/* * update the swarm's leaders and actors */ void swarm_update(Swarm *s){ int i, verbose = 1; if(verbose) printf("updating swarm\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->numActors; i++) actor_update(&(s->actors[i]), &(s->actors[i+1]), s->numActors); for (i = 0; i < s->numLeaders; i++) leader_update(&(s->leaders[i])); }
void update(void) { static int time = 0; if(SDL_GetTicks() - time > 16){ flicker = !flicker; time = SDL_GetTicks(); float pos[2] = {0.0f, 1.0f}; float vel[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; float ang = angle + (1.0f - 2.0f*(float)rand() / (float) RAND_MAX) * log(scale[player->state]) * - 5; float rad = 175.0f + 250 * exp(scale[player->state] / scale[elephant]); pos[0] = cos(3.0f*PI/2.0f-ang) * rad; pos[1] = sin(3.0f*PI/2.0f-ang) * rad; particle_add(pos, vel); } if(!title){ actor_update(player); particle_update(); } }
int main() { // Ressources unsigned long t_debut, t_fin; float dt, waitShoot = 0; BITMAP *buffer; int fin = 0, v = 200; Map *map; DepthList *depthList; Rect screen_pos, map_pos; Actor *joueur; // Initialisation fprintf(stderr,"Initialisation ...\n"); timeBeginPeriod(1); set_uformat(U_ASCII); set_color_depth(32); allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); srand(time(NULL)); if(set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 1024, 768, 0, 0)) ERREUR("Echec du lancement du mode graphique."); buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); resman_loadSprites(); fprintf(stderr,"Chargement des ressources ...\n"); map = new_map("media/map/test1"); map_pos.x = map_pos.y = 0; map_pos.w = map->w; map_pos.h = map->h; actList = new_glist(); root = new_tree(map_pos); map_addEntities(map, actList, root); depthList = new_dlist(); screen_pos.w = SCREEN_W; screen_pos.h = SCREEN_H; // Ajout du joueur joueur = actor_addJoueur(actList, root, 500, 500); // Intro debut(); // Boucle principale fprintf(stderr,"Debut !\n"); t_debut = timeGetTime(); while(!fin) { // Gestion clavier if(key[KEY_ESC]) { fin = 1; } if(key[KEY_W]) { joueur->vit_y = -v; joueur->direction_regard = HAUT; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else if(key[KEY_S]) { joueur->vit_y = v; joueur->direction_regard = BAS; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else joueur->vit_y = 0; if(key[KEY_A]) { joueur->vit_x = -v; joueur->direction_regard = GAUCHE; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else if(key[KEY_D]) { joueur->vit_x = v; joueur->direction_regard = DROITE; joueur->etat = ETAT_MARCHE; } else joueur->vit_x = 0; if(joueur->vit_x != 0 && joueur->vit_y != 0) { joueur->vit_x /= sqrt(2); joueur->vit_y /= sqrt(2); } if(!key[KEY_W] && !key[KEY_D] && !key[KEY_S] && !key[KEY_A]) joueur->etat = ETAT_REPOS; if(key[KEY_Q]) { if(waitShoot <= 0) { waitShoot = .1; actor_addTree(actList, root, mouse_x + screen_pos.x, mouse_y + screen_pos.y); } } waitShoot -= dt; if(mouse_b&1) { float vx, vy, v; if(waitShoot <= 0) { waitShoot = .3; vx = mouse_x - (joueur->pos_x - screen_pos.x); vy = mouse_y - (joueur->pos_y - screen_pos.y); v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); vx = vx/v; vy = vy/v; actor_addMissile(actList, root, joueur->pos_x + vx*joueur->w*1.5, joueur->pos_y + vy*joueur->h*1.5, vx*300, vy*300); } } if(key[KEY_P]) { FILE *fd = fopen("arbres.txt", "w+"); Actor *act; glist_startIter(actList); while(!glist_endIter(actList)) { act = glist_getCurrentData(actList); if(act->type == ACT_TREE) fprintf(fd, "%d\n%d\n", (int) act->pos_x, (int) act->pos_y); glist_iter(actList); } fclose(fd); } // Double buffer clear_bitmap(buffer); render_map(buffer, map, screen_pos.x, screen_pos.y); // Mises à jour resman_updateSprites(&dt); actor_spawnMonster(actList, root); actor_ia(actList, joueur); // Deplacement glist_startIter(actList); while(!glist_endIter(actList)) { actor_update(glist_getCurrentData(actList), map_pos, map, dt); if( ((Actor*) glist_getCurrentData(actList))->deleting) { glist_remCell(actList, glist_getCurrentId(actList)); } else glist_iter(actList); } // Cadrage ecran screen_pos.x = joueur->pos_x - SCREEN_W/2; screen_pos.y = joueur->pos_y - SCREEN_H/2; // Collision tree_collisionDetection(root); // Affichage tree_update(root); dlist_getActorsFromTree(depthList, root, screen_pos); dlist_update(depthList, screen_pos); dlist_blit(depthList, buffer, screen_pos); draw_cursor(buffer); textprintf_centre_ex(buffer, font, SCREEN_W/2, 5, makecol(0, 0, 0), makecol(255, 0, 0), " Vies restantes : %d | Score : %d ", joueur->vie, score); // Rafraichissement écran vsync(); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // Gestion du temps t_fin = timeGetTime(); dt = ((float)t_fin - t_debut)/1000; t_debut = t_fin; // Test fin de jeu if(joueur->deleting) fin = 1; resman_freeList(); } // Game over gameover(); // Fin timeEndPeriod(1); delete_map(map); del_tree(root); del_dlist(depthList); del_glist(actList); destroy_bitmap(buffer); resman_freeSprites(); allegro_exit(); return 0; }