Esempio n. 1
 * selectColor - select the color
static void selectColor( WPI_POINT *pt, HWND hwnd )
    int         i;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    HWND        currentwnd;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;
    WPI_RECT    wrect;

    currentwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( hwnd, BK_CURRENT );
    pres = _wpi_getpres( currentwnd );
    _wpi_mapwindowpoints( hwnd, currentwnd, pt, 1 );

    _wpi_torgbmode( pres );
    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
        top = availColor[i];
        bottom = availColor[i].box.bottom;

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, 2 * SQR_SIZE );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, 2 * SQR_SIZE );
        _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect, availColor[i].box.left, top,
                                        availColor[i].box.right, bottom );
        if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
            screenColor.color = availColor[i].color;
            DisplayColorBox( pres, &screenColor );

            inverseColor.color = GetInverseColor( screenColor.color );
            DisplayColorBox( pres, &inverseColor );
    _wpi_releasepres( currentwnd, pres );

} /* selectColor */
Esempio n. 2
 * DisplayColorBox - display the colors on the given device context
 *                 - PM Note: we assume the presentation space is already in RGB mode
void DisplayColorBox( WPI_PRES pres, palette_box *box )
    int                 top;
    int                 bottom;
    HBRUSH              hcolorbrush;
    HBRUSH              holdbrush;
    HPEN                holdpen;
    HPEN                blackpen;
    int                 height;

    blackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, BLACK );
    holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( pres, blackpen );
    hcolorbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( box->color );
    holdbrush = _wpi_selectobject( pres, hcolorbrush );

    height = 2 * SQR_SIZE + 1;
    top = _wpi_cvth_y( box->, height );
    bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( box->box.bottom, height );
    _wpi_rectangle( pres, box->box.left, top, box->box.right, bottom );

    _wpi_selectobject( pres, holdbrush );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hcolorbrush );
    _wpi_selectobject( pres, holdpen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( blackpen );

} /* DisplayColorBox */
Esempio n. 3
 * outlineRect - draw the outline of a rectangle
static void outlineRect( statwnd *sw, WPI_PRES pres, WPI_RECT *r )
    WPI_POINT   pt;
    WPI_RECTDIM left;
    WPI_RECTDIM right;
    WPI_RECTDIM top;
    WPI_RECTDIM bottom;
    HPEN        oldpen;

    sw = sw;
    _wpi_getrectvalues( *r, &left, &top, &right, &bottom );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, left, bottom - 1 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, sw->wndHeight );
    _wpi_movetoex( pres, &pt, NULL );

    oldpen = _wpi_selectobject( pres, penLight );
    pt.x = right - 1;
    _wpi_lineto( pres, &pt );
    pt.y = _wpi_cvth_y( top, sw->wndHeight );
    _wpi_lineto( pres, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( pres, penShade );

    pt.x = left;
    _wpi_lineto( pres, &pt );
    pt.y = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom - 1, sw->wndHeight );
    _wpi_lineto( pres, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( pres, oldpen );

} /* outlineRect */
Esempio n. 4
 * selectScreen - selects the screen color
static void selectScreen( WPI_POINT *pt, int mousebutton )
    WPI_RECT    wrect;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    if( !fShowScreenClr ) {
    top = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
    bottom = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );

    _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect,, top,
                          , bottom );

    if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
        SetColor( mousebutton, screenColor.color, screenColor.color, SCREEN_CLR );

    top = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
    bottom = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );

    _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect,, top,
                          , bottom );
    if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
        SetColor( mousebutton, inverseColor.color, inverseColor.color, INVERSE_CLR );

} /* selectScreen */
Esempio n. 5
 * editCurrentColor - edit the color under the cursor
static void editCurrentColor( WPI_POINT *pt )
    int         i;
    WPI_RECT    wrect;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    for( i = 0; i < PALETTE_SIZE; i++ ) {
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( paletteBox[i], colorsHeight );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( paletteBox[i].box.bottom, colorsHeight );

        _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect, paletteBox[i].box.left, top,
                                        paletteBox[i].box.right, bottom );
        if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
            if( numberOfColors == 2 ) {
            } else {
#ifndef __OS2_PM__

} /* editCurrentColor */
Esempio n. 6
 * ScreenWndProc - handle messages for the screen and inverse windows
WPI_MRESULT CALLBACK ScreenWndProc( HWND hwnd, WPI_MSG msg, WPI_PARAM1 wparam, WPI_PARAM2 lparam )
    WPI_POINT   pt;
    WPI_RECT    wrect1;
    WPI_RECT    wrect2;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    switch( msg ) {
    case WM_PAINT:
        paintScreen( hwnd );

