const TCHAR *PerfCounterMuninNodePlugin::GetPdhCounterLocalizedName(const TCHAR *englishName) { TCHAR *regBuffer; DWORD regBufferSize = 4096; DWORD status; do { regBuffer = new TCHAR[regBufferSize]; status = RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, L"Counter 009", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)regBuffer, ®BufferSize); if (status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { delete regBuffer; regBufferSize += 4096; } else { if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete regBuffer; _Module.LogEvent("PerfCounter plugin: %s: RegQueryValueEx error=%x", m_Name.c_str(), status); return englishName; } } } while (status != ERROR_SUCCESS); DWORD fIndex = -1; for (TCHAR *idx = regBuffer; *idx; idx += wcslen(idx) + 1) { TCHAR *cName = idx + wcslen(idx) + 1; if (_wcsicmp(cName, englishName) == 0) { fIndex = _wtol(idx); break; } idx = cName; } delete regBuffer; DWORD bufSize = 0; PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex(NULL, fIndex, NULL, &bufSize); TCHAR *localName = new TCHAR[bufSize]; status = PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex(NULL, fIndex, localName, &bufSize); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _Module.LogError("PerfCounter plugin: %s: Could not find a local name for %ls, error=%x", m_Name.c_str(), englishName, status); return englishName; } return localName; }
void MI_CALL MSFT_WindowsServiceProcess_AssociatorInstancesProcess( _In_opt_ MSFT_WindowsServiceProcess_Self* self, _In_ MI_Context* context, _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char* nameSpace, _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char* className, _In_ const CIM_Process* instanceName, _In_z_ const MI_Char* resultClass, _In_opt_ const MI_PropertySet* propertySet, _In_ MI_Boolean keysOnly, _In_opt_ const MI_Filter* filter) { MI_Result result = MI_RESULT_OK; MI_Value tempHandleID; MI_Type handleType; MI_Uint32 handleID; MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(self); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nameSpace); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(className); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(instanceName); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(resultClass); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(propertySet); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(keysOnly); MI_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(filter); result = MI_Instance_GetElement(&instanceName->__instance, L"Handle", &tempHandleID, &handleType, NULL, NULL); if( result != MI_RESULT_OK) { MI_Context_PostResult(context, result); return; } if( handleType != MI_STRING) { MI_Context_PostResult(context, MI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; } handleID =_wtol(tempHandleID.string); if( handleID == 0 ) { MI_Context_PostResult(context, MI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; } GetServiceInstances(context, nameSpace, handleID, NULL); }
bool cXMLDom::operator () (const bool value) { // get the attribute as a boolean... if (this->getAttribute ()) { // boolean can be alphanumerical... if (this->_attributeValue[0] == 'T') return true; else if (this->_attributeValue[0] == 't') return true; else if (this->_attributeValue[0] == 'Y') return true; else if (this->_attributeValue[0] == 'y') return true; // boolean can be numerical... else if (_wtol (this->_attributeValue)) return true; // no truths... return false; } // return the value as default... return value; }
void T3000_Default_MainView::OnEnKillfocusEditFreid() { //strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), (int)product_register_value[608]); //m_Edit_Network.SetWindowTextW(strTemp); //strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), (int)product_register_value[609]); //m_Edit_NodeID.SetWindowTextW(strTemp); CString strTemp; m_Edit_FrequenceID.GetWindowTextW(strTemp); long Freq = _wtol(strTemp); /*long long Freq = ((long long)product_register_value[610]) * 65536 + ((long long)product_register_value[611]); */ unsigned short FreArray[2]; FreArray[0] = Freq / 65536; FreArray[1] = Freq % 65536; Write_Multi_org_short(g_tstat_id, FreArray, 610, 2, 5); // strTemp.Format(_T("%ld"), Freq); // m_Edit_FrequenceID.SetWindowTextW(strTemp); }
wstring CWaveSession::ExtractChannelResponse(wstring szResponse) { if (!szResponse.empty()) { DWORD dwPos = szResponse.find(L'\n'); if (dwPos != wstring::npos && dwPos > 0) { DWORD dwLength = _wtol(szResponse.substr(0, dwPos).c_str()); if (szResponse.length() >= dwPos + 1 + dwLength) { return szResponse.substr(dwPos + 1, dwLength); } } } return L""; }
long CSkypeMessageQueue::SupportedProtocol() { try { if(m_lSupportedProtocol == -1) { WCHAR * pResult = ExecuteBlockingCommand(L"PROTOCOL 99999", L"PROTOCOL"); if(wcslen(pResult) > 8) { m_lSupportedProtocol = _wtol(& pResult[9]); WCHAR strMsg[16]; swprintf_s(strMsg, 16, L"PROTOCOL %d", SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL); InternalProcessCommand(strMsg); } free(pResult); } } catch(...) { return SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL; } return m_lSupportedProtocol; }
void ChatMessageCollection::SetItemList(LPCWSTR ItemList) { try { m_itemList.clear(); WCHAR * list = _wcsdup(ItemList); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(list, L", ", &next_token); while(pItem) { long lID = _wtol(pItem); if(lID > 0) { m_itemList.push_back(lID); } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L", ", &next_token); } free(list); } catch(...) { } }
// // convert unicode string to DWORD // HRESULT Wstr2Dword ( _In_ LPCWSTR pszSrc, _Out_ DWORD* pdwDest ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( (!pdwDest) || (!pszSrc) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); } (*pdwDest) = (DWORD) _wtol( pszSrc ); error: return hr; }
BOOL CMainDlg::GetDomainAndPortFromUrl(LPCTSTR strUrl, LPTSTR strDomain, INTERNET_PORT &nServerPort) { ATLASSERT(strUrl); const int PORT_MAX_LENGTH = 5; TCHAR szPort[PORT_MAX_LENGTH]; DWORD dwPort = PORT_MAX_LENGTH; HRESULT hPort = UrlGetPart(strUrl, szPort, &dwPort, URL_PART_PORT, NULL); if (hPort != S_OK) { nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; if( wcsnicmp(strUrl, URL_PROTOCOL_HTTPS, wcslen(URL_PROTOCOL_HTTPS)) == 0) { nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; } } else { nServerPort = static_cast<INTERNET_PORT>(_wtol(szPort)); ATLASSERT(nServerPort != 0); if (nServerPort == 0) { nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; } } DWORD dwlen = static_cast<DWORD>(wcslen(strDomain)); HRESULT hDomain = UrlGetPart(strUrl, strDomain, &dwlen, URL_PART_HOSTNAME, NULL); if (hDomain != S_OK) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CSkypeMessageQueue::InternalRebuildCallList() { m_bNeedRebuildCallList = false; m_listCalls.clear(); try { WCHAR * pStrCalls = gSkypeQueue.ExecuteBlockingCommand(L"SEARCH CALLS", L"CALLS"); WCHAR * list = pStrCalls; WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(list, L", ", &next_token); while(pItem) { long lID = _wtol(pItem); if(lID > 0) { m_listCalls[lID] = prgUnknown; } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L", ", &next_token); } free(pStrCalls); } catch(const WCHAR * err) { } }
BOOL CSetDialogs::OnApply() { UpdateData(); if (m_cFontNames.GetSelFont()) m_sFontName = m_cFontNames.GetSelFont()->m_strName; else m_sFontName = m_regFontName; Store(m_bShortDateFormat, m_regShortDateFormat); Store(m_bRelativeTimes, m_regRelativeTimes); Store(m_bAsteriskLogPrefix, m_regAsteriskLogPrefix); Store(m_bUseSystemLocaleForDates, m_regUseSystemLocaleForDates); int sel = m_cDefaultLogsScale.GetCurSel(); Store(sel > 0 ? sel : 0, m_regDefaultLogsScale); int val = _wtol((LPCTSTR)m_sDefaultLogs); if (sel > 1 && val > 0) Store(val, m_regDefaultLogs); Store(m_sFontName, m_regFontName); Store(m_dwFontSize, m_regFontSize); Store(m_bDiffByDoubleClick, m_regDiffByDoubleClick); Store(m_bAbbreviateRenamings, m_regAbbreviateRenamings); Store(m_bSymbolizeRefNames, m_regSymbolizeRefNames); Store(m_bEnableLogCache, m_regEnableLogCache); Store(m_bEnableGravatar, m_regEnableGravatar); Store(m_GravatarUrl, m_regGravatarUrl); Store(m_bDrawBranchesTagsOnRightSide, m_regDrawBranchesTagsOnRightSide); Store(m_bShowDescribe, m_regShowDescribe); Store(m_bShowBranchRevNo, m_regShowBranchRevNo); Store(m_DescribeStrategy, m_regDescribeStrategy); Store(m_DescribeAbbreviatedSize, m_regDescribeAbbreviatedSize); Store(m_bDescribeAlwaysLong, m_regDescribeAlwaysLong); Store(m_bFullCommitMessageOnLogLine, m_regFullCommitMessageOnLogLine); Store(m_bMailmapOnLog, m_regMailmapOnLog); SetModified(FALSE); return ISettingsPropPage::OnApply(); }
static BOOL CALLBACK InstalledCPProc(PWSTR lpStr) { LPCPAGE lpCP; UINT uiCP; lpCP = PCPage; uiCP = _wtol(lpStr); for (;;) { if (!lpCP) break; if (lpCP->CPage == uiCP) { lpCP->Status |= 0x0001; break; } lpCP = lpCP->NextItem; } return TRUE; }
void CShareOverlay::InitOverlay( const wchar_t *icon ) { s_bEnabled=true; if (icon) { Strcpy(s_IconPath,_countof(s_IconPath),icon); wchar_t *c=wcsrchr(s_IconPath,','); if (c) { *c=0; s_Index=-_wtol(c+1); } else s_Index=0; } else { Strcpy(s_IconPath,_countof(s_IconPath),L"%windir%\\system32\\imageres.dll"); s_Index=-164; } DoEnvironmentSubst(s_IconPath,_countof(s_IconPath)); }
LRESULT CPropertyEditWindow::OnCreate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { CAtlString strFontSize = LoadAtlString(IDS_FONT_SIZE_14); CAtlString strFontFace = LoadAtlString(IDS_FONT_FACE_ARIAL); LOGFONT lfLabelFont; lfLabelFont.lfHeight = _wtol(strFontSize); lfLabelFont.lfWidth = 0; lfLabelFont.lfEscapement = 0; lfLabelFont.lfOrientation = 0; lfLabelFont.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE; lfLabelFont.lfItalic = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfUnderline = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lfLabelFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfLabelFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfLabelFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lfLabelFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE | DEFAULT_PITCH; wcscpy_s(lfLabelFont.lfFaceName, 32, strFontFace); m_hLabelFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lfLabelFont); RECT buttonRect; GetClientRect(&buttonRect); buttonRect.right -= ms_ButtonWidth + ms_MarginWidth + ms_MarginWidth; buttonRect.bottom -= ms_MarginWidth; = buttonRect.bottom - ms_ButtonHeight; buttonRect.left = buttonRect.right - ms_ButtonWidth; m_AddButton.Create(m_hWnd, &buttonRect, LoadAtlString(IDS_ADD), WS_CHILD | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 0, IDC_ADDBUTTON); buttonRect.right += ms_ButtonWidth + ms_MarginWidth; buttonRect.left += ms_ButtonWidth + ms_MarginWidth; m_OKButton.Create(m_hWnd, &buttonRect, LoadAtlString(IDS_SAVE), WS_CHILD | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 0, IDC_OKBUTTON); return 0; }
void CMainFrame::SetRibbonFont() { CXTPOffice2007Theme* pOfficeTheme = (CXTPOffice2007Theme*)(m_cmdbars->GetPaintManager()); CString fontname, sizestr; std::wstring fontcfg(GetStringValue(m_appname.c_str(), L"RibbonFont", L".")); if (fontcfg.size() < 2) { fontcfg = GetStringValue(L"uicorextp", L"RibbonFont", getUIOptions()->GetString(L"ribbonFont", L"Tahoma,12").c_str()); } AfxExtractSubString(fontname, fontcfg.c_str(), 0, ','); AfxExtractSubString(sizestr, fontcfg.c_str(), 1, ','); long fontsize = _wtol(sizestr); if (!fontname.IsEmpty() && pOfficeTheme->FontExists(fontname)) { pOfficeTheme->m_strOfficeFont = fontname; XTPPaintManager()->m_strOfficeFont = fontname; } if (fontsize != 0) { #if _XTPLIB_VERSION_MAJOR > 13 pOfficeTheme->SetFontHeight(fontsize); #else CXTPRibbonBar* pRibbonBar = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CXTPRibbonBar, m_cmdbars->GetMenuBar()); pRibbonBar->SetFontHeight(fontsize); #endif } else { pOfficeTheme->UpdateFonts(); } m_cmdbars->GetToolTipContext()->SetFont(m_cmdbars->GetPaintManager()->GetRegularFont()); }
