Esempio n. 1
char *
append_and_free_old(char *str1, const char *str2)
  if (!str1)
    return mysavestring(str2); /* if str1 == NULL there is no need to "free the old str1" */
  else {
    char *result = add2strings(str1,str2);
    free (str1);
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
/* returns a colourised copy of prompt, trailing space is not colourised */
colourise (const char *prompt)
  char *prompt_copy, *trailing_space, *colour_end_with_space, *result, *p;
  prompt_copy = mysavestring(prompt);
  if (strchr(prompt_copy, '\033') || strchr(prompt_copy, RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE) ) {     /* prompt contains escape codes? */
    DPRINTF1(DEBUG_READLINE, "colourise %s: left as-is", prompt);
    return prompt_copy; /* if so, leave prompt alone  */
  for (p = prompt_copy + strlen(prompt_copy); p > prompt_copy && *(p-1) == ' '; p--)
    ; /* skip back over trailing space */
  trailing_space = mysavestring(p); /* p now points at first trailing space, or else the final NULL */
  *p = '\0';
  colour_end_with_space = add2strings(colour_end, trailing_space);
  result = add3strings(colour_start, prompt_copy, colour_end_with_space);
  free (prompt_copy); free(trailing_space); free(colour_end_with_space);
  DPRINTF1(DEBUG_READLINE, "colourise %s: colour added ", prompt);
  return result;
Esempio n. 3
static int
handle_hotkey2(int UNUSED(count), int hotkey, int ignore_history)
  char *prefix, *postfix, *history,  *histpos_as_string, *executing_keyseq;
  char *new_prefix, *new_postfix, *new_history, *new_histpos_as_string, *message; 
  char *filter_food, *filtered, **fragments,  *new_rl_line_buffer;
  int length, new_histpos;
  unsigned long int hash;

  static const unsigned int MAX_HISTPOS_DIGITS = 6; /* one million history items should suffice */

#ifdef HAVE_RL_EXECUTING_KEYSEQ /* i.e. if readline version is >= 6.3 */
  executing_keyseq = mysavestring(rl_executing_keyseq);
  executing_keyseq = mysavestring("?");
  *executing_keyseq = hotkey; /* The filter will only get the *last* byte of the key sequence that triggered rl_handle_hotkey */ 

  DPRINTF3(DEBUG_READLINE, "hotkey press (ignore_history == %d): %x (%s)", ignore_history, hotkey, mangle_string_for_debug_log(executing_keyseq, MANGLE_LENGTH));

  if (hotkey == '\t') /* this would go horribly wrong with all the splitting on '\t' going on.... @@@ or pass key as a string e.g. "009" */
    myerror(FATAL | NOERRNO, "Sorry, you cannot use TAB as an hotkey in rlwrap");

  prefix = mysavestring(rl_line_buffer);
  prefix[rl_point] = '\0';                                     /* chop off just before cursor */
  postfix = mysavestring(rl_line_buffer + rl_point);

  if (ignore_history) {
    histpos_as_string = mysavestring("0");
    history = mysavestring("");
  } else {
    histpos_as_string = as_string(where_history());
    assert(strlen(histpos_as_string) <= MAX_HISTPOS_DIGITS);
    history = entire_history_as_one_string();
    hash = hash_multiple(2, history, histpos_as_string);

  /* filter_food = key + tab + prefix + tab + postfix + tab + history + tab + histpos  + '\0' */
  length = strlen(rl_line_buffer) + strlen(history) + MAX_HISTPOS_DIGITS + 5; 
  filter_food = mymalloc(length);   
  sprintf(filter_food, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", executing_keyseq, prefix, postfix, history, histpos_as_string); /* this is the format that the filter expects */