        IMGED_MAKEPOINT( wparam, lparam, pt );
        selectScreen( &pt, LMOUSEBUTTON );

        if( !fShowScreenClr ) {

        IMGED_MAKEPOINT( wparam, lparam, pt );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
        _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect1,, top,
                               , bottom );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y(, screenHeight );
        _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect2,, top,
                               , bottom );
        if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect1, pt ) || _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect2, pt ) ) {

        IMGED_MAKEPOINT( wparam, lparam, pt );
        selectScreen( &pt, RMOUSEBUTTON );

        return( DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) );
    return( 0 );

} /* ScreenWndProc */
Esempio n. 7
bool GUITrackFloatingPopup( gui_window *wnd, gui_point *location,
                            gui_mouse_track track, gui_ctl_id *curr_id )
    WPI_POINT   pt;
    ULONG       flags;
    GUI_RECTDIM left, top, right, bottom;
    HMENU       popup;

    if( ( popup = GUIHFloatingPopup ) == (HMENU)NULL ) {
        return( false );

    GUIScaleToScreenRPt( location );
    _wpi_getrectvalues( wnd->hwnd_client_rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom );
    location->x += left;
    location->y += top;
    if( GUI_DO_HSCROLL( wnd ) ) {
        location->x -= GUIGetScrollPos( wnd, SB_HORZ );
    if( GUI_DO_VSCROLL( wnd ) ) {
        location->y -= GUIGetScrollPos( wnd, SB_VERT );

    CurrId = NO_SELECT;
    if( ( curr_id != NULL ) && ( *curr_id != 0 ) ) {
        CurrId = *curr_id;

    location->y = _wpi_cvth_y( location->y, (bottom - top) );

    pt.x = location->x;
    pt.y = location->y;

    _wpi_mapwindowpoints( wnd->hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &pt, 1 );

    flags = TPM_LEFTALIGN;
    if( track & GUI_TRACK_LEFT ) {
        flags |= TPM_LEFTBUTTON;
    if( track & GUI_TRACK_RIGHT ) {
        flags |= TPM_RIGHTBUTTON;
    InitComplete = false;


    _wpi_trackpopupmenu( popup, flags, pt.x, pt.y, wnd->hwnd_frame );

    _wpi_destroymenu( popup );

    GUIHFloatingPopup = NULLHANDLE;

    if( ( CurrId != NO_SELECT ) && ( curr_id != NULL ) ) {
        *curr_id = CurrId;
    CurrId = NO_SELECT;
    GUIDeleteFloatingPopups( wnd );
    return( true );
Esempio n. 8
 * paintCurrent - paint the current window (process WM_PAINT)
static void paintCurrent( HWND hwnd )
    WPI_PRES            pres;
    WPI_PRES            mempres;
    HDC                 hdc;
    PAINTSTRUCT         ps;
    WPI_RECT            rect;
    HBITMAP             oldbitmap;
    int                 top;
    int                 bottom;

    pres = _wpi_beginpaint( hwnd, NULL, &ps );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    WinFillRect( pres, &ps, CLR_PALEGRAY );

    mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &hdc );
    _wpi_torgbmode( pres );
    _wpi_torgbmode( mempres );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, lButton.bitmap );

    _wpi_bitblt( pres, 0, 0, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, mempres,
                 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, rButton.bitmap );

    _wpi_bitblt( pres, CUR_RCOL_X - 1, 0, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1,
                 mempres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );

    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, hdc );

    _wpi_setbackmode( pres, TRANSPARENT );
    _wpi_settextcolor( pres, GetInverseColor( lButton.solid ) );

    top = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_COL_Y, currentHeight );
    bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_COL_Y + CUR_SQR_SIZE, currentHeight );
    _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &rect, CUR_LCOL_X, top, CUR_LCOL_X + CUR_SQR_SIZE, bottom );
    _wpi_drawtext( pres, "L", 1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER );
    _wpi_settextcolor( pres, GetInverseColor( rButton.solid ) );
    _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &rect, CUR_RCOL_X, top, CUR_RCOL_X + CUR_SQR_SIZE, bottom );
    _wpi_drawtext( pres, "R", 1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER );
    _wpi_endpaint( hwnd, pres, &ps );

