Esempio n. 1
File: adc.c Progetto: ARMinARM/elua
// Lua: table_of_vals = getsamples( id, [count] )
static int adc_getsamples( lua_State* L )
  unsigned id, i;
  u16 bcnt, count = 0;
  id = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
  MOD_CHECK_ID( adc, id );

  if ( lua_isnumber(L, 2) == 1 )
    count = ( u16 )lua_tointeger(L, 2);
  bcnt = adc_wait_samples( id, count );
  // If count is zero, grab all samples
  if ( count == 0 )
    count = bcnt;
  // Don't pull more samples than are available
  if ( count > bcnt )
    count = bcnt;
  lua_createtable( L, count, 0 );
  for( i = 1; i <= count; i ++ )
    lua_pushinteger( L, adc_get_processed_sample( id ) );
    lua_rawseti( L, -2, i );
  return 1;
Esempio n. 2
File: adc.c Progetto: ARMinARM/elua
// Lua: insertsamples(id, table, idx, count)
static int adc_insertsamples( lua_State* L )
  unsigned id, i, startidx;
  u16 bcnt, count;
  id = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
  MOD_CHECK_ID( adc, id );
  luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);
  startidx = luaL_checkinteger( L, 3 );
  if  ( startidx <= 0 )
    return luaL_error( L, "idx must be > 0" );

  count = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4 );
  if  ( count == 0 )
    return luaL_error( L, "count must be > 0" );
  bcnt = adc_wait_samples( id, count );
  for( i = startidx; i < ( count + startidx ); i ++ )
    if ( i < bcnt + startidx )
      lua_pushinteger( L, adc_get_processed_sample( id ) );
      lua_pushnil( L ); // nil-out values where we don't have enough samples

    lua_rawseti( L, 2, i );
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// PicoC: adc_insertsamples(id, arr, idx, count);
// Function parameters:
// 1. id - ADC channel ID.
// 2. arr - array to write samples to. Values at arr[idx]
//    to arr[idx + count -1] will be overwritten with samples
//    (or 0 if not enough samples are available).
// 3. idx - first index to use in the array for writing
//    samples.
// 4. count - number of samples to return. If not enough
//    samples are available (after blocking, if enabled)
//    remaining values will be 0;
static void adc_insertsamples(pstate *p, val *r, val **param, int n)
  unsigned id, i, startidx;
  int *arr;
  u16 bcnt, count;

  id = param[0]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  MOD_CHECK_ID(adc, id);

  arr = param[1]->Val->Pointer;

  startidx = param[2]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  if (startidx < 0)
     return pmod_error("idx must be >= 0");

  count = param[3]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  if (count == 0)
    return pmod_error("count must be > 0");
  bcnt = adc_wait_samples(id, count);

  for (i = startidx; i < (count + startidx); i++) {
    if (i < bcnt + startidx)
      arr[i] = adc_get_processed_sample(id);
      // zero-out values where we don't have enough samples
      arr[i] = 0;
Esempio n. 4
// PicoC: val = adc_getsample(id);
static void adc_getsample(pstate *p, val *r, val **param, int n)
  unsigned id;
  id = param[0]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  MOD_CHECK_ID(adc, id);
  // If we have at least one sample, return it
  if (adc_wait_samples(id, 1) >= 1)
    r->Val->Integer = adc_get_processed_sample(id);
Esempio n. 5
// Lua: val = getsample( id )
static int adc_getsample( lua_State *L )
	unsigned id;

	id = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
	MOD_CHECK_ID( adc, id );

	// If we have at least one sample, return it
	if ( adc_wait_samples( id, 1 ) >= 1 ) {
		lua_pushinteger( L, adc_get_processed_sample( id ) );
		return 1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
// (adc-getsample 'num) -> num
any plisp_adc_getsample(any ex) {
  unsigned id;
  any x, y;

  x = cdr(ex);
  NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  id = unBox(y); // get id.
  MOD_CHECK_ID(ex, adc, id);

  // If we have at least one sample, return it.
  if (adc_wait_samples(id, 1) >= 1)
    return box(adc_get_processed_sample(id));

  return Nil;
Esempio n. 7
// (adc-insertsamples 'num 'lst 'num 'num) -> lst
any plisp_adc_insertsamples(any ex) {
  unsigned id, i, startidx;
  u16 bcnt, count;
  any x, y, tab;
  x = cdr(ex);
  NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  id = unBox(y); // get id
  MOD_CHECK_ID(ex, adc, id);

  // get the list of samples
  x = cdr(x);
  NeedLst(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  tab = y;

  x = cdr(x);
  NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  startidx = unBox(y); // get startidx
  if (startidx <= 0)
    err(ex, y, "idx must be > 0");

  x = cdr(x);
  NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  count = unBox(y); // get count
  if (count == 0)
    err(ex, y, "count must be > 0");

  bcnt = adc_wait_samples(id, count);

  for (i = startidx; i < (count + startidx); i++)
    tab = ins_element(tab, i, adc_get_processed_sample(id));

  return tab;
  err(NULL, NULL, "BUF_ENABLE_ADC not defined");
Esempio n. 8
// (adc-getsamples 'num ['num]) -> lst
any plisp_adc_getsamples(any ex) {
  unsigned id, i;
  u16 bcnt, count = 0;
  any x, y;
  cell c1;

  x = cdr(ex);
  NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
  id = unBox(y); // get id
  MOD_CHECK_ID(ex, adc, id);

  if (plen(ex) >= 2) {
    x = cdr(x);
    NeedNum(ex, y = EVAL(car(x)));
    count = (u16)unBox(y); // get count

  bcnt = adc_wait_samples(id, count);

  // If count is zero, grab all samples
  if (count == 0)
    count = bcnt;

  // Don't pull more samples than are available
  if (count > bcnt)
    count = bcnt;

  // Make the list of adc samples
  Push(c1, y = cons(box(adc_get_processed_sample(id)), Nil));
  for (i = 1; i < count - 1; i++)
    Push(c1, y = cons(box(adc_get_processed_sample(id)), y));

  return Pop(c1);
  err(NULL, NULL, "BUF_ENABLE_ADC not defined");
Esempio n. 9
// PicoC: adc_getsamples(id, count, arr);
// In PicoC, setup an array of integers of
// size 'count'.
static void adc_getsamples(pstate *p, val *r, val **param, int n)
  int id, i, *arr;
  u16 bcnt, count = 0;
  id = param[0]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  MOD_CHECK_ID(adc, id);
  count = (u16)param[1]->Val->UnsignedInteger;
  arr = (int *)param[2]->Val->Pointer;

  bcnt = adc_wait_samples(id, count);
  /* If count is zero, grab all samples */
  if (count == 0)
    count = bcnt;
  /* Don't pull more samples than are available */
  if (count > bcnt)
    count = bcnt;
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    arr[i] = adc_get_processed_sample(id);