  /* let the filter filter ...! */
  filtered= pass_through_filter(TAG_HOTKEY, filter_food);
  /* OK, we now have to read back everything. There should be exactly 5 TAB-separated components*/
  fragments = split_on_single_char(filtered, '\t', 5);
  message               = fragments[0];
  new_prefix            = fragments[1];
  new_postfix           = fragments[2];
  new_history           = fragments[3];
  new_histpos_as_string = fragments[4];

  if (!ignore_history && hash_multiple(2, new_history, new_histpos_as_string) != hash) { /* history has been rewritten */
    char **linep, **history_lines = split_on_single_char(new_history, '\n', 0);
    DPRINTF3(DEBUG_READLINE, "hash=%lx, new_history is %d bytes long, histpos <%s>", hash, (int) strlen(new_history), new_histpos_as_string);
    for (linep = history_lines; *linep; linep++) 
    new_histpos = my_atoi(new_histpos_as_string);
  new_rl_line_buffer = add2strings(new_prefix, new_postfix);

  if ( (length = strlen(new_rl_line_buffer)) > 0  &&  new_rl_line_buffer[length - 1] == '\n') {
    new_rl_line_buffer[length - 1] = '\0';
    rl_done = TRUE;
    return_key = (char) '\n';
    assert(strchr(new_rl_line_buffer, '\n') == NULL);

  rl_delete_text(0, strlen(rl_line_buffer));
  rl_point = 0;
  rl_point = strlen(new_rl_line_buffer);

  if (*message && *message != hotkey) {                          /* if message has been set (i.e. != hotkey) , and isn't empty: */ 
    message = append_and_free_old(mysavestring(message), " ");   /* put space (for readability) between the message and the input line .. */
    message_in_echo_area(message);                          /* .. then write it to echo area */


  free_splitlist(fragments);                                   /* this will free all the fragments (and the list itself) in one go  */
  free_multiple(prefix, postfix, filter_food, executing_keyseq, filtered, new_rl_line_buffer, history, histpos_as_string, FMEND);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static void
my_homegrown_redisplay(int hide_passwords)
  static int line_start = 0;    /* at which position of prompt_plus_line does the printed line start? */
  static int line_extends_right = 0;
  static int line_extends_left = 0;
  static char *previous_line = NULL;
  int width = winsize.ws_col;
  int skip = max(1, min(width / 5, 10));        /* jumpscroll this many positions when cursor reaches edge of terminal */
  char *prompt_without_ignore_markers;
  int colourless_promptlen = colourless_strlen(rl_prompt, &prompt_without_ignore_markers,0);
  int promptlen = strlen(prompt_without_ignore_markers);
  int invisible_chars_in_prompt = promptlen - colourless_promptlen;
  char *prompt_plus_line = add2strings(prompt_without_ignore_markers, rl_line_buffer);
  char *new_line;
  int total_length = strlen(prompt_plus_line);
  int curpos = promptlen + rl_point; /* cursor position within prompt_plus_line */
  int i, printed_length,
    new_curpos,                    /* cursor position on screen */
    keep_old_line, vlinestart, printwidth, last_column;
  DPRINTF3(DEBUG_AD_HOC,"rl_prompt: <%s>, prompt_without_ignore_markers: <%s>,  prompt_plus_line: <%s>", rl_prompt, prompt_without_ignore_markers, prompt_plus_line);   

  /* In order to handle prompt with colour we either print the whole prompt, or start past it:
     starting in the middle is too difficult (i.e. I am too lazy) to get it right.
     We use a "virtual line start" vlinestart, which is the number of invisible chars in prompt in the former case, or
     linestart in the latter (which then must be >= strlen(prompt))

