Esempio n. 1
 * selectColor - select the color
static void selectColor( WPI_POINT *pt, HWND hwnd )
    int         i;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    HWND        currentwnd;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;
    WPI_RECT    wrect;

    currentwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( hwnd, BK_CURRENT );
    pres = _wpi_getpres( currentwnd );
    _wpi_mapwindowpoints( hwnd, currentwnd, pt, 1 );

    _wpi_torgbmode( pres );
    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
        top = availColor[i];
        bottom = availColor[i].box.bottom;

        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, 2 * SQR_SIZE );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, 2 * SQR_SIZE );
        _wpi_setintwrectvalues( &wrect, availColor[i].box.left, top,
                                        availColor[i].box.right, bottom );
        if( _wpi_ptinrect( &wrect, *pt ) ) {
            screenColor.color = availColor[i].color;
            DisplayColorBox( pres, &screenColor );

            inverseColor.color = GetInverseColor( screenColor.color );
            DisplayColorBox( pres, &inverseColor );
    _wpi_releasepres( currentwnd, pres );

} /* selectColor */
Esempio n. 2
 * GUIControlSetRedraw -- set the redraw flag for a given window control
bool GUIControlSetRedraw( gui_window *wnd, gui_ctl_id id, bool redraw )
    HWND        hwnd;

    hwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
    _wpi_setredraw( hwnd, ( redraw ) ? TRUE : FALSE );

    return( true );
Esempio n. 3
bool GUIClearText( gui_window *wnd, unsigned id )
    HWND                control;

    control = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
    if( control != (HWND)NULL ) {
        _wpi_setwindowtext( control, NULL );
    return( TRUE );
Esempio n. 4
void GUIControlDirty( gui_window *wnd, gui_ctl_id id )
    HWND        control;

    control = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
    if( control != NULLHANDLE ) {
        //GUIInvalidatePaintHandles( wnd ); // not 100% sure this is required
        _wpi_invalidaterect( control, NULL, TRUE );
        _wpi_updatewindow( control );
Esempio n. 5
bool GUIEnableControl( gui_window *wnd, unsigned id, bool enable )
    HWND                control;

    control = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
    if( control != (HWND)NULL ) {
        _wpi_enablewindow( control, enable );
        return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );
Esempio n. 6
bool GetControlInfo( gui_window * wnd, unsigned id, HWND *hwnd, WPI_PRES *dc )
    if ( wnd && wnd->hwnd ) {
        *hwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
        if ( *hwnd != (HWND)NULL ) {
            *dc = _wpi_getpres( *hwnd );
            return( *dc != NULLHANDLE );
    return( false );
Esempio n. 7
WPI_MRESULT GUISendDlgItemMessage( HWND parent, gui_ctl_id id, WPI_MSG msg,
                                   WPI_PARAM1 wparam, WPI_PARAM2 lparam )
    HWND hwnd;

    hwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( parent, id );
    if( hwnd != NULLHANDLE ) {
        return( _wpi_sendmessage( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) );
    } else {
        return( 0L );
Esempio n. 8
bool GUIIsControlEnabled( gui_window *wnd, unsigned id )
    HWND                control;

    control = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
    if( control != (HWND)NULL ) {
        if( _wpi_iswindowenabled( control ) ) {
            return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );
Esempio n. 9
char *GUIGetText( gui_window *wnd, gui_ctl_id id )
    LONG                length;
    char                *text;
    gui_control_class   control_class;
    HWND                hwnd;
    gui_ctl_idx         choice;

    if( !GUIGetControlClass( wnd, id, &control_class ) ) {
        return( NULL );
    switch( control_class ) {
    case GUI_LISTBOX :
        choice = GUIGetCurrSelect( wnd, id );
        if( choice == -1 ) {
            return( NULL );
        return( GUIGetListItem( wnd, id, choice ) );
    default :
        hwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( wnd->hwnd, id );
        if( hwnd == NULLHANDLE ) {
            return( NULL );
        length = _wpi_getwindowtextlength( hwnd );
        if( length > 0 ) {
            text = (char *)GUIMemAlloc( length + 1 );
            if( text != NULL ) {
                _wpi_getwindowtext( hwnd, (LPSTR)text, length + 1 );
                switch( control_class ) {
                case GUI_PUSH_BUTTON:
                case GUI_DEFPUSH_BUTTON:
                case GUI_RADIO_BUTTON:
                case GUI_CHECK_BOX:
                case GUI_STATIC:
                case GUI_GROUPBOX:
                    _wpi_menutext2win( text );
            return( text );
        return( NULL );
Esempio n. 10
 * displayColors - display the colors
static void displayColors( HWND hwnd )
    short       i;
    WPI_PRES    pres;
    HWND        currentwnd;

    inverseColor.color = GetInverseColor( screenColor.color );

    currentwnd = _wpi_getdlgitem( hwnd, BK_CURRENT );

    pres = _wpi_getpres( currentwnd );
    _wpi_torgbmode( pres );
    DisplayColorBox( pres, &screenColor );
    DisplayColorBox( pres, &inverseColor );

    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
        DisplayColorBox( pres, &availColor[i] );
    _wpi_releasepres( currentwnd, pres );

} /* displayColors */