BOOL CVisualDrawContext::SelectSmallFont() { CAtlString strFontSize = LoadAtlString(IDS_FONT_SIZE_12); CAtlString strFontFace = LoadAtlString(IDS_FONT_FACE_ARIAL); LOGFONT lfLabelFont; lfLabelFont.lfHeight = _wtol(strFontSize); lfLabelFont.lfWidth = 0; lfLabelFont.lfEscapement = 0; lfLabelFont.lfOrientation = 0; lfLabelFont.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE; lfLabelFont.lfItalic = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfUnderline = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; lfLabelFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lfLabelFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfLabelFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lfLabelFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lfLabelFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE | DEFAULT_PITCH; wcscpy_s(lfLabelFont.lfFaceName, 32, strFontFace); HFONT hSmallFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lfLabelFont); if(NULL == hSmallFont) { return FALSE; } m_State.m_hOldFont = SelectObject(m_hBgBuffer, hSmallFont); if(NULL == m_State.m_hOldFont) { DeleteObject(hSmallFont); return FALSE; } return true; }
void CGraphicView::ReloadLabelsFromDB() { ClearAllLabels(); m_pCon.CreateInstance(_T("ADODB.Connection")); m_pRs.CreateInstance(_T("ADODB.Recordset")); m_pCon->Open(g_strDatabasefilepath.GetString(),_T(""),_T(""),adModeUnknown); CString strSql; //if(bac_cm5_graphic == false) strSql.Format(_T("select * from Screen_Label where Serial_Num =%i and Tstat_id=%i"),m_nSerialNumber,m_nTstatID); //else //strSql.Format(_T("select * from Screen_Label where Serial_Num =%i and Tstat_id=%i"),g_bac_instance,g_mac); //strSql.Format(_T("select * from Screen_Label where Tstat_id=%i"),m_nTstatID); m_pRs->Open((_variant_t)strSql,_variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pCon,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText); CString strtemp; strtemp.Empty(); _variant_t temp_variant; int nTemp; CString strTemp; int nItem = 0;//用于记录有多少个需要刷新; while(VARIANT_FALSE==m_pRs->EndOfFile) { Label_information label; label.nSerialNum=m_nSerialNumber; label.tstat_id=m_nTstatID; label.strScreenName=m_strScreenName; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Cstatic_id");// label.cstatic_id=nTemp; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Point_X");// label.point.x=nTemp; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Point_Y");// label.point.y=nTemp; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Height");// label.height=nTemp; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Width");// label.width=nTemp; nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Status");// label.status=nTemp; temp_variant=m_pRs->GetCollect("Tips");// if(temp_variant.vt!=VT_NULL) strtemp=temp_variant; else strtemp=_T(""); label.strTips=strtemp; /* temp_variant=m_pRs->GetCollect("Tips");// if(temp_variant.vt!=VT_NULL) strtemp=temp_variant; else strtemp=_T(""); label.strTips=strtemp; */ nTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Input_or_Output");// label.input_or_output=nTemp; strTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Text_Color");// if(strTemp.IsEmpty()) { label.clrTxt=0; } else { label.clrTxt=_wtol(strTemp); } strTemp=m_pRs->GetCollect("Back_Color");// if(strTemp.IsEmpty()) { label.bkColor=254*255*255; } else { label.bkColor=_wtol(strTemp); } // label.bkColor=nTemp; CRelayLabel* pLabel=new(CRelayLabel); pLabel->Create(_T(""),WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER,CRect(XStart+label.point.x,YStart+label.point.y,XStart+label.point.x+label.width,YStart+label.point.y+label.height), this,label.cstatic_id); //(int TstatID,int input_or_output,int nStatus,COLORREF textClr,COLORREF bkClr) pLabel->SetLabelInfo(label.tstat_id,label.input_or_output,label.status,label.clrTxt,label.bkColor); pLabel->MoveWindow(CRect(XStart+label.point.x,YStart+label.point.y,XStart+label.point.x+label.width,YStart+label.point.y+label.height)); label.plabelCtrl=pLabel; m_RelayLabelLst.push_back(label); m_pRs->MoveNext(); _Graphic_Value_Info temp1; m_graphic_refresh_data.push_back(temp1); = label.tstat_id; = label.input_or_output; = label.status; = pLabel; if(label.input_or_output == 0) { = READINPUT_T3000; = sizeof(Str_in_point); } else if(label.input_or_output == 1) { = READOUTPUT_T3000; = sizeof(Str_out_point); } else if(label.input_or_output == 2) { = READVARIABLE_T3000; = sizeof(Str_variable_point); } = this->m_hWnd; nItem ++; } if(m_pRs->State) m_pRs->Close(); if(m_pCon->State) m_pCon->Close(); }
unsigned long BuscarActualizaciones::ThreadDescargarActualizacion(void *phWnd) { TCHAR szHead[] = TEXT("Accept: */*\r\n\r\n"); HINTERNET Sesion = InternetOpen(TEXT("BubaTronik"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, 0); HINTERNET Peticion = InternetOpenUrl(Sesion, TEXT(""), szHead, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); // DWORD Longitud = 0; DWORD Descargado = 64; DWORD TotalDescargado = 0; char Datos[4097]; DWORD TotalDatos = 0; TCHAR TotalDatosStr[64]; BOOL Ret = HttpQueryInfo(Peticion, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, (LPVOID)TotalDatosStr, &Descargado, (LPDWORD)0); if (Ret == TRUE) TotalDatos = _wtol(TotalDatosStr); HWND hWndPlayer = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(phWnd); PostMessage(hWndPlayer, MENSAJE_ACTUALIZACION_MAXIMOBARRA, NULL, static_cast<LPARAM>(TotalDatos)); Descargado = 0; DWL::DWLString PathFinal; // = Sistema.App.AppPath(); Sistema.Directorio.AppData(PathFinal); PathFinal += TEXT("\\BubaTronik\\Instalar.exe"); DWL::Archivos::DWLArchivoBinario Archivo(PathFinal(), true); while (TRUE) { PostMessage(hWndPlayer, MENSAJE_ACTUALIZACION_POSICIONBARRA, NULL, static_cast<LPARAM>(TotalDescargado)); WaitForSingleObject(Mutex, INFINITE); if (!InternetReadFile(Peticion, (LPVOID)Datos, 4096, &Descargado) || _CancelarDescarga == true) { ReleaseMutex(Mutex); break; } ReleaseMutex(Mutex); Datos[Descargado] = '\0'; TotalDescargado += Descargado; if (Descargado == 0) break; else Archivo.Guardar(Datos, Descargado); } InternetCloseHandle(Peticion); // Leemos el hash que tiene la web Peticion = InternetOpenUrl(Sesion, TEXT(""), szHead, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); char TxtHash[33] = ""; DWORD BytesLeidos = 0; BOOL Leido = InternetReadFile(Peticion, TxtHash, 32, &BytesLeidos); // Calculo el hash del archivo descargado #define MD5LEN 16 DWORD sz = Archivo.Posicion(0, true); HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0,hHash = 0; BYTE rgbHash[MD5LEN + 1] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; DWORD cbHash = 0; char finalhash[33] = "", dig[] = "0123456789abcdef"; BYTE *hash = new BYTE[sz]; size_t l = 0; Archivo.Posicion(0, false); Archivo.Leer(hash, sz); CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT); CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash); CryptHashData(hHash, hash, sz, 0); cbHash = MD5LEN; BOOL RET = CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, rgbHash, &cbHash, 0); for(DWORD i = 0; i < cbHash; i ++){ finalhash[l] = dig[rgbHash[i] >> 4]; l ++; finalhash[l] = dig[rgbHash[i] & 0xf]; l ++; } for(l = 32; l < strlen(finalhash); l++) finalhash[l] = 0; CryptDestroyHash(hHash); CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); delete [] hash; if (_strcmpi(finalhash, TxtHash) != 0) TotalDescargado ++; // Si no son iguales sumo 1 a los bytes descargados para retornar false InternetCloseHandle(Peticion); InternetCloseHandle(Sesion); // ReleaseMutex(Mutex); CloseHandle(Mutex); if (_CancelarDescarga == false) PostMessage(hWndPlayer, MENSAJE_ACTUALIZACION_FINDESCARGA, NULL, static_cast<LPARAM>(TotalDescargado == TotalDatos)); return TRUE; }
int __cdecl wmain(ULONG argc, PWCHAR argv[]) { int status; ULONG command; PDOKAN_OPERATIONS dokanOperations = (PDOKAN_OPERATIONS)malloc(sizeof(DOKAN_OPERATIONS)); if (dokanOperations == NULL) { return -1; } PDOKAN_OPTIONS dokanOptions = (PDOKAN_OPTIONS)malloc(sizeof(DOKAN_OPTIONS)); if (dokanOptions == NULL) { free(dokanOperations); return -1; } if (argc < 5) { fprintf(stderr, "mirror.exe\n" " /r RootDirectory (ex. /r c:\\test)\n" " /l DriveLetter (ex. /l m)\n" " /t ThreadCount (ex. /t 5)\n" " /d (enable debug output)\n" " /s (use stderr for output)\n" " /n (use network drive)\n" " /m (use removable drive)\n" " /i (Timeout in Milliseconds ex. /i 30000)\n"); return -1; } g_DebugMode = FALSE; g_UseStdErr = FALSE; ZeroMemory(dokanOptions, sizeof(DOKAN_OPTIONS)); dokanOptions->Version = DOKAN_VERSION; dokanOptions->ThreadCount = 0; // use default for (command = 1; command < argc; command++) { switch (towlower(argv[command][1])) { case L'r': command++; wcscpy_s(RootDirectory, sizeof(RootDirectory)/sizeof(WCHAR), argv[command]); DbgPrint(L"RootDirectory: %ls\n", RootDirectory); break; case L'l': command++; wcscpy_s(MountPoint, sizeof(MountPoint)/sizeof(WCHAR), argv[command]); dokanOptions->MountPoint = MountPoint; break; case L't': command++; dokanOptions->ThreadCount = (USHORT)_wtoi(argv[command]); break; case L'd': g_DebugMode = TRUE; break; case L's': g_UseStdErr = TRUE; break; case L'n': dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_NETWORK; break; case L'm': dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_REMOVABLE; break; case L'i': command++; dokanOptions->Timeout = (ULONG)_wtol(argv[command]); break; default: fwprintf(stderr, L"unknown command: %s\n", argv[command]); return -1; } } if (g_DebugMode) { dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_DEBUG; } if (g_UseStdErr) { dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_STDERR; } dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE; dokanOptions->Options |= DOKAN_OPTION_ALT_STREAM; ZeroMemory(dokanOperations, sizeof(DOKAN_OPERATIONS)); dokanOperations->CreateFile = MirrorCreateFile; dokanOperations->OpenDirectory = MirrorOpenDirectory; dokanOperations->CreateDirectory = MirrorCreateDirectory; dokanOperations->Cleanup = MirrorCleanup; dokanOperations->CloseFile = MirrorCloseFile; dokanOperations->ReadFile = MirrorReadFile; dokanOperations->WriteFile = MirrorWriteFile; dokanOperations->FlushFileBuffers = MirrorFlushFileBuffers; dokanOperations->GetFileInformation = MirrorGetFileInformation; dokanOperations->FindFiles = MirrorFindFiles; dokanOperations->FindFilesWithPattern = NULL; dokanOperations->SetFileAttributes = MirrorSetFileAttributes; dokanOperations->SetFileTime = MirrorSetFileTime; dokanOperations->DeleteFile = MirrorDeleteFile; dokanOperations->DeleteDirectory = MirrorDeleteDirectory; dokanOperations->MoveFile = MirrorMoveFile; dokanOperations->SetEndOfFile = MirrorSetEndOfFile; dokanOperations->SetAllocationSize = MirrorSetAllocationSize; dokanOperations->LockFile = MirrorLockFile; dokanOperations->UnlockFile = MirrorUnlockFile; dokanOperations->GetFileSecurity = MirrorGetFileSecurity; dokanOperations->SetFileSecurity = MirrorSetFileSecurity; dokanOperations->GetDiskFreeSpace = NULL; dokanOperations->GetVolumeInformation = MirrorGetVolumeInformation; dokanOperations->Unmount = MirrorUnmount; dokanOperations->EnumerateNamedStreams = MirrorEnumerateNamedStreams; status = DokanMain(dokanOptions, dokanOperations); switch (status) { case DOKAN_SUCCESS: fprintf(stderr, "Success\n"); break; case DOKAN_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Error\n"); break; case DOKAN_DRIVE_LETTER_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Bad Drive letter\n"); break; case DOKAN_DRIVER_INSTALL_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Can't install driver\n"); break; case DOKAN_START_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Driver something wrong\n"); break; case DOKAN_MOUNT_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Can't assign a drive letter\n"); break; case DOKAN_MOUNT_POINT_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Mount point error\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error: %d\n", status); break; } free(dokanOptions); free(dokanOperations); return 0; }
