Esempio n. 1
/** \brief Main function - init and loop to display ADC values */
int main(void)
	/* GPIO pin/ADC-function map. */
	const gpio_map_t ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP = {
	/* ADCIFB Configuration */
	adcifb_opt_t adcifb_opt = {
		/* Resolution mode */
		.resolution = AVR32_ADCIFB_ACR_RES_12BIT,

		/* Channels Sample & Hold Time in [0,15] */
		.shtim  = 15,
		.ratio_clkadcifb_clkadc =
				(sysclk_get_pba_hz() / EXAMPLE_TARGET_CLK_ADC_FREQ_HZ),

		 * Startup time in [0,127], where
		 * Tstartup = startup * 8 * Tclk_adc (assuming Tstartup ~ 15us max)
		.startup = 3,
		/* ADCIFB Sleep Mode disabled */
		.sleep_mode_enable = false
	uint32_t adc_data;

	/* Initialize the system clocks */

	/* Init debug serial line */

	/* Assign and enable GPIO pins to the ADC function. */
			sizeof(ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP) / sizeof(ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP[0]));

	/* Enable and configure the ADCIFB module */
	if (adcifb_configure(&AVR32_ADCIFB, &adcifb_opt) != PASS) {
		/* Config error. */
		while (true) {

	/* Configure the trigger mode */
	/* "No trigger, only software trigger can start conversions". */
	if (adcifb_configure_trigger(&AVR32_ADCIFB, AVR32_ADCIFB_TRGMOD_NT, 0)
			!= PASS) {
		/* Config error. */
		while (true) {

	/* Enable the ADCIFB channel the battery is connected to. */
	adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, EXAMPLE_ADCIFB_CHANNEL_MASK);

	while (true) {
		while (adcifb_is_ready(&AVR32_ADCIFB) != true) {
			/* Wait until the ADC is ready to perform a conversion. */

		/* Start an ADCIFB conversion sequence. */

		while (adcifb_is_drdy(&AVR32_ADCIFB) != true) {
			/* Wait until the converted data is available. */

		/* Get the last converted data. */
		adc_data = adcifb_get_last_data(&AVR32_ADCIFB);

		/* Display the current voltage of the battery. */
		print_dbg("\x1B[2J\x1B[H\r\nADCIFB Example\r\nHEX Value for "
		print_dbg_hex(adc_data & AVR32_ADCIFB_LCDR_LDATA_MASK);

		 * Note1: there is a resistor bridge between the battery and the
		 * ADC pad on the AT32UC3L-EK. The data converted is thus half
		 * of
		 * the battery voltage.

		 * Note2: if the battery is not in place, the conversion is out
		 * of
		 * spec because the ADC input is then higher than ADVREF.
Esempio n. 2
void adc_init(unsigned long chanels_mask, unsigned char mode, unsigned short period)
	// Assign and enable GPIO pin to the ADC function.
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 0))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_0_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_0_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 0);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 1))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_1_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_1_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 1);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 2))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_2_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_2_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 2);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 3))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_3_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_3_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 3);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 4))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_4_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_4_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 4);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 5))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_5_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_5_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 5);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 6))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_6_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_6_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 6);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 7))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_7_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_7_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 7);

	unsigned long pba_clock = sysclk_get_pba_hz();
	adcifb_opt_t adcifb_opt = {
		.resolution             = AVR32_ADCIFB_ACR_RES_8BIT,
		.shtim                  = 15,
		.ratio_clkadcifb_clkadc = pba_clock / 6000000,
		.startup                = 3,
		.sleep_mode_enable      = false

	// Enable and configure the ADCIFB module
	adcifb_configure(&AVR32_ADCIFB, &adcifb_opt);

	// Configure the trigger (No trigger, only software trigger)
	adcifb_configure_trigger(&AVR32_ADCIFB, mode /*AVR32_ADCIFB_TRGR_TRGMOD_PT*/, period);

	adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, chanels_mask);
void adc_channels_enable_pio(unsigned long chanels_mask)
	// Assign and enable GPIO pin to the ADC function.
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 0))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_0_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_0_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 0);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 1))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_1_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_1_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 1);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 2))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_2_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_2_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 2);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 3))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_3_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_3_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 3);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 4))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_4_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_4_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 4);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 5))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_5_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_5_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 5);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 6))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_6_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_6_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 6);
	if(chanels_mask & (1 << 7))
		gpio_enable_module_pin(AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_7_PIN, AVR32_ADCIFB_AD_7_FUNCTION);
		//adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, 1 << 7);
	adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, chanels_mask);
void adc_channels_enable(unsigned long chanels_mask)
	adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, chanels_mask);
Esempio n. 3
 * \brief Initialize ADC driver to read the board temperature sensor.
 * Initializes the board's ADC driver module and configures the ADC channel
 * connected to the onboard NTC temperature sensor ready for conversions.
static void init_adc(void)
	// Assign and enable GPIO pin to the ADC function.