     At all times (before redisplay and after) the following is true:
     - the cursor is at column (curpos - vlinestart) (may be < 0 or > width)
     - the character under the cursor is prompt_plus_line[curpos]
     - the character at column 0 is prompt_plus_line[linestart]
     - the last column is at <number of printed visible or invisible chars> - vlinestart
     the goal of this function is to display (part of) prompt_plus_line such
     that the cursor is visible again */
  if (hide_passwords)
    for (i = promptlen; i < total_length; i++)
      prompt_plus_line[i] = '*';        /* hide a pasword by making user input unreadable  */

  if (rl_point == 0)            /* (re)set  at program start and after accept_line (where rl_point is zeroed) */
    line_start = 0;
  assert(line_start == 0 || line_start >= promptlen); /* the line *never* starts in the middle of the prompt (too complicated to handle)*/
  vlinestart = (line_start > promptlen ? line_start : invisible_chars_in_prompt); 

  if (curpos - vlinestart > width - line_extends_right) /* cursor falls off right edge ?   */
    vlinestart = (curpos - width + line_extends_right) + skip;  /* jumpscroll left                 */

  else if (curpos < vlinestart + line_extends_left) {   /* cursor falls off left edge ?    */
    if (curpos == total_length) /* .. but still at end of line?    */
      vlinestart = max(0, total_length - width);        /* .. try to display entire line   */
    else                        /* in not at end of line ..        */
      vlinestart = curpos - line_extends_left - skip; /* ... jumpscroll right ..         */
  if (vlinestart <= invisible_chars_in_prompt) {
    line_start = 0;             /* ... but not past start of line! */
    vlinestart = invisible_chars_in_prompt;
  } else if (vlinestart > invisible_chars_in_prompt && vlinestart <= promptlen) {
    line_start = vlinestart = promptlen;
  } else {
    line_start = vlinestart;

  printwidth = (line_start > 0 ? width : width + invisible_chars_in_prompt);
  printed_length = min(printwidth, total_length - line_start);  /* never print more than width     */
  last_column = printed_length - vlinestart;

  /* some invariants :     0 <= line_start <= curpos <= line_start + printed_length <= total_length */
  /* these are interesting:   ^                                                      ^              */

  assert(0 <= line_start);
  assert(line_start <= curpos);
  assert(curpos <= line_start + printed_length);        /* <=, rather than <, as cursor may be past eol   */
  assert(line_start + printed_length <= total_length);

  new_line = prompt_plus_line + line_start;
  new_line[printed_length] = '\0';
  new_curpos = curpos - vlinestart;

  /* indicate whether line extends past right or left edge  (i.e. whether the "interesting
     inequalities marked ^ above are really unequal) */

  line_extends_left = (line_start > 0 ? 1 : 0);
  line_extends_right = (total_length - vlinestart > width ? 1 : 0);
  if (line_extends_left)
    new_line[0] = '<';
  if (line_extends_right)
    new_line[printwidth - 1] = '>';


  keep_old_line = FALSE;
  if (term_cursor_hpos) {
    if (previous_line && strcmp(new_line, previous_line) == 0) {
      keep_old_line = TRUE;
    } else {
      if (previous_line)
      previous_line = mysavestring(new_line);
  /* DPRINTF2(DEBUG_AD_HOC, "keep_old_line=%d, new_line=<%s>", keep_old_line, new_line); */
  /* keep_old_line = TRUE; */
  if (!keep_old_line) {
    write_patiently(STDOUT_FILENO, new_line, printed_length, "to stdout");
  assert(term_cursor_hpos || !keep_old_line);   /* if we cannot position cursor, we must have reprinted ... */

  if (term_cursor_hpos)
  else                          /* ... so we know we're 1 past last position on line */
    backspace(last_column - new_curpos);
Esempio n. 5
void spawn_filter(const char *filter_command) {
    int input_pipe_fds[2];
    int output_pipe_fds[2];

    filter_input_fd = input_pipe_fds[1]; /* rlwrap writes filter input to this */

    filter_output_fd = output_pipe_fds[0]; /* rlwrap  reads filter output from here */
    DPRINTF1(DEBUG_FILTERING, "preparing to spawn filter <%s>", filter_command);
    assert(!command_pid || signal_handlers_were_installed);  /* if there is a command, then signal handlers are installed */

    if ((filter_pid = fork()) < 0)
        myerror(FATAL|USE_ERRNO, "Cannot spawn filter '%s'", filter_command);
    else if (filter_pid == 0) {           /* child */
        int signals_to_allow[] = {SIGPIPE, SIGCHLD, SIGALRM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2};
        char **argv;
        unblock_signals(signals_to_allow);  /* when we run a pager from a filter we want to catch these */