bool SyncCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; CRegString rSyncPath(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\SyncPath"); CTSVNPath syncPath = CTSVNPath(CString(rSyncPath)); CTSVNPath syncFolder = syncPath; CRegDWORD regCount(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\SyncCounter"); CRegDWORD regSyncAuth(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\SyncAuth"); bool bSyncAuth = DWORD(regSyncAuth) != 0; if (!cmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) syncPath = cmdLinePath; if (syncPath.IsEmpty() && !parser.HasKey(L"askforpath")) { return false; } syncPath.AppendPathString(L"tsvnsync.tsex"); BOOL bWithLocals = FALSE; if (parser.HasKey(L"askforpath")) { // ask for the path first, then for the password // this is used for a manual import/export CString path; bool bGotPath = FileOpenSave(path, bWithLocals, !!parser.HasKey(L"load"), GetExplorerHWND()); if (bGotPath) { syncPath = CTSVNPath(path); if (!parser.HasKey(L"load") && syncPath.GetFileExtension().IsEmpty()) syncPath.AppendRawString(L".tsex"); } else return false; } CSimpleIni iniFile; iniFile.SetMultiLine(true); SVNAuthData authData; CAutoRegKey hMainKey; RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\TortoiseSVN", 0, KEY_READ, hMainKey.GetPointer()); FILETIME filetime = { 0 }; RegQueryInfoKey(hMainKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &filetime); bool bCloudIsNewer = false; if (!parser.HasKey(L"save")) { // open the file in read mode CAutoFile hFile = CreateFile(syncPath.GetWinPathString(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile.IsValid()) { // load the file LARGE_INTEGER fsize = { 0 }; if (GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &fsize)) { auto filebuf = std::make_unique<char[]>(DWORD(fsize.QuadPart)); DWORD bytesread = 0; if (ReadFile(hFile, filebuf.get(), DWORD(fsize.QuadPart), &bytesread, NULL)) { // decrypt the file contents std::string encrypted; if (bytesread > 0) encrypted = std::string(filebuf.get(), bytesread); CRegString regPW(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\SyncPW"); CString password; if (parser.HasKey(L"askforpath") && parser.HasKey(L"load")) { INT_PTR dlgret = 0; bool bPasswordMatches = true; do { bPasswordMatches = true; CPasswordDlg passDlg(CWnd::FromHandle(GetExplorerHWND())); passDlg.m_bForSave = !!parser.HasKey(L"save"); dlgret = passDlg.DoModal(); password = passDlg.m_sPW1; if ((dlgret == IDOK) && (parser.HasKey(L"load"))) { std::string passworda = CUnicodeUtils::StdGetUTF8((LPCWSTR)password); std::string decrypted = CStringUtils::Decrypt(encrypted, passworda); if ((decrypted.size() < 3) || (decrypted.substr(0, 3) != "***")) { bPasswordMatches = false; } } } while ((dlgret == IDOK) && !bPasswordMatches); if (dlgret != IDOK) return false; } else { auto passwordbuf = CStringUtils::Decrypt(CString(regPW)); if (passwordbuf.get()) { password = passwordbuf.get(); } else { // password does not match or it couldn't be read from // the registry! // TaskDialog(GetExplorerHWND(), AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_APPNAME), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_ERR_ERROROCCURED), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_SYNC_WRONGPASSWORD), TDCBF_OK_BUTTON, TD_ERROR_ICON, NULL); CString sCmd = L" /command:settings /page:21"; CAppUtils::RunTortoiseProc(sCmd); return false; } } std::string passworda = CUnicodeUtils::StdGetUTF8((LPCWSTR)password); std::string decrypted = CStringUtils::Decrypt(encrypted, passworda); if (decrypted.size() >= 3) { if (decrypted.substr(0, 3) == "***") { decrypted = decrypted.substr(3); // pass the decrypted data to the ini file iniFile.LoadFile(decrypted.c_str(), decrypted.size()); int inicount = _wtoi(iniFile.GetValue(L"sync", L"synccounter", L"")); if (inicount != 0) { if (int(DWORD(regCount)) < inicount) { bCloudIsNewer = true; regCount = inicount; } } // load the auth data, but do not overwrite already stored auth data! if (bSyncAuth) authData.ImportAuthData(syncFolder.GetWinPathString(), password); } else { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error decrypting, password may be wrong\n"); return false; } } } } } else { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error opening file %s, Error %u\n", syncPath.GetWinPath(), GetLastError()); auto lasterr = GetLastError(); if ((lasterr != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) && (lasterr != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) return false; } } if (parser.HasKey(L"load")) bCloudIsNewer = true; if (parser.HasKey(L"save")) bCloudIsNewer = false; bool bHaveChanges = false; if (bWithLocals || parser.HasKey(L"local")) { // remove all blocks that are allowed for local exports for (const auto& allow : regBlockLocalArray) { regBlockArray.erase(std::remove(regBlockArray.begin(), regBlockArray.end(), allow), regBlockArray.end()); } } // go through all registry values and update either the registry // or the ini file, depending on which is newer for (const auto& regname : regUseArray) { bool bChanges = HandleRegistryKey(regname, iniFile, bCloudIsNewer); bHaveChanges = bHaveChanges || bChanges; } if (bWithLocals || parser.HasKey(L"local")) { for (const auto& regname : regUseLocalArray) { bool bChanges = HandleRegistryKey(regname, iniFile, bCloudIsNewer); bHaveChanges = bHaveChanges || bChanges; } } if (bCloudIsNewer) { CString regpath = L"Software\\"; CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend keys; iniFile.GetAllKeys(L"registry_dword", keys); for (const auto& k : keys) { CRegDWORD reg(regpath + k); reg = _wtol(iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_dword", k, L"")); } keys.clear(); iniFile.GetAllKeys(L"registry_qword", keys); for (const auto& k : keys) { CRegQWORD reg(regpath + k); reg = _wtoi64(iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_qword", k, L"")); } keys.clear(); iniFile.GetAllKeys(L"registry_string", keys); for (const auto& k : keys) { CRegString reg(regpath + k); reg = CString(iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_string", k, L"")); } } { // sync project monitor settings CString sDataFilePath = CPathUtils::GetAppDataDirectory(); sDataFilePath += L"\\MonitoringData.ini"; CSimpleIni monitorIni; monitorIni.SetMultiLine(true); if (bCloudIsNewer) { CSimpleIni origMonitorIni; origMonitorIni.SetMultiLine(true); origMonitorIni.LoadFile(sDataFilePath); CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend keys; iniFile.GetAllKeys(L"ini_monitor", keys); for (const auto& k : keys) { CString sKey = k; CString sSection = sKey.Left(sKey.Find('.')); sKey = sKey.Mid(sKey.Find('.') + 1); if (sKey.CompareNoCase(L"name") == 0) { // make sure the non-synced values are still used monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"lastchecked", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"lastchecked", L"0")); monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"lastcheckedrobots", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"lastcheckedrobots", L"0")); monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"lastHEAD", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"lastHEAD", L"0")); monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"UnreadItems", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"UnreadItems", L"0")); monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"unreadFirst", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"unreadFirst", L"0")); monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, L"WCPathOrUrl", origMonitorIni.GetValue(sSection, L"WCPathOrUrl", L"")); } CString sValue = CString(iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", k, L"")); if ((sKey.Compare(L"username") == 0) || (sKey.Compare(L"password") == 0)) { sValue = CStringUtils::Encrypt(sValue); } monitorIni.SetValue(sSection, sKey, sValue); } FILE * pFile = NULL; errno_t err = 0; int retrycount = 5; CString sTempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePathString(); do { err = _tfopen_s(&pFile, sTempfile, L"wb"); if ((err == 0) && pFile) { monitorIni.SaveFile(pFile); err = fclose(pFile); } if (err) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error saving %s, retrycount %d\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, retrycount); Sleep(500); } } while (err && retrycount--); if (err == 0) { if (!CopyFile(sTempfile, sDataFilePath, FALSE)) CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error copying %s to %s, Error %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, (LPCWSTR)sDataFilePath, GetLastError()); else { // now send a message to a possible running monitor to force it // to reload the ini file. Otherwise it would overwrite the ini // file without using the synced data! HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_MONITOR_DLGTITLE))); if (hWnd) { UINT TSVN_COMMITMONITOR_RELOADINI = RegisterWindowMessage(L"TSVNCommitMonitor_ReloadIni"); PostMessage(hWnd, TSVN_COMMITMONITOR_RELOADINI, 0, 0); } } } } else { CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend mitems; if (PathFileExists(sDataFilePath)) { int retrycount = 5; SI_Error err = SI_OK; do { err = monitorIni.LoadFile(sDataFilePath); if (err == SI_FILE) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error loading %s, retrycount %d\n", (LPCWSTR)sDataFilePath, retrycount); Sleep(500); } } while ((err == SI_FILE) && retrycount--); if (err == SI_FILE) { return false; } monitorIni.GetAllSections(mitems); } for (const auto& mitem : mitems) { CString sSection = mitem; CString Name = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"Name", L""); if (!Name.IsEmpty()) { CString newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"WCPathOrUrl", L""); iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".Name", Name); CString oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".WCPathOrUrl", L""); bHaveChanges |= ((newval != oldval) && (!oldval.IsEmpty())); // only save monitored working copies if local settings are included, or // if the monitored path is an url. // Don't save paths to working copies for non-local stores if (bWithLocals || newval.IsEmpty() || !PathIsDirectory(newval)) iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".WCPathOrUrl", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"interval", L"5"); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".interval", L"0"); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".interval", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"minminutesinterval", L"0"); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".minminutesinterval", L"0"); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".minminutesinterval", newval); newval = CStringUtils::Decrypt(monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"username", L"")).get(); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".username", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".username", newval); newval = CStringUtils::Decrypt(monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"password", L"")).get(); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".password", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".password", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"MsgRegex", L""); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".MsgRegex", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".MsgRegex", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"ignoreauthors", L""); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".ignoreauthors", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".ignoreauthors", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"parentTreePath", L""); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".parentTreePath", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".parentTreePath", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"uuid", L""); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".uuid", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".uuid", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"root", L""); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".root", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".root", newval); ProjectProperties ProjProps; ProjProps.LoadFromIni(monitorIni, sSection); ProjProps.SaveToIni(iniFile, L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".pp_"); } else if (sSection.CompareNoCase(L"global") == 0) { CString newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"PlaySound", L"1"); CString oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".PlaySound", L"1"); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".PlaySound", newval); newval = monitorIni.GetValue(mitem, L"ShowNotifications", L"1"); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".ShowNotifications", L"1"); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_monitor", sSection + L".ShowNotifications", newval); } } } } { // sync TortoiseMerge regex filters CSimpleIni regexIni; regexIni.SetMultiLine(true); CString sDataFilePath = CPathUtils::GetAppDataDirectory(); sDataFilePath += L"\\regexfilters.ini"; if (bCloudIsNewer) { CSimpleIni origRegexIni; if (PathFileExists(sDataFilePath)) { int retrycount = 5; SI_Error err = SI_OK; do { err = origRegexIni.LoadFile(sDataFilePath); if (err == SI_FILE) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error loading %s, retrycount %d\n", (LPCWSTR)sDataFilePath, retrycount); Sleep(500); } } while ((err == SI_FILE) && retrycount--); if (err == SI_FILE) { return false; } } CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend keys; iniFile.GetAllKeys(L"ini_tmergeregex", keys); for (const auto& k : keys) { CString sKey = k; CString sSection = sKey.Left(sKey.Find('.')); sKey = sKey.Mid(sKey.Find('.') + 1); CString sValue = CString(iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_tmergeregex", k, L"")); regexIni.SetValue(sSection, sKey, sValue); } FILE * pFile = NULL; errno_t err = 0; int retrycount = 5; CString sTempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePathString(); do { err = _tfopen_s(&pFile, sTempfile, L"wb"); if ((err == 0) && pFile) { regexIni.SaveFile(pFile); err = fclose(pFile); } if (err) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error saving %s, retrycount %d\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, retrycount); Sleep(500); } } while (err && retrycount--); if (err == 0) { if (!CopyFile(sTempfile, sDataFilePath, FALSE)) CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error copying %s to %s, Error: %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, (LPCWSTR)sDataFilePath, GetLastError()); } } else { if (PathFileExists(sDataFilePath)) { int retrycount = 5; SI_Error err = SI_OK; do { err = regexIni.LoadFile(sDataFilePath); if (err == SI_FILE) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error loading %s, retrycount %d\n", (LPCWSTR)sDataFilePath, retrycount); Sleep(500); } } while ((err == SI_FILE) && retrycount--); if (err == SI_FILE) { return false; } } CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend mitems; regexIni.GetAllSections(mitems); for (const auto& mitem : mitems) { CString sSection = mitem; CString newval = regexIni.GetValue(mitem, L"regex", L""); CString oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_tmergeregex", sSection + L".regex", L""); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_tmergeregex", sSection + L".regex", newval); newval = regexIni.GetValue(mitem, L"replace", L"5"); oldval = iniFile.GetValue(L"ini_tmergeregex", sSection + L".replace", L"0"); bHaveChanges |= newval != oldval; iniFile.SetValue(L"ini_tmergeregex", sSection + L".replace", newval); } } } if (bHaveChanges) { iniFile.SetValue(L"sync", L"version", TSVN_SYNC_VERSION_STR); DWORD count = regCount; ++count; regCount = count; CString tmp; tmp.Format(L"%lu", count); iniFile.SetValue(L"sync", L"synccounter", tmp); // save the ini file std::string iniData; iniFile.SaveString(iniData); iniData = "***" + iniData; // encrypt the string CString password; if (parser.HasKey(L"askforpath")) { CPasswordDlg passDlg(CWnd::FromHandle(GetExplorerHWND())); passDlg.m_bForSave = true; if (passDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return false; password = passDlg.m_sPW1; } else { CRegString regPW(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\SyncPW"); auto passwordbuf = CStringUtils::Decrypt(CString(regPW)); if (passwordbuf.get()) { password = passwordbuf.get(); } } std::string passworda = CUnicodeUtils::StdGetUTF8((LPCWSTR)password); std::string encrypted = CStringUtils::Encrypt(iniData, passworda); CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncPath.GetContainingDirectory().GetWinPathString()); CString sTempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePathString(); CAutoFile hFile = CreateFile(sTempfile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile.IsValid()) { DWORD written = 0; if (WriteFile(hFile, encrypted.c_str(), DWORD(encrypted.size()), &written, NULL)) { if (hFile.CloseHandle()) { if (!CopyFile(sTempfile, syncPath.GetWinPath(), FALSE)) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error copying %s to %s, Error: %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, syncPath.GetWinPath(), GetLastError()); } else bRet = true; } else CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error closing file %s, Error: %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, GetLastError()); } else CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error writing to file %s, Error: %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, GetLastError()); } else CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) L": Error creating file %s for writing, Error: %u\n", (LPCWSTR)sTempfile, GetLastError()); if (bSyncAuth) { // now save all auth data CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncFolder.GetWinPathString() + L"\\auth"); CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncFolder.GetWinPathString() + L"\\auth\\svn.simple"); CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncFolder.GetWinPathString() + L"\\auth\\svn.ssl.client-passphrase"); CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncFolder.GetWinPathString() + L"\\auth\\svn.ssl.server"); CPathUtils::MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(syncFolder.GetWinPathString() + L"\\auth\\svn.username"); authData.ExportAuthData(syncFolder.GetWinPathString(), password); } } return bRet; }
bool SyncCommand::HandleRegistryKey(const CString& regname, CSimpleIni& iniFile, bool bCloudIsNewer) { CAutoRegKey hKey; CAutoRegKey hKeyKey; DWORD regtype = 0; DWORD regsize = 0; CString sKeyPath = L"Software"; CString sValuePath = regname; CString sIniKeyName = regname; CString sRegname = regname; CString sValue; bool bHaveChanges = false; if (regname.Find('\\') >= 0) { // handle values in sub-keys sKeyPath = L"Software\\" + regname.Left(regname.ReverseFind('\\')); sValuePath = regname.Mid(regname.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); } if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ, hKey.GetPointer()) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bool bEnum = false; bool bEnumKeys = false; int index = 0; int keyindex = 0; // an asterisk means: use all values inside the specified key if (sValuePath == L"*") bEnum = true; if (sValuePath == L"**") { bEnumKeys = true; bEnum = true; RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ, hKeyKey.GetPointer()); } do { if (bEnumKeys) { bEnum = true; index = 0; wchar_t cKeyName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; DWORD cLen = _countof(cKeyName); if (RegEnumKeyEx(hKeyKey, keyindex, cKeyName, &cLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bEnumKeys = false; break; } ++keyindex; sKeyPath = L"Software\\" + regname.Left(regname.ReverseFind('\\')) + L"\\" + cKeyName + L"\\"; sRegname = regname.Left(regname.ReverseFind('\\')) + L"\\" + cKeyName + L"\\"; hKey.CloseHandle(); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ, hKey.GetPointer()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bEnumKeys = false; break; } } do { if (bEnum) { // start enumerating all values wchar_t cValueName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; DWORD cLen = _countof(cValueName); if (RegEnumValue(hKey, index, cValueName, &cLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bEnum = false; break; } ++index; sValuePath = cValueName; CString sValueLower = sValuePath; sValueLower.MakeLower(); bool bIgnore = false; for (const auto& ignore : regBlockArray) { if (wcswildcmp(ignore, sValueLower)) { bIgnore = true; break; } } if (bIgnore) continue; sIniKeyName = sRegname.Left(sRegname.ReverseFind('\\')); if (sIniKeyName.IsEmpty()) sIniKeyName = sValuePath; else sIniKeyName += L"\\" + sValuePath; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, sValuePath, NULL, ®type, NULL, ®size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (regtype != 0) { auto regbuf = std::make_unique<BYTE[]>(regsize); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, sValuePath, NULL, ®type, regbuf.get(), ®size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { switch (regtype) { case REG_DWORD: { DWORD value = *(DWORD*)regbuf.get(); sValue = iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_dword", sIniKeyName); DWORD nValue = DWORD(_wtol(sValue)); if (nValue != value) { if (bCloudIsNewer) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, sValuePath, NULL, regtype, (BYTE *)&nValue, sizeof(nValue)); } else { bHaveChanges = true; sValue.Format(L"%lu", value); iniFile.SetValue(L"registry_dword", sIniKeyName, sValue); } } if (bCloudIsNewer) iniFile.Delete(L"registry_dword", sIniKeyName); } break; case REG_QWORD: { QWORD value = *(QWORD*)regbuf.get(); sValue = iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_qword", sIniKeyName); QWORD nValue = QWORD(_wtoi64(sValue)); if (nValue != value) { if (bCloudIsNewer) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, sValuePath, NULL, regtype, (BYTE *)&nValue, sizeof(nValue)); } else { bHaveChanges = true; sValue.Format(L"%I64d", value); iniFile.SetValue(L"registry_qword", sIniKeyName, sValue); } } if (bCloudIsNewer) iniFile.Delete(L"registry_qword", sIniKeyName); } break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_MULTI_SZ: case REG_SZ: { sValue = (LPCWSTR)regbuf.get(); CString iniValue = iniFile.GetValue(L"registry_string", sIniKeyName); if (iniValue != sValue) { if (bCloudIsNewer) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, sValuePath, NULL, regtype, (BYTE *)(LPCWSTR)iniValue, (iniValue.GetLength() + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { bHaveChanges = true; iniFile.SetValue(L"registry_string", sIniKeyName, sValue); } } if (bCloudIsNewer) iniFile.Delete(L"registry_string", sIniKeyName); } break; } } } } } while (bEnum); } while (bEnumKeys); } return bHaveChanges; }
