Esempio n. 1
static A2_handle upload_wave(A2_interface *iface, unsigned len)
	A2_errors res;
	A2_handle wh, sh;
	int i;
	int s = 0;
	int16_t buf[FRAGSIZE];
	if((wh = a2_NewWave(iface, A2_WMIPWAVE, 128, 0)) < 0)
		return wh;
	if((sh = a2_OpenStream(iface, wh, 0, 0, 0)) < 0)
		a2_Release(iface, wh);
		return sh;
	while(s < len)
		for(i = 0; (i < FRAGSIZE) && (s < len); ++i, ++s)
			buf[i] = sin(s * 2.0f * M_PI / 100 +
					sin(s * .0013) * sin(s * .002) * 10) *
		if((res = a2_Write(iface, sh, A2_I16,
				buf, i * sizeof(int16_t))))
			a2_Release(iface, sh);
			a2_Release(iface, wh);
			return -res;
	if((res = a2_Release(iface, sh)))
		a2_Release(iface, wh);
		return -res;
	return wh;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	int s, whi, t;
	A2_handle h, ph, wh[WAVES];
	A2_driver *drv;
	A2_config *cfg;
	A2_state *state;

	signal(SIGTERM, breakhandler);
	signal(SIGINT, breakhandler);

	/* Command line switches */
	parse_args(argc, argv);

	/* Configure and open master state */
	if(!(drv = a2_NewDriver(A2_AUDIODRIVER, audiodriver)))
		fail(1, a2_LastError());
	if(!(cfg = a2_OpenConfig(samplerate, audiobuf, channels,
		fail(2, a2_LastError());
	if(drv && a2_AddDriver(cfg, drv))
		fail(3, a2_LastError());
	if(!(state = a2_Open(cfg)))
		fail(4, a2_LastError());
	if(samplerate != cfg->samplerate)
		printf("Actual master state sample rate: %d (requested %d)\n",
				cfg->samplerate, samplerate);

	/* Load wave player program */
	if((h = a2_Load(state, "data/testprograms.a2s", 0)) < 0)
		fail(5, -h);
	if((ph = a2_Get(state, h, "PlayTestWave2")) < 0)
		fail(6, -ph);

	/* Allocate wave render buffer */
	if(!(wbuf = malloc(sizeof(int16_t) * WAVELEN)))
		fail(7, A2_OOMEMORY);

	/* Abuse! */
	memset(wh, 0, sizeof(wh));
	whi = 0;
	t = a2_GetTicks();
	fprintf(stderr, "Starting!\n");
		A2_handle vh;
		float a, fmd;

		/* Unload! */
			a2_Release(state, wh[whi]);

		/* Render! */
		a = 32767.0f;
		fmd = a2_Rand(state, FMDEPTH);
		for(s = 0; s < WAVELEN; ++s)
			float phase = s * 2.0f * M_PI / WAVEPER;
			float poffs = sin(phase) * fmd;
			wbuf[s] = sin(phase + poffs) * a;
			a *= DECAY;
			fmd *= FMDECAY;

		wh[whi] = a2_UploadWave(state, A2_WWAVE, WAVEPER, 0,
				A2_I16, wbuf, sizeof(int16_t) * WAVELEN);
		if(wh[whi] < 0)
			fail(8, -wh[whi]);

		/* Play! */
		vh = a2_Start(state, a2_RootVoice(state), ph,
				a2_Rand(state, 1.0f), 0.5f, wh[whi]);
		if(vh < 0)
			fail(10, -vh);

		a2_Wait(state, DELAY);

		/* Stop and release! */
		a2_Send(state, vh, 1);
		a2_Release(state, vh);

		whi = (whi + 1) % WAVES;

		/* Timing... */
		if(whi == 0)
			t += DELAY * WAVES;
			while((t - (int)a2_GetTicks() > 0) && !do_exit)
			fprintf(stderr, "(batch)\n");

	return 0;