	const adcifb_opt_t adcifb_opt = {
		.resolution             = AVR32_ADCIFB_ACR_RES_12BIT,
		.shtim                  = 15,
		.ratio_clkadcifb_clkadc = 2,
		.startup                = 3,
		.sleep_mode_enable      = false

	// Enable and configure the ADCIFB module
	adcifb_configure(&AVR32_ADCIFB, &adcifb_opt);

	// Configure the trigger (No trigger, only software trigger)
	adcifb_configure_trigger(&AVR32_ADCIFB, AVR32_ADCIFB_TRGMOD_NT, 0);

	// Enable the ADCIFB channel to NTC temperature sensor
	adcifb_channels_enable(&AVR32_ADCIFB, ADC_TEMPERATURE_CHANNEL);

 * \brief Initializes the USART.
 * Initializes the board USART ready for serial data to be transmitted and
 * received.
static void init_usart(void)
	const usart_options_t usart_options = {
		.baudrate     = 57600,
		.charlength   = 8,
		.paritytype   = USART_NO_PARITY,
		.stopbits     = USART_1_STOPBIT,
		.channelmode  = USART_NORMAL_CHMODE

	// Initialize USART in RS232 mode with the requested settings.
	usart_init_rs232(USART, &usart_options, sysclk_get_pba_hz());

 * \brief Initializes the PWM subsystem ready to generate the RGB LED PWM
 * waves.
 * Initializes the on-chip PWM module and configures the RGB LED PWM outputs so
 * the the brightness of the three individual channels can be adjusted.
static void init_pwm(void)
	// GPIO pin/function map for the RGB LEDs.
	gpio_enable_module_pin(LED_RED_PWMA,   LED_PWMA_FUNCTION);
	gpio_enable_module_pin(LED_GREEN_PWMA, LED_PWMA_FUNCTION);
	gpio_enable_module_pin(LED_BLUE_PWMA,  LED_PWMA_FUNCTION);

	const scif_gclk_opt_t genclk3_opt = {
		.clock_source = SCIF_GCCTRL_CPUCLOCK,
		.divider      = 8,
		.diven        = true,

	// Start generic clock 3 for the PWM outputs.
	scif_start_gclk(AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK3, &genclk3_opt);

	// Enable RGB LED PWM.


 * \brief Application main loop.
int main(void)


	// Initialize touch, ADC, USART and PWM

	while (true) {
		uint32_t adc_data;

		// Read slider and button and update RGB led

		// Wait until the ADC is ready to perform a conversion.
		do { } while (!adcifb_is_ready(&AVR32_ADCIFB));

		// Start an ADCIFB conversion sequence.

		// Wait until the converted data is available.
		do { } while (!adcifb_is_drdy(&AVR32_ADCIFB));

		// Get the last converted data.
		adc_data = (adcifb_get_last_data(&AVR32_ADCIFB) & 0x3FF);

		// Write temperature data to USART
		do { } while (!usart_tx_empty(USART));
		usart_write_char(USART, (adc_data >> 8));
		do { } while (!usart_tx_empty(USART));
		usart_write_char(USART, (adc_data & 0xFF));
Esempio n. 4
 * \brief Initializes the ADCIFB module with trigger
 * - Initialize the trigger mode & compare interrupts for ADCIFB
 * \retval STATUS_OK   Configuration OK
 * \retval ERR_TIMEOUT Timeout on configuring ADCIFB module
 * \retval ERR_BUSY    ADCIFB module unable to configure the trigger
static status_code_t adc_init()
	/* GPIO pin/adc - function map. */
	static const gpio_map_t ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP = {

	/* ADCIFB Configuration */
	adcifb_opt_t adcifb_opt = {
		/* Resolution mode */
		.resolution = AVR32_ADCIFB_ACR_RES_10BIT,
		/* Channels Sample & Hold Time in [0,15] */
		/* ADC Clock Prescaler */
		.ratio_clkadcifb_clkadc = (sysclk_get_pba_hz()) / ADC_FREQUENCY,
		.startup = ADC_STARTUP_TIME,
		/* ADCIFB Sleep Mode enabled */
		.sleep_mode_enable = true

	/* Disable pull up on ADCIFB channel input pin */
	/* Enable the ADC pins */
			sizeof(ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP) / sizeof(ADCIFB_GPIO_MAP[0]));
	/* Enable ADCIFB clock */
	/* Configure the ADCIFB peripheral */
	if (adcifb_configure(adcifb, &adcifb_opt)) {
		/* Error configuring the ADCIFB */
		return ERR_TIMEOUT;