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) #endif { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; libcfile_file_t *destination_file = NULL; libcfile_file_t *source_file = NULL; system_character_t *option_target_path = NULL; system_character_t *options_string = NULL; system_character_t *source = NULL; uint8_t *buffer = NULL; uint8_t *uncompressed_data = NULL; char *program = "lzxpressdecompress"; system_integer_t option = 0; size64_t source_size = 0; size_t buffer_size = 0; size_t uncompressed_data_size = 0; ssize_t read_count = 0; ssize_t write_count = 0; off_t source_offset = 0; int decompression_method = 1; int result = 0; int verbose = 0; #if defined( WINAPI ) void *workspace = NULL; unsigned short winapi_compression_method = 0; #endif assorted_output_version_fprint( stdout, program ); #if defined( WINAPI ) options_string = _SYSTEM_STRING( "d:ho:s:t:vV1234" ); #else options_string = _SYSTEM_STRING( "d:ho:s:t:vV12" ); #endif while( ( option = assorted_getopt( argc, argv, options_string ) ) != (system_integer_t) -1 ) { switch( option ) { case (system_integer_t) '?': default: fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs_SYSTEM "\n", argv[ optind ] ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); case (system_integer_t) '1': decompression_method = 1; break; case (system_integer_t) '2': decompression_method = 2; break; #if defined( WINAPI ) case (system_integer_t) '3': decompression_method = 3; break; case (system_integer_t) '4': decompression_method = 4; break; #endif case (system_integer_t) 'd': #if defined( HAVE_WIDE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER ) uncompressed_data_size = _wtol( optarg ); #else uncompressed_data_size = atol( optarg ); #endif break; case (system_integer_t) 'h': usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (system_integer_t) 'o': #if defined( HAVE_WIDE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER ) source_offset = _wtol( optarg ); #else source_offset = atol( optarg ); #endif break; case (system_integer_t) 's': #if defined( HAVE_WIDE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER ) source_size = _wtol( optarg ); #else source_size = atol( optarg ); #endif break; case (system_integer_t) 't': option_target_path = optarg; break; case (system_integer_t) 'v': verbose = 1; break; case (system_integer_t) 'V': assorted_output_copyright_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } } if( optind == argc ) { fprintf( stderr, "Missing source file.\n" ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } source = argv[ optind ]; libcnotify_stream_set( stderr, NULL ); libcnotify_verbose_set( verbose ); /* Open the source file */ if( libcfile_file_initialize( &source_file, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } #if defined( HAVE_WIDE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER ) result = libcfile_file_open_wide( source_file, source, LIBCFILE_OPEN_READ, &error ); #else result = libcfile_file_open( source_file, source, LIBCFILE_OPEN_READ, &error ); #endif if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( source_size == 0 ) { if( libcfile_file_get_size( source_file, &source_size, &error ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine size of source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( source_size <= (size64_t) source_offset ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid source size value is less equal than source offset.\n" ); goto on_error; } source_size -= source_offset; } if( source_size == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid source size value is zero.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( source_size > (size_t) SSIZE_MAX ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid source size value exceeds maximum.\n" ); goto on_error; } /* Create the input buffer */ buffer_size = source_size; buffer = (uint8_t *) memory_allocate( sizeof( uint8_t ) * buffer_size ); if( buffer == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create buffer.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( uncompressed_data_size == 0 ) { uncompressed_data_size = 65536; } uncompressed_data = (uint8_t *) memory_allocate( sizeof( uint8_t ) * uncompressed_data_size ); if( uncompressed_data == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create uncompressed data buffer.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( memory_set( uncompressed_data, 0, uncompressed_data_size ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to clear uncompressed data buffer.\n" ); goto on_error; } /* Position the source file at the right offset */ if( libcfile_file_seek_offset( source_file, source_offset, SEEK_SET, &error ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to seek offset in source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } fprintf( stdout, "Starting LZXPRESS decompression of: %" PRIs_SYSTEM " at offset: %" PRIjd " (0x%08" PRIjx ").\n", source, source_offset, source_offset ); read_count = libcfile_file_read_buffer( source_file, buffer, source_size, &error ); if( read_count != (ssize_t) source_size ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to read from source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } /* Decompress the data */ if( option_target_path == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Compressed data:\n" ); libcnotify_print_data( buffer, source_size, LIBCNOTIFY_PRINT_DATA_FLAG_GROUP_DATA ); } if( decompression_method == 1 ) { result = libfwnt_lzxpress_decompress( buffer, (size_t) source_size, uncompressed_data, &uncompressed_data_size, &error ); } else if( decompression_method == 2 ) { result = libfwnt_lzxpress_huffman_decompress( buffer, (size_t) source_size, uncompressed_data, &uncompressed_data_size, &error ); } #if defined( WINAPI ) else if( ( decompression_method == 3 ) || ( decompression_method == 4 ) ) { if( decompression_method == 3 ) { winapi_compression_method = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_XPRESS; } else if( decompression_method == 4 ) { winapi_compression_method = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_XPRESS_HUFF; } /* TODO: determine workspace size: RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize */ workspace = (void *) memory_allocate( 16 * 1024 * 1024 ); if( workspace == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create workspace.\n" ); goto on_error; } result = lzxpresscompress_RtlDecompressBufferEx( winapi_compression_method, (unsigned char *) uncompressed_data, (unsigned long) uncompressed_data_size, (unsigned char *) buffer, (unsigned long) source_size, (unsigned long *) &uncompressed_data_size, workspace ); memory_free( workspace ); if( result != 0 ) { result = -1; } else { result = 1; } } #endif if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to decompress data.\n" ); libcnotify_print_data( uncompressed_data, uncompressed_data_size, LIBCNOTIFY_PRINT_DATA_FLAG_GROUP_DATA ); goto on_error; } if( option_target_path == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Uncompressed data:\n" ); libcnotify_print_data( uncompressed_data, uncompressed_data_size, LIBCNOTIFY_PRINT_DATA_FLAG_GROUP_DATA ); } else { if( libcfile_file_initialize( &destination_file, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create destination file.\n" ); goto on_error; } #if defined( HAVE_WIDE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER ) result = libcfile_file_open_wide( destination_file, option_target_path, LIBCFILE_OPEN_WRITE, &error ); #else result = libcfile_file_open( destination_file, option_target_path, LIBCFILE_OPEN_WRITE, &error ); #endif if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open destination file.\n" ); goto on_error; } write_count = libcfile_file_write_buffer( destination_file, uncompressed_data, uncompressed_data_size, &error ); if( write_count != (ssize_t) uncompressed_data_size ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to write to destination file.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libcfile_file_close( destination_file, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close destination file.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libcfile_file_free( &destination_file, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free destination file.\n" ); goto on_error; } } /* Clean up */ if( libcfile_file_close( source_file, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libcfile_file_free( &source_file, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free source file.\n" ); goto on_error; } memory_free( uncompressed_data ); uncompressed_data = NULL; memory_free( buffer ); buffer = NULL; fprintf( stdout, "LZXPRESS decompression:\tSUCCESS\n" ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libcnotify_print_error_backtrace( error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( destination_file != NULL ) { libcfile_file_free( &destination_file, NULL ); } if( uncompressed_data != NULL ) { memory_free( uncompressed_data ); } if( buffer != NULL ) { memory_free( buffer ); } if( source_file != NULL ) { libcfile_file_free( &source_file, NULL ); } fprintf( stdout, "LZXPRESS decompression:\tFAILURE\n" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
/** \brief Início desta janela. \details Funções executadas neste módulo: - Configurar a janela para se adequar o padrão do PMA: - Configuração da barra de comando; - Criar o banner da parte superior; - Configurar tela cheia; - Configurar as colunas da lista que serão mostrados os arquivos a serem baixados e inseridos; - Iniciar a passagem de parâmetros a serem utilizados neste módulo; - Indicar configurações de proxy; - Indicar arquivo de estrutura de dados; - Criar o timer para a próxima execução \param void \return TRUE se a execução ocorrer com sucesso */ BOOL CUpdateDlg::OnInitDialog() { m_wnd = CMsgWindow::getInstance(); m_wnd->Create(this); m_wnd->Show(L"Processando atualizações..."); CDialogEx::OnInitDialog(); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE HideSIP(); if (!m_dlgCommandBar.Create(this)) { STLOG_WRITE("CUpdateDlg::OnInitDialog() : Failed to create CommandBar"); return FALSE; // fail to create } _CreateBanner(IDB_HEADER, FALSE, 28, L"Atualização de dados", 5); m_banner.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); //Prepara lista em que vai aparecer os arquivos e o total m_list.InsertColumn( 0, L"Nome Arquivo", LVCFMT_LEFT, DRA::SCALEX(115) ); m_list.InsertColumn( 1, L"Total", LVCFMT_LEFT, DRA::SCALEX(90) ); _FullScreen(); #else m_list.InsertColumn( 0, L"Nome Arquivo", LVCFMT_LEFT, 115 ); m_list.InsertColumn( 1, L"Total", LVCFMT_LEFT, 90 ); #endif ASSERT(NULL != m_params); m_proxyInfo.bDiscagem = m_params->GetValue(_T("DISCAGEM")).CompareNoCase(L"TRUE") == 0; m_proxyInfo.bProxy = m_params->GetValue(_T("PROXY")).CompareNoCase(L"TRUE") == 0; m_proxyInfo.sServer = m_params->GetValue(_T("SERVER")); m_proxyInfo.nPort = _wtol(m_params->GetValue(_T("PORT"))); m_proxyInfo.sUser = m_params->GetValue(_T("USER")); m_proxyInfo.sPass = m_params->GetValue(_T("PASS")); STLOG_WRITE(L"m_proxyInfo.bProxy %ld", m_proxyInfo.bProxy); STLOG_WRITE(L"m_proxyInfo.sServer %s", m_proxyInfo.sServer); STLOG_WRITE(L"m_proxyInfo.nPort %ld", m_proxyInfo.nPort); STLOG_WRITE(L"m_proxyInfo.sUser %s", m_proxyInfo.sUser); SetStatus(L"Procurando por atualizações..."); //Procura pelo arquivo que contém a estrutura das tabelas m_sStructPath = CUtil::GetAppPath(); if(m_sStructPath.GetAt(m_sStructPath.GetLength()-1) != '\\') m_sStructPath += L"\\"; m_sStructPath += L"EstruturaBD.txt"; STLOG_WRITE("CUpdateDlg::OnInitDialog() : arquivo de estrutura: %S", m_sStructPath); if(!CUtil::FileExists(m_sStructPath)) { STLOG_WRITE("CUpdateDlg::OnInitDialog() : Erro arquivo %S nao encontrado", m_sStructPath); EndDialog(IDCANCEL); return FALSE; } ////m_httpFile.SetProxy(&m_proxyInfo); ////m_httpFile.SetStructFile(m_sStructPath); //_CreateDatabase(); //Sleep(1000); //OnTimer(ID_TIMER_SERVER_FILE); SetTimer(ID_TIMER_SERVER_FILE, 1000, NULL); return TRUE; }