        i_am_child =  TRUE;
        /* set environment for filter (it needs to know at least the file descriptors for its input and output) */

        if (!getenv("RLWRAP_FILTERDIR"))
            mysetenv("RLWRAP_FILTERDIR", add2strings(DATADIR,"/rlwrap/filters"));
        mysetenv("PATH", add3strings(getenv("RLWRAP_FILTERDIR"),":",getenv("PATH")));
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_VERSION", VERSION);
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_COMMAND_PID",  as_string(command_pid));
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_COMMAND_LINE", command_line);
        if (impatient_prompt)
            mysetenv("RLWRAP_IMPATIENT", "1");
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_INPUT_PIPE_FD", as_string(input_pipe_fds[0]));
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_OUTPUT_PIPE_FD", as_string(output_pipe_fds[1]));
        mysetenv("RLWRAP_MASTER_PTY_FD", as_string(master_pty_fd));


        if (scan_metacharacters(filter_command, "'|\"><"))  { /* if filter_command contains shell metacharacters, let the shell unglue them */
            char *exec_command = add3strings("exec", " ", filter_command);
            argv = list4("sh", "-c", exec_command, NULL);
        } else {                                              /* if not, split and feed to execvp directly (cheaper, better error message) */
            argv = split_with(filter_command, " ");
        if(execvp(argv[0], argv) < 0) {
            char *sorry = add3strings("Cannot exec filter '", argv[0], add2strings("': ", strerror(errno)));
            write_message(output_pipe_fds[1], TAG_ERROR, sorry, "to stdout"); /* this will kill rlwrap */
            mymicrosleep(100 * 1000); /* 100 sec for rlwrap to go away should be enough */
            exit (-1);
        assert(!"not reached");

    } else {
        signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGPIPE - we have othere ways to deal with filter death */
        DPRINTF1(DEBUG_FILTERING, "spawned filter with pid %d", filter_pid);
        close (input_pipe_fds[0]);
        close (output_pipe_fds[1]);
Esempio n. 6
File: main.c Progetto: albfan/rlwrap
char *
read_options_and_command_name(int argc, char **argv)
  int c;
  char *opt_C = NULL;
  int option_count = 0;
  int opt_b = FALSE;
  int opt_f = FALSE;
  int remaining = -1; /* remaining number of arguments on command line */
  int longindex = -1; /* index of current option in longopts[], set by getopt_long */
  full_program_name = mysavestring(argv[0]);
  program_name = mybasename(full_program_name);	/* normally "rlwrap"; needed by myerror() */
  rl_basic_word_break_characters = " \t\n\r(){}[],+-=&^%$#@\";|\\";

  opterr = 0;			/* we do our own error reporting */

  while (1) {
    c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, &longindex);
    c = getopt(argc, argv, optstring);

    if (c == EOF)
    last_option_didnt_have_optional_argument = FALSE;
    remaining = argc - optind;
    last_opt = c;    

    switch (c) {
    case 'a':
      always_readline = TRUE;
      if (check_optarg('a', remaining))
        password_prompt_search_string = mysavestring(optarg);
    case 'A':	ansi_colour_aware = TRUE; break;
    case 'b':
      rl_basic_word_break_characters = add3strings("\r\n \t", optarg, "");
      opt_b = TRUE;
    case 'c':	complete_filenames = TRUE; break;
    case 'C':	opt_C = mysavestring(optarg); break;
    case 'd':
#ifdef DEBUG
      if (option_count > 1)
        myerror("-d or --debug option has to be the *first* rlwrap option");
      if (check_optarg('d', remaining))
        debug = atoi(optarg);
        debug = DEBUG_DEFAULT;
        ("To use -d( for debugging), configure %s with --enable-debug and rebuild",

