Esempio n. 1
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Aardvark handle;
    int   port    = 0;
    int   bitrate = 100;
    int   res     = 0;
    FILE *logfile = 0;
    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("usage: aalights PORT\n");
        return 1;

    port = atoi(argv[1]);

    // Open the device
    handle = aa_open(port);
    if (handle <= 0) {
        printf("Unable to open Aardvark device on port %d\n", port);
        printf("Error code = %d\n", handle);
        return 1;

    // Enable logging
    logfile = fopen("log.txt", "at");
    if (logfile != 0) {
        aa_log(handle, 3, fileno(logfile));

    // Ensure that the I2C subsystem is enabled
    aa_configure(handle,  AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C);
    // Enable the I2C bus pullup resistors (2.2k resistors).
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The pullup resistors on the v1.02 hardware are enabled by default.
    aa_i2c_pullup(handle, AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH);
    // Power the board using the Aardvark adapter's power supply.
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The power pins on the v1.02 hardware are not enabled by default.
    aa_target_power(handle, AA_TARGET_POWER_BOTH);

    // Set the bitrate
    bitrate = aa_i2c_bitrate(handle, I2C_BITRATE);
    printf("Bitrate set to %d kHz\n", bitrate);

    res = flash_lights(handle);
    if (res < 0)
        printf("error: %s\n", aa_status_string(res));

    // Close the device and exit

    // Close the logging file
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Aardvark handle;
    int port  = 0;
    u08 addr  = 0;

    char *filename;
    int bitrate;

    if (argc < 4) {
        printf("usage: aai2c_file PORT SLAVE_ADDR filename\n");
        printf("  SLAVE_ADDR is the target slave address\n");
        printf("  'filename' should contain data to be sent\n");
        printf("  to the downstream i2c device\n");
        return 1;

    port  = atoi(argv[1]);
    addr    = (u08)strtol(argv[2], 0, 0);

    filename = argv[3];

    // Open the device
    handle = aa_open(port);
    if (handle <= 0) {
        printf("Unable to open Aardvark device on port %d\n", port);
        printf("Error code = %d\n", handle);
        return 1;

    // Ensure that the I2C subsystem is enabled
    aa_configure(handle, AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C);

    // Enable the I2C bus pullup resistors (2.2k resistors).
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The pullup resistors on the v1.02 hardware are enabled by default.
    aa_i2c_pullup(handle, AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH);

    // Enable the Aardvark adapter's power pins.
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The power pins on the v1.02 hardware are not enabled by default.
    aa_target_power(handle, AA_TARGET_POWER_BOTH);

    // Setup the bitrate
    bitrate = aa_i2c_bitrate(handle, I2C_BITRATE);
    printf("Bitrate set to %d kHz\n", bitrate);

    blast_bytes(handle, addr, filename);

    // Close the device

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Aardvark handle;
    int port    = 0;
    int bitrate = 100;
    u08 device;
    u08 addr;
    u16 length;
    int bus_timeout;

    const char *command;

    if (argc < 7) {
        printf("usage: aai2c_eeprom PORT BITRATE read  SLAVE_ADDR OFFSET LENGTH\n");
        printf("usage: aai2c_eeprom PORT BITRATE write SLAVE_ADDR OFFSET LENGTH\n");
        printf("usage: aai2c_eeprom PORT BITRATE zero  SLAVE_ADDR OFFSET LENGTH\n");
        return 1;

    port    = atoi(argv[1]);
    bitrate = atoi(argv[2]);
    command = argv[3];
    device  = (u08)strtol(argv[4], 0, 0);
    addr    = (u08)strtol(argv[5], 0, 0);
    length  = atoi(argv[6]);

    // Open the device
    handle = aa_open(port);
    if (handle <= 0) {
        printf("Unable to open Aardvark device on port %d\n", port);
        printf("Error code = %d\n", handle);
        return 1;

    // Ensure that the I2C subsystem is enabled
    aa_configure(handle,  AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C);

    // Enable the I2C bus pullup resistors (2.2k resistors).
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The pullup resistors on the v1.02 hardware are enabled by default.
    aa_i2c_pullup(handle, AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH);

    // Power the EEPROM using the Aardvark adapter's power supply.
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The power pins on the v1.02 hardware are not enabled by default.
    aa_target_power(handle, AA_TARGET_POWER_BOTH);

    // Set the bitrate
    bitrate = aa_i2c_bitrate(handle, bitrate);
    printf("Bitrate set to %d kHz\n", bitrate);

    // Set the bus lock timeout
    bus_timeout = aa_i2c_bus_timeout(handle, BUS_TIMEOUT);
    printf("Bus lock timeout set to %d ms\n", bus_timeout);

    // Perform the operation
    if (strcmp(command, "write") == 0) {
        _writeMemory(handle, device, addr, length, 0);
        printf("Wrote to EEPROM\n");
    else if (strcmp(command, "read") == 0) {
        _readMemory(handle, device, addr, length);
    else if (strcmp(command, "zero") == 0) {
        _writeMemory(handle, device, addr, length, 1);
        printf("Zeroed EEPROM\n");
    else {
        printf("unknown command: %s\n", command);

    // Close the device and exit
    return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Aardvark handle;

    int port       = 0;
    u08 addr       = 0;
    int timeout_ms = 0;
    u08 slave_resp[SLAVE_RESP_SIZE];
    int i;
    if (argc < 4) {
        printf("usage: aai2c_slave PORT SLAVE_ADDR TIMEOUT_MS\n");
        printf("  SLAVE_ADDR is the slave address for this device\n");
        printf("  The timeout value specifies the time to\n");
        printf("  block until the first packet is received.\n");
        printf("  If the timeout is -1, the program will\n");
        printf("  block indefinitely.\n");
        return 1;
    port       = atoi(argv[1]);
    addr       = (u08)strtol(argv[2], 0, 0);
    timeout_ms = atoi(argv[3]);

	port    = 0;	//atoi(argv[1]);
    addr    = 0x08;	//(u08)strtol(argv[5], 0, 0);
    timeout_ms  = 1*1000;	//atoi(argv[6]);

    // Open the device
    handle = aa_open(port);
    if (handle <= 0) {
        printf("Unable to open Aardvark device on port %d\n", port);
        printf("Error code = %d\n", handle);
        return 1;

    // Ensure that the I2C subsystem is enabled
    aa_configure(handle, AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C);

    // Disable the Aardvark adapter's power pins.
    // This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater.
    // The power pins on the v1.02 hardware are not enabled by default.
    aa_target_power(handle, AA_TARGET_POWER_NONE);

    // Set the slave response; this won't be used unless the master
    // reads bytes from the slave.
    for (i=0; i<SLAVE_RESP_SIZE; ++i)
        slave_resp[i] = 'A' + i;

    //No response: aa_i2c_slave_set_response(handle, SLAVE_RESP_SIZE, slave_resp);
	aa_i2c_slave_set_response(handle, 0, NULL);

    // Enable the slave
    aa_i2c_slave_enable(handle, addr, 0, 0);
	// Watch the I2C port
	printf("Press 'q' to exit the program!!! \n");
    do {
		dump(handle, timeout_ms);
	} while(getch_noblock() != 'q' );
	// Disable the slave and close the device

    return 0;