void CSubAction::DoChangeValue() { CLocateDlg* pLocateDlg=GetLocateDlg(); if (pLocateDlg==NULL || m_szValue==NULL) return; // Get handle to control CWnd Control(pLocateDlg->GetDlgItem(LOWORD(m_nControl))); HWND hInDialog=*pLocateDlg; if (Control.GetHandle()==NULL) Control.SetHandle(pLocateDlg->m_NameDlg.GetDlgItem(LOWORD(m_nControl))); if (Control.GetHandle()==NULL) Control.SetHandle(pLocateDlg->m_SizeDateDlg.GetDlgItem(LOWORD(m_nControl))); if (Control.GetHandle()==NULL) Control.SetHandle(pLocateDlg->m_AdvancedDlg.GetDlgItem(LOWORD(m_nControl))); ASSERT(Control.GetHandle()!=NULL); if (!Control.IsWindowEnabled()) return; char szClass[100]; GetClassName(Control,szClass,100); if (_stricmp(szClass,"EDIT")==0) { Control.SetWindowText(m_szValue); ::SendMessage(Control.GetParent(),WM_COMMAND,MAKEWPARAM(m_nControl,EN_CHANGE),LPARAM((HWND)Control)); } else if (_stricmp(szClass,"COMBOBOX")==0) { if ((Control.GetStyle()&CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)!=CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) { Control.SetWindowText(m_szValue); ::SendMessage(Control.GetParent(),WM_COMMAND,MAKEWPARAM(m_nControl,CBN_EDITCHANGE),LPARAM((HWND)Control)); } else { Control.SendMessage(CB_SETCURSEL,_wtoi(m_szValue)); ::SendMessage(Control.GetParent(),WM_COMMAND,MAKEWPARAM(m_nControl,CBN_SELCHANGE),LPARAM((HWND)Control)); } } else if (_stricmp(szClass,"BUTTON")==0) { if (Control.GetStyle()&BS_CHECKBOX) // This also takes radiobuttons { Control.SendMessage(BM_SETCHECK,_wtoi(m_szValue)); ::SendMessage(Control.GetParent(),WM_COMMAND,MAKEWPARAM(m_nControl,BN_CLICKED),LPARAM((HWND)Control)); } } else if (_stricmp(szClass,"ComboBoxEx32")==0) { CComboBoxEx cb(Control); cb.SetCurSel(-1); cb.SetItemText(-1,m_szValue); } else if (_stricmp(szClass,"SysDateTimePick32")==0) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st); st.wHour=0; st.wMinute=0; st.wSecond=0; st.wMilliseconds=0; if (wcslen(m_szValue)>=8) { WCHAR szTemp[5]; MemCopyW(szTemp,m_szValue,4); szTemp[4]='\0'; st.wYear=(WORD)_wtol(szTemp); MemCopyW(szTemp,m_szValue+4,2); szTemp[2]='\0'; st.wMonth=(WORD)_wtol(szTemp); MemCopyW(szTemp,m_szValue+6,2); szTemp[2]='\0'; st.wDay=(WORD)_wtol(szTemp); } else { int nIndex=CTime::GetIndex(st.wDay,st.wMonth,st.wYear); if (m_szValue[0]='-') nIndex-=(WORD)_wtol(m_szValue+1); else nIndex+=(WORD)_wtol(m_szValue); CTime::GetDayFromIndex(nIndex,st.wDay,st.wMonth,st.wYear); } Control.SendMessage(DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME,GDT_VALID,LPARAM(&st)); } }
/* parse argument list. we assume that all unrecognized arguments are file names. */ void CommandLineInfo::ParseCommandLine(const WCHAR *cmdLine) { WStrVec argList; ParseCmdLine(cmdLine, argList); size_t argCount = argList.Count(); #define is_arg(txt) str::EqI(TEXT(txt), argument) #define is_arg_with_param(txt) (is_arg(txt) && (argCount > n + 1)) #define additional_param() argList.At(n + 1) #define has_additional_param() ((argCount > n + 1) && ('-' != additional_param()[0])) #define handle_string_param(name) name.Set(str::Dup(argList.At(++n))) #define handle_int_param(name) name = _wtoi(argList.At(++n)) for (size_t n = 1; n < argCount; n++) { WCHAR *argument = argList.At(n); if (is_arg("-register-for-pdf")) { makeDefault = true; exitImmediately = true; return; } else if (is_arg("-silent")) { // silences errors happening during -print-to and -print-to-default silent = true; } else if (is_arg("-print-to-default")) { printerName.Set(GetDefaultPrinterName()); if (!printerName) printDialog = true; exitWhenDone = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-print-to")) { handle_string_param(printerName); exitWhenDone = true; } else if (is_arg("-print-dialog")) { printDialog = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-print-settings")) { // argument is a comma separated list of page ranges and // advanced options [even|odd] and [noscale|shrink|fit] // e.g. -print-settings "1-3,5,10-8,odd,fit" handle_string_param(printSettings); str::RemoveChars(printSettings, L" "); str::TransChars(printSettings, L";", L","); } else if (is_arg("-exit-when-done") || is_arg("-exit-on-print")) { // only affects -print-dialog (-print-to and -print-to-default // always exit on print) and -stress-test (useful for profiling) exitWhenDone = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-inverse-search")) { str::ReplacePtr(&gGlobalPrefs->inverseSearchCmdLine, argList.At(++n)); gGlobalPrefs->enableTeXEnhancements = true; } else if ((is_arg_with_param("-forward-search") || is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch")) && argCount > n + 2) { // -forward-search is for consistency with -inverse-search // -fwdsearch is for consistency with -fwdsearch-* handle_string_param(forwardSearchOrigin); handle_int_param(forwardSearchLine); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-nameddest") || is_arg_with_param("-named-dest")) { // -nameddest is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3) // -named-dest is for consistency handle_string_param(destName); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-page")) { handle_int_param(pageNumber); } else if (is_arg("-restrict")) { restrictedUse = true; } else if (is_arg("-invertcolors") || is_arg("-invert-colors")) { // -invertcolors is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3) // -invert-colors is for consistency // -invert-colors used to be a shortcut for -set-color-range 0xFFFFFF 0x000000 // now it non-permanently swaps textColor and backgroundColor gGlobalPrefs->fixedPageUI.invertColors = true; } else if (is_arg("-presentation")) { enterPresentation = true; } else if (is_arg("-fullscreen")) { enterFullScreen = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-view")) { ParseViewMode(&startView, argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-zoom")) { ParseZoomValue(&startZoom, argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-scroll")) { ParseScrollValue(&startScroll, argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg("-console")) { showConsole = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-plugin")) { // -plugin [<URL>] <parent HWND> if (argCount > n + 2 && !str::IsDigit(*argList.At(n + 1)) && *argList.At(n + 2) != '-') handle_string_param(pluginURL); // the argument is a (numeric) window handle to // become the parent of a frameless SumatraPDF // (used e.g. for embedding it into a browser plugin) hwndPluginParent = (HWND)_wtol(argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-stress-test")) { // -stress-test <file or dir path> [<file filter>] [<page/file range(s)>] [<cycle count>x] // e.g. -stress-test file.pdf 25x for rendering file.pdf 25 times // -stress-test file.pdf 1-3 render only pages 1, 2 and 3 of file.pdf // -stress-test dir 301- 2x render all files in dir twice, skipping first 300 // -stress-test dir *.pdf;*.xps render all files in dir that are either PDF or XPS handle_string_param(stressTestPath); int num; if (has_additional_param() && str::FindChar(additional_param(), '*')) handle_string_param(stressTestFilter); if (has_additional_param() && IsValidPageRange(additional_param())) handle_string_param(stressTestRanges); if (has_additional_param() && str::Parse(additional_param(), L"%dx%$", &num) && num > 0) { stressTestCycles = num; n++; } } else if (is_arg_with_param("-n")) { handle_int_param(stressParallelCount); } else if (is_arg("-rand")) { stressRandomizeFiles = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-bench")) { WCHAR *s = str::Dup(argList.At(++n)); pathsToBenchmark.Push(s); s = NULL; if (has_additional_param() && IsBenchPagesInfo(additional_param())) { s = str::Dup(argList.At(++n)); } pathsToBenchmark.Push(s); exitImmediately = true; } else if (is_arg("-crash-on-open")) { // to make testing of crash reporting system in pre-release/release // builds possible crashOnOpen = true; } else if (is_arg("-reuse-instance")) { // for backwards compatibility, -reuse-instance reuses whatever // instance has registered as DDE server reuseDdeInstance = true; } // TODO: remove the following deprecated options within a release or two else if (is_arg("-esc-to-exit")) { gGlobalPrefs->escToExit = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-bgcolor") || is_arg_with_param("-bg-color")) { // -bgcolor is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3) // -bg-color is for consistency ParseColor(&gGlobalPrefs->mainWindowBackground, argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-lang")) { lang.Set(str::conv::ToAnsi(argList.At(++n))); } else if (is_arg("-set-color-range") && argCount > n + 2) { ParseColor(&gGlobalPrefs->fixedPageUI.textColor, argList.At(++n)); ParseColor(&gGlobalPrefs->fixedPageUI.backgroundColor, argList.At(++n)); } else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-offset")) { handle_int_param(gGlobalPrefs->forwardSearch.highlightOffset); gGlobalPrefs->enableTeXEnhancements = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-width")) { handle_int_param(gGlobalPrefs->forwardSearch.highlightWidth); gGlobalPrefs->enableTeXEnhancements = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-color")) { ParseColor(&gGlobalPrefs->forwardSearch.highlightColor, argList.At(++n)); gGlobalPrefs->enableTeXEnhancements = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-permanent")) { handle_int_param(gGlobalPrefs->forwardSearch.highlightPermanent); gGlobalPrefs->enableTeXEnhancements = true; } else if (is_arg_with_param("-manga-mode")) { const WCHAR *s = argList.At(++n); gGlobalPrefs->comicBookUI.cbxMangaMode = str::EqI(L"true", s) || str::Eq(L"1", s); } #if defined(SUPPORTS_AUTO_UPDATE) || defined(DEBUG) else if (is_arg_with_param("-autoupdate")) { n++; // this should have been handled already by AutoUpdateMain } #endif #ifdef DEBUG else if (is_arg("-enum-printers")) { EnumeratePrinters(); /* this is for testing only, exit immediately */ exitImmediately = true; return; } #endif else { // Remember this argument as a filename to open WCHAR *filePath = NULL; if (str::EndsWithI(argList.At(n), L".lnk")) filePath = ResolveLnk(argList.At(n)); if (!filePath) filePath = str::Dup(argList.At(n)); fileNames.Push(filePath); } } #undef is_arg #undef is_arg_with_param #undef additional_param #undef has_additional_param #undef handle_string_param #undef handle_int_param }
