping, _size(MSG_SERVER2SERVER), 0); clock_t start = clock(); while (1) { if (msgrcv(MSG_RECEIVER, &pong, _size(MSG_SERVER2SERVER), SERVER2SERVER, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1) { return TRUE; } else if ( ((double)(clock()-start)*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC > 500){ return FALSE; } } }
static _size_t get_visible_size (widget_data_t *data) { GtkAllocation *allocation = &(GTK_WIDGET(data->drawing_area)->allocation); return _size(allocation->width, allocation->height); }
void ufs_file_base::set_size(offset_type newsize) { scoped_mutex_lock fd_lock(fd_mutex); offset_type cur_size = _size(); if (!(mode_ & RDONLY)) { #ifdef BOOST_MSVC HANDLE hfile; stxxl_check_ge_0(hfile = (HANDLE) ::_get_osfhandle(file_des), io_error); LARGE_INTEGER desired_pos; desired_pos.QuadPart = newsize; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hfile, desired_pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) stxxl_win_lasterror_exit("SetFilePointerEx in ufs_file_base::set_size(..) oldsize=" << cur_size << " newsize=" << newsize << " ", io_error); if (!SetEndOfFile(hfile)) stxxl_win_lasterror_exit("SetEndOfFile oldsize=" << cur_size << " newsize=" << newsize << " ", io_error); #else stxxl_check_ge_0(::ftruncate(file_des, newsize), io_error); #endif } #ifndef BOOST_MSVC if (newsize > cur_size) stxxl_check_ge_0(::lseek(file_des, newsize - 1, SEEK_SET), io_error); #endif }
_point_t place_new_node(widget_data_t *data) { /* calc new place */ data->place_next = _move(data->place_next, _size(20,20)); return data->place_next; }
void putFile(const char* filename,const char* nameInArchive) { char buff[BUFSIZ]; std::FILE* in=std::fopen(filename,"rb"); if(in==NULL) { std::stringstream err; err << "Cannot open " << filename << " "<< std::strerror(errno); throw std::runtime_error(err.str()); } std::fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_END); long int len= std::ftell(in); std::fseek(in,0L,SEEK_SET); PosixTarHeader header; _init((void*)&header); _filename((void*)&header,nameInArchive); header.typeflag[0]=0; _size((void*)&header,len); _checksum((void*)&header); out.write((const char*)&header,sizeof(PosixTarHeader)); std::size_t nRead=0; while((nRead=std::fread(buff,sizeof(char),BUFSIZ,in))>0) { out.write(buff,nRead); } std::fclose(in); _endRecord(len); }
static _rect_t recalc_area(cairo_t *cr, widget_data_t *data) { _rect_t area; int count = 0; /* no valid data */ if (!data || !data->design || !data->design->nodes) return _zeror; /* check the nodes */ for (GSList *list = data->design->nodes; list != NULL; list = list->next) { designer_node_t *node = list->data; if (cr) { calc_node_type(cr, node->type); calc_node(cr, node); } node_data_t *nd = node_data(node); _rect_t nr = _offset(nd->nr, _ptos(nd->origin)); area = (count++) ? _union(area, nr) : nr; } return _inset(area, _size(-40, -20)); }
bool String::fromClipboard () { if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable (CF_UNICODETEXT)) return false; if (!OpenClipboard (NULL)) return false; wchar_t* wide = (wchar_t*) GetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT); CloseClipboard (); if (wide) { if (_ref (buf) > 1) splice (); int count = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, (LPWSTR) wide, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); realloc (count); WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, (LPWSTR) wide, -1, buf, _size (buf), NULL, NULL); int len = 0; for (int i = 0; buf[i]; i++) if (buf[i] != '\r') buf[len++] = buf[i]; buf[len] = 0; _len (buf) = len; return true; } else return false; }
