Esempio n. 1
// Loads the default shortcuts from the registry
void EventManager::loadAccelerators() {
	if (_debugMode) {
		std::cout << "EventManager: Loading accelerators...\n";

	xml::NodeList shortcutSets = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input//shortcuts");

	if (_debugMode) {
		std::cout << "Found " << shortcutSets.size() << " sets.\n";

	// If we have two sets of shortcuts, delete the default ones
	if (shortcutSets.size() > 1) {

	// Find all accelerators
	xml::NodeList shortcutList = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input/shortcuts//shortcut");

	if (shortcutList.size() > 0) {
		rMessage() << "EventManager: Shortcuts found in Registry: " <<
			static_cast<int>(shortcutList.size()) << std::endl;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shortcutList.size(); i++) {
			const std::string key = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("key");

			if (_debugMode) {
				std::cout << "Looking up command: " << shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("command") << "\n";
				std::cout << "Key is: >> " << key << " << \n";

			// Try to lookup the command
			IEventPtr event = findEvent(shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("command"));

			// Check for a non-empty key string
			if (key != "") {
				 // Check for valid command definitions were found
				if (!event->empty()) {
					// Get the modifier string (e.g. "SHIFT+ALT")
					const std::string modifierStr = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("modifiers");

					if (!duplicateAccelerator(key, modifierStr, event)) {
						// Create the accelerator object
						IAccelerator& accelerator = addAccelerator(key, modifierStr);

						// Connect the newly created accelerator to the command
				else {
					rWarning() << "EventManager: Cannot load shortcut definition (command invalid)."
						<< std::endl;
	else {
		// No accelerator definitions found!
		rWarning() << "EventManager: No shortcut definitions found..." << std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
static int mh_newindex (lua_State* l) {
menu* m = lua_touserdata(l,1);
const char* nm = luaL_checkstring(l,2);
if (streq(nm, "checked")) { 
if (m->sub) luaL_error(l, "unsupported operation");
int flags = MF_BYCOMMAND | (luaL_checkboolean(l,3)? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
CheckMenuItem(m->parent, m->command, flags);
else if (streq(nm, "enabled")) {
if (m->sub) luaL_error(l, "unsupported operation");
int flags = MF_BYCOMMAND | (luaL_checkboolean(l,3)? MF_ENABLED : MF_DISABLED);
EnableMenuItem(m->parent, m->command, flags);
else if (streq(nm, "name")) SetMenuName(m->parent, m->position, luaL_checkstring(l,3));
else if (streq(nm, "text")) {
const char* str = luaL_checkstring(l,3);
const wchar_t* wstr = strcvt(str, CP_UTF8, CP_UTF16, NULL);
mh_updateLabel(m, wstr, -1, -1);
else if (streq(nm, "onAction")) {
if (m->sub || m->command<IDM_CUSTOMCOMMAND) luaL_error(l, "unsupported operation");
if (!lua_isfunction(l,2)) luaL_typerror(l, 2, "function");
lua_pushlightuserdata(l, m->command);
lua_rawset(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
void** p = getCustomCommand(m->command - IDM_CUSTOMCOMMAND);
*p = lua_topointer(l,3);
else if (streq(nm, "accelerator")) {
const char* str = NULL;
if (!lua_isnil(l,3)) str = luaL_checkstring(l,3);
int f, k;
if (!(m->sub) && str && parseKeyName(str, &f, &k)) {
BOOL b = removeAccelerator(m->command);
addAccelerator(f, k, m->command);
mh_updateLabel(m, NULL, f, k);
else if (!str) {
BOOL b = removeAccelerator(m->command);
mh_updateLabel(m, NULL, 0, 0);
else if (streq(nm, "radio")) {
BOOL b = luaL_checkboolean(l,3);
mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
mii.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE;
if (!GetMenuItemInfo(m->parent, m->command, FALSE, &mii)) return 0;
if (b) mii.fType|=MFT_RADIOCHECK;
else mii.fType&=~MFT_RADIOCHECK;
if (!SetMenuItemInfo(m->parent, m->command, FALSE, &mii)) return 0;
return 1;
else luaL_argerror(l, 2, "unknown property");
return 0;
Esempio n. 3
SingleGPU_SingleCPU::SingleGPU_SingleCPU() :
  ComputeNode(new Core(this, new MemoryHierarchy())) 
  Core * core = dynamic_cast<Core *>(cpu);
  assert(core != NULL);
  core->getMemory()->add(new       Cache(64*1024,              16,   2));                // L1: 64KB /  16B /  2 cycles
  core->getMemory()->add(new       Cache(1024*1024,            64,  20));                // L2:  1MB /  64B / 20 cycles
  core->getMemory()->add(new       Cache(4*1024*1024,         256,  50, 4, Cache::LRU)); // L3:  4MB / 256B / 50 cycles / 4 ways LRU
  core->getMemory()->add(new BasicMemory(4*1024*1024*1024lu, 1024, 200));                // MEM: 4 GB / 1KB / 200 cycles