} /* paintCurrent */
Esempio n. 9
 * selectColor - select the color under the cursor
static void selectColor( WPI_POINT *pt, int mousebutton )
    short       i;
    WPI_RECT    wrect;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    for( i = 0; i < PALETTE_SIZE; i++ ) {
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( paletteBox[i], colorsHeight );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( paletteBox[i].box.bottom, colorsHeight );

        _wpi_setintrectvalues( &wrect, paletteBox[i].box.left, top,
                                       paletteBox[i].box.right, bottom );
        if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
            SetColor( mousebutton, paletteBox[i].color,
                                   paletteBox[i].solid_color, NORMAL_CLR );

} /* selectColor */
Esempio n. 10
void _L1GetPic( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2,
/*===============================*/ struct picture _WCI86HUGE *image )

/*  Copy that portion of the screen inside the viewport to the buffer
    pointed by 'image'. */

    short               dx;             /* width of rectangle in pixels     */
    short               dy;             /* height of rectangle in pixels    */
    short               t;
#if defined( _DEFAULT_WINDOWS )
    WPI_PRES            dc;
    short               srcy;
    short               line_len;       /* length of each line in bytes     */
  #if !defined( __386__ )
    unsigned short      new_off;
    char                *tmp;
    gr_device _FARD     *dev_ptr;       /* pointer to _CurrState->deviceptr */
    char _WCI86HUGE     *pic;           /* buffer to store image            */
    copy_fn             *copy;          /* pointer to copy routine          */
    setup_fn            *setup;

    if( x1 > x2 ) {         // ensure x1 < x2
        t = x1;
        x1 = x2;
        x2 = t;
    if( y1 > y2 ) {         // ensure y1 < y2
        t = y1;
        y1 = y2;
        y2 = t;
    if( _L0BlockClip( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ) != 0 ) {     /* clip image to    */
        image->picwidth = 0;                            /* active viewport  */
        image->picheight = 0;
        _ErrorStatus = _GRNOOUTPUT;
    dx = x2 - x1 + 1;                               /* row width in pixels  */
    dy = y2 - y1 + 1;                               /* height in pixel rows */
    image->picwidth = dx;                   /* save width in image picture  */
    image->picheight = dy;                  /* save height in image picture */
#if defined( _DEFAULT_WINDOWS )
    dc = _Mem_dc;

// Create a memory DC to put the image in
    image->buffer = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( dc, _GetInst(), &( image->pdc ) );
    image->bmp = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( dc, dx, dy );
    if( ( image->buffer == NULL ) || ( image->bmp == NULL ) ) {
         _ErrorStatus = _GRINSUFFICIENTMEMORY;
    _wpi_selectbitmap( image->buffer, image->bmp );

// Transfer the image to a memory DC
  #if defined( __OS2__ )
    srcy = _wpi_cvth_y( y2, _GetPresHeight() );
    srcy = y1;
    _wpi_bitblt( image->buffer, 0, 0, dx, dy, dc, x1, srcy, SRCCOPY );

    image->bpp = _CurrState->vc.bitsperpixel;   /* save bpp - never used ?  */
    line_len = _RowLen( dx );                   /* width of row in bytes    */


    dev_ptr = _CurrState->deviceptr;
    copy = dev_ptr->readrow;
    pic = &image->buffer;
    tmp = NULL;
    setup = dev_ptr->setup;
    for( ; y1 <= y2; ++y1 ) {               /* copy screen image to buffer  */
        ( *setup )( x1, y1, 0 );
  #if !defined( __386__ )
        // check whether the entire row will fit in the buffer
        new_off = FP_OFF( pic ) + line_len - 1;
        if( new_off < FP_OFF( pic ) ) {
            if( tmp == NULL ) {     // may have been already allocated
                if( _stackavail() - line_len > 0x100 ) {
                    tmp = __alloca( _RoundUp( line_len ) );
            if( tmp != NULL ) {
                ( *copy )( tmp, _Screen.mem, dx, _Screen.bit_pos, 0 );
                for( t = 0; t < line_len; ++t ) {
                    *pic = tmp[ t ];
                    ++pic;      // the PIA function will handle this properly
            } else {
                _ErrorStatus = _GRINSUFFICIENTMEMORY;
                pic += line_len;
        } else {
            ( *copy )( pic, _Screen.mem, dx, _Screen.bit_pos, 0 );
            pic += line_len;
  #if !defined( __386__ )