void CSkypeMessageQueue::ProcessQueue() { std::wstring strFull; std::wstring str; std::wstring strID; // Retrieve the next change in status if(! m_queueStatus.empty()) { SkypeAPIAttachmentStatus status = m_queueStatus.front(); m_queueStatus.pop(); for(CSkypeMessageSinkList::iterator it = m_MessageSinks.begin(); it != m_MessageSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessAPIStatusChange(status); } } // Retrieve the next response, if there is one if(! m_queueIncoming.empty()) { strFull = m_queueIncoming.front(); str = strFull; strID = L""; m_queueIncoming.pop(); if(str[0] == L'#') { size_t iSpace = str.find(L" "); if(iSpace != -1) { strID = str.substr(0, iSpace + 1); str = str.substr(iSpace + 1, str.length() - iSpace); } } if(_wcsicmp(str.c_str(), L"CONNSTATUS LOGGEDOUT") == 0) { // When connection status is logged out, start rechecking for skype gSkypeQueue.DeleteAllBinaryTransfers(); RestartTimer(); } if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"PROTOCOL ", 9) == 0) { if(str.length() > 8) { bool bSendProtocol = (m_lSupportedProtocol == -1); m_lSupportedProtocol = _wtol(& str.c_str()[9]); if(bSendProtocol) { WCHAR strMsg[16]; swprintf_s(strMsg, 16, L"PROTOCOL %d", SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL); InternalProcessCommand(strMsg); } } } #ifndef _NO_USE_LIST if(! m_bNeedRebuildCallList) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"CALL", 4) == 0) { WCHAR * ptrStatus; WCHAR * ptrStatusInd = wcsstr(str.c_str(), L" STATUS "); if(ptrStatusInd != NULL) { ptrStatus = & ptrStatusInd[8]; if(ptrStatus != NULL) { long lCallID = 0; if(swscanf_s(str.c_str(), L"CALL %d STATUS", & lCallID) == 1) { if(lCallID > 0) { SkypeCallProgress progress = TextToSkypeCallProgress(ptrStatus); UpdateCallProgress(lCallID, progress); } } } } } } if(! m_bNeedRebuildUserList) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"USER", 4) == 0) { WCHAR * ptrOnlineStatus; WCHAR * ptrOnlineStatusInd = wcsstr(str.c_str(), L" ONLINESTATUS "); if(ptrOnlineStatusInd != NULL) { ptrOnlineStatus = & ptrOnlineStatusInd[14]; if(ptrOnlineStatus != NULL) { WCHAR userID[_MAX_LINE]; if(swscanf_s(str.c_str(), L"USER %s ONLINESTATUS", userID, _MAX_LINE) == 1) { if(wcslen(userID) > 0) { SkypeOnlineStatus status = TextToSkypeOnlineStatus(ptrOnlineStatus); UpdateUserOnlineStatus(userID, status); } } } } } } #endif bool bProcessCallbacks = ! m_bBlocking; bool bMatch = false; // If we are waiting on a blocking call, set up the response if(m_bBlocking) { if((m_strDesiredResult.empty()) && (! m_blockingCommandID)) { m_strCommandResult = str; } else { if(m_blockingCommandID) { if(_wcsicmp(strID.c_str(), m_strCommandID) == 0) { m_strCommandResult = str; ATLTRACE(L"Response received: %s\n", strID.c_str()); bMatch = true; // イベントのブロックを解除 if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"ERROR", 5) == 0) { ATLTRACE(L"Error for %s detected: %s\n", strID.c_str(), str.c_str()); m_bBlockingError = true; } } } else { WCHAR * pCopy = _wcsdup(m_strDesiredResult.c_str()); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pSearch = wcstok_s(pCopy, L"|", &next_token); while(pSearch && (! bMatch)) { if(wcsstr(str.c_str(), pSearch) != NULL) { m_strCommandResult = str; bMatch = true; break; } pSearch = wcstok_s(NULL, L"|", &next_token); } try { free(pCopy); } catch(...) { } if(! bMatch) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"ERROR", 5) == 0) { m_strCommandResult = str; m_bBlockingError = true; bMatch = true; } } } } } // Let the blocking routine know if a match was found if(m_bBlocking) { m_bBlocking = ! bMatch; } // paak // ブロックコマンド実行中のイベントの抑制は行わない。 // イベントは常に発生させ、コールバック内で有効性をチェックすべき。 bProcessCallbacks = true; // Trigger the response event sinks for(CSkypeMessageSinkList::iterator it = m_MessageSinks.begin(); it != m_MessageSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessResponse(strFull.c_str(), bProcessCallbacks); } } if((! m_queueOutgoing.empty()) && (m_hWndSkype != NULL)) { str = m_queueOutgoing.front(); m_queueOutgoing.pop(); InternalProcessCommand(str.c_str()); } }
/********************************************************************* * _wtoi (NTDLL.@) * * Converts a unicode string to an integer. * * PARAMS * str [I] Wstring to be converted * * RETURNS * On success it returns the integer value otherwise it returns 0. * * NOTES * Accepts: {whitespace} [+|-] {digits} * No check is made for value overflow, only the lower 32 bits are assigned. * If str is NULL it crashes, as the native function does. */ int __cdecl _wtoi( LPCWSTR str ) { return _wtol(str); }
static int XCOPY_ParseCommandLine(WCHAR *suppliedsource, WCHAR *supplieddestination, DWORD *pflags) { const WCHAR EXCLUDE[] = {'E', 'X', 'C', 'L', 'U', 'D', 'E', ':', 0}; DWORD flags = *pflags; WCHAR *cmdline, *word, *end, *next; int rc = RC_INITERROR; cmdline = _wcsdup(GetCommandLineW()); if (cmdline == NULL) return rc; /* Skip first arg, which is the program name */ if ((rc = find_end_of_word(cmdline, &word)) != RC_OK) goto out; word = skip_whitespace(word); while (*word) { WCHAR first; if ((rc = find_end_of_word(word, &end)) != RC_OK) goto out; next = skip_whitespace(end); first = word[0]; *end = '\0'; strip_quotes(word, &end); WINE_TRACE("Processing Arg: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(word)); /* First non-switch parameter is source, second is destination */ if (first != '/') { if (suppliedsource[0] == 0x00) { lstrcpyW(suppliedsource, word); } else if (supplieddestination[0] == 0x00) { lstrcpyW(supplieddestination, word); } else { XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_INVPARMS)); goto out; } } else { /* Process all the switch options Note: Windows docs say /P prompts when dest is created but tests show it is done for each src file regardless of the destination */ switch (toupper(word[1])) { case 'I': flags |= OPT_ASSUMEDIR; break; case 'S': flags |= OPT_RECURSIVE; break; case 'Q': flags |= OPT_QUIET; break; case 'F': flags |= OPT_FULL; break; case 'L': flags |= OPT_SIMULATE; break; case 'W': flags |= OPT_PAUSE; break; case 'T': flags |= OPT_NOCOPY | OPT_RECURSIVE; break; case 'Y': flags |= OPT_NOPROMPT; break; case 'N': flags |= OPT_SHORTNAME; break; case 'U': flags |= OPT_MUSTEXIST; break; case 'R': flags |= OPT_REPLACEREAD; break; case 'H': flags |= OPT_COPYHIDSYS; break; case 'C': flags |= OPT_IGNOREERRORS; break; case 'P': flags |= OPT_SRCPROMPT; break; case 'A': flags |= OPT_ARCHIVEONLY; break; case 'M': flags |= OPT_ARCHIVEONLY | OPT_REMOVEARCH; break; /* E can be /E or /EXCLUDE */ case 'E': if (CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE | SORT_STRINGSORT, &word[1], 8, EXCLUDE, -1) == CSTR_EQUAL) { if (XCOPY_ProcessExcludeList(&word[9])) { XCOPY_FailMessage(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto out; } else flags |= OPT_EXCLUDELIST; } else flags |= OPT_EMPTYDIR | OPT_RECURSIVE; break; /* D can be /D or /D: */ case 'D': if (word[2]==':' && isdigit(word[3])) { SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR *pos = &word[3]; BOOL isError = FALSE; memset(&st, 0x00, sizeof(st)); /* Microsoft xcopy's usage message implies that the date * format depends on the locale, but that is false. * It is hardcoded to month-day-year. */ st.wMonth = _wtol(pos); while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++; if (*pos++ != '-') isError = TRUE; if (!isError) { st.wDay = _wtol(pos); while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++; if (*pos++ != '-') isError = TRUE; } if (!isError) { st.wYear = _wtol(pos); while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++; if (st.wYear < 100) st.wYear+=2000; } if (!isError && SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &dateRange)) { SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR datestring[32], timestring[32]; flags |= OPT_DATERANGE; /* Debug info: */ FileTimeToSystemTime (&dateRange, &st); GetDateFormatW(0, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, datestring, sizeof(datestring)/sizeof(WCHAR)); GetTimeFormatW(0, TIME_NOSECONDS, &st, NULL, timestring, sizeof(timestring)/sizeof(WCHAR)); WINE_TRACE("Date being used is: %s %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(datestring), wine_dbgstr_w(timestring)); } else { XCOPY_FailMessage(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto out; } } else { flags |= OPT_DATENEWER; } break; case '-': if (toupper(word[2])=='Y') flags &= ~OPT_NOPROMPT; break; case '?': XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_HELP)); rc = RC_HELP; goto out; default: WINE_TRACE("Unhandled parameter '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(word)); XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_INVPARM), word); goto out; } } word = next; } /* Default the destination if not supplied */ if (supplieddestination[0] == 0x00) lstrcpyW(supplieddestination, wchr_dot); *pflags = flags; rc = RC_OK; out: free(cmdline); return rc; }
int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { /* Display welcome message */ printf("handle_monitor %s - Adam Kramer\n", VERSION_NUMBER); /* These variables hold configuration options, which can be altered by arguments passed */ BOOL bIncludeSigned = FALSE; BOOL bSuspendProcess = FALSE; BOOL bVerbose = FALSE; DWORD dNumberCycles = 10; DWORD dHandleChangeThreshold = 10; DWORD dIterationPause = 1000; /* Process arguments */ if (argc > 1) { for (int iNumberArgs = 1; iNumberArgs < argc; iNumberArgs++) { /* /signed - will include signed files in the alerts */ if (!wcscmp(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/signed")) { bIncludeSigned = TRUE; printf("Info: Will show signed files as well as unsigned\n"); } /* /suspect - will attempt to suspend suspicious processes */ else if (!wcscmp(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/suspend")) { bSuspendProcess = TRUE; printf("Info: Will attempt to suspend suspicious processes\n"); } /* /verbose - will display details of iterations and hidden results */ else if (!wcscmp(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/verbose")) { bVerbose = TRUE; printf("Info: Will display verbose status messages\n"); } /* /cycles - allows the user to set cycles completed before analysis */ else if (WCHAR* wSetCycles = wcsstr(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/cycles=")) { wSetCycles = wcschr(wSetCycles, '='); if (!(dNumberCycles = _wtol(++wSetCycles))) { printf("Error: Invalid /cycles parameter\n"); return 1; } printf("Info: Setting number of cycles to %d\n", dNumberCycles); } /* /threshold - allows the user to set the threshold for minimum number of new handles which are suspicious */ else if (WCHAR* wSetThreshold = wcsstr(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/threshold=")) { wSetThreshold = wcschr(wSetThreshold, '='); if (!(dHandleChangeThreshold = _wtol(++wSetThreshold))) { printf("Error: Invalid /threshold parameter\n"); return 1; } printf("Info: Setting handle threshold to %d\n", dHandleChangeThreshold); } /* /pause - allows the user to set a pause between cycles (reduce system load, increase window for finding something) */ else if (WCHAR* wSetPause = wcsstr(argv[iNumberArgs], L"/pause=")) { wSetPause = wcschr(wSetPause, '='); dIterationPause = _wtol(++wSetPause); printf("Info: Setting pause between cycles to %dms\n", dIterationPause); } } /* End of argument processing */ } else { /* No argument passed, accordingly display the usage instructions */ printf("Usage: handle_monitor.exe <optional parameters>\n\n"); printf("Optional parameters:\n"); printf("/cycles=X - Set number of cycles before a review [Default: 10]\n"); printf("/threshold=X - Set suspicion threshold for number of new handles [Default: 10]\n"); printf("/pause=X - Set pause in milliseconds between cycles [Default: 1000]\n"); printf("/signed - Include signed executables in review process\n"); printf("/suspend - Suspend processes identified as suspicious\n"); printf("/verbose - Display verbose progress messages\n\n"); printf("Info: No parameters specified, launching monitoring (Ctrl+C to stop)\n"); } /* Import functions manually from NTDLL */ _NtQuerySystemInformation NtQuerySystemInformation = (_NtQuerySystemInformation)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation"); _NtDuplicateObject NtDuplicateObject = (_NtDuplicateObject)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtDuplicateObject"); _NtQueryObject NtQueryObject = (_NtQueryObject)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtQueryObject"); /* Master loop! - This runs forever until a user presses Ctrl+C */ for (;;) { /* Update user that process is starting (if /verbose mode activiated) */ if (bVerbose) printf("Verbose Info: Starting sequence\n"); /* Variables used for retrieving handles */ NTSTATUS status; ULONG handleInfoSize = 0x10000; HANDLE processHandle; ULONG i; PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION handleInfo; /* Used in each handle iteration to identify the index in iProcessArray of the specific process */ int iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex = -1; /* Handle array - PROCESS INDEX / HANDLE NUMBER / TEXT OF HANDLE This holds all handles which have been found per process */ auto cHandleArray = new WCHAR[MAX_PROCESSES][MAX_FILE_HANDLES][MAX_PATH](); signed int iProcessArray[MAX_PROCESSES][3] = { 0 }; /* Set process array to -1, which indicates nothing has been set */ for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_PROCESSES - 1); j++) iProcessArray[j][0] = -1; /* Loop dNumberCycles [default: 10] times before analysing result */ for (unsigned int iCycleCounter = 1; iCycleCounter <= dNumberCycles; iCycleCounter++) { handleInfoSize = 0x10000; handleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)malloc(handleInfoSize); /* NtQuerySystemInformation won't give us the correct buffer size, so we guess by doubling the buffer size. */ while ((status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemHandleInformation, handleInfo, handleInfoSize, NULL)) == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) handleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)realloc(handleInfo, handleInfoSize *= 2); /* NtQuerySystemInformation stopped giving us STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("NtQuerySystemInformation failed!