	/* Configure the trigger for ADCIFB peripheral */
	if (adcifb_configure_trigger(adcifb, AVR32_ADCIFB_TRGR_TRGMOD_EVT, 0)) {
		/* Error configuring the trigger for ADCIFB */
		return ERR_BUSY;

	/* Enable ADCIFB Channel 0 */
	adcifb_channels_enable(adcifb, EXAMPLE_ADCIFB_CHANNEL);

	/* Disable global interrupts */

	 * Initialize the interrupt vectors
	 * Note: This function adds nothing for IAR as the interrupts are
	 * handled by the IAR compiler itself. It provides an abstraction
	 * between GCC & IAR compiler to use interrupts.
	 * Refer function implementation in interrupt_avr32.h

	 * Register the ADCIFB interrupt handler
	 * Note: This function adds nothing for IAR as the interrupts are
	 * handled by the IAR compiler itself. It provides an abstraction
	 * between GCC & IAR compiler to use interrupts.
	 * Refer function implementation in interrupt_avr32.h
	irq_register_handler(&ADCIFB_interrupt_handler, AVR32_ADCIFB_IRQ,

	 * Set the threshold value in CVR.LV register to generate interrupt
	 * when the value detected is above the threshold.
	 * 1.500 V with 10-bit resolution
	adcifb_set_high_compare_value(adcifb, ADC_COMPARE_VALUE);

	/* Enable the Analog Compare option in ADCIFB */

	/* Enable the data ready interrupt for ADCIFB */

	return STATUS_OK;
} /* End of adc_init() */

 * \brief  Asynchronous Timer Initialization
 * - Start the 32KHz Oscillator
 * - Initializes the AST module with periodic trigger events
 * \retval STATUS_OK      Configuration OK
 * \retval ERR_TIMEOUT    Error in configuring the AST module
static status_code_t ast_init()
	/* Initial Count value to write in AST */
	unsigned long ast_counter = 0;
	/* Set the prescaler to set a periodic trigger from AST */
	avr32_ast_pir0_t pir = {

	/* Set the OSC32 parameters */
	scif_osc32_opt_t osc32_opt = {
		.startup = OSC32_STARTUP_8192,
		.pinsel = BOARD_OSC32_PINSEL,
		.en1k = false,
		.en32k = true

	/* Enable the 32KHz Oscillator */
	scif_start_osc32(&osc32_opt, true);
	/* Enable the Peripheral Event System Clock */
	/* Enable PBA clock for AST clock to switch its source */
	/* Initialize the AST in counter mode */
	if (!ast_init_counter(&AVR32_AST, AST_CLOCK_SOURCE, AST_PRESCALER,
			ast_counter)) {
		return ERR_TIMEOUT;

	/* Initialize the periodic value register with the prescaler */
	ast_set_periodic0_value(&AVR32_AST, pir);
	/* Enable the AST periodic event */

	/* Clear All AST Interrupt request and clear SR */

	/* Enable the AST */

	/* Disable PBA clock for AST after switching its source to OSC32 */

	return STATUS_OK;
} /* End of ast_init() */

 * \brief  Low Power Configuration
 * Initializes the power saving measures to reduce power consumption
 * - Enable pullups on GPIO pins
 * - Disable the clocks to unused modules
 * - Disable internal voltage regulator when in 1.8V supply mode
static void power_save_measures_init()
	uint8_t i;
	uint32_t gpio_mask[AVR32_GPIO_PORT_LENGTH] = {0};

	 * Enable internal pull-ups on all unused GPIO pins
	 * Note: Pull-ups on Oscillator or JTAG pins can be enabled only if they
	 * are not used as an oscillator or JTAG pin respectively.
	for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(gpio_used_pins) / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
		gpio_mask[gpio_used_pins[i] >>
		5] |= 1 << (gpio_used_pins[i] & 0x1F);
	for (i = 0; i < AVR32_GPIO_PORT_LENGTH; i++) {
		gpio_configure_group(i, ~(gpio_mask[i]),
	/* Disable OCD clock which is not disabled by sysclk service */

	 * When using 1.8V Single supply mode, the Voltage Regulator can be
	 * shut-down using the code below, in-order to save power.
	 * See Voltage Regulator Calibration Register in datasheet for more
	 * CAUTION: When using 3.3V Single supply mode, the Voltage Regulator
	 * cannot be shut-down and the application will hang in this loop.
	uint32_t tmp = (AVR32_SCIF.vregcr);
	tmp &= (~(1 << 5 | 1 << 18));
	AVR32_SCIF.unlock = 0xAA000000 | AVR32_SCIF_VREGCR;
	AVR32_SCIF.vregcr = tmp;
	/* Wait until internal voltage regulator is disabled. */
	while ((AVR32_SCIF.vregcr & 0x00040020)) {
} /* End of power_save_measures_init() */