    case 'D': 
      if (history_duplicate_avoidance_policy < 0 || history_duplicate_avoidance_policy > 2)
        myerror("%s option with illegal value %d, should be 0, 1 or 2",
                current_option('D', longindex), history_duplicate_avoidance_policy);
    case 'f':
      if (strncmp(optarg, ".", 10) == 0)
        feed_history_into_completion_list =  TRUE;
      opt_f = TRUE;
    case 'F': myerror("The -F (--history-format) option is obsolete. Use -z \"history_format '%s'\" instead", optarg);
    case 'g': forget_regexp = mysavestring(optarg); match_regexp("just testing", forget_regexp, 1); break;
    case 'h':	usage(EXIT_SUCCESS);		/* will call exit() */
    case 'H':	history_filename = mysavestring(optarg); break;
    case 'i': 
      if (opt_f)
        myerror("-i option has to precede -f options");
      completion_is_case_sensitive = FALSE;
    case 'I':	pass_on_sigINT_as_sigTERM = TRUE; break;
    case 'l':	open_logfile(optarg); break;
    case 'n':	nowarn = TRUE; break;
    case 'm':
      mywarn("the -m option doesn't work on this system");
      multiline_separator =
        (check_optarg('m', remaining) ? mysavestring(optarg) : " \\ ");
    case 'N': commands_children_not_wrapped = TRUE; break;
    case 'o': 
      one_shot_rlwrap = TRUE;
      impatient_prompt = FALSE;
      wait_before_prompt = 200;
    case 'O': prompt_regexp = mysavestring(optarg); match_regexp("just testing", prompt_regexp, 1); break;
    case 'p':
      colour_the_prompt = TRUE;
      initialise_colour_codes(check_optarg('p', remaining) ?
                              colour_name_to_ansi_code(optarg) :
    case 'P':
      pre_given = mysavestring(optarg);
      always_readline = TRUE; /* pre_given does not work well with transparent mode */
    case 'q': rl_basic_quote_characters = mysavestring(optarg); break;
    case 'r':	remember_for_completion = TRUE;	break;
    case 'R': renice = TRUE;	break;
    case 's':
      histsize = atoi(optarg);
      if (histsize < 0) {
        write_histfile = 0;
        histsize = -histsize;
    case 'S': substitute_prompt =  mysavestring(optarg);break;
    case 't':	client_term_name=mysavestring(optarg);break;
#ifdef DEBUG
    case 'T':	test_terminal(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
    case 'v':	printf("rlwrap %s\n",  VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
    case 'w':
      wait_before_prompt = atoi(optarg);
      if (wait_before_prompt < 0) {
        wait_before_prompt *= -1;
        impatient_prompt =  FALSE;
    case 'z': filter_command = mysavestring(optarg);	break;
    case '?':
      assert(optind > 0);
      myerror("unrecognised option %s\ntry '%s --help' for more information",
              argv[optind-1], full_program_name);
    case ':':
      assert(optind > 0);
        ("option %s requires an argument \ntry '%s --help' for more information",
         argv[optind-1], full_program_name);


  if (!complete_filenames && !opt_b) {	/* use / and . as default breaking characters whenever we don't complete filenames */
    rl_basic_word_break_characters =
      add2strings(rl_basic_word_break_characters, "/.");

  if (optind >= argc) { /* rlwrap -a -b -c with no command specified */
    if (filter_command) { /* rlwrap -z filter with no command specified */
      mysignal(SIGALRM, &handle_sigALRM); /* needed for read_patiently2 */
      pass_through_filter(TAG_OUTPUT,""); /* ignore result but allow TAG_OUTPUT_OUT_OF_BAND */
    } else {
  if (opt_C) {
    int countback = atoi(opt_C);	/* investigate whether -C option argument is numeric */

    if (countback > 0) {	/* e.g -C 1 or -C 12 */
      if (argc - countback < optind)	/* -C 666 */
	myerror("when using -C %d you need at least %d non-option arguments",
		countback, countback);
      else if (argv[argc - countback][0] == '-')	/* -C 2 perl -d */
	myerror("the last argument minus %d appears to be an option!",
      else {			/* -C 1 perl test.cgi */
	command_name = mysavestring(mybasename(argv[argc - countback]));