Esempio n. 11
 * drawBorder - draw the border for the view window
static void drawBorder( img_node *node )
    WPI_PRES    presborder;
    HPEN        hgraypen;
    HPEN        hwhitepen;
    HPEN        hblackpen;
    HPEN        holdpen;
    WPI_RECT    rcclient;
    HBRUSH      hnewbrush;
    HBRUSH      holdbrush;
    HBRUSH      nullbrush;
    int         width;
    int         height;
#ifndef __NT__
    WPI_POINT   pt;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    presborder = _wpi_getpres( node->viewhwnd );
#if defined( __NT__ )
    hwhitepen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) );
    hblackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) );
    hwhitepen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_WHITE );
    hblackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_BLACK );

    GetClientRect( node->viewhwnd, &rcclient );
    width = _wpi_getwidthrect( rcclient );
    height = _wpi_getheightrect( rcclient );

    if( node->imgtype != BITMAP_IMG ) {
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_DARKGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );

#if defined( __NT__ )
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        top = 0;
        bottom = height;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, top, width, bottom );

         * Draw black border and selected background color in the view window.
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hblackpen );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( bkgroundColor );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        top = BORDER_WIDTH - 1;
        bottom = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
#ifndef __NT__
         * Draw the border relative to the size of the object being displayed,
         * not the window containing it.
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, BORDER_WIDTH - 1, top,
                        node->width + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, top + node->height + 2 );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
    } else {
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
        // I can't seem to get the thick pen to work so I'm using this
        // method.
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, width + 1, BORDER_WIDTH + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, BORDER_WIDTH + 1, height + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, height - BORDER_WIDTH, width + 1, height + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, width - BORDER_WIDTH, 0, width + 1, height + 1 );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_INSIDEFRAME, BORDER_WIDTH,
                                   GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_INSIDEFRAME, BORDER_WIDTH, CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        nullbrush = _wpi_createnullbrush();
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, nullbrush );

        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, rcclient.right, rcclient.bottom );
        _wpi_getoldbrush( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
        _wpi_deletenullbrush( nullbrush );

        nullbrush = _wpi_createnullbrush();
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_DARKGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, nullbrush );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        top = 0;
        bottom = height;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, top, width, bottom );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hblackpen );
        top = BORDER_WIDTH - 1;
        bottom = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
#ifndef __NT__
         * Draw the border relative to the size of the object being displayed,
         * not the window containing it.
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, BORDER_WIDTH - 1, top,
                        node->width + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, top + node->height + 2 );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deletenullbrush( nullbrush );

     * Give the view window the 3D effect.
#ifndef __NT__
    holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hwhitepen );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, 0, height - 1 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_movetoex( presborder, &pt, NULL );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, 0, 0 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = width;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, width - BORDER_WIDTH + 1, BORDER_WIDTH - 2 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_movetoex( presborder, &pt, NULL );

    pt.y = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = BORDER_WIDTH - 2;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, BORDER_WIDTH - 2, BORDER_WIDTH - 2 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = width - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hwhitepen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hblackpen );
    _wpi_releasepres( node->viewhwnd, presborder );

} /* drawBorder */
Esempio n. 12
 * SetColor - set the current colors
void SetColor( int mousebutton, COLORREF color, COLORREF solid, wie_clrtype type )
    HDC         hdc;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    WPI_PRES    mempres;
    HBITMAP     oldbitmap;
    HPEN        blackpen;
    HPEN        oldpen;
    HBRUSH      brush;
    HBRUSH      oldbrush;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    blackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, BLACK );
    if( mousebutton == LMOUSEBUTTON ) {
        lButton.color = color;
        lButton.solid = solid;
        lButton.type = type;
        if( lButton.bitmap != NULL ) {
            _wpi_deletebitmap( lButton.bitmap );
            pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP );
            if( numberOfColors == 2 && type == NORMAL_CLR ) {
                lButton.bitmap = _wpi_createbitmap( CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1,
                                                    1, 1, NULL );
            } else {
                lButton.bitmap = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( pres, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1,
                                                              2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1 );
            mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &hdc );
            _wpi_torgbmode( mempres );
            oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, lButton.bitmap );
            _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres );

            oldpen = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, blackpen );
            brush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( solid );
            oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, brush );

            top = _wpi_cvth_y( 0, currentHeight );
            bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, currentHeight );

            _wpi_rectangle( mempres, 0, top, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
            _wpi_deleteobject( brush );

            brush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
            oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, brush );

            top = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_SQR_SIZE, currentHeight );
            bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, currentHeight );