Variant PackedDataContainer::_iter_get_ofs(const Variant &p_iter, uint32_t p_offset) { int size = _size(p_offset); int pos = p_iter; if (pos < 0 || pos >= size) return Variant(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read rd =; const uint8_t *r = &rd[p_offset]; uint32_t type = decode_uint32(r); bool err = false; if (type == TYPE_ARRAY) { uint32_t vpos = decode_uint32(rd.ptr() + p_offset + 8 + pos * 4); return _get_at_ofs(vpos, rd.ptr(), err); } else if (type == TYPE_DICT) { uint32_t vpos = decode_uint32(rd.ptr() + p_offset + 8 + pos * 12 + 4); return _get_at_ofs(vpos, rd.ptr(), err); } else { ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } }
void _gadget::setSizeInternal( _length width , _length height ) { _size size = this->getSize(); // Respect Fixed width/height of the gadget and size limits if( !this->isResizeableX() ) width = this->getWidth(); else width = max( width , this->getMinWidth() ); if( !this->isResizeableY() ) height = this->getHeight(); else height = max( height , this->getMinHeight() ); if( width == this->getWidth() && height == this->getHeight() ) return; // Compute area to redraw _size refreshSize = _size( max<_length>( width , size.first ) , max<_length>( height , size.second ) ); _pos refreshPos = this->getAbsolutePosition(); // Refresh this->bitmap.resize( width , height ); // Notify dependent gadgets this->notifyDependentGadgets( onResize ); // Refresh this->redraw( _rect( refreshPos , refreshSize ) ); }
void UfsFileBase::_set_size(offset_type newsize) { offset_type cur_size = _size(); if (!(mode_ & RDONLY) && !is_device_) { #if THRILL_WINDOWS || defined(__MINGW32__) HANDLE hfile = (HANDLE)::_get_osfhandle(file_des_); THRILL_THROW_ERRNO_NE_0((hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), IoError, "_get_osfhandle() path=" << path_ << " fd=" << file_des_); LARGE_INTEGER desired_pos; desired_pos.QuadPart = newsize; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hfile, desired_pos, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN)) THRILL_THROW_WIN_LASTERROR(IoError, "SetFilePointerEx in ufs_file_base::set_size(..) oldsize=" << cur_size << " newsize=" << newsize << " "); if (!SetEndOfFile(hfile)) THRILL_THROW_WIN_LASTERROR(IoError, "SetEndOfFile oldsize=" << cur_size << " newsize=" << newsize << " "); #else THRILL_THROW_ERRNO_NE_0(::ftruncate(file_des_, newsize), IoError, "ftruncate() path=" << path_ << " fd=" << file_des_); #endif } #if !THRILL_WINDOWS if (newsize > cur_size) THRILL_THROW_ERRNO_LT_0(::lseek(file_des_, newsize - 1, SEEK_SET), IoError, "lseek() path=" << path_ << " fd=" << file_des_ << " pos=" << newsize - 1); #endif }
static inline void * _item_buf(const struct varyad *v, size_t i) { if (i) { return _head(v) + _size(v, i - 1); } else { return _head(v); } }
void handle_logout(void* received, int msg_type){ MSG_LOGIN temp = *(MSG_LOGIN*)(received); MSG_RESPONSE response; response.type = RESPONSE; switch (unregister_user(temp)) { case SUCCESS: remove_user_from_local_repo(temp.ipc_num); response.response_type = LOGOUT_SUCCESS; strcpy(response.content, "LOGOUT SUCCESS - 200"); msgsnd(temp.ipc_num, &response, _size(MSG_RESPONSE), 0); break; case FAIL: response.response_type = LOGOUT_FAILED; strcpy(response.content, "LOGOUT FAILED"); msgsnd(temp.ipc_num, &response, _size(MSG_RESPONSE), 0); break; } }
void String::splice () { char* tmp = _new (_size (buf)); _len (tmp) = _len (buf); _ref (tmp) = 1; memcpy (tmp, buf, _len (buf) + 1); deref (); buf = tmp; }
Animation * ParticleEmitter::SizeAnimation(const Vector3 & newSize, float32 time, Interpolation::FuncType interpolationFunc /*= Interpolation::LINEAR*/, int32 track /*= 0*/) { Vector3 _size(0, 0, 0); if(size) _size = size->GetValue(0); LinearAnimation<Vector3> * animation = new LinearAnimation<Vector3>(this, &_size, newSize, time, interpolationFunc); animation->Start(track); return animation; }