\n"); return 1; } /* Loop for each handle on the system, processing it accordingly... */ for (i = 0; i < handleInfo->HandleCount; i++) { SYSTEM_HANDLE handle = handleInfo->Handles[i]; HANDLE dupHandle = NULL; POBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION objectTypeInfo; /* Open a handle to the process associated with the handle */ if (!(processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, handle.ProcessId))) continue; /* Duplicate the handle so we can query it. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtDuplicateObject(processHandle, (HANDLE)handle.Handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &dupHandle, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0))) { CloseHandle(processHandle); CloseHandle(dupHandle); continue; } /* Query the object type */ objectTypeInfo = (POBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION)malloc(0x1000); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryObject(dupHandle, ObjectTypeInformation, objectTypeInfo, 0x1000, NULL))) { free(objectTypeInfo); CloseHandle(processHandle); CloseHandle(dupHandle); continue; } /* If it's not a file handle, go to next one (as we're only interested in file handles) */ if (wcscmp(objectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer, L"File")) { free(objectTypeInfo); CloseHandle(processHandle); CloseHandle(dupHandle); continue; } /* Identify the filename from the handle we're looking at */ WCHAR* wHandleFileName = new WCHAR[MAX_PATH](); if (!GetFileNameFromHandle(dupHandle, wHandleFileName)) { free(objectTypeInfo); free(wHandleFileName); CloseHandle(processHandle); CloseHandle(dupHandle); continue; } /* This is where we add our findings to the database */ iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex = -1; /* Check whether we've already got an entry for the process we're looking at */ for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_PROCESSES - 1); j++) if (iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX] == handle.ProcessId) iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex = j; /* If not, create a new entry for the process associated with the current handle */ if (iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex == -1) for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_PROCESSES - 1); j++) if (iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX] == -1) { iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX] = handle.ProcessId; iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex = j; break; } /* If there's more than MAX_PROCESSES, throw an error TODO: Tidy this up, identify number of running processes dynamically and set array size accordingly */ if (iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex == -1) { printf("Error: Too many processes running!\n"); return 1; } /* Look through the handle array, to see whether the filename can be found */ WCHAR cCurrentHandleText[MAX_PATH]; for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_FILE_HANDLES - 1); j++) { /* If we hit NULL, there are no more to find, so add ours */ swprintf_s(cCurrentHandleText, MAX_PATH, L"%ls", wHandleFileName); if (!wcscmp(cHandleArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][j], L"")){ wcscpy_s(cHandleArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][j], cCurrentHandleText); break; } /* If we find ours, then stop searching */ else if (!wcscmp(cHandleArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][j], cCurrentHandleText)) break; } /* If it's the first (or last) cycle, tally how many entries in the handle array for this particular process we have so far */ if (iCycleCounter == 1) for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_FILE_HANDLES - 1); j++) if (!wcscmp(cHandleArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][j], L"")){ iProcessArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_START_CYCLE] = (j - 1); break; } if (iCycleCounter == dNumberCycles) for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_FILE_HANDLES - 1); j++) if (!wcscmp(cHandleArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][j], L"")) { iProcessArray[iCurrentProcess_ArrayIndex][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_END_CYCLE] = (j - 1); break; } free(objectTypeInfo); free(wHandleFileName); CloseHandle(dupHandle); CloseHandle(processHandle); } free(handleInfo); /* If the iteration pause is not 0, sleep for the requested time [Default: 1000ms] */ if (dIterationPause) Sleep(dIterationPause); /* If /verbose active - inform user which cycle we are on */ if (bVerbose) if (iCycleCounter == 1) printf("Verbose Info: Completed cycle %d", iCycleCounter); else if (iCycleCounter == dNumberCycles) printf(" %d\n", iCycleCounter); else printf(" %d", iCycleCounter); } /* If /verbose active - inform user we are now starting a review */ if (bVerbose) printf("Verbose Info: Cycles completed, beginning review\n"); /* Check if any of them met threshold*/ for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_PROCESSES - 1); j++) { if (iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_END_CYCLE] < iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_START_CYCLE]) continue; /* dHandleDelta is the difference between number of handles for a process from first cycle to the last one */ DWORD dHandleDelta = (iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_END_CYCLE] - iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_START_CYCLE]); /* Check whether the delta is equal or above the threshold */ if (dHandleDelta >= dHandleChangeThreshold) { HANDLE pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX]); TCHAR tProcessName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameEx(pHandle, 0, tProcessName, MAX_PATH); CloseHandle(pHandle); /* If we don't want signed, yet it is signed, skip... */ if (!bIncludeSigned && (is_signed(tProcessName) == 0)) { if (bVerbose) wprintf(L"Verbose Info: Skipping alert on %s (%d) despite trigger, as it is signed (use /signed to alert on signed executables too)\n", tProcessName, iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX]); continue; } /* Inform the user if we have a suspicious process */ wprintf(L"Alert! Process: %s (%d) has had a suspicious number of handles (%d) created in the last cycle\nNew handles created during this cycle:\n", tProcessName, iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX], dHandleDelta); for (DWORD k = 1; k <= dHandleDelta; k++) wprintf(L"%s\n", cHandleArray[j][iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_COUNT_START_CYCLE] + k]); if (bSuspendProcess) { printf("Info: Attempting to suspend process %d\n", iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX]); /* Attach debugger to process (freeze it!)*/ if (!DebugActiveProcess(iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX])) { printf("Info: Could not attach to process %d as a debugger\n", iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX]); } else { DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(FALSE); printf("Info: Successfully attached to process %d as debugger\n", iProcessArray[j][PROCESS_ARRAY_INDEX]); printf("Info: It will remain frozen until this process is terminated\n"); } } printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } if (bVerbose) printf("Verbose Info: Review complete\n"); free(cHandleArray); } return 0; }
/** * ReadLocalDirectory * * Description: Read files folders from directory. * * Param: con - describes connection information * dir - path. * files - output list * * Return: bool - true. False if file does not exist, has not been read. */ bool CFtpManager::ReadLocalDirectory(CConnection * con, CString &dir, std::vector<CFileContainer> &files) { bool result = true; if(con->host.GetLength() == 0) { return false; } if(dir.GetAt( dir.GetLength() - 1 ) != '/') { dir = dir + CString(_T("/")); } CString localStorePath; GetLocalStorePath(con, localStorePath); // Read files and folders in directory. localStorePath = localStorePath + CString(dir); localStorePath.Replace('/', '\\'); CString localStoreSearchPath = CString(localStorePath + CString(_T("*.*"))); /* CFileFind finder; BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(localStoreSearchPath); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if(finder.IsDirectory()) { CFileContainer f; f.dir = 1; = finder.GetFileName(); // .GetFileTitle(); f.path = CString(dir); //finder.GetFilePath(); f.localPath = CString(localStorePath); if(".")) != 0 &&"..")) != 0){ //files.push_back(f); } } // else sync local file } finder.Close(); */ // Read file CString dirContentFile(localStorePath + _T(".files.rftp")); //char nameBuffer[100]; //sprintf(nameBuffer, "%S", dirContentFile); // CString to char * CFileStatus status; if(CFile::GetStatus(dirContentFile, status)) { CStdioFile file (dirContentFile, CStdioFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone); CString buffer; //CString string; while (file.ReadString(buffer)) { CXml xml; CString type(_T("")); xml.GetTag(buffer, CString(_T("t")), type); bool isDir = false; if(type.Compare(_T("d")) == 0){ isDir = true; } CString fileName(_T("")); xml.GetTag(buffer, CString(_T("n")), fileName); // size long size = 0; CString fileSize(_T("")); if(xml.GetTag(buffer, CString(_T("s")), fileSize)){ fileSize = fileSize.Trim(); if(fileSize.GetLength() > 0){ size = _wtol(fileSize); } } // Date CString fileDate(_T("")); xml.GetTag(buffer, CString(_T("d")), fileDate); fileDate = fileDate.Trim(); // permissions CString filePermissions(_T("")); xml.GetTag(buffer, CString(_T("p")), filePermissions); filePermissions = filePermissions.Trim(); //TRACE1(" line: %s \n", buffer); CFileContainer f; if(isDir){ f.dir = 1; } else { f.dir = 0; } = fileName; f.path = CString(dir); f.localPath = CString(localStorePath); f.size = size; f.remoteDate = CString(fileDate); = CString(con->host); //TRACE1("filePermissions %s \n " , filePermissions); f.permissions = CString(filePermissions); if(".")) != 0 &&"..")) != 0 ){ int i = 0; files.push_back(f); } } } else { // Directory not read. //GetFtpDirectory(con, dir, NULL); TRACE1(" ReadLocalDirectory not found: %s \n", dir); result = false; } return result; }