            _wpi_rectangle( mempres, 0, top, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
            _wpi_deleteobject( brush );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldpen );
            _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, hdc );
    } else {
        rButton.color = color;
        rButton.solid = solid;
        rButton.type = type;
        if( rButton.bitmap != NULL ) {
            _wpi_deletebitmap( rButton.bitmap );
            pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP );
            if( numberOfColors == 2 && type == NORMAL_CLR ) {
                rButton.bitmap = _wpi_createbitmap( CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1,
                                                    1, 1, NULL );
            } else {
                rButton.bitmap = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( pres, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1,
                                                              2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1 );
            mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &hdc );
            _wpi_torgbmode( mempres );

            oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, rButton.bitmap );
            _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres );
            oldpen = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, blackpen );
            brush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( solid );
            oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, brush );

            top = _wpi_cvth_y( 0, currentHeight );
            bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, currentHeight );
            _wpi_rectangle( mempres, 0, top, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
            _wpi_deleteobject( brush );

            brush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
            oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, brush );

            top = _wpi_cvth_y( CUR_SQR_SIZE, currentHeight );
            bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( 2 * CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, currentHeight );

            _wpi_rectangle( mempres, 0, top, CUR_SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
            _wpi_deleteobject( brush );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
            _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldpen );
            _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, hdc );
    _wpi_deleteobject( blackpen );
    InvalidateRect( hCurrentWnd, NULL, TRUE );

} /* SetColor */
Esempio n. 13
 * InitPaletteBitmaps - initialize the available color bitmaps
void InitPaletteBitmaps( HWND hwnd, HBITMAP *colorbitmap, HBITMAP *monobitmap )
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    WPI_PRES    mempres;
    HDC         hdc;
    HBITMAP     oldbitmap;
    COLORREF    color;
    int         i;
    int         left_sqr;
    HBRUSH      colorbrush;
    HBRUSH      oldbrush;
    HPEN        blackpen;
    HPEN        oldpen;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;
    int         height;

    pres = _wpi_getpres( hwnd );

    *colorbitmap = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( pres, CUR_BMP_WIDTH, CUR_BMP_HEIGHT );
    *monobitmap = _wpi_createbitmap( CUR_BMP_WIDTH, CUR_BMP_HEIGHT, 1, 1, NULL );
    mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &hdc );

    _wpi_releasepres( hwnd, pres );
    _wpi_torgbmode( mempres );

    blackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, BLACK );
    oldpen = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, blackpen );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, *colorbitmap );

     * PM NOTE: All box coordinates are relative to the window's origin
     * of top left.  So we convert the height for PM.
    left_sqr = 0;
    height = 2 * SQR_SIZE + 1;
    for( i = 0; i < PALETTE_SIZE; i += 2 ) {
        color = RGB( palette[COLOR_16][i].rgbRed, palette[COLOR_16][i].rgbGreen,
                     palette[COLOR_16][i].rgbBlue );
        colorbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
        oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, colorbrush );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( 0, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( SQR_SIZE + 1, height );

        _wpi_rectangle( mempres, left_sqr, top, left_sqr + SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
        _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( colorbrush );
        color = RGB( palette[COLOR_16][i + 1].rgbRed, palette[COLOR_16][i + 1].rgbGreen,
                     palette[COLOR_16][i + 1].rgbBlue );
        colorbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
        oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, colorbrush );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( SQR_SIZE, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( 2 * SQR_SIZE + 1, height );

        _wpi_rectangle( mempres, left_sqr, top, left_sqr + SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
        _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( colorbrush );

        left_sqr += SQR_SIZE;

    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, *monobitmap );

    left_sqr = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < PALETTE_SIZE; i += 2 ) {
        color = RGB( palette[COLOR_2][i].rgbRed, palette[COLOR_2][i].rgbGreen,
                     palette[COLOR_2][i].rgbBlue );
        colorbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
        oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, colorbrush );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( 0, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( SQR_SIZE + 1, height );

        _wpi_rectangle( mempres, left_sqr, top, left_sqr + SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
        _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( colorbrush );

        color = RGB( palette[COLOR_2][i + 1].rgbRed, palette[COLOR_2][i + 1].rgbGreen,
                     palette[COLOR_2][i + 1].rgbBlue );
        colorbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( color );
        oldbrush = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, colorbrush );

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( SQR_SIZE, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( 2 * SQR_SIZE + 1, height );

        _wpi_rectangle( mempres, left_sqr, top, left_sqr + SQR_SIZE + 1, bottom );
        _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( colorbrush );

        left_sqr += SQR_SIZE;
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap );
    _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldpen );
    _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, hdc );
    _wpi_deleteobject( blackpen );

} /* InitPaletteBitmaps */