    } else if (countback == 0) {	/* -C name1 name2 or -C 0 */
      if (opt_C[0] == '0' && opt_C[1] == '\0')	/* -C 0 */
	myerror("-C 0 makes no sense");
      else if (strlen(mybasename(opt_C)) != strlen(opt_C))	/* -C dir/name */
	myerror("-C option argument should not contain directory components");
      else if (opt_C[0] == '-')	/* -C -d  (?) */
	myerror("-C option needs argument");
      else			/* -C name */
	command_name = opt_C;
    } else {			/* -C -2 */
	("-C option needs string or positive number as argument, perhaps you meant -C %d?",
  } else {			/* no -C option given, use command name */
    command_name = mysavestring(mybasename(argv[optind]));
  assert(command_name != NULL);
  return command_name;
Esempio n. 7
File: main.c Progetto: albfan/rlwrap
/* Read history and completion word lists */

  char *homedir, *histdir, *homedir_prefix, *hostname;
  time_t now;
  /* open debug file if necessary */

  if (debug) {    
    debug_fp = fopen(DEBUG_FILENAME, "w");
    if (!debug_fp)
      myerror("Couldn't open debug file %s", DEBUG_FILENAME);
    setbuf(debug_fp, NULL); /* always write debug messages to disk at once */
  hostname = getenv("HOSTNAME") ? getenv("HOSTNAME") : "?";
  now = time(NULL);
  DPRINTF0(DEBUG_ALL, "-*- mode: grep -*-");
  DPRINTF3(DEBUG_ALL, "rlwrap version %s, host: %s, time: %s", VERSION, hostname, ctime(&now));

  /* Determine rlwrap home dir and prefix for default history and completion filenames */
  homedir = (getenv("RLWRAP_HOME") ? getenv("RLWRAP_HOME") : getenv("HOME"));
  homedir_prefix = (getenv("RLWRAP_HOME") ?                    /* is RLWRAP_HOME set?                */
		    add2strings(getenv("RLWRAP_HOME"), "/") :  /* use $RLWRAP_HOME/<command>_history */
		    add2strings(getenv("HOME"), "/."));	       /* if not, use ~/.<command>_history   */

  /* Determine history file name and check its existence and permissions */

  if (history_filename) {
    histdir = mydirname(history_filename);
  } else {
    histdir = homedir;
    history_filename = add3strings(homedir_prefix, command_name, "_history");
  if (write_histfile) {
    if (access(history_filename, F_OK) == 0) {	/* already exists, can we read/write it? */
      if (access(history_filename, R_OK | W_OK) != 0) {
	myerror("cannot read and write %s", history_filename);
    } else {			        /* doesn't exist, can we create it? */
      if(access(histdir, W_OK) != 0) {
        if (errno == ENOENT) {
          mode_t oldmask = umask(0);
          if (mkdir(histdir, 0700))       /* rwx------ */
            myerror("cannot create directory %s", histdir);
        } else {
          myerror("cannot create history file in %s", histdir);
  } else {			/* ! write_histfile */
    if (access(history_filename, R_OK) != 0) {
      myerror("cannot read %s", history_filename);

  /* Initialize history */
  read_history(history_filename);	/* ignore errors here: history file may not yet exist, but will be created on exit */

  if (feed_history_into_completion_list)
  /* Determine completion file name (completion files are never written to,
     and ignored when unreadable or non-existent) */

  completion_filename =
    add3strings(homedir_prefix, command_name, "_completions");
  default_completion_filename =
    add3strings(DATADIR, "/rlwrap/completions/", command_name);

  rl_readline_name = command_name;

  /* Initialise completion list (if <completion_filename> is readable) */
  if (access(completion_filename, R_OK) == 0) {
  } else if (access(default_completion_filename, R_OK) == 0) {