static void calc_node(cairo_t *cr, designer_node_t *n) { node_data_t *nd = node_data(n); node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(n->type); _rect_t nr, lr, tr, ir, or, br, xr; set_title_font(cr); lr = text_rect(cr, n->name); tr = _inset(lr, _size(-5, -5)); tr.s.w += 20; /* button space */ br = ntd->br; /* move into place */ br.o.y = tr.o.y + tr.s.h; nr = _union(tr, br); /* break down areas once again */ br = nr; tr = _splitv(&br, tr.s.h); /* split off close button */ xr = tr; _splith(&xr, tr.s.w - 16); xr = _splitv(&xr, 16); xr = _inset(xr, _size(4, 4)); ir = ntd->ir; /* align inputs to the left */ ir.o = _move(br.o, _size(5, 5)); or = ntd->or; /* align outputs to the right */ or.o = _move(br.o, _size(br.s.w - or.s.w - 5, 5)); nd->nr = nr; nd->lr = lr; nd->tr = tr; nd->br = br; nd->ir = ir; nd->or = or; nd->xr = xr; }
void Counter::AddSize(const D3DXVECTOR2& size) { Size += size; D3DXVECTOR3 _size(Size.x,Size.y,0); for (int cnt = 0;cnt < CountPlace;cnt++) { number[cnt]->SetSize(_size); } }
static _point_t output_slot_origin(designer_node_t *n, int i) { designer_node_type_t *nt = n->type; node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(nt); node_data_t *nd = node_data(n); return _move(_move(nd->or.o, _size(nd->or.s.w - 3, 5 + ntd->sr.s.h * i)), _ptos(nd->origin)); }
void sim_disk_file::set_size(offset_type newsize) { scoped_mutex_lock fd_lock(fd_mutex); if (newsize > _size()) { STXXL_THROW_ERRNO_LT_0(::lseek(file_des, newsize - 1, SEEK_SET), io_error, "lseek() fd=" << file_des << " pos=" << newsize - 1); STXXL_THROW_ERRNO_LT_0(::write(file_des, "", 1), io_error, "write() fd=" << file_des << " size=1"); } }
Variant PackedDataContainer::_iter_init_ofs(const Array &p_iter, uint32_t p_offset) { Array ref = p_iter; uint32_t size = _size(p_offset); if (size == 0 || ref.size() != 1) return false; else { ref[0] = 0; return true; } }
void MemoryDebugger::_resize(unsigned int new_size) { VtIterator new_first = (VtIterator) NxOgreMalloc(new_size * sizeof(Vt)); _copy(_First, _Last, new_first); _range_destruct(_First, _Last); if (_First) NxOgreFree(_First); _End = new_first + new_size; _Last = new_first + _size(); _First = new_first; }
String String::printf (char const* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); char* buf = _new (_vscprintf (fmt, ap) + 1); _len (buf) = _size (buf) - 1; _ref (buf) = 1; vsprintf (buf, fmt, ap); return frombuf (buf); }
static inline size_t _avail(const struct varyad *v) { size_t size = v->size; size -= sizeof(struct varyad); if (v->rank) { size -= v->rank * sizeof(size_t); size -= _size(v, v->rank - 1); } return size; }
void* MemoryDebugger::addAllocation(void* ptr, size_t size, unsigned int class_id, const char* file, unsigned int line) { if (_End <= _Last) _reserve((1 + _size()) * 2); _Last->_Ptr = ptr; _Last->_Size = size; _Last->_Type = class_id; _Last->_File = file; _Last->_Line = line; _Last++; return ptr; }
static void show_axis(cairo_t *cr, _point_t p, float r, float g, float b, float w, float h) { _point_t ap[4]; ap[0] = _move(p, _size(-w, 0)); ap[1] = _move(p, _size( w, 0)); ap[2] = _move(p, _size( 0, h)); ap[3] = _move(p, _size( 0,-h)); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, r, g, b, 0.6); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); _move_to(cr, ap[0]); _line_to(cr, ap[1]); cairo_stroke(cr); _move_to(cr, ap[2]); _line_to(cr, ap[3]); cairo_stroke(cr); }
String& String::operator += (char ch) { if (ch == 0) return *this; if (_ref (buf) > 1) splice (); if (_len (buf) + 1 >= _size (buf)) realloc (_len (buf) + 1); buf[_len (buf)++] = ch; buf[_len (buf)] = 0; return *this; }