  addAccelerator(new DummyGPU(this), new PCIe());
Esempio n. 4
static int mh_additem (lua_State* l) {
menu* m = lua_touserdata(l,1);
if (!m->sub) return 0;
int k = 2, pos = 0;
if (lua_isnumber(l,k)) pos = lua_tointeger(l,k++);
if (pos==0) pos = -1;
else if (pos>0) pos--;
else if (pos<-1) pos += GetMenuItemCount(m->menu);
const char* str = luaL_checkstring(l,k++);
const char* sShortcut = NULL;
if (lua_isstring(l,k)) sShortcut = lua_tostring(l,k++);
else if (lua_isnoneornil(l,k)) k++;
if (!lua_isfunction(l,k)) luaL_typerror(l, k, "function");
void* p = lua_topointer(l,k++);
if (!p) return 0;
const wchar_t* wstr = strcvt(str, CP_UTF8, CP_UTF16, NULL);
int command = addCustomCommand(p) + IDM_CUSTOMCOMMAND;
int kFlags = 0, key=0;
if (parseKeyName(sShortcut, &kFlags, &key)) {
addAccelerator(kFlags, key, command);
const wchar_t* z = mh_buildLabel(wstr, kFlags, key);
if (z!=wstr) {
wstr = z;
menu it;
it.sub = FALSE;
it.parent = m->menu;
it.origin = m->origin;
it.position = (pos==-1? GetMenuItemCount(m->menu) -1 : pos);
it.command = command;
InsertMenu(m->menu, pos, MF_STRING | MF_BYPOSITION, command, wstr);
lua_pushlightuserdata(l, command);
lua_pushluafunction(l, p);
lua_rawset(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
lua_pushfulluserdata(l, &it, sizeof(it), "menuhandle");
return 1;
Esempio n. 5
	void loadAccelerators() {
		xml::NodeList shortcutSets = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input//shortcuts");

		// If we have two sets of shortcuts, delete the default ones
		if (shortcutSets.size() > 1) {

		// Find all accelerators
		xml::NodeList shortcutList = GlobalRegistry().findXPath("user/ui/input/shortcuts//shortcut");

		if (!shortcutList.empty()) {
			globalOutputStream() << "EventManager: Shortcuts found in Registry: " << shortcutList.size() << "\n";
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shortcutList.size(); i++) {
				const std::string key = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("key");
				const std::string command = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("command");

				// Try to lookup the command
				IEvent* event = findEvent(command);

				// Check if valid key / command definitions were found
				if (key != "" && event != NULL) {
					// Get the modifier string (e.g. "SHIFT+ALT")
					const std::string modifierStr = shortcutList[i].getAttributeValue("modifiers");

					if (!duplicateAccelerator(key, modifierStr, event)) {
						// Create the accelerator object
						IAccelerator* accelerator = addAccelerator(key, modifierStr);

						// Connect the newly created accelerator to the command
		else {
			// No accelerator definitions found!
			globalOutputStream() << "EventManager: No shortcut definitions found...\n";