Esempio n. 1
 void SceneCache::initDefault() {
     Color errorColor = Color::Magenta;
     ColorTexturePtr errorCTexture(new ConstantTexture<Color>(errorColor));
     addColorTexture(mErrorCode, errorCTexture);
     FloatTexturePtr errorFTexture(new ConstantTexture<float>(0.5f));
     addFloatTexture(mErrorCode, errorFTexture); 
     MaterialPtr errorMaterial(new LambertMaterial(errorCTexture));
     addMaterial(mErrorCode, errorMaterial);
     Geometry* errorGeometry = new Sphere(1.0f);
     addGeometry(mErrorCode, errorGeometry);
     ParamSet modelParams;
     modelParams.setString("geometry", mErrorCode);
     modelParams.setString("material", mErrorCode);
     const Primitive* errorPrimitive = 
         ModelPrimitiveCreator().create(modelParams, *this);
     addPrimitive(mErrorCode, errorPrimitive);
     addAreaLight(mErrorCode, NULL);
Esempio n. 2
void buildScene(void)
  // Sets up all objects in the scene. This involves creating each object,
  // defining the transformations needed to shape and position it as
  // desired, specifying the reflectance properties (albedos and colours)
  // and setting up textures where needed.
  // Light sources must be defined, positioned, and their colour defined.
  // All objects must be inserted in the object_list. All light sources
  // must be inserted in the light_list.
  // To create hierarchical objects:
  //    You must keep track of transformations carried out by parent objects
  //    as you move through the hierarchy. Declare and manipulate your own
  //    transformation matrices (use the provided functions in utils.c to
  //    compound transformations on these matrices). When declaring a new
  //    object within the hierarchy
  //    - Initialize the object
  //    - Apply any object-level transforms to shape/rotate/resize/move
  //      the object using regular object transformation functions
  //    - Apply the transformations passed on from the parent object
  //      by pre-multiplying the matrix containing the parent's transforms
  //      with the object's own transformation matrix.
  //    - Compute and store the object's inverse transform as usual.
  // NOTE: After setting up the transformations for each object, don't
  //       forget to set up the inverse transform matrix!
  // struct object3D *o;
  // Simple scene for Assignment 3:
  // Insert a couple of objects. A plane and two spheres
  // with some transformations.

  // Note the parameters: ra, rd, rs, rg, R, G, B, alpha, r_index, and shinyness)
  // // struct object3D *newSphere(double ra, double rd, double rs, double rg, 
  //                               double r, double g, double b, 
  //                               double alpha, double r_index, double shiny)
  // Intialize a new sphere with the specified parameters:
  // ra, rd, rs, rg - Albedos for the components of the Phong model
  // r, g, b, - Colour for this plane
  // alpha - Transparency, must be set to 1 unless you are doing refraction
  // r_index - Refraction index if you are doing refraction.
  // shiny -Exponent for the specular component of the Phong model
  // This is assumed to represent a unit sphere centered at the origin.
  struct object3D *o;
  struct pointLS *l;
  struct point3D p;

  o=newSphere(0.15,.05,.25,0.25,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.25,1.52,6);   // Initialize a sphere
  Scale(o,2,2,2);         // Apply a few transforms (Translate * Rotate * Scale)
  // Scale(o,2,2,2); 
  // loadTexture(o, "./textures/grass.ppm", 1, &texture_list);
  loadTexture(o, "./data/textures/ppm/window_n.ppm", 2, &texture_list);
  insertObject(o,&object_list);     // <-- If you don't insert the object into the object list,
  //     nothing happens! your object won't be rendered.

  // That's it for defining a single sphere... let's add a couple more objects
  // Scale(o,2,2,2);
  // loadTexture(o, "./textures/grass.ppm", 1, &texture_list);
  // loadTexture(o, "./textures/grass_n.ppm", 2, &texture_list);

  // RotateZ(o,PI/4);
  loadTexture(o, "./data/textures/ppm/sintfloor01.ppm", 1, &texture_list);
  loadTexture(o, "./data/textures/ppm/sintfloor01_n.ppm", 2, &texture_list);

  // o=newPlane(.65,.75,.00,.00,.55,.8,1,1,1,5);
  // Scale(o,500,500,11);
  // RotateZ(o, PI/4);
  // RotateX(o,PI);
  // Translate(o,0,-10,8);
  // invert(&o->T[0][0],&o->Tinv[0][0]);
  // insertObject(o,&object_list);

  // Insert a single point light source. We set up its position as a point structure, and specify its
  // colour in terms of RGB (in [0,1]).
  NUM_LIGHTS = 250;
               &object_list, &light_list);
  // addAreaLight(25.0, 25.0, 0, -1, -1, 0.0, 600, 135, NUM_LIGHTS, 0.71372549,0.796078431,0.815686275, &object_list, &light_list);

  // struct pointLS *l1;
  // struct point3D p1;
  // p1.px=0;
  // p1.pz=140;
  // l1=newPLS(&p1,0.71372549,0.796078431,0.815686275);
  // insertPLS(l1,&light_list);

  // struct pointLS *l2;
  // struct point3D p2;
  // p2.px=0;
  // p2.pz=170;
  // l2=newPLS(&p2,0.71372549/1.25,0.796078431/1.25,0.815686275/1.25);
  // insertPLS(l2,&light_list);

  // End of simple scene for Assignment 3
  // Keep in mind that you can define new types of objects such as cylinders and parametric surfaces,
  // or, you can create code to handle arbitrary triangles and then define objects as surface meshes.
  // Remember: A lot of the quality of your scene will depend on how much care you have put into defining
  //           the relflectance properties of your objects, and the number and type of light sources
  //           in the scene.

  // TO DO: For Assignment 4 you *MUST* define your own cool scene.
  //     We will be looking for the quality of your scene setup, the use of hierarchical or composite
  //     objects that are more interesting than the simple primitives from A3, the use of textures
  //        and other maps, illumination and illumination effects such as soft shadows, reflections and
  //        transparency, and the overall visual quality of your result. Put some work into thinking
  //        about these elements when designing your scene.